Image of Dr Daniel Owens

Dr Daniel Owens

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

Journal article

Bontemps B, Louis J, Owens DJ, Miríc S, Vercruyssen F, Gruet M, Erskine RM. 2025. Muscle soreness but not neuromuscular fatigue responses following downhill running differ according to the number of exercise bouts European Journal of Sport Science, 25 :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gillham SH, Cole PL, Viggars MR, Nolan AH, Close GL, Owens DJ. 2024. Comparative transcriptomics of broad-spectrum and synthetic cannabidiol treated C2C12 skeletal myotubes Physiological reports, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Franceschi A, Robinson MA, Owens DJ, Brownlee T, Bampouras TM, Ferrai Bravo D, Enright KJ. 2024. Training loads and microcycle periodisation in Italian Serie A youth soccer players Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bennett S, Tiollier E, Owens DJ, Brocherie F, Louis JB. 2024. Implications of Heat Stress-induced Metabolic Alterations for Endurance Training International Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 :422-435 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gillham SH, Starke L, Welch L, Mather E, Whitelegg T, Chester N, Owens DJ, Bampouras T, Close GL. 2024. Does a broad-spectrum cannabidiol supplement improve performance in a 10-min cycle ergometer performance-test? European Journal of Sport Science, :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Owens DJ, Bennett S. 2024. An exercise physiologist's guide to metabolomics Experimental Physiology, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bontemps B, Gruet M, Louis J, Owens DJ, Miríc S, Vercruyssen F, Erskine R. 2024. Patellar tendon adaptations to downhill running training and their relationships with changes in mechanical stress and loading history The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 38 :21-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Nolan A, Heaton RA, Adamova P, Cole P, Turton N, Gillham SH, Owens DJ, Sexton DW. 2023. Fluorescent characterization of differentiated myotubes using flow cytometry Cytometry Part A, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Franceschi A, Robinson M, Owens D, Brownlee T, Ferrari Bravo D, Enright K. 2023. Reliability and sensitivity to change of post-match physical performance measures in elite youth soccer players Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bennett SJ, Tiollier E, Guibert E, Morales-Artacho A, Lalire P, Owens DJ, Morton JP, Brocherie F, Louis J. 2023. Environmental heat stress offsets adaptation associated with carbohydrate periodization in trained male triathletes Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bennett S, Brocherie F, Phelan MM, Tiollier E, Guibert E, Morales‐Artacho AJ, Lalire P, Morton JP, Louis JB, Owens DJ. 2023. Acute heat stress amplifies exercise‐induced metabolomic perturbations and reveals variation in circulating amino acids in endurance‐trained males Experimental Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Viggars MR, Owens DJ, Stewart C, Coirault C, Mackey AL, Jarvis JC. 2022. PCM1 labeling reveals myonuclear and nuclear dynamics in skeletal muscle across species American Journal of Physiology. Cell physiology, 324 :C85-C97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bontemps B, Gruet M, Louis J, Owens DJ, Miric S, Erskine RM, Vercruyssen F. 2022. The time course of different neuromuscular adaptations to short‑term downhill running training and their specific relationships with strength gains European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bennett SJ, Tiollier E, Brocherie F, Owens DJ, Morton JP, Louis J. 2021. Three weeks of a home-based "sleep low-train low" intervention improves functional threshold power in trained cyclists: A feasibility study. PLoS One, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hudson JF, Phelan MM, Owens DJ, Morton JP, Close GL, Stewart CE. 2021. "Fuel for the Damage Induced": Untargeted Metabolomics in Elite Rugby Union Match Play. Metabolites, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Pugh JN, Phelan MM, Caamaño-Gutiérrez E, Sparks SA, Morton JP, Close GL, Owens DJ. 2021. Four Weeks of Probiotic Supplementation Alters the Metabolic Perturbations Induced by Marathon Running: Insight from Metabolomics. Metabolites, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fell JM, Hearris MA, Ellis DG, Moran JEP, Jevons EFP, Owens DJ, Strauss JA, Cocks MS, Louis JB, Shepherd SO, Morton JP. 2021. Carbohydrate improves exercise capacity but does not affect subcellular lipid droplet morphology, AMPK and p53 signalling in human skeletal muscle The Journal of Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hughes D, Turner DC, Baehr LM, Seaborne RA, Viggars M, Jarvis JC, Gorski P, Stewart CE, Owens DJ, Bodine S, Sharples AP. 2021. Knockdown of the E3 Ubiquitin ligase UBR5 and its role in skeletal muscle anabolism American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 320 :C45-C56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Owens DJ, Messeant J, Moog S, Viggars M, Ferry A, Mamchaoui K, Lacene E, Romero N, Brull A, Bonne G, Butler-Browne G, Coirault C. 2020. Lamin-Related Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Alters Mechanical Signaling and Skeletal Muscle Growth International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Turner DC, Gorski PP, Maasar MF, Seaborne RA, Baumert P, Brown AD, Kitchen MO, Erskine RM, Dos-Remedios I, Voisin S, Eynon N, Sultanov RI, Borisov OV, Larin AK, Semenova EA, Popov DV, Generozov EV, Stewart CE, Drust B, Owens DJ, Ahmetov II, Sharples AP. 2020. DNA methylation across the genome in aged human skeletal muscle tissue and muscle-derived cells: the role of HOX genes and physical activity. Scientific Reports, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Turner DC, Gorski PP, Maasar MF, Seaborne RA, Baumert P, Brown AD, Kitchen MO, Erskine RM, Dos-Remedios I, Voisin S, Eynon N, Sultanov RI, Borisov OV, Larin AK, Semenova EA, Popov DV, Generozov EV, Stewart CE, Drust B, Owens DJ, Ahmetov II, Sharples AP. 2020. DNA methylation across the genome in aged human skeletal muscle tissue and stem cells: The role of HOX genes and physical activity Scientific Reports, 10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hearris MA, Owens DJ, Strauss JA, Shepherd SO, Sharples AP, Morton JP, Louis JB. 2020. Graded reductions in pre-exercise glycogen concentration do not augment exercise-induced nuclear AMPK and PGC-1α protein content in human muscle. Experimental Physiology, 105 :1882-1894 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Areta JL, Iraki J, Owens DJ, Joanisse S, Philp A, Morton JP, Hallén J. 2020. Achieving energy balance with a high‐fat meal does not enhance skeletal muscle adaptation and impairs glycemic response in a sleep‐low training model Experimental Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Turner DC, Hughes DC, Baehr LM, Seaborne RA, Viggars M, Jarvis JC, Gorski PP, Stewart CE, Owens DJ, Bodine SC, Sharples AP. 2020. Knockdown of the E3 Ubiquitin ligase UBR5 and its role in skeletal muscle anabolism DOI Publisher Url

