Image of Dr Kezia Barker

Dr Kezia Barker

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

See My Tutor



Barker K. 2025. Anaesthetic Worlds of Denial: “Sleepwalking” Through Climate Catastrophe Gluckler J, Garschagen M, Panitz R. Placing the Future 20 Springer

Barker K, Francis RA. 2023. Introduction: Spatial tensions and divides in grappling with 'invasive life.' Barker K, Francis R. Routledge Handbook of Biosecurity and Invasive Species Routledge

Ingram A. Spaces of Security and Insecurity Routledge DOI Publisher Url


Bas E, Barker K, Claus C, McHugh L, Roth F, KÖNNÖLÄ T. 2024. Futures of Civic Resilience in Europe Futures of Civic Resilience in Europe – 2040 Scenarios and Policy Implications Author Url

Journal article

Barker K. 2022. Awakening from the sleep-walking society: Crisis, detachment and the real in prepper awakening narratives Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 40 :805-823 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Barker K. 2019. How to survive the end of the future: Preppers, pathology, and the everyday crisis of insecurity Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45 :483-496 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Barker K. 2015. Biosecurity: securing circulations from the microbe to the macrocosm GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, 181 :357-365 DOI Publisher Url

Barker K. 2012. Infectious Insecurities: H1N1 and the politics of emerging infectious disease HEALTH & PLACE, 18 :695-700 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Barker K. 2012. Influenza preparedness and the bureaucratic reflex: Anticipating and generating the 2009 H1N1 event HEALTH & PLACE, 18 :701-709 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hine D. 2012. Reflections on the UK's response to the 2009 swine flu pandemic: Conflicts between national government and the local management of the public health response HEALTH & PLACE, 18 :746-746 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chambers J, Barker K, Rouse A. 2012. Reflections on the UK's approach to the 2009 swine flu pandemic: Conflicts between national government and the local management of the public health response HEALTH & PLACE, 18 :737-745 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Barker K. 2010. Biosecure citizenship: politicising symbiotic associations and the construction of biological threat Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 35 :350-363 DOI Publisher Url

Barker K. 2008. Flexible boundaries in biosecurity:: accommodating gorse in Aotearoa New Zealand ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A-ECONOMY AND SPACE, 40 :1598-1614 DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Group TF. 2021. Routledge Handbook of Biosecurity and Invasive Species Barker K. Routledge 9780815354895

Books (edited)

2013. Biosecurity Dobson A, Barker K, Taylor SL. Routledge DOI Publisher Url
