Prof Simon Bennett
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: S.J.Bennett@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6257
Professor Simon Bennett (Professor of Sensorimotor Neuroscience) is an academic member of staff with teaching and research duties. Simon teaches on both the Sport Psychology and Sport & Exercise Science degrees. He is a tutor for level 4, 5 and 6 modules and leader of level 6 module on Applied Motor Behaviour (6052SPS). Simon is the Brain and Behaviour Research Group Leader and member of the RISES board. He has published over 170 peer-review journal articles and 4 books in the areas of Sensorimotor Neuroscience, and Motor Control and Learning. The main aim of his research to understand the sensorimotor processes involved in typical and atypical human motor behaviour, with the intention to facilitate performance and learning across the lifespan. Central to his work is the detailed analysis of overt human movement across a range of scales from whole-body to upper limb fine motor control, as well as the underlying cognitive, visual, ocular and neural processes. His research has been funded by Economic and Social Research Council, British Council, Royal Society, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Nike Plc.
1996, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD, Motor Behaviour
1993, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BSc (hons) 1st, Sport Science
Academic appointments
Professor of Sensorimotor Neuroscience, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - present
Reader in Behavioural Neuroscience, Liverpool John Moores University, 2005 - 2009
Research Fellow, Optometry & Neuroscience, University of Manchester, 2001 - 2005
Lecturer in Motor Control, Sport & Exercise Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1998 - 2001
Research Fellow, Sport & Exercise Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1996 - 1998
Highlighted publications
Pinto-Escalona T, Gobbi E, Valenzuela PL, Bennett SJ, Aschieri P, Martin-Loeches M, Paoli A, Martinez-de-Quel O. 2024. Effects of a school-based karate intervention on academic achievement, psychosocial functioning, and physical fitness: A multi-country cluster randomized controlled trial Journal of Sport and Health Science, 13 :90-98 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
De Waelle S, Laureys F, Lenoir M, Bennett SJ, Deconinck FJA. 2021. Children Involved in Team Sports Show Superior Executive Function Compared to Their Peers Involved in Self-Paced Sports. Children (Basel), 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliott D, Lyons J, Hayes SJ, Burkitt JJ, Hansen S, Grierson LEM, Foster NC, Roberts JW, Bennett SJ. 2020. The multiple process model of goal-directed aiming/reaching: insights on limb control from various special populations. Experimental brain research, 238 :2685-2699 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster NC, Bennett SJ, Causer J, Elliott D, Bird G, Hayes SJ. 2020. Facilitating sensorimotor integration via blocked practice underpins imitation learning of atypical biological kinematics in autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 24 :1494-1505 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster NC, Bennett SJ, Causer J, Elliott D, Bird G, Hayes SJ. 2019. Getting off to a shaky start: specificity in planning and feedforward control during sensorimotor learning in autism spectrum disorder Autism Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ, Hayes S, Uji M. 2018. Stroboscopic vision when interacting with multiple moving objects: Perturbation is not the same as elimination Frontiers in Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliott D, Lyons J, Hayes SJ, Burkitt JJ, Roberts JW, Grierson LEM, Hansen S, Bennett SJ. 2017. The multiple process model of goal-directed reaching revisited Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 72 :95-110 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ, Benguigui N. 2013. Is acceleration used for ocular pursuit and spatial estimation during prediction motion? PLoS One, 8 :e63382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliott D, Hayes SJ, Bennett SJ. 2012. 125 years of perceptual-motor skill research. Am J Psychol, 125 :9-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, O'Donnell D, Hansen S, Barnes GR. 2012. Facilitation of ocular pursuit during transient occlusion of externally-generated target motion by concurrent upper limb movement. J Vis, 12 :1-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Barnes GR. 2004. Predictive smooth ocular pursuit during the transient disappearance of a visual target. J Neurophysiol, 92 :578-590 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Barnes GR. 2003. Human ocular pursuit during the transient disappearance of a visual target. J Neurophysiol, 90 :2504-2520 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Limballe A, Kulpa R, Bennett S. Using Blur for Perceptual Investigation and Training in Sport? A Clear Picture of the Evidence and Implications for Future Research Frontiers in Psychology, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Borot L, Ogden R, Bennett SJ. 2024. Prefrontal cortex activity and functional organisation in dual-task ocular pursuit is affected by concurrent upper limb movement Scientific Reports, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ramyarangsi P, Bennett SJ, Siripornpanich V, Nanbancha A, Pokaisasawan A, Chatthong W, Ajjimaporn A. 2024. EEG differences in competitive female gymnastics, soccer, and esports athletes between resting states with eyes closed and open. Sci Rep, 14 :23317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ramyarangsi P, Bennett S, Nanbancha A, Pokaisasawan A, Noppongsakit P, Ajjimaporn A. 2024. Eye Movements and Visual Abilities Characteristics in Gymnasts, Soccer Players, and Esports Athletes: A Comparative Study Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 27 :70-80 Publisher Url Public Url
