Prof Zoe Knowles
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: Z.R.Knowles@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4106
Professor Zoe Knowles (Professor of Engagement and Learning) is an academic member of staff with teaching duties. Zoe is the Strategic Lead for External Engagement in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences and a National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) Public Engagement Professional. Zoe is a Health and Care Professions Council Registered Practitioner Psychologist and both Chair and Fellow of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Zoe has several research interests including the psycho-social determinants of physical activity, the benefits of natural and active play, creative and qualitative methodologies with children and the design/evaluation of sport psychology and physical activity interventions.
2009, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
1997, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MSc Sport Psychology
1996, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Coaching Science
1999, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PG Cert in Higher Education
Academic appointments
Professor of Engagement and Learning, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - present
Reader of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Physical Activity Exchange at the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2017
L/SL in Sport and Exercise Psychology (0.6-0.95FTE), School of Sport and Exercsie Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 1998 - 2013
Highlighted publications
Foulkes JD, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Stratton G, O'Dwyer MV, Foweather L. 2021. Is Foundational Movement Skill Competency Important for Keeping Children Physically Active and at a Healthy Weight? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shearer C, Goss HR, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Durden-Myers EJ, Foweather L. 2021. Assessments Related to the Physical, Affective and Cognitive Domains of Physical Literacy Amongst Children Aged 7–11.9 Years: A Systematic Review Sports Medicine - Open, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Shelley J, Knowles ZR, Stewart CE, Dawson EA. 2019. Physical activity and associations with clinical outcome measures in adults with cystic fibrosis; A systematic review Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Noonan RJ, Rowlands AV, Hurter L, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2019. The backwards comparability of wrist worn GENEActiv and waist worn ActiGraph accelerometer estimates of sedentary time in children Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR. 2017. Parental perceptions on childrens out-of-school physical activity and family-based physical activity Early Child Development and Care, 187 :1909-1924 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2017. Fitness, fatness and active school commuting among Liverpool schoolchildren International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. 2017. One size doesn't fit all: Contextualising family physical activity using write, draw, show and tell Children, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. 2017. Context matters! Sources of variability in weekend physical activity among families: A repeated measures study. BMC Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Kim Y, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2016. Comparison of children's free-living physical activity derived from wrist and hip raw accelerations during the segmented week. Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rowlands AV, Cliff DP, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM, Olds TS, Parfitt G, Noonan RJ, Downs SJ, Knowles ZR, Beets MW. 2016. Moving forward with backwards compatibility: Translating wrist accelerometer data Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR. 2016. Write, draw, show, and tell: a child-centred dual methodology to explore perceptions of out-of-school physical activity BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SJ, Noonan RJ, Rowlands AV, van Hees V, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. 2016. Wear Compliance and Activity in Children Wearing Wrist and Hip-Mounted Accelerometers. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, 48 :245-253 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Austin, C , Knowles ZR, Richards K, Sayers J, McCree M, Ridgers ND. 2016. Play and Learning Outdoors: Engaging with the Natural World Using Forest School in the UK Skelton T, Nairn K, Kraftl P. 3 :1-22 DOI
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2016. Cross-sectional associations between high deprivation home and neighbourhood environments and health-related variables among Liverpool children BMJ Open, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foweather L, Knowles ZR, Ridgers N, O Dwyer MV, Foulkes JD, Stratton G. 2015. Fundamental Movement Skills in relation to weekday and weekend physical activity in preschool children Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18 :691-696 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Knowles ZR. 2014. Reflective practice in the sport and exercise sciences: Contemporary issues Knowles Z, Gilbourne D, Cropley B, Dugdill L. Routledge 978-0-415-81493-5 DOI Publisher Url
Knowles ZR, O Dwyer MV, Foweather L, Fairclough S, Stratton G. Effects of a six-month Active Play intervention on preschool children’s habitual physical activity levels 17th Annual Congress of the ECSS
Aggio D, Graves LE, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S. Test content and response processes validity of the PAQ/C/A and a sedentary behaviour survey with UK Youth populations 5th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health
McCann D, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S, Graves L. Physical activity monitoring compliance strategies in children: A formative study International Society for Behaviour Nutrtion and Physical Activity
Downs S, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM. Physical activity patterns in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities International Society for Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity
Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Downs S, Fairclough SJ. Effects of a pilot school-based physical activity intervention on recess and p[lay behaviours and teachers perceptions of school based play behaviours in children with intellectual disabilities ISBNPA
Noonan R, Fairclough SF, Knowles Z, Boddy L. Context matters! Sources of variability in weekend physical activity among families: A repeated measures study International Society of Behavior, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Knowles ZR, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Noonan R. Noonan, R. J., Fairclough, S. J., Knowles, Z. R., & Boddy, L. M. One size does not fit all: Contextualising family physical activity using a write, draw, show and tell approach. HEPA
Journal article
Fairclough S, Clifford L, Knowles Z, Boddy L, Ashworth E, Tyler R. 2024. Move Well, Feel Good: Feasibility and acceptability of a school-based motor competence intervention to promote positive mental health Tilga H. PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Clifford L, Tyler R, Knowles ZR, Ashworth E, Boddy LM, Foweather L, Fairclough SJ. 2023. Co-Creation of a School-Based Motor Competence and Mental Health Intervention: Move Well, Feel Good Children, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cont S, Rowley A, Knowles Z, Bowe C. 2023. The perceptions of trainee teachers towards Forest School, does connection to nature matter? Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Eslambolchilar P, Stawarz K, Verdezoto Dias N, McNarry M, Crossley SGM, Knowles Z, Mackintosh KA. 2023. Tangible data visualization of physical activity for children and adolescents: A qualitative study of temporal transition of experiences International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 35 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Boddy L, Knowles Z, Stewart C, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw M, Dawson E. 2022. Physical activity assessment and vascular function in adults with cystic fibrosis and their non-CF peers Journal of Sports Sciences, 40 :1837-1848 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Dawson EA, Boddy LM, Stewart CE, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw MJ, Knowles ZR. 2022. Developing an ecological approach to physical activity promotion in adults with Cystic fibrosis. PloS one, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McNarry M, Knight R, Crossley S, Foscarini-Craggs P, Knowles Z, Eslambolichar P, Macintosh K. 2022. 