Image of Dr David Moore

Dr David Moore

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

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I am a Reader in Pain Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University with research interests in cognitive performance in pain states and pain in autistic people . Before coming to LJMU I completed a postdoctoral role at the University of Bath Centre for Pain Research developing the Bath Test of Attention for Pain (Bath TAP). Prior to this I completed my PhD at Sheffield Hallam University examining the attentional biases for faces in autistic adults.

My research interests are primarily focused on all aspects of the pain experiences of autistic people, ranging from laboratory assessment of pain mechanisms to research exploring inequalities in provision of care for autistic people. I am interested more widely on the health (both physical and mental health) of neurodivergent people and helping to support changes which might promote and support better health. I also and interested in research relating to the cognitive functioning in individuals experiencing induced, acute and chronic pain.


Sheffield Hallam University, UK, PhD

Academic appointments

Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Pain Research, University of Bath, 2012 - present