Ramyarangsi P, Bennett SJ, Siripornpanich V, Nanbancha A, Pokaisasawan A, Noppongsakit P, Ajjimaporn A. 2024. Distinct Visual Processing Patterns in Female Elite Athletes: A Comparative Study of Gymnastics, Soccer, and Esports Using Visual P300 Event-Related Potentials International Journal of Exercise Science, 17 :1595-1604 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pinto-Escalona T, Gobbi E, Valenzuela PL, Bennett SJ, Aschieri P, Martin-Loeches M, Paoli A, Martinez-de-Quel O. 2024. Effects of a school-based karate intervention on academic achievement, psychosocial functioning, and physical fitness: A multi-country cluster randomized controlled trial Journal of Sport and Health Science, 13 :90-98 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster NC, Bennett SJ, Pullar K, Causer J, Becchio C, Clowes DP, Hayes SJ. 2023. Observational learning of atypical biological kinematics in autism Autism Research, 16 :1799-1810 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts JW, Bennett SJ. 2023. Does the threat of COVID-19 modulate automatic imitation? PLoS One, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Bennett SJ. 2022. Online control of rapid target-directed aiming using blurred visual feedback. Human movement science, 81 :102917 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Maiden J, Bennett SJ. 2022. Impact of simulated target blur on the preparation and execution of aiming movements Visual Cognition, 30 :564-572 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Limballe A, Kulpa R, Vu A, Mavromatis M, Bennett SJ. 2022. Virtual reality boxing: Gaze-contingent manipulation of stimulus properties using blur. Frontiers in psychology, 13 :902043 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
De Waelle S, Warlop G, Lenoir M, Bennett SJ, Deconinck FJA. 2021. The development of perceptual-cognitive skills in youth volleyball players. J Sports Sci, 39 :1911-1925 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
De Waelle S, Van Bostraeten S, Lenoir M, Deconinck FJA, Bennett SJ. 2021. Visual Cognition and Experience Mediate the Relation between Age and Decision Making in Youth Volleyball Players. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, 98 :802-808 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
De Waelle S, Laureys F, Lenoir M, Bennett SJ, Deconinck FJA. 2021. Children Involved in Team Sports Show Superior Executive Function Compared to Their Peers Involved in Self-Paced Sports. Children (Basel), 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliott D, Lyons J, Hayes SJ, Burkitt JJ, Hansen S, Grierson LEM, Foster NC, Roberts JW, Bennett SJ. 2020. The multiple process model of goal-directed aiming/reaching: insights on limb control from various special populations. Experimental brain research, 238 :2685-2699 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett BT, Cruickshank AG, Flavell JC, Bennett SJ, Buckley JG, Harris JM, Scally AJ. 2020. Faster visual reaction times in elite athletes are not linked to better gaze stability. Scientific reports, 10 :13216 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster NC, Bennett SJ, Causer J, Elliott D, Bird G, Hayes SJ. 2020. Facilitating sensorimotor integration via blocked practice underpins imitation learning of atypical biological kinematics in autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 24 :1494-1505 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliott D, Bennett SJ. 2020. Intermittent vision and goal-directed movement: A review Journal of Motor Behavior, 53 :523-543 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Smeeton NJ, Bennett SJ, Hayes SJ, Bourne M, Williams AM. 2020. The informational properties of the throwing arm for anticipation of goal-directed action. Human movement science, 71 :102627 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster NC, Bennett SJ, Causer J, Elliott D, Bird G, Hayes SJ. 2019. Getting off to a shaky start: specificity in planning and feedforward control during sensorimotor learning in autism spectrum disorder Autism Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
De Quel ÓM, Bennett SJ. 2019. Perceptual-cognitive expertise in combat sports: A narrative review and a model of perception-action RICYDE: Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 15 :323-338 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Osateerakun P, Barton G, Foster R, Bennett S, Lakshminarayan R. 2018. P 037 – Prediction of moments from movements without force platforms using artificial neural networks: A pilot test Gait and Posture, 65 :299-300 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Hayes S, Uji M. 2018. Stroboscopic vision when interacting with multiple moving objects: Perturbation is not the same as elimination Frontiers in Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster NC, Bennett SJ, Causer J, Bird G, Andrew M, Hayes SJ. 2018. Atypical biological kinematics are represented during observational practice Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44 :842-847 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Bennett SJ, Hayes SJ. 2018. Impression or expression? The influence of self-monitoring on the social modulation of motor contagion Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71 :850-858 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ, Uji M, Baurès R. 2018. Asymmetrical time-to-contact error with two moving objects persists across different vertical separations. Acta Psychol (Amst), 185 :146-154 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Flavell JC, Barrett BT, Buckley JG, Harris JM, Scally AJ, Beebe NB, Cruickshank AG, Bennett SJ. 2018. Temporal estimation in prediction motion tasks is biased by a moving destination Journal of Vision, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ballester R, Huertas F, Uji M, Bennett SJ. 2017. Stroboscopic vision and sustained attention during coincidence-anticipation. Sci Rep, 7 :17898 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barrett BT, Flavell JC, Bennett SJ, Cruickshank AG, Mankowska A, Harris JM, Buckley JG. 2017. Vision and Visual History in Elite/Near-Elite-Level Cricketers and Rugby-League Players. Sports Med Open, 3 :39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hayes SJ, Andrew M, Foster