Image of Prof Stephanie Kewley

Prof Stephanie Kewley

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

Stephanie is a Professor of Forensic and Criminal Justice and is currently seconded to the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse as Principal Research and Evaluation Officer.

Stephanie has worked for the last two decades in Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology research, educational, and correctional contexts. The central focus of her work is the prevention of sexual violence, in particular, how secondary prevention strategies might help prevent sexual abuse from occurring in the first place. Stephanie's work aims to support, advocate and promote, the safe and healthy functioning of marginalised and highly stigmatised populations involved and/or incarcerated by criminal justice structures and systems. Her research engages peoples unique lived experience as well as the professionals who support them.

Stephanie works across multi-disciplinary research, policy and practitioner teams, her research portfolio examines aspects of vulnerability, risk and need in the context of sexual violence prevention, offender rehabilitation, risk management, public protection, child protection, criminal and social justice, public health, and prisoner human rights.


University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, PhD
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BA


Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellow
Higher Education Academy, Teaching Fellow

Academic appointments

Professor in Forensic and Criminal Justice, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Principal Research and Evaluation Officer, Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse, 2023 - present
Reader in Forensic Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - 2024
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2020
Programme Director MA Criminology, Birmingham City Univeristy, 2015 - 2017
Sessional Lecturer Criminal Justice, Liverpool John Moores Univeristy, 2013 - 2015

Highlighted publications

Kewley S, Karsna K. 2025. Child sexual abuse in 2023/24: Trends in official data DOI Publisher Url

Kewley S, Blinkhorn V, Thomas LB. 2025. Child Sexual Abuse: A Social Work Perspective and Retrospective Case File Analysis Practice: Social Work in Action, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Breen S. 2025. Funding and commissioning child sexual abuse services DOI Publisher Url

Mydlowski L, Turner-moore R, Kewley S. 2024. Registered sex offenders’ experiences of homevisits in England & Wales: are the police expected to integrate “risk” with “desistance” Journal of Criminal Psychology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Yates P, Mullins E, Adams A, Kewley S. 2024. Sibling Sexual Abuse: What do we know? What do we need to know? Stage 1 analysis of a 2-stage scoping review Child Abuse & Neglect, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Pemberton S, Kewley S, Mydlowski L. 2023. The Police as Formal Agents of Change: Assisting Desistance in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offences Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 8 :191-196 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Cawley P, Kewley S, Burke L, Wager N. 2023. Restorative Justice for Sexual Violence Offences in England and Wales: The Challenges ahead Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Kaima R, Mangwana Mhango A, Mhango V, Thakwalakwa C, Kewley S. 2023. ‘Shamba’: Understanding and responding to the drivers and dynamics of same-sex sexual activity, sexual violence and HIV risk in the Malawi prison system. Journal of Sexual Aggression: an international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Barlow C. 2023. Criminal Justice and Serious, Violent and Sexual Offending Corteen K, Steele R, Cross N, McManus M. Forensic Psychology and Desistance In Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Issue and Practical Debates Bristol University Press

Kewley S, Brereton S. 2022. Public Protection: Examining the impact of strengthened public protection policy on probation practice Reimagining Probation Practice Routledge 9780367775995 Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Mhlanga-Gunda R, Van Hout MC. 2021. Preventing child sexual abuse before it occurs: Examining the scale and nature of secondary public health prevention approaches Journal of Sexual Aggression, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Pemberton S, Rahman M. 2020. Preventing Sexual Harm: Positive Criminology and Sexual Abuse Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Kewley S, Barlow C. 2020. Preventing Sexual Violence Bristol University Press 978-1529203769 Publisher Url

Kewley S. 2019. How might faith communities promote desistance from sexual crime? An exploration of theory Winder B, Blagden N, Lievesley R, Hocken K, Banyard P. Sexual Crime and Faith, Religion and Spirituality :53-70 Palgrave DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Osman S, McGuinness A. 2019. How well do police specialists risk assess Registered Sexual Offenders? Journal of Sexual Aggression, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Larkin M, Harkins L, Beech A. 2018. Incarcerated Child Sexual Offenders and the Reinvention of Self through Religious and Spiritual Affiliation Kerley KR. Finding freedom in confinement: The role of religion in prison life :366-394 Praeger 9781440850325 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Pemberton S, Black B, Socolof M. Editorial Introduction to the Journal of Sexual Agression Special Issue on Sibling Sexual Abuse Journal of Sexual Aggression: an international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice, DOI Publisher Url

