Dr Rachel Tarling
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health
Email: R.M.Tarling@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8680
I am a registered Health Psychologist (HCPC) and Chartered Psychologist (BPS) and was awarded Associate Fellow of the BPS (AFBPsS) in recognition of several years' experience and contribution to the field of psychology. I am also a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority. I have completed the Aurora advanced higher education women’s leadership and development programme, and the ILM/LJMU leadership courses. As an academic and health services researcher I have implemented health psychology practice to improve healthcare/health services, particularly in the areas of screening prevention and early diagnosis (SPED), contributing nationally to the cancer agenda. I am passionate about the advancement of health psychology in knowledge transfer and professional activity, for example, in my role as a national professional UK accreditor for MSc and Professional Doctorate (stage 1 & 2) courses in Health Psychology with the BPS Division of Health Psychology Training committee (DHPTC). I am Co-Director of the Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology at LJMU and the Chair for the Institute of Health Research, Cancer Special Interest Group.
2004, University of Wales College of Medicine, Wales, PhD (Health Psychology)
1994, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Psychology
2005, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Introductory Counselling Skills
2004, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching Toolkit
Academic appointments
Director Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology, Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2025 - present
Co-Director Professional Doctorate In Health Psychology, Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Chair IHR Cancer Special Interest Group, LJMU, LJMU, 2022 - present
Senior Lecturer in Health PSychology, LJMU, LJMU, 2018 - present
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology, University of Central Lancashire, 2002 - 2018
Research Fellow, General Practice, University of Wales College of Medicine, 1995 - 2002
Journal article
Buck C, Brenes Castillo F, Bettio E, Land J, McCourt O, Poole H, Tarling R, Yong K, Popat R, Lee L, McMillan A, Papanikolaou X, Xu K, Kyriakou C, Rabin N, Wechalekar A, Fisher A, Sive J. 2024. The impact of continuous lenalidomide maintenance treatment on people living with multiple myeloma—a single-centre, qualitative service evaluation study Supportive Care in Cancer, 32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bowes M, Forshaw M, Tarling R. 2023. Investigating health behaviours and health beliefs in individuals with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, :1-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McCrossan T, Lannon R, Tarling R, Dooher M, Forshaw MJ, Poole H. 2022. Utilising the ‘COM-B’ bio-psychosocial approach to aid diabetes management Practical Diabetes, 39 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tarling R, Dey P. 2014. Breast cancer in the over 70's: Women's perceptions and campaign trainer's views Psycho-Oncology: journal of the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer,
Brown SL, Gibney TM, Tarling R. 2013. Busy lifestyles and mammography screening: Time pressure and women's reattendance likelihood PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH, 28 :928-938 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tarling R, Gale A, Martin-Hirsch P, Holmes L, Kanesalingam K, Dey P. 2013. Experiences of women referred for urgent assessment of postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 33 :184-187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gale A, Tarling R, Martin-HIrsh P, Dey P. 2008. Psychological morbidity in women investigated for post menopausal bleeding Climacteric, 11
Tarling R, Gale A, Dey P. 2008. Psychological morbidity in women investigated for postmenopausal bleeding: CAMBER 1 Psychology and Health: an international journal,
Tarling R, Holmes L, Gale A, Dey P. 2008. Experiences of women investigated for postmenopausal bleeding: CAMBER 2 Psychology and Health: an international journal,
Holloway RM, Wilkinson C, Peters TJ, Russell I, Cohen D, Hale J, Rogers C, Lewis H. 2003. Cluster-randomised trial of risk communication to enhance informed uptake of cervical screening BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 53 :620-625 Author Url
Robling M, Matthews SJ, Hood K, Russell IT, Holloway R, Wilkinson C, Edwards AGK, Austoker J, Cohen D, Mansel R, Pill RM, Stott NCH, Thapar A. 2002. The development of a new site-specific measure of quality of life for breast problems: The Cardiff breast scales QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH, 11 :339-348 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Archer J, Holloway R, McLoughlin K. 1995. Self-reported physical aggression among young men Aggressive Behavior, 21 :325-342 DOI Publisher Url
Rawlinson G, Connell L, Tarling R. What do physiotherapists really ask patients to do at home? An exploration of the content and provision of self-management physiotherapy programmes in MSK NHS out0pateint physiotherapy using the COM-B and TDF Physiotherapy,
Tarling R. Behaviour and Health Services research in Chronic Disease Health Psychology Update, 11 :17-19
Buck C, Castillo FB, Bettio E, Land J, McCourt O, Poole H, Tarling R, Yong K, Popat R, Lee L, McMillan A, Papanikolaou X, Xu K, Kyriakou C, Rabin N, Wechalekar A, Fisher A, Sive J. 2023. The impact of continuous lenalidomide maintenance treatment on people living with Multiple Myeloma – a single-centre, qualitative evaluation study Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url
Tarling R, Kinsey J. 2023. Overview of the Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust Cancer Community Support Service. Report for Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Tarling R. 2012. Evaluation of a Breast Cancer awareness campaign: A Focus Group Study
Edwards G, King D, Tarling R, Dey P. 2006. Smoking cessation in pregnancy - Does the theory of planned behaviour for smoking cessation correlate with attendance at smoking cessation services in pregnant smokers?
