Image of Prof Jatin Burniston

Prof Jatin Burniston

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Prof. Jatin G Burniston (Professor of Muscle Proteomics) leads the Cellular & Molecular Physiology of Lifelong Health (CaMP-LH) research group. His research interests centre on the use of proteomics to study muscle adaptation in the context of exercise training and the health benefits of exercise against non-communicable diseases and ageing. Jatin established the first proteomics facility with a specific focus on exercise physiology and he published the first works reporting proteomic analysis of the responses of muscle to exercise training. More recently, Jatin has pioneered dynamic proteome profiling methods that use stable isotope/'heavy water' labelling and sophisticated peptide mass spectrometry analyses to measure the rates of protein synthesis, abundance change and degradation.

Jatin strives to continue pioneering the field of exercise proteomics, and is a champion for the application of non-targeted '-omic' research in exercise physiology. He is a Fellow of the European College of Sports Sciences (ECSS) and a member of the ECSS Scientific Board. Jatin also serves on the Editorial Board of the American Physiological Society (APS) journal, Physiological Genomics, and the Open Access journal, Proteomes.

Jatin leads the MSc Exercise Physiology programme at LJMU and delivers the “Molecular Exercise Physiology" module, which includes practical training in bioinformatics and laboratory techniques including proteomics. Jatin contributed to the indicative text in this area, entitled "Molecular Exercise Physiology: An Introduction" and he recently co-Edited a book for the American Physiological Society series Methods in Physiology on "Omic Approaches to Understanding Muscle Biology."




2003, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2000, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons)


2013, Higher Education Authority, Ireland, FHEA

Academic appointments

Professor of Proteomics, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
Reader in Molecular Physiology, Research Institute for Sport & Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - 2015
Honorary Fellow, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Liverpool, 2010 - 2014

Postgraduate training

British Heart Foundation Junior Fellowship, UK, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - 2006
British Heart Foundation PhD Studentship, UK, Liverpool John Moores University, 2000 - 2003
