Image of Dr Mark Robinson

Dr Mark Robinson

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Dr Mark Robinson is currently a Reader of Biomechanics and Subject Head for Biomechanics and Strength and Conditioning in the School of Sport and Exercise Science. Mark completed all of his adacemic training at LJMU including his undergraduate degree (2003), masters degree (2004), doctorate (2011) and PG Cert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. He is a professional member of the International Society of Biomechanics and the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Sports Sciences and PeerJ.

Mark teaches on the undergraduate Sport & Exercise Science and Science & Football programmes and on the MSc Sport and Clinical Biomechanics programme. He was Programme Leader of the Sport and Exercise Science course for 5 years. Mark has been nominated by LJMU students in their Amazing Teaching Awards in the categories of "Amazing Academic Supervisor", " Amazing Teacher" and "Amazing Programme Team". He gained a LJMU Teaching and Learning Excellence Award in 2019 for "Academic Leadership". He has been an external examiner of the BSc Health & Performance Science programme at University College Dublin [2017-2020] and is currently external examiner at Loughborough University (MSc). He has also been an external panel member for new UG and PG courses in the UK.

Mark’s research interests are related to musculoskeletal loading, injury and impairment in the lower limbs but especially during sports activities. Of particular interest are lower limb injuries, monitoring of training loads and gait analysis. His research also includes the development of Statistical Parametric Mapping ( as a method to provide biomechanists with the appropriate statistical tools and techniques for analysing complex biomechanical data. He has run numerous workshops and seminars on spm1d around the world. He has published >75 journal articles in these areas since 2012 and has >75 verified reviews on Publons. Mark has supervised and co-supervised 9 PhD students and 1 Prof. Doc. student to completion. He has also hosted 5 ERASMUS students and three visiting researchers. In 2022 he also hosted the the 40th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports at LJMU.
