Image of Dr Sidgi Hasson

Dr Sidgi Hasson

Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Journal article

Al-Medhtiy MH, Mohammed MT, M Raouf MMH, Al-Qaaneh AM, Jabbar AAJ, Abdullah FO, Mothana RA, Alanzi AR, Hassan RR, Abdulla MA, Saleh MI, Hasson S. 2024. A triterpenoid (corosolic acid) ameliorated AOM-mediated aberrant crypt foci in rats: modulation of Bax/PCNA, antioxidant and inflammatory mechanisms. Journal of molecular histology, 55 :765-783 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ahmed KA, Jabbar AAJ, Raouf MMHM, Al‐Qaaneh AM, Mothana RA, Alanzi AR, Abdullah FO, hassan RR, Abdulla MA, Saleh MI, Hasson S. 2024. A bitter flavonoid gum from Dorema aucheri accelerate wound healing in rats: Involvement of Bax/HSP 70 and hydroxyprolin mechanisms Skin Research & Technology, 30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ahmed KA-A, Jabbar AAJ, M Raouf MMH, Al-Qaaneh AM, Mothana RA, Alanzi AR, Abdullah FO, Abdulla MA, Hasson S, Zainel MA. 2024. Wood calamint ameliorates ethanol-induced stomach injury in rats by augmentation of hsp/bax and inflammatory mechanisms. Journal of molecular histology, 55 :567-579 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ahmed KA-A, Jabbar AAJ, Galali Y, Al-Qaaneh AM, Akçakavak G, Salehen NA, Hassan RR, Mothana RA, Abdulla MA, Fantoukh OI, Hasson S, Hawwal MF. 2024. Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) seeds accelerates wound healing in rats: Possible molecular mechanisms Skin Research & Technology, 30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Roubi H, Azizi SA, Dalli M, Mothana RA, Hawwal MF, Hasson S, Gseyra N. 2024. Unveiling the Medicinal Power of Citrus limon essential Oil: A Comprehensive Exploration of Antioxidant and Antimitotic Properties, Phytochemical Composition, and Molecular Inter-Actions Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, 38 :2673-2691 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jabbar AAJ, Abdul-Aziz Ahmed K, Abdulla MA, Abdullah FO, Salehen NA, Mothana RA, Houssaini J, Hassan RR, Hawwal MF, Fantoukh OI, Hasson S. 2023. Sinomenine accelerate wound healing in rats by augmentation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunuhistochemical pathways Heliyon, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jabbar AAJ, Mothana RA, Abdulla MA, Abdullah FO, Ahmed KAA, Hussen RR, Hawwal MF, Fantoukh OI, Hasson S. 2023. Mechanisms of anti-ulcer actions of Prangos pabularia (L.) in ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Faizan M, Jahan I, Ishaq M, Alhalmi A, Khan RM, Noman OM, Hasson S, Mothana RA. 2023. Neuroprotective effects of trigonelline in kainic acid-induced epilepsy: Behavioral, biochemical, and functional insights Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bashir BA, Mohamed MH, Hussain MA, Osman W, Mothana RA, Hasson S. 2023. Trends of Coagulation Parameters in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patients Medicina, 59 :1826-1826 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Budhori A, Tiwari A, Tiwari V, Sharma A, Kumar M, Gautam G, Virmani T, Kumar G, Alhalmi A, Noman OM, Hasson S, Mothana RA. 2023. QbD Design, Formulation, Optimization and Evaluation of Trans-Tympanic Reverse Gelatination Gel of Norfloxacin: Investigating Gene-Gene Interactions to Enhance Therapeutic Efficacy. Gels, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Balushi M, Al-Badi S, Al-Yaarubi S, Al-Riyami H, Al-Shidhani A, Al-Hinai S, Alshirawi A, Hasson SS, Said E, Al-Jabri A, Al Ansari A. 2023. The association of Human Leukocyte Antigens Complex with Type 1 Diabetes in Omanis Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal [SQUMJ], 1 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hasson SS, Al-Jabri A. 2020. Immunized camels and COVID-19 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 13 :239-239 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hakkim FL, Bakshi HA, Khan S, Nasef M, Farzand R, Sam S, Rashan L, Al-Baloshi MS, Hasson SS, Jabri AA, McCarron PA, Tambuwala MM. 2019. Frankincense essential oil suppresses melanoma cancer through down regulation of Bcl-2/Bax cascade signaling and ameliorates heptotoxicity via phase I and II drug metabolizing enzymes Oncotarget, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hasson SS, Al Manthar AA, Idris MA, Al-Busaid JZ, Al-Balushi MS, Aleemallah GM, Rashan L, Hakkim FL, Al-Jabr AA. 2019. Immunomodulatory Potential of Combining Some Traditional Medicinal Plants In Vivo Annals of Microbiology and Immunology, 2 Publisher Url Public Url

