Image of Prof Jonathan Jarvis

Prof Jonathan Jarvis

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Professor Jonathan Jarvis (Professor of Sport and Exercise Science)
Professor Jonathan Jarvis (Professor of Sport and Exercise Science) is an academic member of staff with teaching duties. He currently oversees the Research Project Module that is a major part of the Masters Courses in Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Nutrition and Psychology, and manages the process of ethical review that is essential to practical work in those fields. Jonathan is an elected member of the Physiological Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
His research interest is in the adaptation of muscle to exercise training, and the use of programmed stimulation to activate and rehabilitate weak or disused muscles. He has particular expertise in the design and use of implantable stimulation devices in experimental research.
He is on the Board of Directors of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, He is a review Editor for Scientific Reports in the Nature family of Journals.
He has active research collaborations with the James Peters Veterans Hospital, Bronx, New York, The Medical University of Vienna, the Medical Devices Company Med-El, Innsbruck Austria, The University of Liverpool, The University of Birmingham, The Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo.
Jonathan is an experienced experimental physiologist and Home Office Licence holder and advises internally on methods and permissions in this field.


University of London (Queen Elizabeth Coillege), UK, BSc (Hons)
Imperial College, University of London, United Kingdom, PhD


2013, Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the HEA

Academic appointments

Honorary Research Fellow, Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, University of Liverpool, 2012 - present

Postgraduate training

Beit Memorial (now Wellcome) Research Fellow, United Kingdom, Beit Trust, 1992 - 1995
