Image of Dr Mark Grabowski

Dr Mark Grabowski

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Dr. Mark Grabowski is a paleoanthropologist and evolutionary biologist whose research focuses on the causes and consequences of macroevolutionary changes in morphology. Dr. Grabowski uses an approach that relies on measurement theory and statistics to provide insights into the evolutionary processes that produced the changes seen in fossil record and among living taxa today. Methods include quantitative genetics, evolutionary modeling, and phylogenetic comparative methods. Topics of interest include the origins and adaptations of our species and our lineage. Past field work includes searching for Miocene fossil apes in Creu Conill, Spain and Hammerschmiede, Germany, and Eocene Primates in the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming, USA. Dr. Grabowski is the co-lead of the Joint MSc. Human Evolution Programme between LJMU and the University of Liverpool and former Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Human Evolution.


University of Illinois, United States, PhD


2023, Advance HE, United Kingdom, Fellow, UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Recognized Teacher

Academic appointments

- Fellow, Project Title: The Importance of Measurement Theory in Paleobiology, CAS (Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters), 2021 - 2023
- Fellow, Project Title: Evolvability: A New and Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology, CAS (Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters), 2019 - 2020
- Senior Lecturer In Evolutionary Anthropology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Paleoanthropology, Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment, University of Tübingen, 2017 - 2018
- Visiting Faculty, Anthropology, Dartmouth College, 2017 - 2017
- Guest Researcher, Centre for Ecology and Evolutionary Synthesis, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, 2015 - present

Postgraduate training

- James Arthur Postdoctoral Fellow, United States, Division of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, 2015 - 2017
- Fulbright Scholar, Norway, Centre for Ecology and Evolutionary Synthesis, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, 2014 - 2015
- Postdoctoral Scientist, United States, Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology, George Washington University, 2012 - 2014