3D-Printing Physical Activity in Youth: An Autotopographical Approach to Behaviour Change International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foulkes JD, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Stratton G, O'Dwyer MV, Foweather L. 2021. Is Foundational Movement Skill Competency Important for Keeping Children Physically Active and at a Healthy Weight? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Parnell M, Gee I, Foweather L, Whyte G, Knowles ZR. 2021. Children of Smoking and Non-Smoking Households’ Perceptions of Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Exercise Children, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foweather L, Crotti M, Foulkes JD, O’Dwyer MV, Utesch T, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Ridgers ND, Stratton G. 2021. Foundational Movement Skills and Play Behaviors during Recess among Preschool Children: A Compositional Analysis Children, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shearer C, Goss HR, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Durden-Myers EJ, Foweather L. 2021. Assessments Related to the Physical, Affective and Cognitive Domains of Physical Literacy Amongst Children Aged 7–11.9 Years: A Systematic Review Sports Medicine - Open, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goss H, Shearer C, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM, Durden-Myers E, Foweather L. 2021. Stakeholder Perceptions of Physical Literacy Assessment in Primary School Children Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fitton Davies K, Watson PM, Rudd JR, Roberts SJ, Bardid F, Knowles ZR, Foweather L. 2021. Development and validity of the Motivation Assessment Tool for Physical Education (MAT-PE) among young children Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Watson PM, Dugill L, Pickering K, Hargreaves J, Staniford LJ, Owen S, Murphy RC, Knowles ZR, Johnson LJ, Cable NT. 2020. Distinguishing Factors that Influence Attendance and Behaviour Change in Family-based Treatment of Childhood Obesity: a Qualitative Study British Journal of Health Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foulkes JD, Foweather L, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR. 2020. “I Wasn’t Sure What It Meant to be Honest”—Formative Research towards a Physical Literacy Intervention for Preschoolers Children, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rudd JR, Crotti M, Fitton-Davies K, O'Callaghan L, Bardid F, Utesh T, Roberts SJ, Boddy LM, Cronin CJ, Knowles ZR, Foulkes JD, Watson PM, Pesce C, Button C, Lubans D, Buszard T, Walsh BA, Foweather L. 2020. Skill Acquisition Methods Fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in 5–6-Year-Old Children From Deprived Areas of North West England Frontiers in Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Knowles Z, Boddy L, Stewart C, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw M, Daswon E. 2020. P302 Developing an ecological approach to physical activity promotion in adults with cystic fibrosis Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 19 :S140-S141 DOI Publisher Url
Hurter L, Cooper-Ryan AM, Knowles ZR, Porcellato LA, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM. 2020. A novel mixed-method approach to assess children's sedentary behaviours Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Parnell M, Gee I, Foweather L, Whyte G, Knowles ZR, Dickinson J. 2019. The impact of environmental tobacco smoke exposure on cardiorespiratory fitness in children: A pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Impacts., 2 :240-248 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Crossley SGM, McNarry MA, Eslambolchilar P, Knowles ZR, Mackintosh KA. 2019. The Tangibility of Personalized 3D-Printed Feedback May Enhance Youths’ Physical Activity Awareness, Goal Setting, and Motivation: Intervention Study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Stewart CE, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw MJ, Dawson EA. 2019. ePS3.05 Physical activity intensity profile in cystic fibrosis Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 18 :S45-S46 DOI Publisher Url
Hurter L, Rowlands AV, Fairclough SJ, Gibbon KC, Knowles ZR, Porcellato LA, Cooper-Ryan AM, Boddy LM. 2019. Validating the Sedentary Sphere method in children: does wrist or accelerometer brand matter? Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 :1910-1918 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Shelley J, Knowles ZR, Stewart CE, Dawson EA. 2019. Physical activity and associations with clinical outcome measures in adults with cystic fibrosis; A systematic review Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crossley SGM, McNarry MA, Rosenberg M, Knowles ZR, Eslambolchilar P, Mackintosh KA. 2019. Understanding Youths' Ability to Interpret 3D-Printed Physical Activity Data and Identify Associated Intensity Levels: Mixed-Methods Study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Knowles ZR, Enright KJ. 2019. The Challenge to Care in a Premier League Football Club Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Noonan RJ, Rowlands AV, Hurter L, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2019. The backwards comparability of wrist worn GENEActiv and waist worn ActiGraph accelerometer estimates of sedentary time in children Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crossley S, McNarry M, Hudson J, Eslambolchilar P, Knowles ZR, Mackintosh K. 2019. Perceptions of Visualizing Physical Activity as a 3D-Printed Object: Formative Study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor S, Noonan R, Knowles ZR, Owen M, Fairclough SJ. 2018. Process evaluation of a pilot multi-component physical activity intervention – active schools: Skelmersdale BMC Public Health, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor S, Noonan R, Knowles ZR, McGrane B, Fairclough SJ, Curry W. 2018. Acceptability and feasibility of single-component primary school physical activity interventions to inform the AS:Sk Project Children, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Fairclough S, Knowles ZR, Southern K, McCormack P, Dawson E, Graves LEF, Hanlon C. 2018. A formative study exploring perceptions of physical activity and physical activity monitoring among children and young people with cystic fibrosis and health care professionals BMC Pedeatrics, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rowley C, Nelson L, Knowles ZR, Potrac P. 2018. More than meets the (Rationalistic) Eye: A Neophyte Sport Psychology Practitioner’s Reflections on the Micro-politics of Everyday Life within a Rugby League Academy Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Trapasso E, Knowles Z, Boddy LM, Newson L, Sayers J, Austin C. 2018. Exploring gender differences within forest schools as a physical activity intervention Children, 5 :138-138 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crossley SGM, McNarry MA, Eslambolchilar P, Knowles ZR, Mackintosh KA. 2018. The Tangibility of Personalized 3D-Printed Feedback May Enhance Youths' Physical Activity Awareness, Goal Setting, and Motivation: Intervention Study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2018. Predisposing, reinforcing and enabling factors for physical activity in boys and girls from socially disadvantaged communities Health Education Journal, 78 :149-162 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shearer C, Goss H, Edwards L, Keegan R, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM, Myers EJ, Foweather L. 2018. How Is Physical Literacy Defined? A Contemporary Update Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 37 :237-245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sanders G, Roe B, Knowles ZR, Kaehne A, Fairclough SJ. 2018. Using formative research with older adults to inform a community physical activity programme: Get Healthy, Get Active Primary Health Care Research and Development, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Stewart CE, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw MJ, Dawson EA. 2018. P214 Vascular function in adults with cystic fibrosis Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 17 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Taylor S, Noonan R, Knowles ZR, Owen M, McGrane B, Curry WB, Fairclough SJ. 2018. Evaluation of a pilot school-based physical activity clustered randomised controlled trial: Active Schools: Skelmersdale International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Noonan RJ, Kim Y, Rowlands A, Welk G, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S. 2018. Comparability of children’s sedentary time estimates derived from wrist worn GENEActiv and hip worn ActiGraph accelerometer thresholds Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21 :1045-1049 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR. 2017. Parental perceptions on childrens out-of-school physical activity and family-based physical activity Early Child Development and Care, 187 :1909-1924 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2017. Fitness, fatness and active school commuting among Liverpool schoolchildren International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. 