NC, Elliott D, Gowen E, Bennett SJ. 2017. Sensorimotor learning and associated visual perception are intact but unrelated in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Strudwick AJ, Bennett SJ. 2017. Visual function of English Premier League soccer players Science and Medicine in Football, 1 :178-182 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Causer J, Hayes SJ, Hooper JM, Bennett SJ. 2017. Quiet eye facilitates sensorimotor preprograming and online control of precision aiming in golf putting Cognitive Processing, 18 :47-54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Bennett SJ, Welsh TN, Elliott D, Lyons JL, Hayes SJ. 2017. The influence of environmental context in interpersonal observation–execution Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70 :154-162 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliott D, Lyons J, Hayes SJ, Burkitt JJ, Roberts JW, Grierson LEM, Hansen S, Bennett SJ. 2017. The multiple process model of goal-directed reaching revisited Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 72 :95-110 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Andrew M, Bennett SJ, Elliott D, Hayes SJ. 2016. Complimentary lower-level and higher-order systems underpin imitation learning. Brain and cognition, 104 :25-33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ, Benguigui N. 2016. Spatial Estimation of Accelerated Stimuli Is Based on a Linear Extrapolation of First-Order Information. Experimental psychology, 63 :98-106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Elliott D, Lyons JL, Hayes SJ, Bennett SJ. 2016. Common vs. independent limb control in sequential vertical aiming: The cost of potential errors during extensions and reversals Acta Psychologica, 163 :27-37 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hayes SJ, Dutoy CA, Elliott D, Gowen E, Bennett SJ. 2016. Atypical biological motion kinematics are represented by complementary lower-level and top-down processes during imitation learning Acta Psychologica, 163 :10-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Llorens F, Sanabria D, Huertas F, Molina E, Bennett S. 2015. Intense Physical Exercise Reduces Overt Attentional Capture. Journal of sport & exercise psychology, 37 :559-564 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hayes SJ, Andrew M, Elliott D, Gowen E, Bennett SJ. 2015. Low Fidelity Imitation of Atypical Biological Kinematics in Autism Spectrum Disorders Is Modulated by Self-Generated Selective Attention. Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beebe N, Flavell J, Cruickshank A, Bennett S, Buckley J, Harris J, Barrett B. 2015. Visuo-motor delay in fast and slow ball sports PERCEPTION, 44 :248-248 Author Url
Roberts JW, Hayes SJ, Uji M, Bennett SJ. 2015. Motor contagion: the contribution of trajectory and end-points PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH-PSYCHOLOGISCHE FORSCHUNG, 79 :621-629 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Bennett SJ, Elliott D, Hayes SJ. 2015. Motion trajectory information and agency influence motor learning during observational practice ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA, 159 :76-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ. 2015. Gaze-orientation during transient occlusion Movement and Sports Sciences - Science et Motricite, :29-42 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts JW, Bennett SJ, Hayes SJ. 2015. Top-down social modulation of interpersonal observation-execution. Psychological Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Baurès R, Bennett SJ, Causer J. 2015. Temporal estimation with two moving objects: overt and covert pursuit Experimental Brain Research, 233 :253-261 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cruikshank A, Harris J, Buckley J, Bennett S, Flavell J, Beebe N, Barrett B. 2015. A visual test battery: Comparing elite cricketers and non-cricketers PERCEPTION, 44 :455-456 Author Url
Cruickshank AG, Flavell JC, Beebe NC, Buckley JG, Bennett SJ, Harris JM, Barrett BT. 2015. Relationship between reaction time and ball catching in vision-restricted conditions in elite sportspeople PERCEPTION, 44 :244-244
Elliott D, Dutoy C, Andrew M, Burkitt JJ, Grierson LEM, Lyons JL, Hayes SJ, Bennett SJ. 2014. The Influence of Visual Feedback and Prior Knowledge About Feedback on Vertical Aiming Strategies JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 46 :433-443 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hayes SJ, Roberts JW, Elliott D, Bennett SJ. 2014. Top-Down Attentional Processes Modulate the Coding of Atypical Biological Motion Kinematics in the Absence of Motor Signals JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE, 40 :1641-1653 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Robinson MA, Elliott D, Hayes SJ, Barton GJ, Bennett SJ. 2014. Primary and submovement control of aiming in C6 tetraplegics following posterior deltoid transfer JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Martinez de Quel O, Bennett SJ. 2014. Kinematics of Self-Initiated and Reactive Karate Punches RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 85 :117-123 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G, Hawken MB, Poole I, Sparks A, Bennett S, Drust B, Morton J, Close GL. 2014. Rapid weight-loss impairs simulated riding performance and strength in jockeys: implications for making-weight. J Sports Sci, 32 :383-391 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bourne M, Bennett SJ, Hayes SJ, Smeeton NJ, Williams AM. 2013. Information underpinning anticipation of goal-directed throwing. Atten Percept Psychophys, 75 :1559-1569 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hayes SJ, Elliott D, Bennett SJ. 2013. Visual online control processes are acquired during observational practice. Acta Psychol (Amst), 143 :298-302 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hansen S, Hayes SJ, Bennett SJ. 2013. Integration of alternating monocular samples during goal-directed aiming. Motor Control, 17 :95-104 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sánchez García R, Hayes SJ, Williams AM, Bennett SJ. 2013. Multisensory Perception and Action in 3-Ball Cascade Juggling Journal of Motor Behavior, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sánchez García R, Hayes SJ, Williams AM, Bennett SJ. 2013. Multisensory perception and action in 3-ball cascade juggling Journal of Motor Behavior, 45 :29-36 DOI Author Url