Gavin P, Cawley P, Kewley S, Burke L, wager N, Porter C. Restorative Justice as a response to sexual violence in England and Wales Porter C, McCartan K, Addis N, Meyrick J, Eason A, Senker S. A Public Health and Criminological Approach to Tackling Sexual Abuse: Prevention, Treatment, and Integration Palgrave Public Url


Kewley S, Karsna K. 2025. Child sexual abuse in 2023/24: Trends in official data DOI Publisher Url

Kewley S, Breen S. 2025. Funding and commissioning child sexual abuse services DOI Publisher Url

Yates P, Mullins E, Kewley S, Adams A. 2025. Dismantle the frame: Reflections on a scoping review of the SSA literature Publisher Url

Kewley S, Molly-Vickers D, Garbutt H. 2022. Underpinning Theory of the Intrafamilial CSA Assessment Tool

Kewley S. An assessment tool to assist case formulation in instances of intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) and Harmful Sexual Behavior (HSB)

Journal article

Kewley S, Blinkhorn V, Thomas LB. 2025. Child Sexual Abuse: A Social Work Perspective and Retrospective Case File Analysis Practice: Social Work in Action, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Colyer V, Kewley S. 2025. The Importance of Gratitude and Hope for Coping in Times of Adversity. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Meaning of Strength-Based Approaches for Survivors of Sexual Violence and those Who Supported Them During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Kaima R, Mhango AM, Kasunda V, Mhango V, Ong DM, Kewley S. 2024. 'We Fear For Our Lives': Understanding, Responding and Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change on the Malawian Prison System Journal of Human Rights Practice, 17 :140-153 DOI Publisher Url

Mydlowski L, Turner-moore R, Kewley S. 2024. Registered sex offenders’ experiences of homevisits in England & Wales: are the police expected to integrate “risk” with “desistance” Journal of Criminal Psychology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Yates P, Mullins E, Adams A, Kewley S. 2024. Sibling Sexual Abuse: What do we know? What do we need to know? Stage 1 analysis of a 2-stage scoping review Child Abuse & Neglect, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Watkinson G, Marshall D, Kewley S. 2024. ‘If you just look at risk, people look horrific’ Youth Justice Practitioners’ Perspectives of Child First Practice British Journal of Community Justice, 19 :30-45 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Kaima R, Magwejani C, Kasunda V, Nyson K, Khoviwa P, Phiri M, Mhango V, Kewley S. 2024. “Prison life can make you go crazy”: Insights into the situation for people with a mental illness in the Malawi prison system International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stadniciuc DI, Van Hout MC, Kewley S, Mathlin G. 2024. Invisible: An exploratory study of the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on people who use heroin Heroin Addiction And Related Clinical Problems, 26 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bőthe B, Nagy L, Koós M, Demetrovics Z, Potenza MN, International Sex Survey Consortium , Kraus SW, Van Hout MC. 2024. Problematic pornography use across countries, genders, andsexual orientations: Insights from the International Sex Surveyand comparison of different assessment tools Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gewirtz-Meydan A, Koós M, Nagy L, Kraus SW, Demetrovics Z, Potenza MN, Ballester-Arnal R, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Castro-Calvo J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako R, Fernandez DP, Fujiwara H, Fernandez EF, Fuss J, Gabrhelík R, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs JB, Hashim HT, Islam MS, Ismail M, Jiménez-Martínez MC, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, Költő A, Lee S-K, Lewczuk K, Lin C-Y, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Miller DJ, Orosz G, Orosová O, Sungkyunkwan University's research team NA , Ponce FP, Quintana GR, Quintero Garzola GC, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, De Tubino Scanavino M, Schulmeyer MK, Sharan P, Shibata G, Shoib S, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein DJ, Strong C, Ünsal BC, Vaillancourt-Morel M-P, Van Hout MC, Bőthe B, International Sex Study Consortium , Kewley S. 2024. Global Cross-Cultural Validation of a Brief Measure for Identifying Potential Suicide Risk in 42 Countries Public Health, 229 :13-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Quintana GR, Ponce FP, Escudero-Pastén JI, Santibáñe-Palma JF, Nagy L, Koós M, Kraus SW, Demetrovics Z, International Sex Survey consortium , Kewley S, Potenza M, Van Hout MC, Bőthe B. 2024. Cross-cultural validation and measurement invariance of anxiety and depression symptoms: A study of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in 42 Countries Journal of Affective Disorders, 350 :991-1006 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lewczuk K, Marcowski P, Wizla M, Gola M, Nagy L, Koós M, Kraus S, Demetrovics Z, Potenza MN, Ballester-Arnal R, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Briken P, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Castro-Calvo J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako R, Fernandez DP, Fujiwara H, Fernandez EF, Fuss J, Gabrhelík R, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Gjoneska B, Grubbs JB, Hashim HT, Islam MDS, Ismail M, Jiménez-Martínez MC, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, Költő A, Lee S-K, Lin C-Y, Lin Y-C, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Miller DJ, Orosová O, Orosz G, Sungkyunkwan University’s Research Team , Ponce FP, Quintana GR, Quintero Garzola GC, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, De Tubino Scanavino M, Schulmeyer MK, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib S, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein DJ, Ünsal BC, Vaillancourt-Morel M-P, Van Hout MC, Bőthe B. 2024. Cross-cultural Adult ADHD assessment in 42 countries using the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Screener Journal of Attention Disorders, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Groome E, Blinkhorn V, Kewley S, Forshaw M, Petalas M, Mcguirk L-J. 2024. 'The most stressful thing…was never the content, really': The emotional impact PICS practitioners experience during consultation and formulation EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PROBATION, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2023. “Shamba”: Understanding and responding to the drivers and dynamics of same-sex sexual activity, sexual violence, and HIV risk in the Malawi prison system NOTA Newsletter, :22-24 Publisher Url Public Url