Owens DJ, Fischer M, Jabre S, Moog S, Mamchoui K, Butler-Browne G, Coirault C. 2020. Lamin Mutations Cause Increased YAP Nuclear Entry in Muscle Stem Cells Cells, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Seaborne RA, Hughes DC, Turner DC, Owens DJ, Baehr LM, Gorski P, Semenova EA, Borisov OV, Larin AK, Popov DV, Generozov EV, Sutherland H, Ahmetov II, Jarvis JC, Bodine SC, Sharples AP. 2019. UBR5 is a Novel E3 Ubiquitin Ligase involved in Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Recovery from Atrophy The Journal of Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Owens DJ, Twist C, Cobley JN, Howatson G, Close GL. 2019. Exercise-induced muscle damage: What is it, what causes it and what are the nutritional solutions? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 19 :71-85 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Owens DJ, Allison R, Close GL. 2018. Vitamin D and the Athlete: Current Perspectives and New Challenges Sports Medicine, 48 :3-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Earl K, Sakellariou G, Sinclair M, Fenech M, Croden F, Owens DJ, Tang J, Miller A, Lawton C, Dye L, Close GL, Fraser WD, McArdle A, Beadsworth M. 2017. Vitamin D status in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a cohort study from the North-West of England BMJ Open, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ueberschlag-Pitiot V, Stantzou A, Messéant J, Lemaitre M, Owens DJ, Noirez P, Roy P, Agbulut O, Metzger D, Ferry A. 2017. Gonad-related factors promote muscle performance gain during postnatal development in male and female mice American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology And Metabolism, 313 :E12-E25 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Owens DJ, Tang JCY, Bradley WJ, Sparks SA, Fraser WD, Morton JP, Close GL. 2016. Efficacy of High Dose Vitamin D Supplements for Elite Athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Girven M, Dugdale HF, Owens DJ, Hughes DC, Stewart CE, Sharples AP. 2016. L-glutamine improves skeletal muscle cell differentiation and prevents myotube atrophy after cytokine (TNF-α) stress via reduced p38 MAPK signal transduction Journal of Cellular Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Owens DJ, Sharples AP, Donovan T, Tang J, Fraser WD, Morton JP, Stewart CE, Close GL. 2016. Vitamin D and Skeletal Muscle Regeneration: A Systems Approach Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 65 :157-157 DOI Publisher Url