2017. One size doesn't fit all: Contextualising family physical activity using write, draw, show and tell Children, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor SL, Curry WB, Knowles ZR, Noonan RJ, McGrane B, Fairclough SJ. 2017. Predictors of Segmented School Day Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Children from A Northwest England Low-income Community International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. 2017. Context matters! Sources of variability in weekend physical activity among families: A repeated measures study. BMC Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foulkes JD, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Stratton G, O'Dwyer M, Ridgers N, Foweather L. 2017. Effect of a 6-Week Active Play Intervention on Fundamental Movement Skill Competence of Preschool Children Perceptual and Motor Skills, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Houghton L, Knowles ZR. 2017. Improving health behaviours and outcomes: An intervention to support engagement in physical activity Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1 :103-114 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Kim Y, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2016. Comparison of children's free-living physical activity derived from wrist and hip raw accelerations during the segmented week. Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hilland T, Ridgers NJ, Stratton G, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2016. Origins of perceived physical education ability and worth among English adolescents European Physical Education Review, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Downs SJ, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. 2016. Physical activity patterns in youth with intellectual disabilities Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 33 :374-390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rowlands AV, Cliff DP, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM, Olds TS, Parfitt G, Noonan RJ, Downs SJ, Knowles ZR, Beets MW. 2016. Moving forward with backwards compatibility: Translating wrist accelerometer data Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Garnham-Lee K, Trigwell J, McGee CE, Knowles ZR, Foweather L. 2016. Impact and acceptability of the coach and teacher training within a school-based sport-for-health smoking prevention intervention: SmokeFree Sports Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR. 2016. Write, draw, show, and tell: a child-centred dual methodology to explore perceptions of out-of-school physical activity BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McCann D, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S, Graves LEF. 2016. A protocol to encourage accelerometer wear in children and young people Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SJ, Noonan RJ, Rowlands AV, van Hees V, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. 2016. Wear Compliance and Activity in Children Wearing Wrist and Hip-Mounted Accelerometers. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, 48 :245-253 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Austin, C , Knowles ZR, Richards K, Sayers J, McCree M, Ridgers ND. 2016. Play and Learning Outdoors: Engaging with the Natural World Using Forest School in the UK Skelton T, Nairn K, Kraftl P. 3 :1-22 DOI
Aggio D, Fairclough S, Knowles ZR, Graves LE. 2016. Validity and reliability of a modified English version of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents Archives of Public Health, 74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan RJ, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. 2016. Cross-sectional associations between high deprivation home and neighbourhood environments and health-related variables among Liverpool children BMJ Open, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foweather L, Knowles ZR, Ridgers N, O Dwyer MV, Foulkes JD, Stratton G. 2015. Fundamental Movement Skills in relation to weekday and weekend physical activity in preschool children Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18 :691-696 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Clowes H, Lindsay P, Fawcett L, Knowles ZR. 2015. Experiences of the Pre and Post Retirement Period of Female Elite Artistic Gymnasts: An Exploratory Study Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 11 Publisher Url Public Url
Foulkes JD, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Stratton G, O'dwyer M, Ridgers ND, Foweather L. 2015. Fundamental Movement Skills of Preschool Children in Northwest England Perceptual Motor Skills, 121 :260-283 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Trigwell J, McGee CE, Porcellato LA, Murphy RC, Knowles ZR, Ussher M, Garnham-Lee K, Foweather L. 2015. Process evaluation of a sport-for-health intervention to prevent smoking amongst primary school children: SmokeFree Sports BMC Public Health, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy L, Downs SJ, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR. 2015. Physical activity and play behaviours in children and young people with intellectual disabilities: A cross-sectional observational study School Psychology International, 36 :154-171 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Watson PM, Dugdill L, Pickering K, Owen S, Hargreaves J, Staniford LJ, Murphy RC, Knowles Z, Cable NT. 2015. Service evaluation of the GOALS family-based childhood obesity treatment intervention during the first 3 years of implementation BMJ OPEN, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Houghton L, O'Dwyer M, Foweather L, Watson PM, Alford S, Knowles ZR. 2014. Benefits of daddy play Early Years Educator, 16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Huntley E, Sparkes AM, Gilbourne D, Cropley B, Knowles ZR. 2014. Reflecting back and forwards: The ebb and flow of peer-reviewed reflective practice research in sport Reflective Practice, 15 :863-876 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Houghton L, O'Dwyer MV, Foweather L, Watson PM, Alford S, Knowles ZR. 2014. An impact and feasibility evaluation of a 6 week (9 hour) active play intervention on fathers' engagement with their preschool children: A feasibility study Early Child Development and Care, 185 :244-266 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Downs SJ, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Heffernan N, Whitehead S, Halliwell S, Boddy LM. 2014. Exploring teachers' perceptions on physical activity engagement for children and young people with intellectual disabilities EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION, 29 :402-414 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Briegal Jones R, Knowles ZR, Eubank M, Gianoulatos K, Elliot D. 2013. A Preliminary Investigation into the Effect of Yoga Practice on Mindfulness and Flow in Elite Youth Swimmers The Sport Psychologist, 27 :349-359 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O Dwyer M, Fairclough S, Ridgers ND, Knowles ZR, Foweather L, Stratton G. 2013. Effect of a school-based active play intervention on sedentary time and physical activity in preschool children Health Education Research, DOI
Knowles ZR, Ridgers, N D , Parnell D, Stratton G. 2013. Learning from the experts: Exploring playground experience and activities using a write and draw technique. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 3 :405-415