Rashan L, Hakkim FL, Idrees M, Essa M, Velusamy T, Al-Baloshi M, Al-Bulushi B, Al Jabri A, Alrizeiki M, Guillemin G, Hasson SS. 2019. Boswellia Gum Resin and Essential Oils: Potential Health Benefits − An Evidence Based Review International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 9 :53-71 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Seemaisamy R, Faruck LH, Gattu S, Neelamegam R, Bakshi HA, Rashan L, Al-Buloshi M, Hasson SS, Nagarajan K. 2019. Anti Microbial and Anti Cancer activity of Aegle marmelos and Gas Chromatography Coupled Spectrometry Analysis of their Chemical Constituents International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 10 :373-380 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Rashan L, Hakkim FL, Fiebig HH, Kelter G, Merfort I, Al-Buloshi M, Hasson SS. 2018. In vitro Anti-Proliferative Activity of the Rubia tinctorum and Alkanna tinctoria Root Extracts in Panel of Human Tumor Cell Lines hasson Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 11 :489-494 Publisher Url Public Url

Hasson SS, Alsaadia H, Shamsuldien M. 2018. Evaluation of Immunoglobulin Isotypes and Rh Factor Among Different Human Groups Located in Aden District, Republic of Yemen hasson MedCrave Online Journal of Immunology, 6 :277-279 Publisher Url Public Url

Hasson SS, Al-Shaqsi MS, Albusaidi JZ, Al-Balushi MS, Hakkim FL, Aleemallah GM, Al-Jabri AA. 2018. Influence of different cultivars of Phoenix dactylifera L-date fruits on blood clotting and wound healing Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 8 :371-376 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hasson SS. 2018. Potential of Aucklandia Lappa Decne Ethanolic Extract to Trigger Apoptosis of Human T47D and Hela Cells Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP), 19 :1917-1925 Publisher Url Public Url

Said EA, Al-Abri MA, Al-Saidi I, Al-Balushi MS, Al-Busaidi JZ, Al-Reesi I, Koh CY, Hasson SS, Idris MA, Al-Jabri AA, Habbal O. 2017. Altered blood cytokines, CD4 T cells, NK and neutrophils in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Immunology letters, 190 :272-278 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS. 2016. Generation of antibodies against disintegrin and cysteine-rich domains by DNA immunization: An approach to neutralize snake venom-induced haemorrhage Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 7 :198-207 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Balushi MS, Said EA, Hasson SS, Al-Busaidi JZ, Al-Reesi I, Idris M, Al-Ghafri W, Al-Kalbani M, Al-Jabri AA. 2016. High Levels of IgA Antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori among Omani Women during Pregnancy and after Delivery Iranian Journal of Immunology, 13 :114-123 Publisher Url Public Url

El-Beeli M, Al-Mahrooqi SH, Youssef RM, Zadjali F, Balkhair A, Al-Balushi MS, Said EA, Hasson SS, Al-Jabri AA. 2016. HLA-A68 and HLA-B15 alleles correlate with poor immune response among AIDS patients on combined antiretroviral therapy. Human immunology, 77 :490-497 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Said EA, Al-Yafei F, Zadjali F, Al-Balushi MS, Hasson SS, Al-Mahroqi SH, Koh CY, Al-Naamani K, Al-Busaidi JZ, Idris MA, Balkhair A, Al-Jabri AA. 2016. Frequency of TLR4 (1063A/G and 1363C/T) polymorphisms in healthy and HIV-infected Omani individuals and their relationship to viral load and T cell count. Genetics and molecular research : GMR, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Al-Busaidi JKZ, Sallam TA. 2015. The past, current and future trends in DNA vaccine immunisations Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 5 :344-353 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hasson SSAA, Al-Busaidi JZ, Al-Qarni ZAM, Rajapakse S, Al-Bahlani S, Idris MA, Sallam TA. 2015. In Vitro Apoptosis Triggering in the BT-474 Human Breast Cancer Cell Line by Lyophilised Camel's Milk. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 16 :6651-6661 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SSA, Al-Balushi MS, Al Yahmadi MH, Al-Busaidi JZ, Said EA, Othman MS, Sallam TA, Idris MA, Al-Jabri AA. 2014. High levels of Zinc-α-2-Glycoprotein among Omani AIDS patients on combined antiretroviral therapy. Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine, 4 :610-613 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Said EA, Al-Yafei F, Zadjali F, Hasson SS, Al-Balushi MS, Al-Mahruqi S, Koh CY, Al-Naamani K, Al-Busaidi JZ, Idris MA, Balkhair A, Al-Jabri AA. 2014. Association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in TLR7 (Gln11Leu) and TLR9 (1635A/G) with a higher CD4T cell count during HIV infection. Immunology letters, 160 :58-64 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Mahruqi SH, Zadjali F, Beja-Pereira A, Koh CY, Balkhair A, Al-Jabri AA. 2014. Genetic diversity and prevalence of CCR2-CCR5 gene polymorphisms in the Omani population. Genetics and molecular biology, 37 :7-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Al-Mahruqi SH, Zadjali F, Koh CY, Balkhair A, Said EA, Al-Balushi MS, Hasson SS, Al-Jabri AA. 2014. New genetic variants in the CCR5 gene and the distribution of known polymorphisms in Omani population. International journal of immunogenetics, 41 :20-28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Al-Balushi MS. 2013. In vitro antimicrobial activity of Brassica plant’s seed International Journal of Research and Reviews in Pharmacy and Applied science, 3 :268-275 Publisher Url Public Url

