Using My Timetable to attend lectures and other timetabled activities

My Timetable (opens in a new tab) allows you to access your personalised timetable, showing you when and where your timetabled activities are being held. If an activity is being hosted online My Timetable (opens in a new tab) will contain the Microsoft Teams link to attend that activity. 

You can access My Timetable (opens in a new tab) via the quick links in My LJMU.  

Personalised timetables generally become available in the week prior to the academic year starting. 

When you open My Timetable (opens in a new tab), you will automatically be presented with your personalised timetable for the current week:

You can change the format of your timetable by selecting Day, Week, Month or Semester at the top of the screen:

Depending on the format you have selected you can then cycle forward or backward through your timetable by a day, a week, a month, or semester using the arrow buttons. The date of the period selected will be displayed between the arrows and you can return to the current period by selecting “Today”. 

Each activity within My Timetable will appear as a block of time on the timetable. For each activity you will be able to see its start and end time, module code, module name, tutor, and venue. If the activity is to be delivered online by Microsoft Teams in place of the venue you will see Microsoft Team Meeting written:

To access the activity itself click on it in the timetable. When you do this the activity details should appear at the top of the screen:

In the activity details you can again see the start and end time of the activity, the module code, module name, date, location, and tutor. At the bottom of the activity details window, as this is an activity being delivered by Microsoft Teams there are 3 links:

  • Report absence - Students can use this link to report absent for the activity. This does update their attendance record. Staff do not use this link to report absent
  • View on Canvas – This takes you straight to the module in canvas to retrieve or view any module related content in canvas
  • Join Microsoft Teams Meeting – clicking this link will take you straight into the activity in Microsoft Teams. The Microsoft Teams link will only become available 15 minutes prior to the start of the activity but will remain active until 30 minutes after the scheduled end of the activity

The Microsoft Teams meeting options have been set up differently for timetabled activities as opposed to those for a standard Teams meeting as follows. 

  • Lobby – all LJMU staff and students will enter the activity directly and will not be held in the lobby. Any non LJMU attendees e.g. guest speakers will be held in the lobby and will need to be admitted to the activity by a presenter
  • Chat – is only available to use while the activity is in progress. Once the activity ends any chat which has taken place is still visible, but no further chat can take place
  • Attendee Role – all students attending an activity do so as an attendee. Attendees cannot share their screens, change any meeting options, or initiate a recording
  • Attendees can change their own privacy setting e.g. turning their own cameras and microphones on and off. Anyone not designated as a tutor for the activity will also attend as an attendee
  • Presenter Role – staff named on the module pro forma as part of the teaching staff for that module or specifically named in the activity details as a tutor for that specific activity will attend as a presenter. Presenters are able to share their screens, manage their audience e.g. muting attendees, initiate recordings and change activity settings

Making changes to a Timetabled Activity 

If you need to make changes to a timetabled activity you can do so via the University timetable (opens in a new tab) which can be accessed via My LJMU.   

To request a change, you can complete the Request a Change form from the menu on the left-hand side:

You can also search the University timetable and request a change for a specific activity. Use the filters, programme, module, induction, room etc also in the menu on the left-hand side to facilitate this search:

Click View Timetable to see the timetable you have selected:

Now click on the activity you wish to make changes to:

The activity details should now be displayed at the top of the screen. 

Here you can raise a general change to this activity such as a venue change etc by clicking on the Request a Change tab (1). You can also request a change of teaching staff by clicking on the edit person icon (2).

Once the requests have been completed, they will be sent directly to Timetabling who will facilitate the changes for you. You can also raise Timetabling queries via HelpMe (opens in a new tab).