I joined LJMU as a Research Assistant in January 2021, having previously worked as an Assistant Psychologist and Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner. I have a BSc (Hons) degree in Criminology and Psychology from LJMU, an MSc degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Manchester and a PGCert degree in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies from LJMU.
My main research interests include risk management, suicide, self-harm, domestic violence, stalking and the long-term impact of abuse.
2020, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCert
2017, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MSc
2015, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons)
Academic appointments
Research Assistant, Faculty of Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Journal article
Silverio SA, George-Carey R, Memtsa M, Kent-Nye FE, Magee LA, Sheen KS, Burgess K, Oza M, Storey C, Sandall J, Easter A, von Dadelszen P, Jurković D, Sampson A, Haddad L, Payne E, Sambrook L, Goodhart V. 2024. Preliminary findings on the experiences of care for women who suffered early pregnancy losses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24 :1-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Bu C, Nathan R, Saini P. 2024. The journey of service users with complex mental health needs: a qualitative study Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, Ashley-Mudie P, Tait J, Bu C, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P. 2023. Perspectives of service users and carers with lived experience of a diagnosis of personality disorder: A qualitative study Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre J, Balmer A, Burton S, Roks H, Sambrook L, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: A mixed methods study to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for people with complex needs: Study protocol. PLoS One, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chopra J, Sambrook L, Mcloughlin S, Randles R, Palace M, Blinkhorn V. 2022. Risk factors for Intimate Partner Homicide in England and Wales Health and Social Care in the Community, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre JC, Sambrook L, Roks H, Burton S, Balmer A, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2021. PP447 Informing The Development And Evaluation Of An Evidence-Based Service Delivery Model For Mental Health Patients With Complex Needs International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37 :37-38 DOI Publisher Url
Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P. 2022. Patient profiles of service users with complex mental health needs: an indepth case notes analysis Patient profiles of service users with complex mental health needs: an indepth case notes analysis Public Url
Roks H, Balmer A, Sambrook L, Burton S, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R, Saini P, McIntyre JC. 2022. Descriptive analysis of complex mental health service users using routinely collected data Public Url
Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, McIntyre JC, Shetty A, Nathan T, Saini P. 2022. Patient Journey of Service Users with Complex Mental Health Needs: A Qualitative Study Public Url
Chopra J, Sambrook L. Oasis Understanding Trauma Programme Evaluation Report Public Url
Saini P, Roks H, Sambrook L, Balmer A, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experiences of Carers of Service Users With Complex Mental Health Needs
Saini P, Balmer A, Sambrook L, Roks H, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. The Provision of Mental Health Care for Service Users With Complex Needs Who Are at Risk of Suicide
Conference publication
Saini P, Sambrook L, Balmer A, Roks H, McIntyre J, Martin A, Tait J, Ashley-Mudie P, Shetty A, Nathan R. 2022. A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experiences of Service Users With Complex Mental Health Needs BJPSYCH OPEN, 8 :S9-S9 DOI Publisher Url
Saini P, Nathan R, Sambrook L, Burton S, Roks H, Balmer A, McIntyre J, Martin A, Shetty A. 2021. The use of coproduction to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for mental health service users with complex needs BJPSYCH OPEN, 7 :S286-S286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saini P, Martin A, McIntyre J, Balmer A, Burton S, Roks H, Sambrook L, Shetty A, Nathan R. COMplex mental health PAThways (COMPAT) Study: a mixed methods study to inform an evidence-based service delivery model for people with complex needs: Study protocol DOI Publisher Url
Conference presentation:
An Evaluation of Three Transformation Change Projects, Suicide and Self-Harm Research Group (SSHRG) Research Conference, Quaker Meeting House, Oral presentation. 2022