Owens DJ, Sharples AP, Polydorou I, Alwan N, Donovan TD, Tang J, Fraser WD, Cooper RG, Morton JP, Stewart CE, Close GL. 2015. A Systems Based Investigation into Vitamin D and Skeletal Muscle Repair, Regeneration and Hypertrophy American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism, 309 :E1019-E1031 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wilson G, Pritchard PP, Papageorgiou C, Phillips S, Kumar P, Langan-Evans C, Routledge H, Owens DJ, Morton JP, Close GL. 2015. Fasted Exercise and Increased Dietary Protein Reduces Body Fat and Improves Strength in Jockeys INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 36 :1008-1014 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sharples AP, Polydorou I, Hughes DC, Owens DJ, Hughes TM, Stewart CE. 2015. Skeletal muscle cells possess a 'memory' of acute early life TNF-α exposure: role of epigenetic adaptation. Biogerontology, :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Owens DJ, Fraser WD, Close GL. 2015. Vitamin D and the athlete: Emerging insights EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 15 :73-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Impey SG, Smith D, Robinson AL, Owens DJ, Bartlett JD, Smith K, Limb M, Tang J, Fraser WD, Close GL, Morton JP. 2014. Leucine-enriched protein feeding does not impair exercise-induced free fatty acid availability and lipid oxidation: beneficial implications for training in carbohydrate-restricted states AMINO ACIDS, 47 :407-416 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Owens DJ, Webber D, Impey SG, Tang J, Donovan TF, Fraser WD, Morton JP, Close GL. 2014. Vitamin D supplementation does not improve human skeletal muscle contractile properties in insufficient young males EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 114 :1309-1320 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Cobley JN, Sakellariou GK, Owens DJ, Murray S, Waldron S, Gregson W, Fraser WD, Burniston JG, Iwanejko LA, McArdle A, Morton JP, Jackson MJ, Close GL. 2014. Lifelong training preserves some redox-regulated adaptive responses after an acute exercise stimulus in aged human skeletal muscle FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 70 :23-32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Close GL, Leckey J, Patterson M, Bradley W, Owens DJ, Fraser WD, Morton JP. 2013. The effects of vitamin D(3) supplementation on serum total 25[OH]D concentration and physical performance: a randomised dose-response study. Br J Sports Med, 47 :692-696 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Owens DJ, Close GL. 2013. Vitamin D and athletic performance Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech, 24 :63-67 Author Url

Close GL, Russell J, Cobley JN, Owens DJ, Wilson G, Gregson W, Fraser WD, Morton JP. 2013. Assessment of vitamin D concentration in non-supplemented professional athletes and healthy adults during the winter months in the UK: implications for skeletal muscle function. J Sports Sci, 31 :344-353 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Conference publication

Franceschi A, Robinson M, Owens D, Brownlee T, Connolly D, Ferrari B, Enright K. 2024. Training loads in congested and non-congested microcycles in elite youth soccer players. Isokinetic Medical Conference. 27th - 30th May (2024).

Franceschi A, Robinson M, Owens D, Brownlee T, Bampouras T, Ferrari, Bravo D, Enright K. 2023. Training loads and micro-cycle periodization in Italian Serie A youth soccer players World Congress on Science and Football (WCSF) DOI Author Url

Franceschi A, Robinson M, Owens D, Brownlee T, Connolly D, Ferrari Bravo D, Enright K. 2022. The reliability and sensitivity of post-match neuromuscular measures in elite youth soccer players World Conference on Science and Soccer (WCSS)

