Image of Dr Colin Lewis

Dr Colin Lewis

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

Dr Colin Lewis is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences (SPS). Colin is an academic member of staff, contributing to the BSc Sport Coaching and BSc Physical Education programmes at Liverpool John Moores University. In 2020, Colin formed part of the Physical Education team that was nominated by the students for the Amazing Course Team Award at the 2020 Amazing Teaching Awards. He is also the Year Tutor for Level 4 on the PE programme. Colin is also the Link Tutor for the Sports Coaching and Performance programme at Nelson and Colne College.

Colin completed his PhD at Liverpool John Moores University in January 2017. Under the supervision of Dr Simon Roberts, his thesis examined how gendered issues are associated with the complexities of formal coach education. His academic journey also includes an MSc in Sport and Exercise Science from Manchester Metropolitan University and a BA (Hons) in Sports Coaching Development from Liverpool John Moores University. Additionally, he holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGCert) and is a recognised Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Currently, Colin is currently supervising two PhD students, with research focusing on exploring the caring relationship present within coaching and body image in educational settings.

He is an active researcher in the areas of gender-based violence and equality/equity in sport, care, coach education, and disability sport. He is a member of the LJMU Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group and the Football Exchange. Additionally, he is a male champion of the LJMU Football Exchange Women's Network and is also the lead of the the EDI Group F Panel. Finally, Colin is a member of the Disability Sport and Physical Activity Network (DisSPA), the Student Engagement Working Group (SEWG), and also the Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity Network (PESSPA).

In addition to his academic and research roles, Colin is also the Head Researcher for Sports Interactive Games (Football Manager) for the FA Women's National League Northern Premier Division.

As a UEFA B licensed coach, Colin has worked at Tranmere Rovers FC, Everton Ladies FC and within their Girls Centre of Excellence, and at Liverpool Feds Ladies FC as 1st Team Manager.


2017, Liverpool John Moores University, England UK, PhD - Gender Spaces in Coach Education
2012, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England UK, MA - Sport & Exercise Science
2011, Liverpool John Moores University, England UK, BA (Hons) Sports Coaching Development


The Football Association, UEFA B

Academic appointments

Link Tutor, Liverpool John Moores University and Nelson & Colne College, 2022 - present
Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching / Physical Education, SES, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
Postdoctoral Researcher, SSLN, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2017
Senior Lecturer in Sport Development, SSLN, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2018

Postgraduate training

PG CERT in Teaching and Learning, England, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2020

Highlighted publications

Lewis C, Sawiuk R, Grimes S. 2022. It looks like he cares, but he doesn’t.”: Athletes’ experiences of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ care in women’s football Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lewis C, Roberts SJ, Andrews HJ, Sawiuk R. 2020. A Creative Writing Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Coach Education: Stacey’s Story Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 28 :72-80 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lewis CJ, Roberts SJ, Andrews HJ. 2015. 'Why am I putting myself through this?' Women football coaches' experiences of the Football Association's coach education process Sport, Education and Society, 23 :28-39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url


Davies KF, Rudd J, Davids K, Lewis C. 2024. USING PRINCIPLES OF NONLINEAR PEDAGOGY TO DEVELOP SOCCER SKILLS Science and Practice of Youth Soccer :247-265 DOI Publisher Url

Lewis C, Holden B, Durden-Myers E, Swaithes W, Sullivan L, Wilkinson MBE S. 2022. Get to know your pupils! Wanna Teach PE?: An A-Z guide for the next generation of aspiring teachers Scholarly Publisher Url

Robinson E, Lewis C, Foulkes J, Wilkie B, Woods C, Sweeting A, Rudd J. 2021. Development of Creative Movement through Enriched Game Design Rudd J, Renshaw I, Savelsbergh G, Chow JY, Roberts W, Newcombe D, Davids K. Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletic Skills Model. The Importance of Play in Supporting Physical Literacy :169-177 Routledge. Oxon, UK DOI Publisher Url