Tijtgat P, Vanrenterghem J, Bennett SJ, De Clercq D, Savelsbergh GJP, Lenoir M. 2013. Postural adjustments in catching: on the interplay between segment stabilization and equilibrium control. Motor Control, 17 :48-61 DOI Author Url
Bennett SJ, Benguigui N. 2013. Is acceleration used for ocular pursuit and spatial estimation during prediction motion? PLoS One, 8 :e63382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tijtgat P, Vanrenterghem J, Bennett SJ, De Clercq D, Savelsbergh G JP, Lenoir M. 2013. Postural adjustments in catching: on the interplay between segment stabilization and equilibrium control. Motor Control, 17 :48-61 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rieken A, Savelsbergh G, Bennett SJ. 2013. Degrees offreedom, movement co-ordination and interceptive action of children with and without cerebral palsy :213-224 DOI
Savelsbergh G, Davids K, van der Kamp J, Bennett SJ. 2013. Theoretical perspectives on the development of movement co-ordination in children :1-14 DOI
Savelsbergh G, Davids K, van der Kamp J, Bennett SJ. 2013. Preface Development of movement Co-Ordination in Children: Applications in the Fields of Ergonomics, Health Sciences and Sport, 9780203389669 :Xii-Xiii DOI
Savelsbergh G, Davids K, van der Kamp J, Bennett SJ. 2013. Development of movement co-ordination in children: Applications in the fields of ergonomics, health sciences and sport Development of movement Co-Ordination in Children: Applications in the Fields of Ergonomics, Health Sciences and Sport, :1-274 DOI
Savelsbergh G, Davids K, van der Kamp J, Bennett SJ. 2013. Preface Development of movement Co-Ordination in Children: Applications in the Fields of Ergonomics, Health Sciences and Sport, :Xii-Xiii DOI
Tijtgat P, Vanrenterghem J, Bennett SJ, De Clercq D, Savelsbergh GJP, Lenoir M. 2012. Implicit advance knowledge effects on the interplay between arm movements and postural adjustments in catching. Neurosci Lett, 518 :117-121 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tijtgat P, Vanrenterghem J, Bennett SJ, De Clercq D, Savelsbergh GJP, Lenoir M. 2012. Implicit advance knowledge effects on the interplay between arm movements and postural adjustments in catching Neuroscience Letters, 518 :117-121 DOI
Roberts JW, Bennett SJ, Elliott D, Hayes SJ. 2012. Top-down and bottom-up processes during observation: Implications for motor learning EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 14 :S250-S256 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ, Elliott D, Rodacki A. 2012. Movement strategies in vertical aiming of older adults. Exp Brain Res, 216 :445-455 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hayes SJ, Andrew M, Elliott D, Roberts JW, Bennett SJ. 2012. Dissociable contributions of motor-execution and action-observation to intermanual transfer. Neurosci Lett, 506 :346-350 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elliott D, Hayes SJ, Bennett SJ. 2012. 125 years of perceptual-motor skill research. Am J Psychol, 125 :9-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, O'Donnell D, Hansen S, Barnes GR. 2012. Facilitation of ocular pursuit during transient occlusion of externally-generated target motion by concurrent upper limb movement. J Vis, 12 :1-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tijtgat P, Bennett SJ, Savelsbergh GJP, De Clercq D, Lenoir M. 2011. To know or not to know: influence of explicit advance knowledge of occlusion on interceptive actions. Exp Brain Res, 214 :483-490 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Deconinck FJA, van Polanen V, Savelsbergh GJP, Bennett SJ. 2011. The relative timing between eye and hand in rapid sequential pointing is affected by time pressure, but not by advance knowledge. Exp Brain Res, 213 :99-109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bourne M, Bennett SJ, Hayes SJ, Williams AM. 2011. The dynamical structure of handball penalty shots as a function of target location. Hum Mov Sci, 30 :40-55 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hansen S, Hayes S, Bennett SJ. 2011. Inter-ocular and intra-ocular integration during prehension NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 487 :17-21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elliott D, Hansen S, Grierson LEM, Lyons J, Bennett SJ, Hayes SJ. 2010. Goal-directed aiming: two components but multiple processes. Psychol Bull, 136 :1023-1044 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Baures R, Hecht H, Benguigui N. 2010. Eye movements influence estimation of time-to-contact in prediction motion. Exp Brain Res, 206 :399-407 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Robinson MA, Hayes SJ, Bennett SJ, Barton GJ, Elliott D. 2010. Sensory-motor equivalence: manual aiming in C6 tetraplegics following musculotendinous transfer surgery at the elbow. Exp Brain Res, 206 :81-91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Causer J, Bennett SJ, Holmes PS, Janelle CM, Williams AM. 2010. Quiet eye duration and gun motion in elite shotgun shooting. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 42 :1599-1608 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ, Orban de Xivry J-J, Lefèvre P, Barnes GR. 2010. Oculomotor prediction of accelerative target motion during occlusion: long-term and short-term effects. Exp Brain Res, 204 :493-504 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hayes SJ, Elliott D, Bennett SJ. 2010. General motor representations are developed during action-observation. Exp Brain Res, 204 :199-206 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tijtgat P, Bennett SJ, Savelsbergh GJP, De Clercq D, Lenoir M. 2010. Advance knowledge effects on kinematics of one-handed catching EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 201 :875-884 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Benguigui N, Bennett SJ. 2010. Ocular pursuit and the estimation of time-to-contact with accelerating objects in prediction motion are controlled independently based on first-order estimates EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 202 :327-339 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Feltham MG, Ledebt A, Bennett SJ, Deconinck FJA, Verheul MHG, Savelsbergh GJP. 2010. The "Mirror Box" Illusion: Effect of Visual Information on Bimanual Coordination in Children with Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy MOTOR CONTROL, 14 :68-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Orban de Xivry J-J, Lefèvre P, Barnes GR. 2010. Oculomotor prediction of accelerative target motion during occlusion: long-term and short-term effects Experimental Brain Research, :1-12