Pemberton S, Kewley S, Mydlowski L. 2023. The Police as Formal Agents of Change: Assisting Desistance in Individuals Convicted of Sexual Offences Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 8 :191-196 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Kaima R, Mhango V, Kewley S, Mariniello T. 2023. Judiciarisation of the mentally ill and/or mentally incapacitated in the Malawi criminal justice system: Gaps and flaws of human rights protection Forensic Science International: Mind and Law, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Horváth Z, Nagy L, Koós M, Kraus SW, Demetrovics Z, Potenza MN, Ballester-Arnal R, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Briken P, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Castro-Calvo J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako R, Fernandez DP, Fujiwara H, Fernandez EF, Fuss J, Gabrhelík R, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs JB, Hashim HT, Islam S, Ismail M, Jiménez-Martínez MC, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, Költő A, Lee S-K, Lewczuk K, Lin C-Y, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Miller DJ, Orosová O, Orosz G, Sungkyunkwan University’s research team , Ponce FD, Quintana GR, Garzola GCQ, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, Scanavino MDT, Schulmeyer MK, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib S, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein DJ, Strizek J, Tsai MC, Ünsal BC, Vaillancourt-Morel M-P, Van Hout MC, Bőthe B. 2023. Psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) across cross-cultural subgroups, genders, and sexual orientations: Findings from the International Sex Survey (ISS) Comprehensive Psychiatry, 127 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lee CT, Lin CY, Bőthe B, Koós M, Nagy L, Kraus M, Demetrovics Z, Potenza MN, Ballester-Arnal R, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Castro-Calvo J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako RI, Fernandez DP, Fernandez EF, Fujiwara H, Fuss J, Gabrhelík R, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs JB, Hashim HT, Islam MS, Ismail M, Jiménez-Martínez M, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, Költő A, Lee S-K, Lewczuk K, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Trist´an P, Milea I, Miller DJ, Orosová O, Sungkyunkwan University’s Research Team , Ponce FP, Quintana GR, Garzola GCQ, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, Scanavino MDT, Schulmeyer MK, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib S, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein DJ, Strizek J, Ünsal BC, Vaillancourt-Morel M-P, Van Hout MC, Bőthe B. 2023. The eleven-item Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-11): Cross-cultural psychiatric evaluation across 43 countries Journal of Psychiatric Research, 165 :16-27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Cawley P, Kewley S, Burke L, Wager N. 2023. Restorative Justice for Sexual Violence Offences in England and Wales: The Challenges ahead Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bőthe B, Koós M, Nagy L, Kraus S, Demetrovics, Z, Potenza M, Van Hout MC, Vaillancourt-Morel M. 2023. Compulsive sexual behavior disorder in 42 countries: Insights from the International Sex Survey and introduction of standardized assessment tools Journal of Behavioral Addictions, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Kaima R, Mangwana Mhango A, Mhango V, Thakwalakwa C, Kewley S. 2023. ‘Shamba’: Understanding and responding to the drivers and dynamics of same-sex sexual activity, sexual violence and HIV risk in the Malawi prison system. Journal of Sexual Aggression: an international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dietzel D, Kewley S, McIlroy D, Synnott J. 2022. Prison Mental Health Screening tools: Updated Choices and Sensitivity Forensic Update, 140 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jumbe V, Mhango V, Muula A, Kaima R, Chimbwete L, Mangwana A, Msutu B, Tembo L, Bigland C, Kewley S, Van Hout MC. 2022. A multi-stakeholder situation assessment of COVID-19 disease preparedness and mitigation measures in a large prison complex in Malawi. International Journal of Prisoner Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mlhanga-Gunda R, Rusakaniko S, Chinyuku A, Pswarayi V, Robinson C, Kewley S, Van Hout MC. 2022. “We sleep 10cm apart so there is no social distancing”: COVID-19 preparedness in a Zimbabwean prison complex. International Journal of Prisoner Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Mhlanga-Gunda R, Van Hout MC. 2021. Preventing child sexual abuse before it occurs: Examining the scale and nature of secondary public health prevention approaches Journal of Sexual Aggression, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hillis A, Leavey C, Kewley S, Van Hout MC. 2021. Sex tourism in an era of globalisation, harm reduction and disease migration: a new conceptual model Tourism Review, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Van Hout MC. 2020. “I’d probably be dead now”: Evaluating the impact of theatre practitioners working on a recovery-based community drama project. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chivandikwa N, Mhlanga-Gunda R, Mahaso S, Chinokwetu C, Kewley S, Van Hout MC. 2020. Empowering Zimbabwean women prisoners’ right to health and equivalence of care in the prison system, using Forum Theatre. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, 22 :53-66 Publisher Url Public Url