Hasson SSA, Al-Balushi MS, Alharthy K, Al-Busaidi JZ, Aldaihani MS, Othman MS, Said EA, Habal O, Sallam TA, Aljabri AA, Ahmedidris M. 2013. Evaluation of anti-resistant activity of Auklandia (Saussurea lappa) root against some human pathogens. Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine, 3 :557-562 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Al-Balushi MS, Al-Jabri AA. 2012. The role of the autoimmunity laboratory in autoimmune diseases Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 2 :159-162 DOI Publisher Url

Thabit AM, Al-Moyed KA, Al-Balushi MS, Hasson SS, Sallam TA. 2012. Occult hepatitis B virus among chronic liver disease patients in Yemen Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 2 :4-6 DOI Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Al-Balushi MS, Al-Busaidi JZ, Al-Jabri AA, Sallam TA. 2012. Prevalence of autoantibodies among patients presented to Sultan Qaboos University hospital (SQUH) Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 2 :S865-S868 DOI Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Al-Balushi MS, Said EA, Habbal O, Idris MA, Mothana RAA, Sallam TA, Al-Jabri AA. 2012. Neutralisation of Local Haemorrhage Induced by the Saw-Scaled Viper Echis carinatus sochureki Venom Using Ethanolic Extract of Hibiscus aethiopicus L. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2012 :540671 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Al-Balushi MS, Sallam TA, Idris MA, Habbal O, Al-Jabri AA. 2011. In vitro antibacterial activity of three medicinal plants-Boswellia (Luban) species Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 1 :S178-S182 DOI Publisher Url

Habbal O, Hasson SS, El-Hag AH, Al-Mahrooqi Z, Al-Hashmi N, Al-Bimani Z, Al-Balushi MS, Al-Jabri AA. 2011. Antibacterial activity of Lawsonia inermis Linn (Henna) against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine, 1 :173-176 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mothana RAA, Abdo SAA, Hasson S, Althawab FMN, Alaghbari SAZ, Lindequist U. 2010. Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities and phytochemical screening of some yemeni medicinal plants. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 7 :323-330 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Mothana RA, Sallam TA, Al-balushi MS, Rahman MT, Al-Jabri AA. 2010. Serine protease variants encoded by Echis ocellatus venom gland cDNA: cloning and sequencing analysis. Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology, 2010 :134232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sallam TA, Al-Jaufy AY, Al-Shaibany KS, Ghauth AB, Best JM. 2006. Prevalence of antibodies to measles and rubella in Sana'a, Yemen. Vaccine, 24 :6304-6308 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Harrison RA, Hasson SS, Harmsen M, Laing GD, Conrath K, Theakston RDG. 2006. Neutralisation of venom-induced haemorrhage by IgG from camels and llamas immunised with viper venom and also by endogenous, non-IgG components in camelid sera. Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology, 47 :364-368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Theakston RDG, Harrison RA. 2004. Antibody zymography: a novel adaptation of zymography to determine the protease-neutralising potential of specific antibodies and snake antivenoms. Journal of immunological methods, 292 :131-139 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson SS, Theakston RDG, Harrison RA. 2003. Cloning of a prothrombin activator-like metalloproteinase from the West African saw-scaled viper, Echis ocellatus. Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology, 42 :629-634 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Harrison RA, Oliver J, Hasson SS, Bharati K, Theakston RDG. 2003. Novel sequences encoding venom C-type lectins are conserved in phylogenetically and geographically distinct Echis and Bitis viper species. Gene, 315 :95-102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Bharati K, Hasson SS, Oliver J, Laing GD, Theakston RDG, Harrison RA. 2003. Molecular cloning of phospholipases A(2) from venom glands of Echis carpet vipers. Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology, 41 :941-947 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Burger AM, Mengs U, Schüler JB, Fiebig HH. 2001. Antiproliferative activity of an aqueous mistletoe extract in human tumor cell lines and xenografts in vitro. Arzneimittel-Forschung, 51 :748-757 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson H. Prevalence of zinc- 2-glycoprotein binding peptide among Omani blood donors Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis, 4 :21-27 DOI Publisher Url