Hayes SJ, Timmis MA, Bennett SJ. 2009. Eye movements are not a prerequisite for learning movement sequence timing through observation. Acta Psychol (Amst), 131 :202-208 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Timmis MA, Bennett SJ, Buckley JG. 2009. Visuomotor control of step descent: evidence of specialised role of the lower visual field EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 195 :219-227 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ashford D, Davids K, Bennett SJ. 2009. Difference-based meta-analytic procedures for between-participant and/or within-participant designs: A tutorial review for sports and exercise scientists JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 27 :237-255 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S. 2008. Ventral and dorsal contribution to visual anticipation in fast ball sports - Introduction INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 39 :97-99 Author Url
Hayes SJ, Ashford D, Bennett SJ. 2008. Goal-directed imitation: the means to an end. Acta Psychol (Amst), 127 :407-415 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Buckley JG, MacLellan MJ, Tucker MW, Scally AJ, Bennett SJ. 2008. Visual guidance of landing behaviour when stepping down to a new level EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 184 :223-232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Orban de Xivry J-J, Barnes GR, Lefèvre P. 2007. Target acceleration can be extracted and represented within the predictive drive to ocular pursuit. J Neurophysiol, 98 :1405-1414 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gill KP, Bennett SJ, Savelsbergh GJP, van Dieen JH. 2007. Regional changes in spine posture at lift onset with changes in lift distance and lift style SPINE, 32 :1599-1604 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ricken AXC, Savelsbergh GJP, Bennett SJ. 2007. Interception of moving objects while walking in children with Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION, 29 :69-77 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ashford D, Davids K, Bennett SJ. 2007. Developmental effects influencing observational modelling: A meta-analysis JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 25 :547-558 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ricken AXC, Savelsbergh GJP, Bennett SJ. 2006. External timing constraints facilitate performance of everyday interceptive actions in children with Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 410 :187-192 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Ashford D, Rioja N, Coull J, Elliott D. 2006. Integration of intermittent visual samples over time and between the eyes. J Mot Behav, 38 :439-450 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Barnes GR. 2006. Smooth ocular pursuit during the transient disappearance of an accelerating visual target: the role of reflexive and voluntary control. Exp Brain Res, 175 :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ashford D, Bennett SJ, Davids K. 2006. Observational modeling effects for movement dynamics and movement outcome measures across differing task constraints: A meta-analysis JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 38 :185-205 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Barnes GR. 2006. Combined smooth and saccadic ocular pursuit during the transient occlusion of a moving visual object. Exp Brain Res, 168 :313-321 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
de Xivry JJO, Bennett SJ, Lefèvre P, Barnes GR. 2006. Evidence for synergy between saccades and smooth pursuit during transient target disappearance JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 95 :418-427 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angelakopoulos GT, Davids K, Bennett SJ, Tsorbatzoudis H, Grouios G. 2005. Postural stability and hand preference as constraints on one-handed catching performance in children. J Mot Behav, 37 :377-385 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Court MLJ, Bennett SJ, Williams AM, Davids K. 2005. Effects of attentional strategies and anxiety constraints on perceptual-motor organisation of rhythmical arm movements Neuroscience Letters, 384 :17-22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Barnes GR. 2005. Timing the anticipatory recovery in smooth ocular pursuit during the transient disappearance of a visual target. Exp Brain Res, 163 :198-203 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Savelsbergh GJP, Bennett SJ, Angelakopoulos GT, Davids K. 2005. Perceptual-motor organization of children's catching behaviour under different postural constraints NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 373 :153-158 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Ashford D, Rioja N, Elliott D. 2004. Intermittent vision and one-handed catching: the effect of general and specific task experience. J Mot Behav, 36 :442-449 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Rioja N, Ashford D, Elliott D. 2004. Intermittent vision and one-handed catching: The effect of general and specific task experience JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 36 :442-449 DOI Author Url