Wilkie B, Foulkes J, Lewis C, Woods C, Sweeting A, Robinson E, Rudd J. 2021. Measuring Physical Literacy: A Fresh Approach Rudd J, Renshaw I, Savelsbergh G, Chow JY, Roberts W, Newcombe D, Davids K. Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletic Skills Model. The Importance of Play in Supporting Physical Literacy :161-168 Routledge. Oxon, UK Publisher Url

Wilkie B, Foulkes J, Rudd J, Lewis C, Woods C, Sweeting A, Robinson E. 2021. Measuring Physical Literacy Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletics Skills Model :161-168 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Lewis C, Roberts S, Andrews H. 2017. Women into coaching - are you sure? Kilvington D, Price J. Sport & Discrimination Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Lewis C, Roberts S, Andrews H. 2017. Women into coaching Are you sure? SPORT AND DISCRIMINATION 72 :77-89 978-1-138-19457-1


Cronin C, Champ F, Gherardi M, Hardwick A, Huntley DT, Lewis C, Rongen F, Ryrie A, Tod D, Whitehead A. 2022. Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ :1-40

Journal article

Wilkie B, Foulkes JD, Woods CT, Sweeting A, Lewis C, Davids K, Rudd J. 2022. A games-based assessment in ecological dynamics for measuring physical literacy Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2 :50-58 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Sawiuk R, Thomas L, Lewis C, Groom R. 2022. Planning, Delivering, and Evaluating Formalised Sport Coach Mentoring: Exploring the Role of the Programme Director Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lewis C, Sawiuk R, Grimes S. 2022. It looks like he cares, but he doesn’t.”: Athletes’ experiences of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ care in women’s football Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ju W, Lewis C, Laws A, Evans M, Bradley PS. 2021. The Validity and Reliability of an Integrated Approach for Quantifying Match Physical-Tactical Performance Biology of Sport, 39 :253-261 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Sawiuk R, Lewis CJ, Taylor WG. 2021. “Long ball” and “balls deep”: a critical reading of female coach-learners’ experiences of the UEFA A licence Sports Coaching Review, 10 :110-127 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lewis C, Roberts SJ, Andrews HJ, Sawiuk R. 2020. A Creative Writing Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Coach Education: Stacey’s Story Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 28 :72-80 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Reeves MJ, McRobert AP, Lewis C, Roberts SJ. 2019. A case study of the use of verbal reports for talent identification purposes in soccer: A Messi affair! PLoS One, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Lewis C, Reeves MJ. 2019. Establishing consensus of position-specific predictors for elite youth soccer in England Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lewis C, Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ. 2016. Improving the physical and mental wellbeing of typically hard-to-reach men: an investigation of the impact of the Active Rovers project Sport in Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lewis CJ, Roberts SJ, Andrews HJ. 2015. 'Why am I putting myself through this?' Women football coaches' experiences of the Football Association's coach education process Sport, Education and Society, 23 :28-39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lewis CJ, Groom R, Roberts SJ. 2014. Exploring the value of a coach intervention process within women's youth soccer: A case study International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Robinson E, Lewis C, Rudd J, Foulkes J, Wilkie B, Woods C, Sweeting A. 2021. Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletic Skills Model: The Importance of Play in Supporting Physical Literacy :1-180 DOI Publisher Url


Lewis CJ. Gendered Issues Associated with the Complexities of the Football Association’s Coach Education Process Roberts SJ, ANDREWS HJ, VICKERMAN P. Public Url

Membership of professional bodies:

UK Coaching Club, UK Coaching. 2025

Disability Steering Group, Cheshire FA,

Group F Lead, LJMU SPS EDI Panel,

Leaders Performance Institute, Leaders in Sport,

Licenced Coach, The Football Associations Licenced Coaches.