Mothana RAA, Hasson SS, Schultze W, Mowitz A, Lindequist U. Phytochemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oils of three endemic Soqotraen Boswellia species Food Chemistry, 126 :1149-1154 DOI Publisher Url

Al-Balushi MS, Al-Busaidi JZ, Al-Daihani MS, Shafeeq MO, Hasson SS. Sero-prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection among asymptomatic healthy Omani blood donors Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 3 :146-149 DOI Publisher Url

Revathi S, Hakkim FL, Kumar NR, Bakshi HA, Rashan L, Al-Buloshi M, Hasson SSAA, Krishnan M, Javid F, Nagarajan K. Induction of HT-29 Colon Cancer Cells Apoptosis by Pyrogallol with Growth Inhibiting Efficacy Against Drug-Resistant Helicobacter pylori Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 18 :1875-1884 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hasson S. Fluctuation in the levels of immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G antibodies for cardiolipin and β2-Glycoprotein among healthy pregnant women squ Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal : SQUMJ,

Ramzi A. Mothana . Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis of the essential oils of Ajuga bracteosa Wall. ex Benth. and Lavandula dentata L. growing wild in Yemen Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6 DOI Publisher Url

Hasson S. Anti-snake venom activity of Hibiscus aethiopicus L. against Echis ocellatus and Naja nigricollis. Journal of Toxicology,

Hasson S. . Influenza-A H1N1: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal : SQUMJ,

Hasson S. Effect of first and second doses of measles vaccine on immunity to measles among infants in Sana’a city, Yemen Journal of the Arab Board of Health Specializations, Author Url

Wong KH, Sexton DW, Jarrahi AM, Hasson SS. A Preliminary Investigation on the Possibility of Developing a Cancer Vaccine Using Snake Venom Components Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology, 7 :323-339 DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Hakkim FL, Bakshi HA, Khan S, Nasef MM, Farzand R, Sam S, Rashan L, Al-Baloshi MS, Abdo Hasson SSA, Jabri AA, McCarron PA, Tambuwala MM. 2020. Correction: Frankincense essential oil suppresses melanoma cancer through down regulation of Bcl-2/Bax cascade signaling and ameliorates heptotoxicity via phase I and II drug metabolizing enzymes Oncotarget, 11 :2259-2261 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Hasson S. Essential Immune Responses to HIV/AIDS Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 72, Editors: Leon V. Berhardt, Chapter 1, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, US 2013, ISBN:978-1-62808-968-4. Author Url

Hasson S. The importance of autoantibodies in the etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of autoimmune diseases [52] Al-Jabri A.A, Elias S. Koh C, Idris MA, Albelushi MS, Hasson SS. The importance of autoantibodies in the etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. In the Text book: Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 42, Chapter 5, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, USA 2012, PP 153-172. Author Url

Hasson S. Antenatal Screening and HIV Pregnancy: strategies for treatment. Understanding HIV/AIDS Management and Care – Pandemic Approaches in the 21st Century [53] Al-Jabri AA, Balkhair AA, A--Belushi MS, Hasson SS. Chapter 5. Antenatal Screening and HIV Pregnancy: strategies for treatment. Understanding HIV/AIDS Management and Care – Pandemic Approaches in the 21st Century. Edited by: Fyson Hanania Kasenga Publisher: InTech, December 2011. ISBN: 978-953-307-603-4. PP77-86 Author Url

Hasson S. Anti-HIV Agents: The Way Forward for the Complete Eradication of the Virus Author Url



Hasson S. Method of making an Ajwa date-based treatment for snake envenomation Author Url

Hasson S. Anti-microbial composition Author Url

Hasson S. Therapeutic composition for treating gangrene Author Url