Hillis A, Leavey C, Kewley S, Van Hout MC. 2020. Sex tourism, disease migration and COVID-19: Lessons learnt and best practices going forward. Journal of Travel Medicine, 27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chivandikwa N, Gadama L, Thakwalakwa C, Mula C, Mhango V, Banda C, Rosemary M-G, Kewley S, Van Hout MC. 2020. ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’: Advancing a human rights based approach to upholding health rights in a Malawian women’s prison. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, 22 Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Kewley S, Hillis A. 2020. Contemporary Transgender Health Experience and Health Situation in Prisons: A Scoping Review of Extant Published Literature (2000-2019) International Journal of Transgenderism, 21 :258-306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wazaify, M, Abushams, L, Al-Afifi M, Kewley S, Whitfield M, Quigg Z, McVeigh J, Van Hout MC. 2020. Perspectives of frontline professionals on Palestinian children living with sibling and parental drug use in the UNRWA camps, Jordan International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18 :1620-1637 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mhlanga-Gunda R, Kewley S, Chivandikwa N, Van Hout MC. 2020. Prison conditions and standards of health care for women and their children incarcerated in Zimbabwean prisons International Journal of Prisoner Health, 16 :319-336 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Mhlanga-Gunda R, Kewley S. 2020. Using performance and theatre arts in HIV interventions and HIV programming in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review of extant literature Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, 21 :178-213 Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Robinson-Edwards S, Riley L, Fisher D. 2019. Examining Prisoner Experience of an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 40 :111-124 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Afifi M, Abushams L, Sakka M, Shehada M, Afifi R, Alloush M, Rabee A, Kewley S, Quigg Z, Whitfield M, McVeigh J, Wazaify M, Van Hout MC. 2019. Perspectives of frontline professionals on Palestinian children's experiences of parental and sibling drug abuse in the West Bank and Gaza. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Osman S, McGuinness A. 2019. How well do police specialists risk assess Registered Sexual Offenders? Journal of Sexual Aggression, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Leather J, Kewley S. 2019. Assessing drama therapy as an intervention for recovering substance users: A systematic review Journal of Drug Issues, 49 :545-558 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Van Hout MC, Al-Afifi MF, Abushams L, Kewley S, Quigg Z, Whitfield M, McVeigh J, Wazaify M. 2019. Palestinian children's experiences of drug abuse in the home in the Occupied Territories of Palestine: A scoping review of extant literature International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2019. Changing Identities through Staging Recovery: The role of Community Theatre in the Process of Recovery The Arts in Psychotherapy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Robinson-Edwards S, Kewley S. 2018. Faith-Based Intervention: Prison, Prayer, and Perseverance Religions, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2017. Policing Registered Sex Offenders Journal of Forensic Practice, 19 :296-300 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Blandford M. 2017. The development of the active risk management system Journal of Criminal Psychology, 7 :155-167 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2017. Policing people with sexual convictions using strengths-based approaches Journal of Criminal Psychology, 7 :168-182 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Larkin M, Harkins L, Beech AR. 2017. Restoring identity: The use of religion as a mechanism to transition between an identity of sexual offending to a non-offending identity Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17 :79-96 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2017. Strength based approaches and protective factors from a criminological perspective Aggression and Violent Behavior, 32 :11-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Beech AR, Harkins L. 2015. Examining the role of faith community groups with sexual offenders: A systematic review Aggression and Violent Behavior, 25 :142-149 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Beech A, Harkins L, Bonsall H. 2015. Effective risk management planning for those convicted of sexual offending Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 7 :237-257 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2012. Review of the book A Community Based Approach to the Reduction of Sexual Reoffending, by S Hanvey, T Philpot and C Wilson Journal of Sexual Aggression, 18 :249-250 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2012. A community based approach to the reduction of sexual reoffending. Circles of support and accountability JOURNAL OF SEXUAL AGGRESSION, 18 :249-250 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gadama L, Mhango V, Thakwalakwa C, Mula C, Kewley S, Hillis A, Van Hout MC. 'Prison facilities were not built with a woman in mind’: An exploratory multi-stakeholder study on women’s situation in Malawi prisons. International Journal of Prisoner Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