Knowles Z, Rutter N, O'Dwyer M, Evans L, Leasor J, Chu K. 2013. Researching active play Early Years Educator, 14 :24-26 DOI Publisher Url
Clowes H, Knowles ZR. 2013. Exploring the Effectiveness of Pre-Performance Routines in Elite Artistic Gymnasts: A Mixed Method Investigation Science of Gymnastics Journal, 5 :27-27
Faggiani F, McRobert AP, Knowles Z. 2012. Developing pre-performance routines for acrobatic gymnastics: A case study with a youth tumbling gymnast Science of Gymnastics Journal, 4 :39-52
O'Dwyer MV, Fairclough SJ, Knowles Z, Stratton G. 2012. Effect of a family focused active play intervention on sedentary time and physical activity in preschool children. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 9 :117 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Davies IG, Warburton GL, Mackintosh KA, Houghton L, Fairclough SJ. 2012. Using formative research to develop the healthy eating component of the CHANGE! school-based curriculum intervention BMC Public Health, 12 :710 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Watson P, Murphy RM, Knowles ZR, Dugdill L, Cable NT. 2012. Moving forward in childhood obesity treatment: a call for translational research Health Education Journal, 72 :230-239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ridgers ND, Knowles ZR, Sayers J. 2012. Encouraging play in the natural environment: A child-focused case study of Forest School Children's Geographies, 10 :49-65 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Knowles Z, Katz J, Gilbourne D. 2012. Reflective practice within elite consultancy: Diary extracts and further discussion on a personal and elusive process The Sport Psychologist, 26 :454-469 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Knowles Z, Gilbourne D, Tomlinson V. 2007. Reflections on the application of reflective practice for supervision in applied sport psychology SPORT PSYCHOL, 21 :109-122 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Knowles ZR, Tyler G, Gilbourne D, Eubank M. 2006. Reflecting on reflection: Exploring the practice of sports coaching graduates. Reflective Practice, 17 :163-179
Knowles Z, Tyler G, Gilbourne D, Eubank M. 2006. Reflecting on reflection: Exploring the practice of sports coaching graduates. Reflective Practice, :163-180 DOI Publisher Url
Knowles Z, Borrie A, Telfer H. 2005. Towards the reflective sports coach: issues of context, education and application. Ergonomics, 48 :1711-1720 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Anderson AG, Knowles Z, Gilbourne D. 2004. Reflective practice for sport psychologists: Concepts, models, practical implications, and thoughts on dissemination SPORT PSYCHOLOGIST, 18 :188-203 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Knowles ZR, Gilbourne D, Borrie A, Nevill A. 2001. Developing the Reflective Sports Coach: A Study Exploring the Processes of Reflective Practice Within a Higher Education Coaching Programme. Reflective Practice, 1 :186-201
Knowles Z, Gilbourne D, Borrie A, Nevill A. 2001. Developing the Reflective Sports Coach: A study exploring the processes of reflective practice within a higher education coaching programme Reflective Practice, 2 :185-207 DOI Publisher Url
Boddy , Knowles ZR, Houghton L, Fairclough S. Using formative research to develop the CHANGE! curriculum based healthy eating intervention. BMC Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Knowles ZR. Aspiration, inspiration and illustration: Initiating debate on reflective practice writing The Sport Psychologist, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Page T, Knowles Z, Green M, Drust B, Andrew M. Verbal feedback is the primary mechanism for performance related review in professional English male soccer International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Public Url
Conference publication
Blundell M, Sprung T, Knowles Z. 2024. We are Courageous: Speaking Out Boldly and Acting for Change: Women in Sport and Exercise Academic Network Conference, 20-22 June, 2023 abstracts WOMEN IN SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY JOURNAL, 32 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SJ, Clifford L, Foweather L, Knowles Z, Boddy LM, Ashworth E, Tyler R. 2023. S12-4 Feasibility evaluation of the Move Well, Feel Good movement behaviours intervention European Journal of Public Health, 33 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SJ, Clifford L, Foweather L, Knowles Z, Boddy LM, Ashworth E, Tyler R. 2022. S06-4 Exploring correlates of adolescent boys' muscular fitness: a mixed-methods formative study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 32 :ckac093.031 DOI Publisher Url
Hurter L, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Porcellato LA, Cooper-Ryan A, Boddy LM. 2018. Establishing Raw Acceleration Thresholds to Classify Sedentary and Stationary Behaviour in Children Children, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goss H, Shearer C, Durden-Myers E, Knowles Z, Boddy L, Foweather L. 2018. Assessments of physical literacy in children aged 3-7 years: A series of systematic reviews JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S214-S214 Author Url
Boddy L, Noonan R, Rowlands A, Hurter L, Knowles Z, Fairclough S. 2018. Backward compatibility of sedentary time estimates derived from wrist worn GENEActiv accelerometers JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S43-S43 Author Url
Shearer C, Goss H, Durden-Myers E, Boddy L, Knowles Z, Foweather L. 2018. Assessments of physical literacy in children aged 7-11 years: A series of systematic reviews JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S138-S138 Author Url
Taylor S, Noonan RJ, Knowles ZR, McGrane B, Curry W, Fairclough SJ. 2018. Active Schools Skelmersdale: A multi-component intervention to promote primary school physical activity in a low socio-economic status community JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S121-S122 Author Url
Foweather L, Crotti M, Utesch T, Foulkes J, O'Dwyer M, Ridgers N, Knowles Z, Fairclouh S, Stratton G. 2018. Play as a context for motor development in preschool children: a compositional analysis JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S28-S28 Author Url
Quayle LRJ, Umeh , Huntley T, Morley D, Knowles Z, Whitehead AE. 2017. Exploring UK Sports Coaches Knowledge and Use of Reflective Practice ICCE Global Coach Confrence
Quayle LRJ, Whitehead AE, Knowles Z, Taylor JA. 2016. 'Think aloud': A novel method for identifying differences in decision making in rugby league coaching. BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Whitehead AE, Cropley B, Huntley T, Miles A, Quayle L, Knowles ZR. 2016. ‘Think Aloud’: Towards a framework to facilitate reflective practice amongst rugby league coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal, 3 :269-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Noonan R, Boddy L, Fairclough SJ, Knowles Z. 2016. Write, draw, show, and tell: A child-centred dual methodology to explore perceptions of out-of-school physical activity 5th International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise
Noonan R, Boddy L, Fairclough SJ, Knowles Z. 2016. Parental perceptions on children’s out-of-school physical activity and family-based physical activity interventions International Festival of Public Health 2016
Knowles Z, Low DA, Graves L. 2015. Reflecting back and forwards: Embedding reflective practice into student assessment/learning LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference
Knowles ZR, Telfer H, Borrie A. Towards the reflective sports coach: Issues of context, education and application. Sport, Lesiure and Ergonomics
Knowles ZR, Gilbourne D, Anderson A. Reflective practice: A review of concepts, models, and practical implications for enhancing the practice of applied sport psychologists. 1st International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Sciences.
Knowles ZR. Round table discussion: Reflective Practice 2nd International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Sciences.
Knowles ZR. Symposium chair and presenter. ‘Reflective practice explorations of process, applications and representation’. 3rd International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Sciences.
Knowles ZR, Torres Faggiani F, McRobert A. Desenvolvendo rotinas pré- performance na ginástica (tumbling): um método preliminar para atletas jovens. II Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Psicologia do Esporte.
