Image of Dr Sally Wright

Dr Sally Wright

Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Faculty of Science

See My Tutor


Dr Sally Wright is a UK registered pharmacist, with significant experience as a clinical pharmacist working for Liverpool University Hospital Foundation Trust (LUFHT); delivering person-centred care working within multidisciplinary teams on wards, in clinics, in community pharmacy and GP surgeries. She is an early career researcher (started post in May 2022), with seven years’ experience in HE working as a teacher-practitioner between LUFHT and LJMU before this. She is now senior coursework lead for delivering person-centred care across the MPharm programme, as well as lead for the 120-credit Level 6 MPharm module.

Sally has a keen interest in developing new models of care to improve service delivery; within healthcare and education. Her PhD involved developing new models of care to improve patient discharge from hospital, followed by post-doctoral research evaluating the Transfer of Care Around Medicines (TCAM) project across Cheshire and Merseyside 2020. Since starting her academic post, Sally has been involved in the development of a variety of experiential learning for MPharm students. Examples of this include hospital placement provision for MPharm students and leading the implementation of MyDispense software with ongoing oversight of its use on the MPharm programme. This virtual dispensing software has been a vital method of increasing pharmacy student experiential learning. Sally was honoured to be awarded a faculty of science teaching award (FoSTA) for coordinating the update and re-design of the third year MPharm face-to-face teaching delivered within the first year of her academic post. Sally intends to combine her research and practice experience of developing new models of care in healthcare practice and within undergraduate teaching to drive forward experiential learning at LJMU and to deliver an evidence-based approach to integrate pharmacy students into the workforce, already having set up a large network of interested stakeholders. She is keen to collaborate with anyone with similar interests.


Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
