Image of Prof Philip Vickerman

Prof Philip Vickerman

Vice Chancellors Office

Vice Chancellors Office

Journal article

Knight KH, Greenop D, Vickerman PP, Porcellato L. 2022. Factors Affecting the Participation of Physically Disabled Children and Young People in Out-of-School Activities in the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45 :92-104 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Maher AJ, Vickerman P. 2018. Ideology influencing action: special educational needs co-ordinator and learning support assistant role conceptualisations and experiences of special needs education in England The Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 18 :15-24 DOI Publisher Url

Coates J, Vickerman PB. 2016. Paralympic Legacy: Exploring the Impact of the Games on the Perceptions of Young People With Disabilities ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUARTERLY, 33 :338-357 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Coates J, Vickerman P. 2013. A Review of Methodological strategies for Consulting Children with Special educational Needs in Physical Education European Journal of Special Needs Education, 3 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2012. English Learning Support Assistants Experiences of Including Children with Special Educational Needs in Physical Education European Journal of Special Needs Education, :1-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2012. Including Children with Special Educational Needs in Physical Education: Has their Entitlement and Accessibility been Realised Disability and Society, 27 :249-262 DOI

Nixon S, Vickerman PB, Maynard C. 2010. Teacher immediacy: reflections on a peer review of teaching scheme Journal of Further and Higher Education, Volume 34 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2010. Hearing the Voices of Disabled Students in Higher Education Disability and Society, :21-32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2010. Empowering Children with Special Educational Needs to Speak up: Experiences of Inclusive Physical Education, Disability and Rehabilitation, 18 :1517-1526

Vickerman PB, NIXON S, MAYNARD C. 2010. (2010), Teacher Immediacy: Reflections on a Peer Review of Teaching Scheme Journal of Further and Higher Education, 4 :491-502

Coates J, Vickerman P. 2010. Empowering children with special educational needs to speak up: experiences of inclusive physical education. Disability and rehabilitation, 32 :1517-1526 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2009. Student Perspectives on Formative Peer Assessment: An Attempt to Deepen Learning Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, :221-230 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman PB, Coates J. 2009. Trainee and Recently Qualified Physical Education Teachers Perspectives on Including Children with Special Educational Needs Journal of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, :137-153 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman P. 2008. Book Review: Ecological Intervention for Children with Movement Difficulties (Manual)– By David Sugden and Sheila Henderson British Journal of Special Education, 35 :252-253 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman PB, Coates J. 2008. Let the Children Have Their Say: A Review of Children with Special educational Needs Experiences of Physical Education Support for Learning, 4 :168-175 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman P. 2007. Training physical education teachers to include children with special educational needs: Perspectives from physical education initial teacher training providers European Physical Education Review, 13 :385-402 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2007. Training Physical Education Teachers to Include Children with Special Educational Needs: Perspectives from Physical Education Initial Teacher Training Providers European Physical Education Review, 3 :385-402

Vickerman P. 2003. Book Reviews European Physical Education Review, 9 :213-214 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2003. Success For All: Developing an Inclusive Approach to Physical Education for Children with Special Educational Needs Bulletin of Physical Education, 3 :154-161

Vickerman PB. 2002. Perspectives on the Training of Physical Education Teachers for the Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs – Is There an Official Line View?, The Bulletin of Physical Education, 2 :79-98

Vickerman P, Stratton G. 2001. Book Reviews European Physical Education Review, 7 :329-330 DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman P. 2001. Book Reviews European Physical Education Review, 7 :207-208 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Lawless A, Vickerman PB, Anderson V, Sambrook S, Anderson L, Rowe M. 2015. Insider research and reflective practice: getting published: extending an experiment in critical friendship 2015, Conference Archives, University Forum HRD, Publisher Url Public Url


Knight KH, Porcellato LA, Vickerman P, Greenop DT. 2014. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: Focus on personal care and training Association of Chief Children’s Nurses (ACCN) Symposium 2014 Jersey Public Url

Knight KH, Porcellato LA, Vickerman P, Greenop DT. 2013. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: the children, young people and family perspective Children’s Nursing Research Unit conference: ‘Making a difference for children and families’ Public Url

Knight KH, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: Focus on personal care and training. Poster Presentation: ACCN Symposium 2014 Jersey 05/09/14. Author Url

Books (authored)

Vickerman PB, Hayes S. 2012. Special Educational Needs and National Curriculum Physical Education in Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education Hayes S, Stidder G. Routledge 9780415670609

Vickerman PB. 2012. Special Educational Needs and National Curriculum Physical Education Routledge. London DOI Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2010. ‘Teaching for Inclusion’, In: Bailey, R., (ed.), Physical Education for learning: A Guide for Secondary Schools CONTINUUM Publisher Url

Vickerman PB, Depauw K. 2010. ‘Physical Literacy and Individuals with a Disability’, In: Whitehead, M., (ed.), Physical Literacy, ROUTLEDGE Publisher Url

Vickerman PB, DEAPUW K. 2010. ‘Physical Literacy and Issues of Diversity’, In: Whitehead, M., (ed.), Physical Literacy, ROUTLEDGE Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2010. ‘Delivering Inclusive Teaching and Learning’, In: Capel, S. (ed.), Learning to Teach Physical Education in the Secondary School ROUTLEDGE Publisher Url

Vickerman PB. 2010. ‘Including Children with Special Educational Needs’, Lambert Academic Publishing. Saarbrücken.

Vickerman PB. 2009. Education Studies: Key Issues in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, London SAGE. LONDON


Vickerman P, Hayes S. 2012. Special educational needs and disability in physical education Equity and Inclusion in Physical Education and Sport, Second Edition :51-65 DOI Publisher Url

Walsh BA, Vickerman P, Money J. Planning for an inclusive apporach to learning and teaching in physical education Capel S, Whitehead M. Learning to teach physical education in the secondary school Routledge. Abingdon Oxon


Knight KH, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities – sports focus

Editorial boards:

Support for Learning, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs and British Journal of Special Education, Member of Editorial Advisory Board, 2012

Adapted Physical Activity Quarterley, Member of editorial board. 2011

Research Grants Awarded:

Higher Education Academy, Developing Learning and Assessment Opportunities for a Complex World, Professors Tim Cable and Sue Thompson, Grant value (£): £200,000, Duration of research project: 3. 2008

Teacher Development Agency, Training PE Teachers to include children with Special Educational N eeds, Grant value (£): £18,500, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2007

Membership of professional bodies:

Felloe of Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2005


National Teaching Fellowship, Higher Education Academy, 2005


National Teaching Fellowship, Higher Education Academy, 2005