El-Zoghby SM, Madroumi R, Kewley S, Van Hout MC. Insights into primary care physicians’ detection, intervention and management of patients with substance use disorders in Egypt Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url


Kewley S, Burke L. 2023. Forensic Psychology and Desistance Corteen K, Steele R, Cross N, McManus M. Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Issue and Practical Debates Bristol University Press

Kewley S, Barlow C. 2023. Criminal Justice and Serious, Violent and Sexual Offending Corteen K, Steele R, Cross N, McManus M. Forensic Psychology and Desistance In Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Issue and Practical Debates Bristol University Press

Robinson – Edwards S, Kewley S. 2023. Forensic Psychology and Rehabilitation Corteen K, Steele R, Cross N, McManus M. Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Issue and Practical Debates Bristol University Press

Kewley S, Brereton S. 2022. Public Protection: Examining the impact of strengthened public protection policy on probation practice Reimagining Probation Practice Routledge 9780367775995 Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Brereton S. 2022. Public Protection Reimagining Probation Practice :112-131 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Cardoso C, Kewley S. 2020. Women Who Commit Sexual Offences: Improving assessment to prevent recidivism. Kewley S, Barlow C. Preventing Sexual Violence: Problems and Possibilities :149-170 Policy Press DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Cardoso C, Kewley S. 2020. Women Who Commit Sexual Offences: Improving Assessment to Prevent Recidivism Preventing Sexual Violence :149-170 Bristol University Press DOI Publisher Url

Cardoso C, Kewley S. 2020. Women Who Commit Sexual Offences: Improving Assessment to Prevent Recidivism Preventing Sexual Violence :149-170 Policy Press 9781529203769 DOI Publisher Url

Kewley S. 2019. How might faith communities promote desistance from sexual crime? An exploration of theory Winder B, Blagden N, Lievesley R, Hocken K, Banyard P. Sexual Crime and Faith, Religion and Spirituality :53-70 Palgrave DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S, Larkin M, Harkins L, Beech A. 2018. Incarcerated Child Sexual Offenders and the Reinvention of Self through Religious and Spiritual Affiliation Kerley KR. Finding freedom in confinement: The role of religion in prison life :366-394 Praeger 9781440850325 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kewley S. 2011. Working with Sexual Violence: A Practitioner’s Perspective. Brown J, Walklate S. Handbook of Sexual Violence

Kewley S. 2011. Practitioner commentary: Working with sexual violence Handbook on Sexual Violence :374-382 DOI

