Journal article
Hindley B, Wright S, Peasley M. 2023. Developing a feasible model for delivering quality hospital-based experiential learning for pharmacy undergraduate students funded by the healthcare education and training tariff Pharmacy Education, 23 :205-207 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wright S, Morecroft C, Mullen R, Ewing AB. 2018. Stakeholder perceptions of a new model of care for medication supply at hospital discharge European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 26 :268-274 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wright S, Morecroft CW, Mullen R, Ewing AB. 2017. UK hospital patient discharge: the patient perspective European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 24 :338-342 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morecroft CW, Bullock S, Mullen R, Ewing AB. 2016. Hospital patient discharge process: an evaluation European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Wright S. 2022. Evaluation of a pilot community pharmacy-led discharge medicines service International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, The Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference 30 :ii60-ii61 DOI Publisher Url
Wright S. Evaluating the impact on student confidence and understanding of the role of the hospital pharmacist following an in-person simulation event Pharmacy Education, Pharmacy Education Conference 2023 5 :17-18 DOI Publisher Url