Fitness assessments

Fitness health assessments are undertaken for specific posts, work with specific hazards and training in specific disciplines. These can be undertaken before training or work commences or during work if a problem arises. The objectives of such assessments are:

  • To ensure medical fitness to perform a specific job
  • To ensure medical fitness to train in certain subjects
  • To identify adjustments which may be needed on medical grounds to help perform the job or train more effectively, and to protect health
  • To detect adverse health effects from exposure to specific workplace hazards

Some assessments are undertaken by questionnaire initially. Staff or students involved in some work activities or working with some hazards are also invited for a clinic appointment with a nurse or doctor. Further enquiry from treating doctors is sometimes necessary. The standards for fitness are often set by statutory regulatory bodies, such as the General Medical Council, or by specific government regulations, such as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations. Examples of work which may require clinic attendance for assessment:

  • Work with substances which can cause Asthma
  • Work in some very noisy workplaces
  • Work with some vibrating tools
  • Work with some dangerous pathogens
  • Manual handling work
  • Training in a branch of healthcare with vulnerable patients
  • Training in social care work or teaching

The outcome of each assessment is notified to the relevant HR Adviser or Admissions Tutor. Recommendations will usually be in one of the following formats:

  • Fit for work or training
  • Fit with specific adjustments
  • Unfit for the designated work or training

Medical details are only be made available to managers in so far as it is necessary to enable them to discharge their management responsibilities, in accordance with the Data Protection Act.