Knowles ZR, Torres Faggiani F, McRobert A. Developing pre-performance routines in sports acrobatic gymnastics (tumbling): A preliminary method for young athletes. The Growing Child in High Performance Sport conference
Knowles ZR. Applying the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the reach and effectiveness components within a family-based project. Stratton G, Romeo-Velilla M. ICPAPH
Knowles ZR, Littlewood M. The realities of post academy career transitions in elite English professional football. BPS annual conference
Knowles ZR, Ridgers ND, Sayers J. Natural Play in the Forest: Child-Focused Evaluation of Forest School International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA)
Ridgers, ND, Knowles Z, Sayers J. Natural Play in the Forest: Child-Focused Evaluation of Forest School IPA conference
Knowles ZR, Parnell D. Learning from the experts: Exploring playground experience and activities using a write and draw technique ECSS DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Knowles ZR, Ridgers ND, Sayers J. Natural play in the Forest: Child and family evaluation of the effect of Forest schools IHR conference
Knowles ZR, Ridgers, ND, Parnell D. Learning from the experts: Exploring playground experience and activities using a write and draw technique IHR conference, LJMU
O Dwyer M, Ridgers ND, Fairclough S, Knowles Z, Stratton G. Can a 6 week school based Active Play intervention increase moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviour European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology XXVII Biennial Conference
O Dwyer M, Knowles Z, Fairclough S, Ridgers ND, Foweather L, Stratton G. Within day variability of objectively measured physical activity during weekdays and weekend days in preschool children (2011) ECSS
Knowles ZR, O Dwyer M, Stratton G, Graves, L, Sayers J. Its natural to play: creating healthy environments for pysically active play in pedeatric populations ICSEMIS
Knowles ZR, Stratton G, O Dwyer MV. It’s natural to play, creating enabling environments for physical activity in the Early Years TES National Conference
Knowles ZR, Briegal Jones R, Eubank M. The Effect of Yoga Practice on Mindfulness and Flow in Elite Youth Swimmers British Psychological Sociaty Annual Conference (DSEP)
MV O Dwyer , Knowles ZR, Foweather L, Stratton G, Fairclough S. Physically Active Play Interventions: What do we need to make it work? 17th Annual Congress of the ECSS
O Dwyer MV, Knowles ZR, Stratton G, Foweather L, Fairclough S. Physically Active Play Interventions: What do we need to make it work? ICSEMIS
Knowles ZR. Effects of a six-month Active Play intervention on preschool children’s habitual physical activity levels O Dwyer MV, Knowles Z, Foweather L, Fairclough S. ICSEMIS
Knowles ZR, O Dwyer MV, Foweather L, Fairclough S, Stratton G. Effects of a six-month Active Play intervention on preschool children’s habitual physical activity levels 17th Annual Congress of the ECSS
Knowles ZR, Huntley E. Reflecting back and forward: A decade of reflective practice in sport BPS NW Division Conference
Watson PM, Knowles ZR, Murphy RM, Dugdill L, Cable NT. One size doesn’t fit all: A qualitative exploration of long-term behaviour change in families with children who are overweight UK Society for Behavioural Medicine 8th Annual Scientific Meeting
O Dwyer MV, Fairclough S, Knowles ZR, Stratton G. Effect of a family focused active play intervention on sedentary time and physical activity in preschool children PEPAYS (PE, Physical Activity and Youth Sport) Research Forum DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Knowles ZR, Cropley B, Devonport T, Huntley E. Developing Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology through Reflective Practice: Explorations of Professional Practice, Issues with Reflection, and Modern Research Trends British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference
Garnham Lee K, Trigwell J, Knowles ZR, McGee C, Foweather L. An Exploration of Primary School Teachers’ Self-efficacy and Perceptions of SmokeFree Sports (SFS) British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology conference
Houghton L, Watson P, Foweather L, Alford S, O Dwyer M, Knowles ZR. Fathers’ engagement with preschool children following a 6 week active play intervention British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Houghton L, Watson P, Foweather L, Alford S, O Dwyer M, Knowles ZR. The Fathers’ Engagement Project. European Sport Development Network
Huntley E, Knowles ZR. Experiential Learning via Reflective Practice British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Watson P, Knowles ZR, Murphy R, Dugdill L, Cable NT. Long-term behaviour change in families with children who are overweight: a qualitative study UK Society for Behaviorial Medicine
Knowles ZR, Huntley E, Devonport T. Symposium: Developing Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology through Reflective Practice: Explorations of Professional Practice, Issues with Reflection and Modern Research Trends British Psychological Society: Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Clowes H, Knowles ZR. Experiences of the pre and post retirement period of male and female elite artistic gymnasts: An exploratory study British Psychological Society: Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Aggio D, Graves LE, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S. Test content and response processes validity of the PAQ/C/A and a sedentary behaviour survey with UK Youth populations 5th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health
Austin C, Boddy, LM, Fairclough SJ, Sayers J, Knowles ZR. Evaluation of the ‘Natural Health Service’- Forest Schools Research. 6th Biennial Conference of the International Froebel Society: "Play, Self-activity, Representation and Development"
Fairclough SJ, Noonan R, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. Exploratory development of a risk score for children’s physical activity correlates based on the Youth Physical Activity Promotion Model ’ 19th Annual Conference of the European College of Sports Sciences,
Downs S, Fairclough S, Knowles ZR, Boddy L. Investigating physical activity in children and young people with intellectual disabilities using objective methods 19th European Congress for Sports Science
Huntley E, Gilbourne D, Cropley B, Sparkes A, Miles A, Knowles ZR. Reflecting forwards: Where to now with reflective practice research? Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise
Noonan R, Knowles Z, Boddy L, Fairclough S. Exploring children’s compliance to wearing wrist and hip mounted accelerometers Internation Society for Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity
McCann D, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S, Graves L. Physical activity monitoring compliance strategies in children: A formative study International Society for Behaviour Nutrtion and Physical Activity
Downs S, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM. Physical activity patterns in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities International Society for Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity
Downs S, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM, Knowles Z. Physical activity patterms in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities ISBNPA
Boddy LM, Noonan R, Knowles ZR, Van Hees V, Fairclough SJ. Differences in childrens reported physical activity levels according to raw and count based accelerometer data ISBNPA
Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Downs S, Fairclough SJ. Effects of a pilot school-based physical activity intervention on recess and p[lay behaviours and teachers perceptions of school based play behaviours in children with intellectual disabilities ISBNPA
Noonan R, Fairclough SF, Knowles Z, Boddy L. Context matters! Sources of variability in weekend physical activity among families: A repeated measures study International Society of Behavior, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Mackintosh K, Crossley S, Eslambolchilar P, Knowles ZR, McNarry M. 3D Printing as a Tool to Enhance Children’s Understanding of Physical Activity Levels European Congress of Sports Science
Mackintosh K, Crossley S, Eslambolchilar P, Knowles ZR, Hudson J, McNarry M. Perceptions of Visualising Children’s Physical Activity as a 3D Object International Society for Behavior Nutrition and Phsyical Activity
Noonan R, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Boddy LM. Physical activity among family units: An examination of level, mode, location and stability using a write, draw, show and tell approach International Festival of Public Health