Sweeney HL, Masiero S, Carraro U. 2022. The 2022 On-site Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine hosts the University of Florida Institute of Myology and the Wellstone Center, March 30 - April 3, 2022 at the University of Padua and Thermae of Euganean Hills, Padua, Italy: The collection of abstracts. European journal of translational myology, 32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McArdle A, Gusnanto A, Earl K, Sakellariou G, Lawton C, Owens D, Close G, Beadsworth M, Dye L. 2017. The role of IP-10 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. FASEB JOURNAL, Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Pharmacology-and-Experimental-Therapeutics (ASPET) at Experimental Biology Meeting 31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Owens DJ, Polydorou I, Alwan N, Fraser WD, Tang J, Morton J, Sharples AP, Stewart CE, Close GL. 2015. The Role of Vitamin D in Skeletal Muscle Repair: A Systems Biology Approach European College of Sport Science (ECSS)

Earl K, Sakellariou G, Owens D, Sinclair M, Fenech M, Close G, Lawton C, Dye L, Beadsworth M, McArdle A. 2015. The Role of Cytokines in Muscle Fatigue in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). FASEB JOURNAL, Experimental Biology Meeting 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Franceschi A, Robinson M, Owens D, Brownlee T, Connolly D, Ferrari Bravo D, Enright K. Manipulating training load 48 hours after a match: effects on recovery responses in elite youth soccer players 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS)

Editorial/letter to the editor

Louis J, Bennett S, Owens DJ, Tiollier E, Brocherie F, Carneiro MAS, Nunes PRP, Costa B, Castro-e-Souza P, Lima LA, Lisboa F, Oliveira-Júnior G, Kassiano W, Cyrino ES, Orsatti FL, Bossi AH, Matta G, Tolomeu de Oliveira G, Renato Melo F, Rocha Soares E, Ocelli Ungheri B, Daros Pinto M, Nuzzo JL, Latella C, van den Hoek D, Mallard A, Spathis J, DeBlauw JA, Ives SJ, Ravanelli N, Narang BJ, Debevec T, Baptista LC, Padrão AI, Oliveira J, Mota J, Zacca R, Nikolaidis PT, Lott DJ, Forbes SC, Cooke K, Taivassalo T, Elmer SJ, Durocher JJ, Fernandes RJ, Silva G, Costa MJ. 2022. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst: can we perform remote data collection in sport sciences? J Appl Physiol (1985), 133 :1433-1440 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richardson A, Owens DJ, Ross K. 2018. MicroRNA-184 and its lncRNA sponge uca1 are induced in wounded keratinocytes in a store-operated calcium entry-dependent manner. British Journal of Dermatology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url


Sharples A, Turner D, Roth S, Seaborne R, Egan B, Viggars M, Jarvis J, Owens D, Burniston J, Gorski P, Stewart C. 2022. Methods in molecular exercise physiology Sharples A, Morton J, Wackerhage H. Molecular Exercise Physiology An Introduction Routledge 9781138086883 DOI Publisher Url

Owens DJ. 2018. Nutritional Support to Counteract Muscle Atrophy Xiao J. MUSCLE ATROPHY 1088 :483-495 SPRINGER-VERLAG SINGAPORE PTE LTD DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Owens D, Ben J, Warren B, Graeme C. 2015. Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids for Recovery Kevin T, Ben J. The Science of Sport: Rugby :56-56 9781785001062


Richardson A, Owens D, Ross K. 2021. MicroRNA-184 and its lncRNA sponge uca1 are induced in wounded keratinocytes in a store-operated calcium entry-dependent manner. DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Gusnanto A, Earl KE, Sakellariou GK, Owens DJ, Lightfoot A, Fawcett S, Owen E, Staunton CA, Shu T, Croden FC, Fenech M, Sinclair M, Ratcliffe L, Whysall KA, Haynes R, Wells NM, Jackson MJ, Close GL, Lawton C, Beadsworth MBJ, Dye L, McArdle A. 2020. Discriminatory cytokine profiles predict muscle function, fatigue and cognitive function in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) medRxiv DOI Publisher Url

Richardson A, Owens D, Ross K. 2018. microRNA-184 and Its lncRNA Sponge UCA1 are Induced in Wounded Keratinocytes in a Store-Operated Calcium Entry-Dependent Manner Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url


Owens DJ. The Role of Vitamin D in Skeletal Muscle Function and Regeneration Close G, Morton J. Public Url