Kewley S, Brereton S. Public Protection: Examining the impact of strengthened public protection policy on probation practice Burke L, Carr N, Cluley E, Collett S, McNeill F. Reimagining Probation Practice

Kewley S, Sarah P. Examining the tensions between policing people convicted of sexual offending and promoting the desistance process Blagden NICOLAS, Winder BELINDER. Sexual Crime and Community (Re)integration Palgrave Public Url

Gavin P, Cawley P, Kewley S, Burke L, wager N, Porter C. Restorative Justice as a response to sexual violence in England and Wales Porter C, McCartan K, Addis N, Meyrick J, Eason A, Senker S. A Public Health and Criminological Approach to Tackling Sexual Abuse: Prevention, Treatment, and Integration Palgrave Public Url

Books (authored)

Kewley S, Pemberton S, Rahman M. 2020. Preventing Sexual Harm: Positive Criminology and Sexual Abuse Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Kewley S, Barlow C. 2020. Preventing Sexual Violence Bristol University Press 978-1529203769 Publisher Url


Acton E, Kewley S. 2020. Review of Integrated Offender Management: Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner

Kewley S. 2020. Three Year Evaluation of a Geese Theatre Project: Staging Recovery

Editorial/letter to the editor

Kewley S, Bartels RM, Beech AR. 2017. Guest editorial Journal of Criminal Psychology, 7 :153-154 DOI Publisher Url

Van Hout M, Kaima R, Mangwana Mhango A, Mhango V, Kewley S. HIV agendas and upholding the rights of transgender people living in African prisons. Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Kewley S, Pemberton S, Black B, Socolof M. Editorial Introduction to the Journal of Sexual Agression Special Issue on Sibling Sexual Abuse Journal of Sexual Aggression: an international, interdisciplinary forum for research, theory and practice, DOI Publisher Url

Conference presentation:

Improving police responses to concerns of child sexual abuse, Sexual Offending, Vulnerability & Policing, University of Central Lancashire, Oral presentation. 2024

The future of Active Management following the recommndations in the Creedon Review, Sexual Offending, Vulnerability & Policing, Oral presentation. 2024

Intrafamilial child sexual abuse and HSB: a social work perspective and retrospective case file analysis, National Organisation for the Treatment of Abuse (NOTA), Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2024

Specialist police responses to working with people convicted of sexual violence, Gender Based Abuse and Violence, Oral presentation. 2023

Examining the tensions between policing people convicted of sexual offending and promoting the desistance process, The European Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health, Sweden, Oral presentation. 2023

Kewley, S. & Pemberton, S. Examining the tensions between policing people convicted of sexual offending and promoting the desistance process, The European Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health, Sweden, Oral presentation. 2023

‘Shamba’: Understanding and responding to the drivers and dynamics of sexual violence in the Malawi prison system., NOTA, Cardiff, Oral presentation. 2023

Groome, E., Blinkhorn, V., Kewley, S., Forshaw, M., Petalas, M. & McGuirk, LJ. Investigating the Emotional Impact that Writing up Case Formulations has on PICS Practitioners, The British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder, Northampton, UK, Poster presentation. 2022

Kewley, S. How well do police specialists risk assess registered sexual offenders, New directions in Sexual Offender Practice Conference, Birmingham, UK, Oral presentation. 2020

Perspectives of frontline professionals on Palestinian children's experiences of parental and sibling drug abuse in the West Bank and Gaza, 3rd Regional Conference on Adolescent Health: Investing in Healthier Generations, Jordan, Oral presentation. 2019

Kewley, S. Building “recovery capital” through community theatre, Global Conference on Addiction and Behavioral Health, London UK, Oral presentation. 2019

Kewley, S. An evaluation of police specialist’s assessment and management of Registered Sexual Offenders in the community in England and Wales, 15th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania, Oral presentation. 2018

Kewley, S., Osman, S., & McGuinness, A. How well do police assessors determine the risk and need of Registered Sexual Offenders?, British Society of Criminology Conference 2018, Birmingham, UK, Oral presentation. 2018

Blandford, M, & Kewley, S. Female Sexual Offender Risk and Needs Assessment (ARMS), The Management of Sexual Offenders & Violent Offenders Conference 2017, Cumbria UK, Oral presentation. 2017

Blandford, M. & Kewley, S. Active Risk Management System. Developments in the Female and Juvenile version, The Management of Sexual & Violent Offenders: Effective Risk Managment for the Digital Age, Oral presentation. 2017