Bennett SJ, Barnes GR. 2004. Predictive smooth ocular pursuit during the transient disappearance of a visual target. J Neurophysiol, 92 :578-590 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ricken AXC, Savelsbergh GJP, Bennett SJ. 2004. Coordinating degrees of freedom during interceptive actions in children EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 156 :415-421 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lark SD, Buckley JG, Bennett S, Jones D, Sargeant AJ. 2003. Joint torques and dynamic joint stiffness in elderly and young men during stepping down. Clin Biomech (Bristol), 18 :848-855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Barnes GR. 2003. Human ocular pursuit during the transient disappearance of a visual target. J Neurophysiol, 90 :2504-2520 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Ashford D, Elliott D. 2003. Intermittent vision and one-handed catching: the temporal limits of binocular and monocular integration. Motor Control, 7 :378-387 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Ashford D, Elliott D. 2003. Intermittent vision and one-handed catching: The temporal limits of binocular and monocular integration MOTOR CONTROL, 7 :378-387 Author Url
Bennett SJ, Elliott D, Weeks DJ, Keil D. 2003. The effects of intermittent vision on prehension under binocular and monocular viewing MOTOR CONTROL, 7 :46-56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Court MLJ, Bennett SJ, Williams AM, Davids K. 2002. Local stability in coordinated rhythmic movements: fluctuations and relaxation times. Hum Mov Sci, 21 :39-60 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ward P, Williams AM, Bennett SJ. 2002. Visual search and biological motion perception in tennis. Res Q Exerc Sport, 73 :107-112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Buckley JG, O'Driscoll D, Bennett SJ. 2002. Postural sway and active balance performance in highly active lower-limb amputees. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 81 :13-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Button C, Davids K, Bennett SJ, Savelsbergh GJP. 2002. Anticipatory responses to perturbation of co-ordination in one-handed catching ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA, 109 :75-93 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Abood SA, Bennett SJ, Hernandez FM, Ashford D, Davids K. 2002. Effect of verbal instructions and image size on visual search strategies in basketball free throw shooting JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 20 :271-278 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rodacki ALF, Fowler NE, Bennett SJ. 2002. Vertical jump coordination: fatigue effects. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 34 :105-116 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Abood SA, Davids KF, Bennett SJ. 2001. Specificity of task constraints and effects of visual demonstrations and verbal instructions in directing learners' search during skill acquisition. J Mot Behav, 33 :295-305 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rodacki AL, Fowler NE, Bennett SJ. 2001. Multi-segment coordination: fatigue effects. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 33 :1157-1167 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Abood SA, Davids K, Bennett SJ, Ashford D, Martinez Marin M. 2001. Effects of manipulating relative and absolute motion information during observational learning of an aiming task. J Sports Sci, 19 :507-520 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Davids K, Kingsbury D, Bennett S, Handford C. 2001. Information--movement coupling: implications for the organization of research and practice during acquisition of self-paced extrinsic timing skills. J Sports Sci, 19 :117-127 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mullineaux DR, Bartlett RM, Bennett S. 2001. Research design and statistics in biomechanics and motor control JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 19 :739-760 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rodacki ALF, Fowler NE, Bennett S. 2001. The effect of postural variations in movement co-ordination during plyometric rebound exercises JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS, 17 :14-27 DOI Publisher Url
Button C, Bennett S, Davids K. 2001. Grasping a better understanding of the intrinsic dynamics of rhythmical and discrete prehension JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 33 :27-36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, van der Kamp J, Savelsbergh GJ, Davids K. 2000. Discriminating the role of binocular information in the timing of a one-handed catch. The effects of telestereoscopic viewing and ball size. Exp Brain Res, 135 :341-347 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scott K, Kingsbury D, Bennett S, Davids K, Langley M. 2000. Effects of cricket ball colour and illuminance levels on catching behaviour in professional cricketers. Ergonomics, 43 :1681-1688 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Button C, Davids K, Bennett SJ, Taylor MA. 2000. Mechanical perturbation of the wrist during one-handed catching. Acta Psychol (Amst), 105 :9-30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Keil D, Holmes P, Bennett S, Davids K, Smith N. 2000. Theory and practice in sport psychology and motor behaviour needs to be constrained by integrative modelling of brain and behaviour. J Sports Sci, 18 :433-443 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Davids K, Bennett S, Kingsbury D, Jolley L, Brain T. 2000. Effects of postural constraints on children's catching behavior. Res Q Exerc Sport, 71 :69-73 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ. 2000. Implicit learning: Should it be used in practice? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 31 :542-546
Bennett S, van der Kamp J, Savelsbergh GJ, Davids K. 1999. Timing a one-handed catch. I. Effects of telestereoscopic viewing. Exp Brain Res, 129 :362-368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Button C, Kingsbury D, Davids K. 1999. Manipulating visual informational constraints during practice enhances the acquisition of catching skill in children. Res Q Exerc Sport, 70 :220-232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Davids K, Craig T. 1999. The effect of temporal and informational constraints on one-handed catching performance. Res Q Exerc Sport, 70 :206-211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett S, Davids K, Woodcock J. 1999. Structural Organization of Practice: Effects of Practicing Under Different Informational Constraints on the Acquisition of One-Handed Catching Skill. J Mot Behav, 31 :3-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
