Image of Dr Zetta Kougiali

Dr Zetta Kougiali

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

See My Tutor


Zetta is an experienced community and prison researcher in the area of substance use recovery and desistance from crime and has held several academic and research posts in UK HE institutions such as the the University of Cambridge, the University of East London and Roehampton University.

With an academic and professional background in substance use, criminology and critical forensic psychology, her research interests focus on the lived experiences and processes involved in substance use recovery pathways, the exploration of factors that facilitate desistance and recovery as well as the methodological issues involved in the measurement of therapeutic/personal change processes. Her research can be described as interdisciplinary and seeks to understand lived realities within the broader systems that affect pathways into and out of substance use and crime.

Zetta is primarily a qualitative researcher interested in various methodological and epistemological traditions and approaches, particularly those informed by narrative and discursive psychology and methods that allow co-production and participant-led practices.
