Designation of an Honorary Visiting position

Honorary Visiting positions enable Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) faculties, schools and research institutes the opportunity to host individuals who are either academics or practitioners in other institutions or companies and to benefit from an association with them. Faculties, schools or research institutes may request that a nominated individual is given an Honorary Visiting position at the university in recognition of their extensive contribution to the activities of the Institution. This may for example reflect their contribution towards any of the main elements of the University Strategy, especially the Student Experience, Research and Knowledge Exchange and Place and Partnership plans.

The designation of an honorary title is not a contract of employment and it carries no remuneration. LJMU will normally provide the individual access to the university libraries and selected IT services (for example an LJMU email address), as appropriate and subject to any licensing arrangements. Proper consideration should be given in advance to the potential resource implications arising from the award of any visiting title. This may include, for example, access to office or laboratory space, or specialist equipment and facilities.

The purpose of bestowing such titles is to recognise the significant contribution that an individual is currently making or will make in the near future to the academic life of the university, in line with the University’s Strategic Plan. The university expects that the individual fully acknowledges LJMU in any communications (including research publications, conference presentations, reports, etcetera) arising wholly or in part out of the work performed with the university.

The designation of an Honorary Visiting title is held at the university level, following recommendations from the school, faculty or research institute and require approval from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise. Requests for Emeritus Professor, Honorary Visiting Professor and Honorary Visiting Adjunct Professor status also require the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and the Professor and Readers Conferment Panel. The formal communication of the award of the title should come from Human Resources following the approval process and not from a school, faculty or research institute. It is the responsibility of the school, research institute or faculty to ensure that the designee fully understands what will be provided locally and to ensure that the visitor is advised that they should abide by LJMU policies, procedures and values whilst using LJMU resources or on campus.

The period of designation will normally not exceed 3 years but may be extended on request via the appropriate approval(s) to be obtained. The line manager receives notification in advance to the expiry date in which they can request an extension.

The following titles may be proposed at any time of the year by the school, faulty or research institute:

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