Dr Martin Littlewood
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: M.A.Littlewood@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8688
Journal article
Feddersen NB, Champ F, Littlewood MA. 2025. The Sport Psychology Canvas: Designing, adapting, and documenting Sport Psychology provisions in men’s football academies in England Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, DOI Publisher Url
Dixon AJ, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ, Twist C, Close GL. 2024. Physical collisions during elite rugby league match play and training: A stakeholder's perspective International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sullivan J, Roberts S, Enright KJ, Littlewood MA, Johnson D, Hartley D. 2024. Consensus on Maturity-Related Injury Risks and Prevention in Youth Soccer: A Delphi Study PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cranswick I, Richardson D, Littlewood M, Tod D. 2024. ‘It’s not just you come into the gym and do your weight training’: a narrative exploration of muscularity’s role as identity capital European Journal for Sport and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mannix P, Roberts S, Enright KJ, Littlewood MA. 2024. The evolution of the talent pathway in Major League Soccer Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mitchell TO, Cowburn IHJ, Alder DB, Till K, Littlewood MA, Cook T, Piggott D. 2024. Integrating Psychosocial Skill and Characteristic Development Into an English Academy Soccer Coaching Program: A Preliminary Investigation International Sport Coaching Journal, :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon AJ, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ, Twist C, Close GL. 2024. Understanding elite rugby league players' experience of collision, effective contact coaching techniques, and player contact psychology: A focus group study Journal of Sports Sciences, :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mannix P, Roberts SJ, Enright KJ, Littlewood MA. 2023. Surveying the youth-to-senior transition landscape in Major league Soccer: a new frontier Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chapman RJ, Cope E, Richardson D, Littlewood M, Cronin C. 2023. How did we get here; a historical and social exploration of the construction of English FA coach education Sport, Education and Society, :1-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sullivan J, Roberts S, McKeown J, Littlewood MA, Mclaren-Towlson C, Andrew M, Enright KJ. 2023. Methods to predict the timing and status of biological maturation in male adolescent soccer players: A narrative systematic review PLoS One, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Feddersen NB, Champ F, Sæther SA, Littlewood M. 2023. How Psychologists in Men's English Football Academies Evaluate Their Working Context and Adopt an Appropriate Professional Practice Framework Sport Psychologist, 37 :170-178 DOI Publisher Url
McGinty-Minister K, Champ FM, Eubank ME, Littlewood MA, Whitehead A. 2023. Stakeholder conceptualisations of mental health and mental illness in English Premier League Football academies Managing Sport and Leisure, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Feddersen NB, Champ F, Sæther SA, Littlewood M. 2022. Confidentiality and surveillance challenges for psychologists working in men’s football academies in England Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dempsey NM, Cope E, Richardson D, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ. 2022. An examination of content knowledge in formal coach education curriculum Sport, Education and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mitchell TO, Cowburn IHJ, Piggott D, Littlewood MA, Cook T, Till K. 2022. Fostering Psychosocial Characteristics Within an English Soccer Academy Sport Psychologist, 36 :139-149 DOI Publisher Url
Feddersen NB, Morris R, Storm LK, Littlewood MA, Richardson DJ. 2021. A Longitudinal Study of Power Relations in a British Olympic Sport Organization Journal of Sport Management, 35 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Andrew M, Ford PR, Miller MT, McRobert AP, Foster NC, Seerden G, Littlewood MA, Hayes SJ. 2021. Bridging the Gap Between Science and Application: The Use of Cocreation Educational Workshops in Professional Youth Soccer International Sport Coaching Journal, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Feddersen NB, Morris R, Ronkainen N, Sæther SA, Littlewood MA, Richardson D. 2021. A Qualitative Meta-Study of a Decade of the Holistic Ecological Approach to Talent Development Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 3 :24-39 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Littlewood MA, Charnock L, Till K, Mitchell TO, Gledhill A, Shand R. 2021. Players’ Perceptions of the Talent Development Environment Within the English Premier League and Football League International Sport Coaching Journal, 8 :362-370 DOI Publisher Url