Male Champion of the LJMU Football Exchange Women's Network., Football Exchange Women's Network,

Member, Disability Sport and Physical Activity Network,

PE in School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA), LJMU PESSPA,

Conference presentation:

Parent Touchline Behaviour Project ... and the Importance of the Coach, Cluster for Research into Coaching Conference (CRiC), SLB LJMU, Oral presentation. 2023

Sexual Violence and Gender-based Violence in Women's Football, The Football Exchange's Women's Football Network Conference 2023, Oral presentation. 2023

What Methodologies Might Move Care Research Forward? The Act of Touching Athletes in Women's Football?, QRSE 2022, Durham, Oral presentation. 2022

Football in Lockdown: A Creative Writing Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Coach Education: Stacey’s Story, Football Collective: Football in Lockdown, Oral presentation. 2020

Gender-Based Violence in Coach Education, The Football Collective – Challenging The Narrative 2018, Oral presentation. 2018

'Sport and Discrimination: 'I cannot believe they keep coming back!' Male and Female Football Coaches' Experiences of the Football Associations Formal Coach Education Process’., The Power of Sport Student Conference 2018, Oral presentation. 2018

'Gendered Issues Associated with the Complexities of Formal Coach Education, LJMU Sports Coaching Student Conference (Pre-ICCE Conference Programme - July 2017), Oral presentation. 2017

The Female Perspective of Formalised Coach Education, Sport and Discrimination 2016, Oral presentation. 2016

Women in Coach Education, Kick It Out 2016, Oral presentation. 2016

‘Why am I putting myself through this?’ Women football coaches’ experiences of the Football Association's coach education process, The World Congress of Science and Football 2015, Oral presentation. 2015

Formal coach education. The realism of inclusion, The Third International Coaching Conference 2015, Oral presentation. 2015

Sports coaching and performance: Sociological issues associated with the complexities of the coaching process among female sports coaches, Faculty Research Conference LJMU 2015, Oral presentation. 2015

Women in Football. The Coaching Profession, Sport and Discrimination Conference 2015, Oral presentation. 2015

Research Grants Awarded:

England Rugby Football League, 'Watch Aloud' - Measuring parental sideline behaviour, Amy Whitehead (P1), Danny Cullinane, Colum Cronin, Gus Ryrie, Katie Fitton-Davies, Vicci Boyd, Colin Lewis, Amy Hardwick, Grant value (£): £21,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2022

Sports Interactive Games, Head Researcher - Women's National League Northern Premier League, Grant value (£): 3,500, Duration of research project: 6 Months. 2022

UK Coaching, Caring Cultures in Sport Coaching, Amy Whitehead (LJMU), David Tod (LJMU), Francesca Champ (LJMU), Angus Ryrie (LJMU), Colin Lewis (LJMU), Fieke Rongen (Leeds Beckett University), Tabo Huntley (LJMU)., Grant value (£): £15, 000, Duration of research project: 7 Months. 2021

Ingeus, NCS Programme, Tranmere Rovers in the Community, Grant value (£): £110,000 x 3 Years, Duration of research project: 3 Years.

NHS Wirral, Active Rovers Scheme, Tranmere Rovers in the Community, Grant value (£): £12,000 x 5 Years, Duration of research project: 5 Years.

Other invited event:

Discrimination in Sport - Keynote Speaker LLS, LLS (Liverpool Campus), Keynote Speaker. 2020

Media Coverage:

Salford City Radio 94.4FM Presented by Kimmy Petruzzi. Interview topic: Research on Women in Football - Inequality 2020

TalkSport (1089 AM) presented by Paul Hawksbee and Andy Jacobs as a live ‘on air’ guest. Interview topic: Women’s football and the growth of women’s football coaches and existent underlining coach education issues 2017

7Waves Radio Wirral (92.1 FM) presented by Craig Harrison and interviewed as a live ‘on air’ guest. Interview topic: Disability football across the Wirral 2012


Shortlisted for the Amazing Course Team Award 2020, Amazing Teaching Awards - LJMU Student Union. 2020

Conference organisation:

2019 LJMU Power of Sport Student Conference, Organiser Lead, 2019


Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy.

External committees:

Cheshire FA Disability Steering Group, Cheshire FA.

Other Professional Activity:

Sport, Education and Society Journal, Quest and International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology - Reviewer.