Kewley, S. Assessing the strengths of sexual offenders: How do police officers experience this new approach?, 35th Annual 2016 Research and Treatment ATSA Conference Committee, Florida US, Oral presentation. 2016

Kewley, S. Innovative approaches to risk assessment and risk management: Policing sexual offenders, 16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Munster Germany, Oral presentation. 2016

Kewley, S. Religiosity in sex offenders, New directions in Sexual Offender Practice Conference, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2016

Kewley, S. Strengths based approach to risk assessment: Policing people with sexual convictions., International Crime & Policing Conference, London UK, Poster presentation. 2016

Kewley, S. Rehabilitation: Managing Offenders in the Community, CrimiKnowledge Conference, Oral presentation. 2016

Kewley, S. Exploring Religious and Spiritual Experiences of those Convicted of Sexual Offending, 4th Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology, Derby UK, Oral presentation. 2015

Kewley, S. Desistance in Sexual Offending, Desistance Conference, Belfast, Oral presentation. 2015

Kewley, S. How Far Do Risk Management Plans Correspond With Sexual Risk Factors and To What Extent Are Support Networks Used To Combat Risk?, National Association of the Treatment of Abusers Annual Conference, Cardiff, Oral presentation. 2013

Research Grants Awarded:

LJMU Faculty Research Development fund, A stakeholder analysis and case file review examining the extent to which social workers respond to multifaceted factors in cases of intrafamilial child sexual abuse, Grant value (£): 4060.35. 2024

LJMU Forensic Research Institute, Supporting formal agents of change: Assisting desistance in people convicted of sexual offending, Grant value (£): 1630. 2024

LJMU QR Policy Support Fund, Navigating the complexities of the mentally ill and mentally incapacitated in the criminal justice system in Malawi., Grant value (£): 9982.38. 2023

Cheshire and Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership, Applying the The Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse Assessment tool to practice, Grant value (£): 1070.64. 2023

Cheshire and Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership, Developing a Child Sexual Abuse Screening Tool for Social Workers across Cheshire and Merseyside., Grant value (£): 4400. 2022

LJMU QR Policy Support Fund, Preventing gender-based abuse: Targeting young people at risk of causing harm., Grant value (£): 9205. 2022

LJMU QR Policy Support Fund, Understanding sexual behaviour and responding to related harms in the Malawi prison system, Grant value (£): 8137. 2022

Global Challenges Research Fund, A situation assessment of multi-stakeholder experiences, prison system preparedness and health, penal and judicial measures taken to mitigate COVID-19 in Malawian and Zimbabwean prisons, Grant value (£): 24,458. 2021

Global Challenges Research Fund, Understanding and responding to substance use and abuse in the UNRWA Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, Marie-Claire van Hout (PI), Grant value (£): 20,460. 2019

Global Challenges Research Fund, Palestinian children's experiences of sibling and parental drug abuse in the Occupied Territories of Palestine (West Bank, Gaza) and the Palestinian refugee camps of Jordan., Marie-Claire van Hout (PI), Grant value (£): 7,500. 2018

Geese Theatre Company, Evaluation of Community Justice Theatre Interventions, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2017

National Police Chiefs Council and Birmingham City University, The exploration of how a strengths based approach might assist criminal justice practitioners risk assess and manage those convicted of sexual offending, Grant value (£): 2,334, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2016

QR Policy Support Fund, Examining the differences between child sexual abuse suspects reported via Organised Child Abuse Activist Groups (OCAG) and standard channels., Grant value (£): 3,850.

Conference organisation:


‘MOUSETRAP’ Understanding and Managing Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour, 2020

Managing Lifes Hurdles: Providing care and support to people with sexualised histories across the life course, Organiser, 2019

Recovery and the Arts, 2019

Preventing Sexual Violence, Organiser, 2016

Other Professional Activity:

Academic advisor for Cheshire and Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership - Child Sexual Abuse Strand.

Contribution to Police (Public Protection Directorate) Development events.

Steering Group member for the UK National Sibling Sexual Abuse Project.

Membership of professional bodies:

Chair of North West NOTA Branch, National Organisation of the Treatment of Abusers,

Editorial boards:

Journal of Criminal Psychology,

Journal of Forensic Practice,

Journal of Sexual Aggression, Associate Editor,