Dempsey NM, Cope E, Richardson DJ, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ. 2021. Less may be more: how do coach developers reproduce “learner-centred” policy in practice? Sports Coaching Review, 10 :203-224 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McDougall MICHAEL, Ronkainen NOORA, Richardson D, Littlewood M, Nesti M. 2020. Organizational Culture Beyond Consensus and Clarity: Narratives From Elite Sport SPORT PSYCHOLOGIST, 34 :288-299 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Reverberi E, D'Angelo C, Littlewood MA, Gozzoli CF. 2020. Youth Football Players' Psychological Well-Being: The Key Role of Relationships FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Champ FM, Ronkainen NJ, Littlewood MA, Eubank M. 2020. Supporting Identity Development in Talented Youth Athletes: Insights from Existential and Cultural Psychological Approaches Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11 :219-232 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Champ F, Ronkainen N, Tod D, Eubank A, Littlewood M. 2020. A tale of three seasons: a cultural sport psychology and gender performativity approach to practitioner identity and development in professional football QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN SPORT EXERCISE AND HEALTH, 13 :847-863 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cranswick I, Richardson DJ, Littlewood MA, Tod D. 2020. “Oh Take Some Man-up Pills”: A Life-History Study of Muscles, Masculinity, and the Threat of Injury Performance Enhancement and Health, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mitchell T, Gledhill A, Nesti M, Richardson D, Littlewood M. 2020. Practitioner Perspectives on the Barriers Associated With Youth-to-Senior Transition in Elite Youth Soccer Academy Players International Sport Coaching Journal, 7 :273-282 DOI Publisher Url
Raya-Castellano PE, Reeves MJ, Littlewood MA, McRobert AP. 2020. An exploratory investigation of junior-elite football coaches´’ behaviours during video-based feedback sessions International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 20 :729-746 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Feddersen NB, Morris R, Abrahamsen FE, Littlewood MA, Richardson DJ. 2020. The influence of macrocultural change on national governing bodies in British olympic sports Sport in Society, 24 :1698-1714 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McDougall M, Ronkainen N, Richardson D, Littlewood M, Nesti M. 2020. Three team and organisational culture myths and their consequences for sport psychology research and practice INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 13 :147-162 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Morris R, Feddersen N, Richardson DJ, Littlewood MA. 2019. The Emergence and Perpetuation of a Destructive Culture in an Elite Sport in the United Kingdom Sport in Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Champ F, Ronkainen N, Nesti MS, Tod D, Littlewood M. 2019. ‘Through the lens of ethnography’: Perceptions, challenges, and experiences of an early career practitioner-researcher in professional football Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wadsworth N, Charnock L, Russell J, Littlewood M. 2018. Use of video-analysis feedback within a six-month coach education program at a professional football club Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11 :73-91 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Champ FM, Nesti MS, Ronkainen NJ, Tod DA, Littlewood MA. 2018. An Exploration of the Experiences of Elite Youth Footballers: The Impact of Organizational Culture Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 32 :146-167 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Finnegan L, McArdle J, Littlewood MA, Richardson DJ. 2018. Somewhat united: primary stakeholder perspectives of the governance of schoolboy football in Ireland Managing Sport and Leisure, 23 :48-69 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Littlewood MA, McRobert A, Roberts SJ. 2018. A Scoping Review of the Potential Sociological Predictors of Talent in Junior-elite Football: 2000-2016 Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dowling C, Reeves MJ, Littlewood MA, Nesti MS, Richardson DJ. 2018. Developing individuals whilst managing teams: perspectives of under 21 coaches within English Premier League football Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ, McRobert A, Littlewood M. 2018. Factors Affecting the Identification of Talented Junior-Elite Footballers: A case study Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Reeves MJ, Littlewood MA, Alistair M, Roberts SJ. 2018. The nature and function of talent identification in junior-elite football in English category one academies Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Devaney DJ, Nesti MS, Ronkainen NJ, Littlewood MA, Richardson DJ. 2017. Athlete Lifestyle Support of Elite Youth Cricketers: An Ethnography of Player Concerns Within a National Talent Development Program Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ronkainen NJ, Ryba TV, Littlewood MA, Selänne H. 2017. ‘School, family and then hockey!’ Coaches’ views on dual career in ice hockey International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 13 :38-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eubank MR, Nesti MS, Littlewood MA. 2017. A Culturally Informed Approach to Mental Toughness Development in High Performance Sport International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48 :206-222 DOI Author Url Public Url
