Grants and Projects (GaP) FAQs
If your query is not answered below then you can find further support materials here on the Grants and Projects page.
Alternatively, please email and a member of the team will be able to assist.
Faq Items
Accessing the System
Do I need to be trained before I use GAP?
You must have completed the online GaP training in order to be able to use the live system and create your projects in GaP. Putting your funding applications onto GaP is essential in order to receive support with your application and to get your project through the University approvals processes.
Training is completed in an online test environment. In order to get access to the training please email
Once you have completed your training, you will be setup in the live GaP environment and can begin develop your applications on the system.
I have forgotten my log in details
You log into using your LJMU username and password (in the same format as you use to log onto your LJMU laptop/computer).
Can my Co-I work on my project?
Co-Investigators can access projects on GaP after they have entered Bid Development.
If the Co-Investigator is in the same school as the Principal Investigator then they will be able to edit the record and the costings.
If the Co-Investigator and the Principal Investigator are in different schools then the Co-I will be able to view the Project Setup screen. However, they will not be able to edit this information, and they will not have access to the costings.
Co-Investigators who require access and the ability to edit both Project Set up and Costing screens on GaP can apply for special permission by emailing This access will be granted on a temporary basis for a specific project by request.
I can't find my project on GaP?
There are two main ways to find your project, you can either go through Reports and Investigator reports and choose PI Information and then use the blue search button to bring up all your projects. See the step by step how to use the reports within the system.
Alternatively, you can go into the Project Setup and use the Lookup field – hit the space bar for a drop down list of your projects.
Can I monitor the approval process?
When your application enters Into Approval Workflow status you can view real time tracking of where your record is up to by going into the costing of your application and clicking on the workflow tab. By selecting the Map button on this tab you can see a visualisation of the workflow and where your project is up to within this.
Funders and Partners
What if my Funder is not in GaP?
If you require a new Funder to be setup in GaP, please move your record to Finance Input as soon as possible. This will prompt Finance to setup the new funder.
For finance to set up a new funder, the GaP record needs to clearly state the following on the Project Information tab:
- Basic Description
- Name of Call (if applicable) - this need to be very clear and specific if there are multiple calls available
- Link to Call (If applicable
- Additional Information - Name of Funder
The GaP record will stay at Finance Input until the Funder has been setup and changed by Finance.
What if my Scheme is not in GaP?
If you require a new Scheme to be setup in GaP, please move your record to Finance Input as soon as possible. This will prompt Finance to setup the new scheme.
For finance to set up a new scheme, the GaP record needs to clearly state the following on the Project Information tab:
- Basic Description
- Name of Call (if applicable) - this need to be very clear and specific if there are multiple calls available
- Link to Call (If applicable)
- Additional Information - Name of Funder
Finance will then attach the correct scheme to your project before moving the record to Bid Development.
What if my Partner is not in GaP?
Please send an email to with the full name of the organisation and the country in which they are located, and we will ensure that your partner organisation is added to the GaP system for you.
Process and information
When will I be assigned the finance and RIS contact to my project?
Finance and RIS contacts are assigned to your project at the Finance Input stage. At this stage finance colleagues will also review the initial costings that you will have added to your record whilst it was at PI draft. You will receive a notification by email when your project has moved from Finance Input to Bid Development, and you will be able to locate your Finance and RIS contacts via the Project Management tab of your record.
Projects at PI Draft will not have a Finance or Ris contact assigned, so it is important that you move the project status to Finance Input as soon as you can.
If you are at PI Draft and need some help with the GaP system please email in the first instance, and the team will be able to direct you to the relevant person to help with your query.
When will I need to use GAP?
GaP is the only way to cost and apply for external funding at LJMU so it is essential that you start using the system as soon as possible when developing your projects.
You will only receive access to the live system once you have completed your training so it is important to email as soon as you are thinking about applying for external funding.
Projects need to be at Finance Input status at least 10 working days before the funder deadline, in order to receive support and give enough time for the project to make it's way through the internal approval process prior to your application being submitted.
Please note:
If you are working on a complex bid, or you require a new funder to be setup on GaP, then you will need to get your application to Finance Input with more time, in order for this to be supported.
If I’m working collaboratively on a project and someone outside of LJMU will be submitting the bid, am I still the PI on GaP?
Yes, the GaP system will only be seen internally by LJMU and we will need to use GaP to create our own costings for time and resources on the bid. You will be listed as a PI even if you are a Co-Investigator on the project and the bid will be submitted by another organisation.
Training and support
Where can I find support using GAP?
Alongside these FAQs we have created a series of user guides and short films to help guide you through how to use the system. These can be found on the Grants and Projects page.
There are additional support materials available within the system via Knowly. Wherever you see the blue light-bulb icon within the system you can click here to find additional information to help you on your current screen.
If you are working on a complex large bid with multiple partners and need further support then please email and we will be able to setup a GaP clinic with colleagues in RIS and Finance, to help you get your project on the system.