Individual Change Support

The Organisational Development team offer a comprehensive package of assistance to staff going through individual change which is delivered alongside functional reviews.

Provision of 1:1 and group support for those staff at risk of redundancy or redeployment:

Managing Your Career

Summary: this session considers the factors that influence personal career choices, reflecting on where you are now and challenges you to think how to move up, out or to adapt. Intended outcomes are that you will feel motivated to research and take the next steps towards fulfilling your employment objectives.

Skills Audit

Summary: the templates have been designed to help you evaluate your own skills, identify what strengths you have, and what areas you may need to develop. Skills templates for professional services staff (opens in a new tab) are available online. The skills template for academic staff are included in the Academic Staff Skills Guide (opens in a new tab).


Summary: 1:1 / group (as appropriate) discussion around topics identified by staff as being important to their current and future positions including, for example, career management.

CV and Application Forms

Summary: to enable staff to build / refresh their CV and understand effective ways to present information when applying for jobs.

Interview Techniques

Summary: working with staff to feel confident; understand how their career and life experiences can be tailored appropriately for the job they have been shortlisted for; look at techniques to assist with interview preparation.

Presentation Skills

Summary: practical workshop enabling staff to; understand the essential dos and don’ts for successful presentations including voice projection; body language and 5 things to manage.

Active Resilience

Summary: helping staff to differentiate between passive and active resilience to cope with pressure, strengthen their all-round attitude and boost their overall personal resilience to deal effectively with challenges whenever they arise.

Bespoke team sessions

Summary: discussion around topics identified by staff as being important to their current and future positions including managing change.

Additional resources

In addition staff can access resources:

For individual or team support please email