McDougall M, Nesti M, Richardson D, Littlewood M. 2017. Emphasising the culture in culture change: Examining current perspectives of culture and offering some alternative ones Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 13 :47-59 DOI Publisher Url
Finnegan L, Richardson DJ, Littlewood MA, McArdle J. 2017. The influence of date and place of birth on youth player selection to a National Football Association elite development programme Science and Medicine in Football, 1 :30-39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
O'Halloran L, Littlewood MA, Richardson DJ, Tod D, Nesti MS. 2016. Doing descriptive phenomenological data collection in sport psychology research Sport in Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rennie DJ, Vanrenterghem J, Littlewood MA, Drust B. 2015. Can the natural turf pitch be viewed as a risk factor for injury within Association Football? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ronkainen NJ, Tikkanen O, Littlewood M, Nesti MS. 2015. An existential perspective on meaning, spirituality and authenticity in athletic careers Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7 :253-270 DOI
Mitchell T, Richardson D, Nesti M, Eubank M, Midgley A, Littlewood M. 2014. Exploring Athletic Identity in Elite Level English Youth Football:A Cross Sectional Approach Journal of Sports Sciences, 32 :1294-1299 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cook C, Littlewood M, Nesti M, Crust L, Allen-Collinson J. 2014. 'What it takes': perceptions of mental toughness and its development in an English Premier League Soccer Academy Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI
Cook C, Crust L, Littlewood M, Nesti M, Allen-Collinson J. 2014. 'What it takes': Perceptions of mental toughness and its development in an English Premier League Soccer Academy Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 6 :329-347 DOI Publisher Url
Nesti M, Littlewood M, O'Halloran L, Eubank M, Richardson D. 2012. Critical Moments in Elite Premiership Football: Who Do You Think You Are? Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research., 56 :23-32 DOI Publisher Url
Crust L, Nesti M, Littlewood M. 2012. A cross-sectional analysis of mental toughness in a professional football academy :171-180
Crust L, Nesti M, Littlewood M. 2012. Player and coach ratings of mental toughness in an elite association football academy :241-252
O'Halloran L, Richardson D, Littlewood M, Nesti M. 2012. Phenomenological analysis of critical moments of players in elite level English professional football Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health,
Littlewood MA, Mullen C, Richardson D. 2011. Football labour migration: an examination of the player recruitment strategies of the ‘big five’ European football leagues 2004–5 to 2008–9 Soccer and Society, 12 :788-805
Relvas H, Littlewood M, Nesti M, Gilbourne D, Richardson D. 2010. Organizational Structures and Working Practices in Elite European Professional Football Clubs: Understanding the Relationship between Youth and Professional Domains EUROPEAN SPORT MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY, 10 :165-187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Richardson D, Gilbourne D, Littlewood M. 2004. Developing support mechanisms for elite young players in a professional soccer academy: Creative reflections in action research European Sport Management Quarterly, 4 :195-214 DOI Publisher Url
Littlewood M, Mullen C, Richardson D. Football labour migration: an examination of the player recruitment strategies of the ‘big five’ European football leagues 2004–5 to 2008–9 Soccer and Society, 12 :788-805 DOI Publisher Url
Richardson D, Littlewood M, Nesti M, Benstead L. An Examination of the Migratory Transition of Elite Young European Soccer Players to the English Premier League Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ronkainen N, Tikkanen O, Littlewood M, Nesti M. An Existential Perspective to Meaning, Spirituality and Authenticity in Athletic Careers Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Publisher Url
