Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers

The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers is an agreement between stakeholders to improve the research environment and employment support for researchers in UK higher education. The Concordat aims to benefit the whole UK research community to improve the culture and environment in which research is conducted, to benefit both those conducting and managing research and the quality of the research itself.

LJMU were signatories to the earlier 2008 Concordat - this was published to provide research funders and institutions with a clear statement about expectations and responsibilities with respect to the management of researchers. See the full list of signatories. The 2008 Concordat led to significant improvements in the sector. Following a ten-year independent review, the revised Concordat was published in September 2019.

Since 2010, LJMU have developed and implemented a Concordat action plan and our Institution is recognised for its commitment to supporting the personal, professional and career development of its researchers. LJMU was awarded the EU HR Excellence in Research Award in 2012, which has been successfully retained following biennial review processes in 2014, 2016 and 2018.

LJMU have continued to evolve the excellent provision available for researchers through the programmes offered, including through the Organisational Development team.

In committing to implement the Concordat Principles, signatories will undertake regular review and reporting of their progress, and contribute to sharing practice across the sector, helping to ensure ongoing improvement.

Dr Hannah Timpson (Reader in Socioeconomic and Health, Public Health Institute, LJMU) is leading on this at LJMU and will convene a Concordat Implementation and Review Group. The group will undertake a gap analysis to compare policies and practice against the Concordat Principles, carry out engagement activities with staff across the University, and develop and publish an Action Plan.

The Concordat Implementation and Review Lead reports to the University Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee. The Concordat will be aligned with other Concordats and frameworks across LJMU to ensure a consistent and comprehensive approach.

Watch a video from Professor Keith George and Dr Tori Sprung, giving an overview of the concordat to support the career development of researchers and it's importance in a research active University:

For more information on this, please contact Hannah Timpson, Concordat Implementation and Review Lead: