Dr Simon Roberts
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: S.Roberts2@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5426
Dr Simon Roberts (Reader in Sport and Exercise Pedagogy) is an academic member of staff with teaching duties. Simon is the Programme Leader for the Professional Doctorate in Applied Sport and Exercise Science (DSPORTEXSci) and is currently a member of the Football Exchange at LJMU. Simon sits on the Editorial Board for the European Journal of Sport in Society and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Sports Sciences and Frontiers in Sports and Active Living: Sports Coaching: Performance and Development. Simon's teaching duties include Research Methods and Independent Research Projects. Simon's research is translational in nature and includes a variety of methods and disciplines to support practitioners deal with work-based developments and problems.
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
Loughborough University, United Kingdom, MSc Sports Science & Coaching
Academic appointments
Reader in Sport & Exercise Pedagogy, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
Highlighted publications
Roberts SJ, Rudd J, Reeves M. 2019. Efficacy of using non-linear pedagogy to support attacking players’ individual learning objectives in elite-youth football: A randomised cross-over trial Journal of Sports Sciences, 38 :1454-1464 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Lewis C, Reeves MJ. 2019. Establishing consensus of position-specific predictors for elite youth soccer in England Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hurst H, Rylands L, Atkins S, Enright K, Roberts SJ. 2018. Profiling of translational and rotational head accelerations in youth BMX with and without neck brace Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21 :263-267 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Enright KJ, Morton JP, Iga J, Lothian D, Roberts SJ, Drust B. 2017. Reliability of ‘in-season’ fitness assessments in youth elite soccer players: a working model for practitioners and coaches. Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rylands LP, Roberts SJ, Hurst HT. 2015. Variability in Laboratory vs. Field Testing of Peak Power, Torque, and Time of Peak Power Production Among Elite Bicycle Motocross Cyclists Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 :2635-2640 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts S, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Stratton G. 2012. The influence of relative age effects on the cardiorespiratory fitness levels of children aged 9-10 and 11-12 years of age Pediatric Exercise Science, 24 :72-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Farrugia M, Olthof S, Roberts SJ, Cronin CJ. 2025. Making the Best Use of Time: Analysis of Practice Structure in Maltese Football Coaching MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice, 8 :61-75 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Richardson SJ, McRobert AP, Vinson D, Cronin CJ, Lee C, Roberts S. 2024. ‘Teeing’ Up Games for Understanding (TUGfU): a golf coach’s perception and application of a game-based approach Sport, Education and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sullivan J, Roberts S, Enright KJ, Littlewood MA, Johnson D, Hartley D. 2024. Consensus on Maturity-Related Injury Risks and Prevention in Youth Soccer: A Delphi Study PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mannix P, Roberts S, Enright KJ, Littlewood MA. 2024. The evolution of the talent pathway in Major League Soccer Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tierney P, Clarke N, Roberts S. 2024. The use and application of wearable technology in football further education settings in the UK Sport, Education and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wood S, Richardson D, Roberts SJ, Fletcher D. 2024. Exploring the Daily Hassles of Neophyte Cycling Coaches International Sport Coaching Journal, 11 :393-403 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Noel D, Samuel W, Reece C, Roberts S, Cronin CJ. 2024. The challenges of navigating different spaces and contexts in collaborative doctoral research in sport coaching Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Armitage M, McErlain-Naylor S, Devereux G, Beato M, Iga J, McRobert AP, Roberts S, Buckthorpe M. 2024. On-field rehabilitation in football: current practice and perceptions. A survey of the English Premier League and Football League Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wood S, Richardson D, Roberts S. 2023. ‘[Trails] and Tribulations’: Exploring Wash-Out in Cycling Coach Education Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, :1-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mannix P, Roberts SJ, Enright KJ, Littlewood MA. 2023. Surveying the youth-to-senior transition landscape in Major league Soccer: a new frontier Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Richardson SJ, McRobert AP, Vinson D, Cronin CJ, Lee C, Roberts SJ. 2023. Systematic review of sport coaches’ and teachers’ perceptions and application of game-based and constraints-led pedagogy: A qualitative meta-study Quest, :1-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sullivan J, Roberts SJ, Mckeown J, Littlewood M, McLaren-Towlson C, Andrew M, Enright K. 2023. Methods to predict the timing and status of