van der Kamp J, Bennett SJ, Savelsbergh GJP, Davids K. 1999. Timing a one-handed catch II. Adaptation to telestereoscopic viewing EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 129 :369-377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Davids K, Bennett S, Handford C, Jones B. 1999. Acquiring coordination in self-paced, extrinsic timing tasks: A constraints-led perspective INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 30 :437-461
Davids K, Button C, Bennett S. 1999. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 3 :3-30 DOI Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Davids K. 1998. Manipulating peripheral visual information in manual aiming: exploring the notion of specificity of learning Human Movement Science, 17 :261-287 DOI Publisher Url
Button C, Bennett SJ, Davids K. 1998. Coordination dynamics of rhythmical and discrete prehension movements: Implications of the scanning procedure and individual differences Human Movement Science, 17 :801-820 DOI Publisher Url
Davids K, Bennett SJ. 1998. The dynamical hypothesis: The role of biological constraints on cognition Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21 :636-644 DOI Publisher Url
van der Kamp J, Bennett SJ, Savelsbergh GJP, Davids K. 1998. Adaptation to telestereoscopic viewing in timing an one-handed catch JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 20 :S117-S117
Handford C, Davids K, Bennett S, Button C. 1997. Skill acquisition in sport: some applications of an evolving practice ecology. J Sports Sci, 15 :621-640 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bennett SJ, Davids K. 1997. The effect of task constraints on the manipulation of visual information and the implications for the specificity of learning hypothesis Human Movement Science, 16 :379-390 DOI Publisher Url
Bennett S, Davids K, Button C. 1996. The specificity of learning hypothesis and one-handed catching Journal of Sports Sciences, 14 :20-21
Bennett S, Davids K. 1996. Does the removal or addition of vision during practice enhance skill acquisition? A test of the specificity of learning hypothesis Journal of Sports Sciences, 14 :19-20
Bennett S, Davids K. 1995. The manipulation of vision during the powerlift squat: exploring the boundaries of the specificity of learning hypothesis. Res Q Exerc Sport, 66 :210-218 DOI Author Url
Limballe A, Kulpa R, Bennett S. Using Blur for Perceptual Investigation and Training in Sport? A Clear Picture of the Evidence and Implications for Future Research Frontiers in Psychology, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Limballe A, Kulpa R, Verhulst E, Ledouit S, Bennett SJ. Virtual reality boxing: impact of gaze-contingent blur on elite boxers performance and gaze behavior Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Martínez de Quel Ó, Bennett SJ. 2016. Perceptual-cognitive expertise in combat sport: from scientific research to training Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 5th IMACSSS World Scientific Congress 11 :12-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Robinson MA, Hayes S, Bennett S, Barton G, Elliott D. 2010. Sensory motor equivalence: Manual aiming in tetraplegic patients following tendon transfer surgery 11th International Multisensory Research Forum
Ricken AXC, Bennett SJ, Savelsbergh GJP. 2005. Coordination of reaching in children with spastic hemiparetic cerebral palsy under different task demands MOTOR CONTROL, International Workshop on Advances in Motor Research in Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy 9 :357-371 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kingsbury D, Bennett S, Davids K. 2003. An analysis of movement behaviour in novices: re-exploring the 'degrees-of-freedom' problem JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :242-243 Author Url
Kingsbury D, Davids K, Bennett S. 2002. Developing coordination in the overhand volleyball float serve: a constraints-led perspective JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 20 :11-12
Bennett S, Elliott D. 1999. Effects of intermittent vision on prehension under binocular and monocular viewing. STUDIES IN PERCEPTION AND ACTION V, 5 :140-143
Beak S, Davids K, Bennett S. 1999. Perception of affordances of haptic information in children and adults STUDIES IN PERCEPTION AND ACTION V, 5 :215-218
Roberts J, Maiden J, Bennett S. Impact of simulated low target vision on target-directed movement Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology 50 :63-63
Roberts J, Bennett S, Welsh T, Elliott D, Lyons J, Hayes S. The influence of environmental context in interpersonal observation-execution Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology 47 :44-44
Roberts J, Bennett S, Lyons J, Elliott D. Common vs. independent limb control in sequential vertical aiming: extending or reversing target-aiming movements Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology 46 :65-65
Roberts J, Bennett S. Online control of rapid target-directed aiming under simulated low vision Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology 52
Books (authored)
Davids K, Button C, Bennett SJ. 2008. Dynamics of skill acquisition Human Kinetics Publishers 9780736036863
Davids K, Bennett S, Newell KM. 2006. Movement system variability Human Kinetics Publishers 9780736044820
Savelsbergh GJP, Davids K, van der Kamp JG, Bennett SJ. 2003. Development of movement co-ordination in children Psychology Press 9780415247375
Davids K, Savelsbergh GJP, Bennett SJ, van der Kamp JG. 2002. Interceptive actions in sport: Information and Movement Psychology Press 9780415241533 DOI Publisher Url
Bennett SJ. 1996. Exploring the Boundaries of the Specificity of Learning Hypothesis Davids K.