Devaney DJ, Nesti MS, Ronkainen NJ, Littlewood MA, Richardson D. The Philosophical Underpinning of Athlete Lifestyle Support: An Existential-Humanistic Perspective Sport Psychologist, 36 :29-39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rye A, Ransom D, Littlewood M, Sæther SA. Performance and organizational stressors in the junior-to-senior transition in football Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 7 :003-003 DOI Publisher Url
O’Halloran L, Littlewood M, Richardson D, Tod D, Nesti M. 2018. Doing descriptive phenomenological data collection in sport psychology research Research Methodologies for Sport Scholarship :124-135 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Littlewood M, Morton J, Drust B. 2014. Sink or swim: Case study reflections from an undergraduate football scientist Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences: Contemporary issues :59-68
Richardson D, Relvas H, Littlewood M. 2013. Sociological and Cultural Influences on Player Development Science and Soccer: Developing Elite Performers :139-153 DOI
Littlewood MA, Nesti MS. 2011. Making your way in the game: Boundary situations in England's professional football world Gilbourne D, Andersen MB. Critical Essays in Applied Sport Psychology :233-250 Human Kinetics. USA 9780736078856
Littlewood MA, Nesti M. 2010. Psychological preparation and development of players in Premiership football: Practical and theoretical perspectives Reilly T, Williams AM, Drust B. International Research in Science and Soccer :169-175 Routledge. London
Relvas H, Richardson D, Gilbourne D, Littlewood M. 2009. Youth development in elite European football: Structure, philosophy, and working practices International Research in Science and Soccer: The Proceedings of the First World Conference on Science and Soccer :29-35
Nesti MS. 2009. Psychological preparation and development of players in premiership football: practical and theoretical perspectives. International research in science and soccer :169-176 Routledge
Relvas H, Littlewood M, Gilbourne D, Richardson D. Youth development structures, philosophy and working mechanisms of top-level football clubs: a pan-European perspective Reilly T, Korkusuz F. Science and Football VI: The Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Science and Football :476-481 Taylor and Francis. London
Littlewood MA, Drust B. Reflective practice in Science and Football Knowles Z, Gilbourne D, Dugdill L. Reflective Practice in Sport, Health and Pedagogy’
Littlewood MA, Richardson D. Sociological and Cultural Influences on Elite Player Development Williams AM. Science and Soccer DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Littlewood MA. 2018. Science in Soccer: Translating Theory into Practice Littlewood M, Gregson W. Bloomsbury Publishing. London
Woolfenden A. Supplement Use In Professional Rugby League Chester N, Close G, Littlewood M. Public Url
Littlewood M. The impact of foreign player acquisition on the development and progression of young players in elite level English professional football Public Url
Conference publication
Mannix P, Lozano JMO, Enright K, Roberts S, Littlewood M. Deconstructing the physical output between tapering sessions, match days, and post-match training sessions: A single case report Graduate Journal of Sports Science, Coaching, Management, & Rehabilitation, 1 :15-15 DOI Publisher Url
External committees:
Elite Performance Advisory Group, The English Premier League, Performance Psychology Advisor. 2017
Science and Football Steering Committee, World Congress Science and Football Steering Group, Psychology Advisor. 2016
Research Grants Awarded:
Racing Welfare, Racing Industry Mental Health, Dr Mark Nesti, Grant value (£): £94,290, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2017
The English Football Assocaition, Exploring the 'wash-out' effect on, and lived experiences of, Level 1 and 2 football coaches, Grant value (£): £60,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2017
British Council, UK Football Study Programme for Yunnan Province, China, Grant value (£): 159,000.00, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2016
Rugby Football Union, Motivation and movement of University leavers, Dr Robert Morris, Dr David Tod, Grant value (£): £24,852, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
Industrial connections:
Manchester United Football Club, Football Exchange Sports Science Support Assistant. 2016
Crewe Alexandra Football Club, Successfully gained an external consultancy contract to deliver Applied Sports Psychology support within the club. 2014
Everton Football Club, Management of Internship programme to provide Sports Science support to Academy teams. 2010
Other invited event:
World Congress Science and Soccer, Portland, Oregan, USA, Invited talk on Psychological Development of Elite Academy Players in English PRemier League Football. 2014
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2002
External collaboration:
http://www.leadersinfootball.com/, Leaders, Professional contributor for The Leaders magazine.
Membership of professional bodies:
Professional Member, BASES.