Noonan R, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Fairclough SJ. Active school commuting, aerobic fitness and obesity among Liverpool schoolchildren. HEPA
Knowles ZR, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Noonan R. Noonan, R. J., Fairclough, S. J., Knowles, Z. R., & Boddy, L. M. One size does not fit all: Contextualising family physical activity using a write, draw, show and tell approach. HEPA
Newson L, Richards K, Knowles ZR. Initial findings from one of the largest datasets on the value of the natural health service. INVITED SPEAKER National Community Forest Conference
Noonan R, Boddy L, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S. Is body mass index associated with social-emotional wellbeing in children that achieve and do not achieve the 60 minute physical activity guideline? International Society of Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity
Noonan R, Boddy L, Knowles ZR, Fairclough S. Can children walk or cycle themselves out of the health effects of deprivation? Overlooked areas in the public health literature. 9th Symposium. European Youth Heart Study
Shelley J, Boddy L, Knowles ZR, Stewart C, Frost F, Nazereth D, Walshaw M, Dawson E. Vascular function in adults with Cystic Fibrosis Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 41st Euro[ean Cystic Fibrosis Conference 3
Goss H, Shearer C, Knowles Z, Boddy L, Durdon Myers E, Foweather L. Exploring stakeholder perceptions of a physical literacy assessment tool for children aged 5-7 Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Éducation Physique Conference
Huntley E, Cropley B, Miles A, Knowles Z. BASES Expert Statement on Reflective Practice BASESAnnual Conference
Jewitt Beck R, Whitehead A, Knowles Z, Huntley T. The provision of education for coach developers within a UK National Giverning Body International Council for Coaching Excellence, Global Coach Conference
Cropley B, Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E. Well-being, Performance, and Effective Service Provision: (Re)locating Reflective Practice at the Heart of Applied Sport Psychology Practice Association of Applied Sport Psychology
Cropley B, Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E, Shearer D. Facilitating practitioner well-being, performance, and service provision effectiveness: Contemporary insights into the impact of reflective practice in applied sport psychology. FEPSAC
Knowles Z, Goss H, Shearer C, Turner F. 2023. ‘It Isn’t All Child’s Play’; Working with Children and Young People 9781032268170 DOI Publisher Url
Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E, Picknell G, Mellilieu S, Hanton S, Ryall E, Borrie A, Telfer H, Trelfa J, Williams K, Adams T, Pope Rhodius A, Wagstaff C, Miller M, Quaterolli A, Whitehead A, Wilding A, Watson P, Needham L, Morton J, Gearity B, Clayton K, Wood H, Simpson A, McIntosh A, Cowley E, Cropley B. 2023. The Reflective Sport and Exercise Science Practitioner 9781032056944 DOI Publisher Url
Miles A, Cropley B, Knowles Z, Huntley E. 2023. Reflecting Backwards and Forwards: Summary, Recommendations, and Future Directions 9781032056944 DOI Publisher Url
Cropley B, Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E. 2023. Introduction: Reflecting on Opportunities and Journeys 9781032056944 DOI Publisher Url
Harwood C, Rossato CJL, Thelwell R, Knowles Z. 2022. THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF SPORT AND EXERCISE SCIENCES (BASES) SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ACCREDITATION ROUTE (SEPAR) Developing a Sport Psychology Consultancy Practice: A Toolkit for Students and Trainees :19-38 DOI Publisher Url
Austin C, Knowles Z, Richards K, McCree M, Sayers J, Ridgers ND. 2016. Play and Learning Outdoors: Engaging with the Natural World Using Forest School in the UK Space, Place, and Environment :115-136 Springer Singapore 9789812870438 DOI Publisher Url
Porcellato L, Knowles Z. 2014. Exploring reflective methodologies with and for children Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences: Contemporary issues :38-46
Knowles ZR, Porcellato L. 2014. Reflecting forward: exploring reflective methodologies with and for children Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences Contemporary Issues :38-47 9780415814935
Knowles ZR, Cropley B, Dugdill L, Gilbourne D. 2014. Reflecting on reflection and journeys Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences Contemporary Issues :3-15 9780415814935
Knowles ZR, Gilbourne D, Cropley B, Dugdill L. 2014. Reflecting back and forwards Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences Contemporary Issues :185-192 9780415814935
Telfer, H , Knowles ZR. 2013. How can sport practitioners balance conflicting values? Ethics, values and practice: A reflective dialogue on value dilemmas and coaching practice Whitehead J, Telfer H, Lambert J. Values in Youth Sport and Physical Education Routledge 978-0-415-53306-5 DOI Publisher Url
Knowles ZR. 2013. Sports coaching: Reflecting on reflection - Exploring the practice of sports coaching graduates Neil R, Hanton S, Fleming S, Wilson K. The Research Process in Sport, Exercise and Health: Case studies of active researchers :121-139 Routledge 978-0415673501 DOI Publisher Url
Knowles ZR. 2013. A glance at the 'to do' list of Dr Zoe Knowles: From Olympic park to local childrens centre in a day McCarthy P, Jones M. Becoming a sport psychologist :166-173 Routledge 978-0415525213
Gilbourne D, Marshall P, Knowles ZR. 2013. Reflective practice in sports coaching: Thoughts on process, pedagogy and research Gilbourne D, Knowles Z. An Introduction to Sports Coaching: Connecting Theory to Practice :3-11 Routledge 978-0415694902
O Dwyer M, Knowles Z, Ridgers N, Stratton G. 2012. Chapter 1: Physical activity, play and the pre-school years. Reviews in Paediatric Exercise Science :1-12 Nova Science Publishers 978-1-61470-978-7
Knowles ZR, Gilbourne D, Niven A. 2011. Critical Reflections on Doing Reflective Practice and Writing Reflective Texts Critical Essays in Applied Sport Psychology Human Kinetics 9781450411837
O’Dwyer MV, Knowles Z, Fairclough SJ, Foweather L, Stratton G, Ridgers ND. 2011. The effect of a 6 week school based active play intervention on pre-school physical activity and sedentary behaviour International Symposium of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology, September, 2011 :149-153 DOI
Knowles ZR, Telfer T. 2009. The where, what, why of reflective practice Heaney C, Oakley B, Rea S. Exploring Sport and Fitness :22-35 9780415491563
Knowles ZR, Telfer H. 2009. The 'how to' of reflection Heaney C, Oakley B, Rea S. Exploring Sport and Fitness :36-47 9780415491563
Knowles ZR, Borrie Z. 2003. Coaching Science and Soccer Reilly T, Williams AM. Science and soccer :187-198 9780415262323 DOI Publisher Url
Cropley B, Miles , Knowles ZR. Making reflective practice beneficial Professional Advances in Sports Coaching: Research and Practice Routledge
Cropley B, Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E. Introduction Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences :3-13 Taylor & Francis DOI
Books (authored)
Cropley B, Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E. 2023. Reflective Practice: Critical Perspectives, Pedagogy, and Applied Case Studies in the Sport & Exercise Sciences Knowles Z. Routledge 9781032056944
Cropley B, Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E. 2023. Reflective Practice: Critical Perspectives, Pedagogy, and Applied Case Studies in the Sport & Exercise Sciences Knowles Z. Routledge 9781032056944
Knowles ZR. 2014. Reflective practice in the sport and exercise sciences: Contemporary issues Knowles Z, Gilbourne D, Cropley B, Dugdill L. Routledge 978-0-415-81493-5 DOI Publisher Url
Allwork L, Sanderson S, Aumann K, Campbell N, Coghill L, Crudgington B, Day N, Dunbar S, Knowles Z, Morriss S, Aggett S, Manners P, Duncan S, Foard M, Kerrigan J, Whittaker L. 2021. PEP Insights Research Survey Report Publisher Url Public Url
Houghton L, Watson P, Foweather L, Alford S, O Dwyer M, Knowles ZR. 2013. Fathers Engagement Project The Fathers’ Engagement Project Research Findings Summary Report :1-52
Knowles ZR, O'Dwyer MV, Rutter N. Evaluation report on Start4Life
Fitton Davies K, Watson P, Rudd J, Bardid F, Knowles Z, Roberts S, Foweather L. 2019. Development, face and content validity of a novel qualitative tool to measure young children's motivation for physical education FEPSAC
Fitton Davies K, Watson P, Rudd J, Bardid F, Knowles Z, Roberts S, Foweather L. 2019. Development of a novel qualitative method to measure young children’s motivation for physical education: draw, write, show and tell.