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
BBSRC (High Performance Sport), Linking Perception to Action in Sport: Does superior visual perception explain why good players make it look easy?, Barrett (Bradford), Buckley (Bradford), Harriss (Newcastle), Grant value (£): 636,789, Duration of research project: 4. 2011
Media Coverage:
Professional activities
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Leeds, PhD, Exploring Neuroplasticity through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Neurocognitive Mechanisms and Future Treatment Potential. 2024
University of Birmingham, PhD, Vision Testing and Visual Training in Sport. 2015
Leeds, Claudia Gonzales, PhD. 2012
Free University Amsterdam, Johan Koedijker, PhD. 2010
Free University Amsterdam, Hemke van Doorn, PhD. 2009
Otago, New Zealand, Robert Rein, PhD. 2009
Wales, Bangor, Anthony Oldham, PhD. 2008
University of Ghent, Liesbeth Mazyn, PhD. 2006
Birmingham, Martin Lansley, PhD. 2005
Wales, Bangor, Gavin Lawrence, PhD. 2004
Free University Amsterdam, Simone Caljouw, PhD. 2004
External committees:
External panel member for professorial promotion, University of Leeds. 2024
External panel member for readership promotion, Manchester Metropolitan University. 2023
External panel member for professorial promotion, Cleveland State University. 2022
External panel member for professorial promotion, University of Exeter. 2017
External panel member for Senior Lecturer promotion, Brunel University London. 2015
External panel member for professorial promotion, University of Western Ontario, Canada. 2013
External panel member for Senior Lecturer promotion, University of Manchester. 2013
Professorial Recruitment Panel, Sheffield Hallam University, External Panel Member. 2013
Local Scientific Committee, European College of Sport Science.
Research Grants Awarded:
Baily Thomas Charitable Fund, Children with Learning Disabilities: A cross-syndrome comparison of motor skill learning, physical activity and mental health in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome and Williams Syndrome, Dr Spencer Hayes & Dr Dr Jo Van Herwegen - University College London, Grant value (£): 87,245, Duration of research project: 2/0. 2022
DTA COFUND, Now Where was I? Cortical function during ocular and oculo-manual pursuit, Grant value (£): 71,917, Duration of research project: 3. 2019
Ghent University, Starting Grant, Dr Frederik Deconinck (Promotor), Grant value (£): 213,000, Duration of research project: 3. 2016
Nike Inc, SPARQ sensory performance, Grant value (£): 70354.69, Duration of research project: 2. 2012
BBSRC (High Performance Sport), Linking Perception to Action in Sport: Does superior visual perception explain why good players make it look easy?, Barrett (Bradford), Buckley (Bradford), Harriss (Newcastle), Grant value (£): 636,789, Duration of research project: 4. 2011
Royal Society, Travel Award, Grant value (£): 3634. 2009
National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Post-Doctoral supervisor, Grant value (£): 42000, Duration of research project: 24. 2007
British Council, International Exchange Programme, Grant value (£): 1670. 2000
ESRC, ROPA award (RO22250173), Grant value (£): 66314, Duration of research project: 3. 1999
Royal Society, International Short Visit Grant, Grant value (£): 3884.
Other Professional Activity:
Member of the research team on an Erasmus+ "Sport at School" project (430.000€). 2019
External collaboration:
Universite Rennes 2, Prof Richard Kulpa. 2019
UCL, Dr Spencer Hayes. 2017
http://www.ugr.es/~daniel/styled/index.html, Mind, Brain & Behavior Research Center, University of Granada, Granada, Spain, Daniel Sanbria. 2014
Ghent University, Belgium, Prof F Deconinck.
Universidade Federal de Paraná, Brazil, Prof A Rodacki.
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Prof N Benguigui.
University of Bradford, UK, Dr J Buckley.
University of Manchester, Dr E Gowen.
Industrial connections:
Nike Inc, PI on project examining Nike SPARQ Sensory Performance Station.. 2012
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
Bradford, PhD. 2010
Free University Amsterdam, PhD. 2005
Invited Professor, Universidade Federal de Paraná (UFPR), Brazil. 2008
Invited Professor, University Paris-Sud. 2007
Visiting Foreign Researcher, Ghent University. 2006
Visiting Research Fellow, University of Otago, New Zealand. 2004
Media Coverage:
Award of £521k from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) for a project to explore the links between vision and sport was publicised in several national newspapers and university websites.
www.healthcanal.com (opens in a new tab)
www.yorkshirepost.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
Findings from BBSRC project to explore the links between vision and elite sport were recognised as a “hot topic” at the 2016 ARVO annual meeting, and publicised in web media.
www.arvo.org (opens in a new tab)
www.physiciansbriefing.com (opens in a new tab)
Findings of Nike and Man Utd project have been published in article entitled “Visual Function of English Premier League Soccer Players”, which was covered across international media including Science Daily The Daily Express The Daily Mail Eurek Alert Optician Online Health Day and Let’s Run.
www.express.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
www.sciencedaily.com (opens in a new tab)
www.dailymail.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
Membership of professional bodies:
Associate member, Behavioural Brain Sciences.
Associate member, British Psychological Association.
Associate member, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.
Associate member, Society for Neuroscience.
Editorial boards:
International Journal of Sport Psychology (2008), 39(2), Guest editor of special edition.
Journal of Sports Sciences, Psychology Advisory Board.