Image of Prof Kelvin Chan

Prof Kelvin Chan

Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Professor Chan is Emeritus Professor in Natural Products & TCM Research at the School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences and currently, Adjunct Professor in TCM Research at the NICM Health Research Institute of Western Sydney University in Australia.

He trained in Pharmaceutical Industry, further developed as a pharmacologist with special training in clinical pharmacology, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics at medical schools in University of Birmingham (PhD & DSc) and University of Liverpool (Post-doctor fellow), United Kingdom, Finders Medical School in Adelaide, Australia, and Karolinska Institute in Sweden. His interests in integrative research of conventional medicine and TCM started since early1990s while taking up the position as Senior Lecturer/Reader in Pharmacology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1981-1992).

He then returned to UK as Chair Professor of Biomedical Science and Director of the School of Pharmacy at the Liverpool Johns Moores University (1992-2000) while holding Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Liverpool and Middlesex in the UK; Institute of Pharmacognosy & Pharmacy, University of Vienna, Austria; Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing and Shenyang Pharmaceutical University in Shenyang in PR China. He then took up the challenge as Chair Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Director of R&D at the Institute for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University (2000 - 2005) where he developed the ISO-17025 as standard for Chinese Materia Medica as prerequisite for TCM products for registration requirement. Professor Chan took up the position as Founding Chair Professor & Director in Pharmacy & Pharmacology at University of Wolverhampton, UK (2005 to 2009). He was invited to take up the position of Joint Chair in Traditional Chinese Medicine at University of Western Sydney and University of Sydney (2009-2014) before retiring from full-time academic position while taking up the position of Senior Advisor in Chinese medicines at the Department of Health in Hong Kong SAR, China (2015-2017).

Professor Chan has published 3 specialist books on Chinese medicine, over 600 hundred publications including keynotes/conference presentations, drug monographs, and peer-reviewed papers (260) in conventional medicine and TCM. Those published from the early 1990s are mainly related to mechanistic studies of interactions between herbal medicines and pharmaceuticals. His research directions and interests have since changed towards medicinal and pharmaceutical development of Chinese herbal medicines and natural products.

He is member of the following boards/committees: International Advisory Board and Scientific Committee of the Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards, Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR, China (Feb 2002 to present); Beneficiary member of EU-FP7 Consortium on Good Practice in TCM Research in the post-genomic era (May 2009 to Oct 2012); WHO Temporary Advisor on Training Course of Quality Control of Herbal Medicine (2013 to 2017); Individual Expert at the TCM Working Group of the European Directorate for Quality of Medicine & Healthcare (EDQM), in Strasbourg drafting monographs for the Chinese materia medica for the European Pharmacopoeia (March 2009 to present).

Academic appointments

Emeritus Professor, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