Tarling R, Parsonage R, Lewis H, Wilkinson C, Peters T, Russell I. 2003. ECLIPSE – Evaluation of Communicating cervical risk Information to Patients in a Screening Environment
Tarling R, Hibbs R, Myres P, Hendry M, Russell I, Wilkinson C. 2002. Patient enhanced recruitment methods: worth a second look?
Tarling R, Lewis H, Parsonage R, Wilkinson C. 2002. Informed consent and other emerging issues for women in the cervical screening programme: A focus group study.
Myres P, Tarling R. 2002. Open Access endoscopy for Helicobacter Pylori Positive patients with dyspepsia in general practice - is it necessary?
Tarling R, Lewis H, Parsonage R, Wilkinson C. 2002. Informed consent and other emerging issues for women in the cervical screening programme: A focus group study
Tarling R. 2001. Cervical screening – A ‘positive experience’
Tarling R. 1999. Risk communication in cervical cancer: evaluation of a patient centred approach.
Wilkinson C, Tarling R. 1999. Evaluation of guidelines for the referral and management of breast disorders: a pragmatic practice based randomised trial
Tarling R. 1998. Evaluation of a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) at Glan Clwyd hospital
Tarling R, Wilkinson C. 1997. Cervical risk evaluation within screening trial. evaluation of a risk scoring system and risk communication package to redress current maldistribution of cervical screening
Tarling R. The emotional impact of the cervical screening programme
Conference publication
Buck C, Castillo F, Bettio E, Yong K, Mcmillan A, Lee LSH, Papanikolaou X, Xu K, Kyriakou C, Rabin N, Wechalekar AD, Popat R, Land J, McCourt O, Poole H, Tarling R, Fisher A, Sive J. 2023. The Impact of Continuous Lenalidomide Maintenance Treatment on People Living with Multiple Myeloma - a Single-Centre Qualitative Service Evaluation BLOOD, 142 DOI Publisher Url
Rawlinson G, Connell L, Tarling R, Beaver K. 2021. An exploration of adherence to self-management physiotherapy programmes in musculoskeletal physiotherapy using the COM B model and TDF framework Physiotherapy, 113 :e9-e10 DOI Publisher Url
Lowrie E, Brewer G, Rogers P, Eslea M, Tarling R. 2018. Endorsement of paranormal and New Age beliefs as a unique form of coping Stress and Anxiety: Coping and Resilience
Membership of professional bodies:
Deputy Chair Division of Health Psychology Training Committee, British Psychological Society. 2024
Registered Health Psychologist, HCPC. 2009
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society. 2006
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Central Lancashire, PhD, Exploring the interplay of psychological states and outcomes, and the mediating effect of resilience in Type I and Type II diabetes. 2024
Monash University, Australia, PhD, Busy Lifestyles & Mammography Screening: Time Pressure & Women’s Mammography Re-Attendance. 2008
Public engagement:
Public consultation, General Public eligible for screening for cancer, Organiser and presenter, Student Life Building, LJMU, ‘Screening for all: addressing inequalities in early detection of cancer’, Dr Rachel Tarling was awarded first prize in a Division of Health Psychology national competition for networking & public engagement. This led to a public engagement event entitled ‘Screening for all: addressing inequalities in early detection of cancer’, to raise awareness of screening opportunities and to improve uptake. This took place in December 2023 and the results will inform future research and a national podcast.. 2023
Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, Health professionals, patients, researchers and healthcare trainees, Organiser and evaluation, Arrowe Park Hospital, My head and neck cancer experience, Art exhibition - Dr Rachel Tarling evaluated the impact of an Art exhibition at Arrowe Park Hospital designed to encourage those with symptoms of cancer to attend earlier. This showcased the work of Professor John Hyatt, a member of the IHR Cancer Special Interest Group.. 2023
Public consultation, Health professionals, trainees, patients, Organiser, Student Life Building LJMU, A New Catalyst in Cancer Research’, As Chair of LJMU's IHR Cancer Special Interest Group Dr Rachel Tarling delivered an engagement event entitled ‘A New Catalyst in Cancer Research’, with health professionals and patients to decide on future research in cancer for the region. July 2023. 2023
Media Coverage:
Extensive media coverage on North West news covering the art exhibition 'My head and neck cancer experience' 2023
www.youtube.com (opens in a new tab)
www.youtube.com (opens in a new tab)
Conference organisation:
Cancer Experiences Event, Lead. 2023
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
University of Central Lancashire, PhD, Applying behaviour change theory to explore adherence to self-management physiotherapy programmes in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. 2021
University of Central Lancashire, PhD, The Endorsement of Paranormal and New Age Belief as a Unique Form of Coping.. 2018
External committees:
Division of Health Psychology Training Committee (DHPTC), British Psychological Society (BPS), Member of the National accreditation committee for all Stage 1 (MSc, Level 7) and 2 (Doctorate, Level 8) accredited programmes across the UK.