Fitton Davies K, Rudd J, Watson P, Bardid F, Knowles Z, Noonan R, Foweather L. 2018. Exploring self-determination in children aged 5-7 years: A feasibility study. Celebration of Women in Research
Noonan R, Fairclough SJ, Knowles Z, Boddy L. 2017. Write, draw, show and tell: A mixed-methods case study exploring habitual physical activity among two families International Society of Behavior, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Knowles ZR. 2010. Exploring the themes and processes of reflection: Enhancing HE and professional training curriculum in sports social science Gilbourne D. Liverpool JMU
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
The Waterloo Foundation, Feasibility and effectiveness of a pilot primary school-based intervention to improve children's motor competence and mental health and well-being, Stuart Fairclough; Richard Tyler; Zoe Knowles; Cassandra Richardson, Grant value (£): 59815 (within costed at 0.05FTE), Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022
Society for Endocrinology, Energy Stress Meeting, Jose Areta, Carl Langan Evans, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 12 months (to deliver project). 2021
Royal Society, How do we promote physical activity in girls? A research project with girls, for girls and by girls, Dr Tori Sprung, Dr Cara Shearer, Dr Milly Blundell, Dr Francesca Champ, Dr Lawrence Foweather, Professor Lynne Boddy, Professor Zoe Knowles, Emma Cowley (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2021
Professional activities
Vice Chancellors Award for Research and Knowledge Exchange - Support, Liverpool John Moores University, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/news/articles/2024/12/17/rke-conference-2024. 2024
Faculty Award and University shortlisted award - LJMU Research and Knowledge Exchange Awards 2022 (Global Active Cities), Liverpool John Moores University, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/news/articles/2022/12/8/rke-awards-2022. 2022
Shortlisted for the Times Higher Education International Collaboration Award 2022 (Global Active Cities), Times Higher Education, https://the-awards.co.uk/2022/en/page/shortlist. 2022
TAFISA Mission 2030 Academia Award, TAFISA, http://www.tafisa.org/news/TAFISAAwards2019. 2019
Finalist at UK Active Awards 2019 - joint submission with the Mersey Forest Natural Health Service, UK Active. 2019
Vice Chancellors Award for Socio-Economic Engagement 2017 - Runner Up - Global Active Cities in the Physical Activity Exchange. 2017
Impact Award 2017: The Physical Activity Exchange: Global Active Cities for delivering change through shaping and influencing policy, practice and guidelines, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
Vice Chancellors award for Excellence in Socio-Economic Engagement, Liverpool John Moores University. 2016
Vice Chancellors award for Innovation in Teaching Excellence, Liverpool John Moores University. 2016
Shortlisted for Educate the North award in leadership 2016, Educate the North. 2016
Science Council Champion, The Science Council (on behalf of BASES). 2015
National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement Ambassador. 2015
Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence - Social and Economic Engagement, LJMU. 2014
STEMnet Highly Commended award for Employer engagement, STEMnet. 2013
Get Set Award for Inspiring Outstanding Learning through the London 2012 Games (co-applicant), Podium UK. 2012
Emerging Researcher Award (Education and professional Development), BASES. 2009
Other Professional Activity:
Developed and ran LJMU Engage 2024 - this programme is ran on conjunction with NCCPE and will run until 2025-26 academic year. 2024
Completion of the Advance HE Senior Womens Leadership Development Programme 2022 - completed May 2022. 2023
Completion of the Engage Academy Programme 2022 see here for programme. Course completed Sep 2022 https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/nccpe-projects-and-services/professional-development/engage-academy. 2022
External committees:
NCCPE Engage Academy Mentoring Committee, NCCPE, Mentor to Engage candidates - national and international candidates, https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/nccpe-projects-and-services/professional-development/engage-academy. 2023
Royal Society Partnership Grants Reviewing panel, The Royal Society, Reviewer, https://ddec1-0-en-ctp.trendmicro.com/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2froyalsociety.org%2fgrants-schemes-awards%2fgrants%2fpartnership-grants%2f&umid=15f1a638-26f8-403f-b646-00ea3e4f6cb0&auth=6b639a990a359ff1d6cc8761081d57748ce3c81e-de02c45d36fe009b984bdf8dbe1e1fda399be860. 2023
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Board, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Chair. 2021
Applied Sport and Performance Psychology Advisory Board, Holy Names University, USA, Advisory Board member. 2020
Board of Directors, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Chair Elect (2020); Chair 2021-23; Past Chair 2024. 2020
Board of Directors, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Chair of the Psychology Division. 2018
BASES SEPAR Independent Routeway to HCPC committee -, BASES, Review group member. 2017
Safeguarding Committee, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Committee member. 2016
BASES Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, CPD representitive. 2014
BASES working group on safeguarding the client, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Working group member. 2014
BASES Position stand on work based/related placements, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Group member, http://www.bases.org.uk/The-BASES-Position-Stand-on-Curriculum-based-Work-Placements. 2013
Advisory Council, JFK University, External advisor to the Graduate sport psychology programme, http://www.jfku.edu/Programs-and-Courses/College-of-Graduate-Professional-Studies/Sport-Psychology.html. 2012
Research Grants Awarded:
The Waterloo Foundation, Feasibility and effectiveness of a pilot primary school-based intervention to improve children's motor competence and mental health and well-being, Stuart Fairclough; Richard Tyler; Zoe Knowles; Cassandra Richardson, Grant value (£): 59815 (within costed at 0.05FTE), Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022
The Waterloo Foundation, Feasibility of a co-produced primary school-based intervention to improve children’s motor competence and mental health and wellbeing, Fairclough, SJ, Tyler R, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Ashworth E, Foweather L, Grant value (£): 59225. 2021
Society for Endocrinology, Energy Stress Meeting, Jose Areta, Carl Langan Evans, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 12 months (to deliver project). 2021
Royal Society, How do we promote physical activity in girls? A research project with girls, for girls and by girls, Dr Tori Sprung, Dr Cara Shearer, Dr Milly Blundell, Dr Francesca Champ, Dr Lawrence Foweather, Professor Lynne Boddy, Professor Zoe Knowles, Emma Cowley (all LJMU), Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2021
UTS Foundation Matched Funded PhD, The impact of Physical activity and exercise training on physiological and psychosocial outcomes in cancer patients, Ellen Dawson, Zoe Knowles, Claire Stewart, Grant value (£): 32,522, Duration of research project: Three year PhD programme, due to start 1st March 2018. 2018
Liverpool CCG, Physical activity and physiological adaptations in patients with Cystic Fibrosis, Ellen Dawson (PI), Lynne Body, Claire Stewart, Grant value (£): 13, 549, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2015
NIHR RDS NW, Physical activity and physiological adaptions in patients with Cystic Fibrosis, Dr Lynne Boddy, LJMU. Dr Zoe Knowles, LJMU. Professor Clarie Stewart, LJMU., Grant value (£): 13,549, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2015
Youth Sport Trust, Move to Improve: A Global Movement Concept, Professor David Morley(PI), Mr Matthew Reeves, Dr Spencer Hayes, Grant value (£): £47,951, Duration of research project: Oct 2014 - July 2016. 2014
Royal Society Partnership Grant, Royal Society Partnership Grant - sports science in action, St Margerets school, Liverpool, Grant value (£): £2700, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2014
Liverpool City Council (Sure Start payment by results), Fathers engagement project, Grant value (£): £48,789, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2012
Bupa Foundation, Philip-Poole Wilson Seed Corn Fund, Exploring Strategies to Reduce Sedentary Behaviour and Promote Physical Activity among Young People with Cystic Fibrosis,, Professor Stuart Fairclough (PI); Dr Lee Graves; Dr Paul Fergus; Dr Kevin Southers (Alder Hey), Grant value (£): £19,990. 2012
The Tennis Foundation, Pre Paralympic Games psychology support, Grant value (£): £1750, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2011
Amateur Swimming Association, The effects of mindfulness and yoga on elite swimming recovery, Dr Martin Eubank, Grant value (£): £500 student award, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2011
Sefton PCT, Evaluation of active start, Miss Mareesa o Dwyer LJMU, Grant value (£): £5000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2011
Royal Society, School engagement project, Dr John Dickenson (Lead) Prof. Greg Whyte, Grant value (£): £2570, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2011
Welcome Trust, Public engagement in science, Dr John Dickenson (Lead) Prof Greg Whyte,, Grant value (£): £30,000, Duration of research project: 12 months.
