Image of Dr Charlotte Krahe

Dr Charlotte Krahe

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

See My Tutor


Research interests:

My research seeks to explain the psychological and neurobiological pathways by which humans integrate social context with its all its complexity into their experience of emotions, from relatively fleeting sensations in our bodies to longer-term experiences of pain, anxiety and depression. How are these pathways influenced by how we view others and ourselves in social interactions, and how are they shaped by our early interpersonal experiences?

Examples of topics I am investigating:
1) Psychological and neurobiological processes by which social interactions (e.g., social support, touch) from partners and healthcare professionals influence acute and chronic pain
2) Cognitive biases which maintain repetitive negative thinking (e.g., worry and rumination) in anxiety and depression and how these can be altered through interventions such as cognitive bias modification
3) Perception of slow, gentle “affective” touch from self and others, and its modulation e.g., by depression and attachment styles
4) Investigating the above in specific populations such as in women in the perinatal period and in healthcare professionals

I use quantitative methods from experimental psychology and social cognitive neuroscience: Experimental studies, cross-sectional studies, and intervention studies with multiple time points, measuring behavioural outcomes and event-related potentials (ERPs). I have also developed and psychometrically evaluated new measures. I am committed to patient and public involvement in all aspects of my research.

Example teaching topics:
The neuroscience of pain; effects of social factors on pain; theoretical models of anxiety and depression; research methods and statistics, including research methods in experimental psychology, electroencephalography (EEG) and event-relate potential (ERP) methods; social cognitive neuroscience.

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Liverpool, 2019 - 2022
Post-Doctoral Research Psychologist, King's College London, 2015 - 2019
