Advance HE

We are committed to developing and improving the management and leadership skills of existing and future leaders of higher education. Wherever the opportunity arises we shall work in partnership with a range of organisations within and outside of higher education.   


Aurora is delivered by Advance HE, aimed at enabling more women to develop the leadership side of their careers and so address the under-representation of women leaders in the sector. The Aurora programme is run in partnership with universities based on workshop events, mentoring, action learning sets and self-directed learning. An opportunity to enable the sharing of best practice, insights, and experiences.

For staff who are interested in this programme, please review the Aurora information.

Please contact Amanda Mannion for more information.

Diversifying Leadership

LFHE developed a new Hefce-sponsored programme designed to support black and minority ethnic (BME) staff transition into leadership roles. This programme is aimed at early career academics and professional services staff from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, up to and below senior lecturer level (or equivalent), who are about to take their first step into applying for a senior role – or aspire to a leadership role.

Please contact Moni Akinsanya, Associate Director - Diversity and Inclusion, for more information.