External collaboration:
National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement, NCCPE - Public Engagement Professional - PEP Researcher Insight Project. 2020
https://www.bases.org.uk/spage-resources-bases_expert_statements.html, BASES, Expert Statement on Reflective Practice. 2019
BASES, A BASES Expert Statement on Athlete Protection: Understanding the role of the sport and exercise scientist in the detection and protection of abuse in sport.. 2015
http://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/work-with-us/ambassador-scheme, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, I am approved as an Network Ambassador. 2015
BASES, Member of group writing BASES Position Stand for curriculum based placements. 2013
Mersey Forest, Supervision for research project based on evaluation of Natural Health Service pilot. 2013
Lifespan Youth - KTP, KTP academic lead. 2010
External PGR examinations performed:
Cardiff Metropolitan University, PhD, Exploring the Efficacy of Reflective Practice for Improving Professional Practice across Contexts. 2020
Bristol University, PhD, Parental understanding of preschool children’s physical activity and sedentary time: implications for guidelines and policy. 2019
Leeds Beckett University, PhD, Increasing in school physical activity through physically active learning. 2018
Leeds Beckett University, PhD, Physical Activity and Health Intervention: Inferences and implications for public health systems. 2018
Leeds Beckett University, PhD, Physical Activity and Health Intervention: Inferences and Implications for Public Health Systems. 2018
Newman University, PhD, Children's Physical Activity Levels during Primary School Break Times and Physical Education: Ecologically Framed Interventions. 2017
University of Hull, PhD, Understanding the Relational and Emotional Dimensions of Transitions in Elite Sport: Professional Footballers Tales. 2017
Cardiff Metropilitan University, PhD, Psychological perspectives on progression and development within elite developmental performance domains. 2016
Newman University Birmingham, PhD, Children's Physical Activity Levels during Primary School Break Times and Physical Education: Ecologically Framed Interventions. 2016
Swansea University, Mres, Comaprison of two school based interventions to increase phsycial activity in children. 2015
Swansea University, PhD, From pilot project to mainstream service: experiences of a workplace cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes prevention. 2015
University of Queensland, Jason Brooks, PhD, Learning to become a sport psychology consultant: Tales from the swamp. 2014
University of Hull, Chris Rowley, PhD, Reflections On Research And Applied Practice In Professional Rugby League: A Personal Journey Through Context, Method And Theory. 2013
Editorial boards:
Children, member of Editorial Board, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/children. 2020
Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, Member of Editorial Board. 2010
Membership of professional bodies:
Sport and Exercise Psychology Accreditation Route - Accredited Reviewer and Supervisor, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. 2020
Public Engagement Professional, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement. 2018
HCPC Registered, Registered with Health and Caring Professions Council, http://www.hpc-uk.org/search-results/?searchOption=1&search=Knowles&profession=PYL. 2012
Chartered Sport and Exercise psychologist, British Psychological Society. 2010
Member of the HEA, Higher Education Academy. 2005
Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist, BASES. 2000
Conference organisation:
Psychology of Football Conference - hosted by LJMU with BASES Endorsement, Lead Organiser (Joint). 2019
ECSS 2022, Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2018
Randox Health Week ' Creating an Active World from our Active City', Lead organiser. 2018
International Council for Coach Education, Co-chair. 2015
FEPSAC interim conference in collaboration with BASES, Member of organising committee. 2015
BASES Student Conference, Organising Committee Member/BASES Liaison. 2014
Physical activity and sedentary behaviour interventions for children and young people: From Robust Research to Reality in Practice, Organising committee. 2011
Other invited event:
Health, Wellbeing and the environment, Isla Gladstone Conservatory, Liverpool, Engagement event. Ran by the Innovation Agency (AHSN - NWC) an invited session focusing on the outcomes from the Natural Health Service programme 2015-2018. 2019
British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Belfast, Keynote lecture. 2018
Lanscape Institute CPD Day, Risley Moss, Birchwood Warrington, Session on Natural Health Service: Outcomes and Implications. Collaborative presentation between LJMU and The Mersey Forest. 2018
The Community Forest Conference, 2018, Birmingham, UK, INVITED SPEAKER. 2018
Childhood obesity in West Yorkshire: the role of the natural outdoors, Bradford, West Yorkshire, This workshop will bring together participants from both the health sector and those who have a direct influence over natural outdoor spaces. The aim is to inform and initiate outcome-oriented, longterm innovative partnerships operating at the local and regional level. While the focus is on tackling childhood obesity, it will also acknowledge the wider benefits of local nature for local communities. 2015
BASES Head of Department Forum, Leeds UK, Invited to present at Forum on Public Engagement. 2014
TES Resources National show, London, Invited 1 hour session to discuss physical activity environments and facilitation in pre school settings. 2011
Associate Fellow, British Psychological Society. 2016
Fellowship, BASES. 2011
Fellowship, HEA. 2007
Public engagement:
Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, Children and young people, teachers plus families, LJMU Lead for the co creation, science content, imagery and installation, This work took place over a period of time starting in 2016 and included co creation events over that time, At LJMU for the co creation events and at Eureka Science and Discovery Centre, My Personal Best, Co creation with pupils and Eureka Science and Discovery Centre of 5 exhibits focused on the wonders of sport and exercise science linked to being active and for sport performance, https://www.eurekadiscovery.org.uk/. 2016
Teaching qualification:
PG Cert (LTHE). 1998
Media Coverage:
Mission X - train like an Astronaut in conjunction with World Museum Liverpool (opens in a new tab)
Filming with CBBC for Turbo Boost programme. Sport psychology consultation with young BMX rider. 10th September 2013
Promotion of F2FSS events via Radio Merseyside (2 hours in) http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02qv1wx
Face to Face with Sports Science (summary of media coverage to Wellcome Trust funded project)
www.ljmu.ac.uk (opens in a new tab)
www.ljmu.ac.uk (opens in a new tab)