biological maturation in male adolescent soccer players: A narrative systematic review. PLoS One, 18 :e0286768 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crotti M, Rudd J, Roberts S, Fitton Davies K, O'Callaghan L, Utesch T, Foweather L. 2022. Physical activity promoting teaching practices and children's physical activity within physical education lessons underpinned by motor learning theory (SAMPLE-PE) PloS one, 17 :e0272339 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fitton-Davies K, Foweather L, Watson PM, Bardid F, Roberts SJ, Davids K, O'Callaghan L, Crotti M, Rudd J. 2021. Assessing the Motivational Climates in Early Physical Education Curricula underpinned by Motor Learning Theory: SAMPLE-PE Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Andrew M, Baptise GZ, Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Ford PR. 2021. The developmental activities of skilled youth CONCACAF soccer players and the contribution of their development system INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wood S, Richardson DJ, Roberts SJ. 2021. ‘Who’s who’: Exploring cycling coaches’ biographies International Sport Coaching Journal, :1-10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wood S, Richardson D, Roberts S. 2021. “Who’s Who?”: Identifying Cycling Coaches’ Biographies International Sport Coaching Journal, 9 :179-188 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Crotti M, Rudd JR, Weaver RG, Roberts SJ, O'Callaghan L, Fitton Davies K, Foweather L. 2021. Validation of modified SOFIT+: Relating physical activity promoting practices in physical education to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in 5-6 year old children Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 25 :322-334 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fitton Davies K, Watson PM, Rudd JR, Roberts SJ, Bardid F, Knowles ZR, Foweather L. 2021. Development and validity of the Motivation Assessment Tool for Physical Education (MAT-PE) among young children Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crotti M, Rudd JR, Roberts SJ, Boddy LM, Fitton Davies K, O'Callaghan L, Utesch T, Foweather L. 2021. Effect of Linear and Nonlinear Pedagogy Physical Education Interventions on Children’s Physical Activity: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (SAMPLE-PE) Children, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Rudd J, Enright K, Reeves MJ. 2020. Research in Another un-Examined (RAE) context. A Chronology of 35 Years of Relative Age Effect Research in Soccer: Is it time to move on? Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rudd JR, Crotti M, Fitton-Davies K, O'Callaghan L, Bardid F, Utesh T, Roberts SJ, Boddy LM, Cronin CJ, Knowles ZR, Foulkes JD, Watson PM, Pesce C, Button C, Lubans D, Buszard T, Walsh BA, Foweather L. 2020. Skill Acquisition Methods Fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in 5–6-Year-Old Children From Deprived Areas of North West England Frontiers in Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewis C, Roberts SJ, Andrews HJ, Sawiuk R. 2020. A Creative Writing Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Coach Education: Stacey’s Story Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 28 :72-80 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ. 2019. A Bioecological Perspective on Talent Identification in Junior-Elite Soccer: A Pan-European Perspective Journal of Sports Sciences, 38 :1259-1268 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, McRobert AP, Lewis C, Roberts SJ. 2019. A case study of the use of verbal reports for talent identification purposes in soccer: A Messi affair! PLoS One, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rylands L, Roberts SJ. 2019. Performance Characteristics in BMX Racing: A Scoping Review Journal of Science and Cycling, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, Rudd J, Reeves M. 2019. Efficacy of using non-linear pedagogy to support attacking players’ individual learning objectives in elite-youth football: A randomised cross-over trial Journal of Sports Sciences, 38 :1454-1464 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Lewis C, Reeves MJ. 2019. Establishing consensus of position-specific predictors for elite youth soccer in England Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, Baker M, Reeves MJ, Johnson G, Cronin CJ. 2018. Lifting the veil of depression and alcoholism in sport coaching: how do we care for carers? Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hurst H, Rylands L, Atkins S, Enright K, Roberts SJ. 2018. Profiling of translational and rotational head accelerations in youth BMX with and without neck brace Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21 :263-267 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Littlewood MA, McRobert A, Roberts SJ. 2018. A Scoping Review of the Potential Sociological Predictors of Talent in Junior-elite Football: 2000-2016 Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Enright KJ, Dowling J, Roberts SJ. 2018. Stakeholder’s understanding and perceptions of bio-banding in junior-elite football training Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ, McRobert A, Littlewood M. 2018. Factors Affecting the Identification of Talented Junior-Elite Footballers: A case study Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Littlewood MA, Alistair M, Roberts SJ. 2018. The nature and function of talent identification in junior-elite football in English category one academies Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves M, Roberts S. 2018. Talent identification and talent development in junior-elite football in the UK: an introduction Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Enright KJ, Morton JP, Iga J, Lothian D, Roberts SJ, Drust B. 2017. Reliability of ‘in-season’ fitness assessments in youth elite soccer players: a working model for practitioners and coaches. Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rylands LP, Roberts SJ, Hurst HT. 2017. Effect of gear ratio on peak power and time to peak power in BMX cyclists European Journal of Sport Science, 17 :127-131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rylands L, Roberts SJ, Hurst H. 2016. The effect of ‘Pumping’ and ‘Non-pumping’ techniques on velocity production and muscle activity during field-based BMX cycling JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewis C, Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ. 2016. Improving the physical and mental wellbeing of typically hard-to-reach men: an investigation of the impact of the Active Rovers project Sport in Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews HJ, Lewis CJ, Roberts SJ. 2015. 'Why am I putting myself through this?' Women football coaches' experiences of the Football Association's coach education process Sport, Education and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rylands LP, Roberts SJ, Hurst HT. 2015. Variability in Laboratory vs. Field Testing of Peak Power, Torque, and Time of Peak Power Production Among Elite Bicycle Motocross Cyclists Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 :2635-2640 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, Stott T. 2015. A new factor in UK students’ university attainment: The relative age effect reversal? Quality Assurance in Education, 23 :295-305 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lewis C, Groom R, Roberts SJ. 2015. Exploring the value of a coach intervention process within Women’s youth soccer: A case study International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI Publisher Url
Roberts S. 2014. Talking Relative Age Effects: A Fictional Narrative Based on Scientific Evidence Asia Pacific Journal of Health, Sport & Physical Education, DOI Publisher Url
Roberts SJ, Reeves MJ, Ryrie A. 2014. The influence of physical activity, sport and exercise motives among UK based university students Journal of Further & Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url
Rylands L, Roberts SJ. 2014. Relationship between starting and finishing position in World Cup BMX racing International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14 :14-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rylands L, Roberts SJ, Cheetham M, Baker A. 2013. Velocity production in elite bmx riders: A field based study using a srm power meter Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 16 :40-50
Rylands L, Roberts SJ, Cheetham M, Baker A. 2013. Velocity Production in Elite BMX Riders: A Field Based Study Using a SRM Power Meter Journal of Exercise Physiology, :53-63
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ, Ridgers ND, Porteous C. 2013. ‘An observational assessment of physical activity levels and social behavior during elementary recess' Health Education Journal, 3 :254-262 DOI
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ. 2013. The influence of relative age effects in representative youth rugby union in the United Kingdom Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Sciences,
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ. 2013. Perceptions of Performance Analysis in Elite Youth Football International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 1 :200-211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ryrie A, Cullinane D, Roberts SJ. 2013. The use of technological based assessment in developing the self-directed learner: a case study in sport coaching Innovations in Practice, 8 :100-109
Roberts S, Fairclough, SJ, Ryrie A, Sharpe L. 2012. A computer-based observational analysis of physical education teachers and youth sport coaches pedagogic behaviour International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport,
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ, Ridgers ND, Porteous C. 2012. An observational assessment of physical activity levels and social behavior during elementary recess, The Health Education Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ. 2012. The influence of relative age effect in the assessment of high school students in physical education in the United Kingdom Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 31 :56-70 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ. 2012. A Five-Stage Process for the Development and Validation of a Systematic Observation Instrument: The System for Observing the Teaching of Games in Physical Education (SOTG-PE) European Physical Education Review, 18 :97-113 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Stratton G. 2012. The influence of relative age effects on the cardiorespiratory fitness levels of children aged 9-10 and 11-12 years of age Pediatric Exercise Science, 24 :72-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S, Ryrie A. 2012. How would Socrates teach the sports coaches? Innovation in Practice, 7 :109-121
Roberts S, Ryrie A. 2011. Socratic case-method teaching in sports coach education: Reflections of students and course tutors, Sport, Education & Society Sport, Education & Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S. 2011. ‘Teaching Games for Understanding: The difficulties and challenges experienced by participation cricket coaches Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy, 16 :33-48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ. 2011. Observational analysis of student activity modes, lesson contexts and teacher interactions during games classes in high school physical education European Physical Education Review, 11 :255-268 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S. 2010. What Can Coach Education Programmes Learn from the Teachers? Model-Based Instruction in a UK National Governing Body Award Course INT J SPORTS SCI COA, 5 :109-116 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ. 2010. Students’ and tutors’ experiences of Sport Education within an ITE PE programme Physical Education Matters, 5 :21-27
Roberts S. 2010. Constructivism and Sports Coaching: A case study of the challenges and difficulties associated with model-based instruction Innovations in Practice, 3 :25-34
Roberts S. 2009. Can the coaches learn from the teachers? An examination of model-based instruction in a National Governing Body of Sport coach education programme Innovations in Practice, 2 :58-65
Roberts S. 2008. Podcasting feedback to students: Students’ Perceptions of Effectiveness www.heacademy.ac.uk/hlst,
Roberts S, Fairclough SJ. 2008. Sport Education: experiences and perceptions of both initial teacher education students and tutors Innovations in Practice, 1 :2-9
Roberts S. 2007. Performance in invasion games: An assessment of ITT/PGCE physical education teachers Physical Education Matters, 3 :42-48
Roberts S. 2007. The motivational effects of incorporating Teaching Games for Understanding within a Sport Education season Physical Education Matters, 2 :41-46
Seshia MMK, Loewen L, Fraser-Askin D, Cronin CMG, Roberts S. 2003. Effective Delivery of Neonatal Pretransport Stabilization Teaching Using Telehealth in Manitoba Paediatrics & Child Health, 8 :15B-15B DOI Publisher Url
Roberts SJ, Fairclough SJ, Ryrie A, Sharpe L. A computer-based observational analysis of the instructional behaviours of physical education teachers and youth sports coaches, Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy., DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts S, Potrac P, Nelson L. Behaviourism, constructivism and sports coaching pedagogy: A conversational narrative in the facilitation of athlete learning Sport, Education & Society, Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Cheang S, Hlynka D, Adair E, Roberts S. Videoconferencing can be used to assess neonatal resuscitation skills Medical Education, 35 :1013-1023 DOI Publisher Url
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ, Kelly AL. 2023. Sociocultural: Reflecting on the social and cultural influences on talent in soccer Talent Identification and Development in Youth Soccer: A Guide for Researchers and Practitioners :97-108 DOI
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ, Kelly AL. 2023. Sociocultural Talent Identification and Development in Youth Soccer :97-108 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ. 2023. Sociological influences on the identification and development of players Williams AM, Ford P, Drust B. Science and Soccer: Developing Elite Performers Routledge 978-1032460307 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, Rudd JR, Reeves MJ. 2023. Efficacy of using non-linear pedagogy to support attacking players' individual learning objectives in elite-youth football: A randomised cross-over trial Science and Football :258-268 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ. 2023. A bioecological perspective on talent identification in junior-elite soccer: A Pan-European perspective Science and Football :63-72 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ. 2023. Sociological influences on the identification and development of players Science and Soccer: Developing Elite Performers :155-167 DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Roberts SJ, Cronin O, Armour K. 2018. Caring for, and with, others: Julie's story Cronin C, Armour K. Care in Sport Coaching Pedagogical Cases :82-101 Routledge 9780815363491
Cronin C, Roberts S, Cronin O, Armour K. 2018. Caring for, and with, others Care in Sport Coaching :82-100 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Lewis C, Roberts S, Andrews H. 2017. Women into coaching - are you sure? Kilvington D, Price J. Sport & Discrimination Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Lewis C, Roberts S, Andrews H. 2017. Women into coaching Are you sure? SPORT AND DISCRIMINATION 72 :77-89 978-1-138-19457-1
Fitton Davies K, Watson P, Rudd J, Bardid F, Knowles Z, Roberts S, Foweather L. 2019. Development, face and content validity of a novel qualitative tool to measure young children's motivation for physical education FEPSAC
Fitton Davies K, Watson P, Rudd J, Bardid F, Knowles Z, Roberts S, Foweather L. 2019. Development of a novel qualitative method to measure young children’s motivation for physical education: draw, write, show and tell.
Conference publication
Ryrie A, Cullinane D, Roberts S, Reeves MJ. 2015. Empowering self-directed learning in undergraduate students: A case study for sport coach education 10th ICCE Global Coach Conference
Richards K, Blundell M, Roberts S. 2015. Richards, K., & Blundell, (2014). 'I will if you will': intial findings from a Sport England Pilot Designed to postiively change women;s sporting behaviour. The 6th International World Congress on Women In Sport. Finland, Helsinkin, June
Roberts S. ‘The motivational effects of incorporating TGfU pedagogy within a sport education season.’ Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference on Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding,
Roberts S. ‘Secondary PGCE students’ invasion games’ playing ability and perceptions on games knowledge and understanding ’ Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference on Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding
Roberts S. Podcasting feedback to students: A pilot study Poster Presented at Liverpool John Moores University, Learning and Teaching Conference.
Ryrie A, Roberts S. Developing pedagogy and practice: supporting and assessing sports coaching students with electronic technologies 16th Annual SEDA Conference 2011: Using Technology to Enhance Learning.
Roberts S. How persuasive are Relative Age Effects? An assessment of UK high school physical education Proceedings of the Faculty Research Conference, Liverpool John Moores University
Mannix P, Lozano JMO, Enright K, Roberts S, Littlewood M. Deconstructing the physical output between tapering sessions, match days, and post-match training sessions: A single case report Graduate Journal of Sports Science, Coaching, Management, & Rehabilitation, 1 :15-15 DOI Publisher Url
Blundell M, Richards K, Roberts S, McIlroy D, Reeves MJ. 2014. Measuring women and girls sport behaviour and attitude change in Bury :1-75
Reeves MJ, Enright KJ, Dowling J, Roberts S. An Exploratory Analysis of Bio-banding Pre-Season Training in Junior-elite Football Exploring stakeholder perceptions of the use of bio-banding during a six week pre-season period.
Conference presentation:
‘The power of the first week’: Exploring the effectiveness of using a peer mentoring induction intervention to support new undergraduate students, British Educational Research Association, Aston University, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2023
Editorial boards:
Frontiers in Sport and Active Living: Sports Coaching Performance and Development, Associate Editor, https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/sports-and-active-living/sections/sports-coaching-performance-and-development#editorial-board. 2022
Journal of Sports Sciences, Editorial Board Member (Sports Performance), http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=rjsp20. 2017
European Journal of Sport in Society, Member of Scientific Board. 2014
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU FREE Fund, Verbal reporting in professional football, Matthew J Reeves & Alistair McRobert, Grant value (£): £28,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2016
British Council, UK Football Study Programme for Yunnan Province, China, Martin Littlewood, Matthew Reeves, Grant value (£): 120,000, Duration of research project: 3-months. 2016
Liverpool John Moores University, A linear and angular axes analyses of full face BMX helmets on riders, Lee Rylands & Dr Howard Hurst, Grant value (£): £5500.00, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
Bury Council / Sport England, The measurement of women and girls sport behaviour and attitude change in Bury, Kaye Richards, Blundell, M., Matthew Reeves, Simon Roberts, Grant value (£): 98,000, Duration of research project: 18 Months. 2013
Conference organisation:
ICCE Global Coach Conference 2017 ICCE 2017 Global Coach Conference Challenging Sport Coaching Frontiers: The Role of Sports Science and Technology, Member of Executive Committee, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/conferences/global-coach-conference. 2015
Education Community & Leisure Research Sabbatical, Liverpool John Moores University. 2011
HEI UKCC Evaluator, SkillSActive/IPSAL/SportsCoack UK. 2010
Fellow Higher Education Academy, HLST. 2010
External collaboration:
University of Gloucester, Dr Don Vinson. 2010
Sports Coach UK UKCC 4 Consultant, National Governing Bodies of Sport.