Dr Paul Anthony Jones
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: P.A.Jones@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4064
Dr. Paul A Jones is a Reader in the Social Economy and he heads up the Research Unit for Financial Inclusion (RUFI) in the Faculty of Education, Health and Community at Liverpool John Moores University. RUFI undertakes academic, action and evaluative research in a wide range of areas related to the development of financial services for lower and moderate-income households, money and debt advice and credit union development. He has published widely in the field of financial inclusion and credit union development and is a regular speaker at national and international conferences in the field of the social economy,
2010, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
1995, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MSc
1984, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MEd
2003, Chartered Institute of Linguists, United Kingdom, Diploma in French
1980, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, Post-graduate Diploma in Youth and Community Studies
Academic appointments
Director of Research, Swoboda Research Centre, 2020 - present
External Examiner, Social Welfare Law, Policy and Advice Practice, Staffordshire University, 2013 - 2018
Visiting lecturer in the social economy, Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2008 - present
Journal article
Money N, McCarthy O, Jones PA, Byrne N. 2023. Understanding business models in the context of Irish credit union transformation Journal of Co-operative Studies, 56 :23-34 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Aspinwall-Roberts E, Fleming V, Khatri R, Jones PA. 2022. ‘They don’t want them to have capacity’: Multi-agency operationalisation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in England with adults who self-neglect Health and Social Care in the Community, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA. 2018. Creating affordable financial services from the bottom-up: The role of community finance in achieving healthy, just and sustainable cities Journal of Co-operative Studies, 50 :7-18 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA. 2014. Les credit unions endossent une mission d’inclusion financière Banque & Stratégie, Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA, Myers J, Scott Cato M. 2012. An ‘alternative mainstream’? The impact of financial inclusion policy on credit unions in Wales Public Money and Management, 32, number 6 :409-416 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones C, Jones PA. 2011. Simulation in Prehospital care: teaching, testing and fidelity Journal of Paramedic Practice, 3 :430-434 Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Scott-Cato M, Myers J. 2011. A la marge ou grand public : conséquences de la politique d’insertion financière sur le développement des coopératives d’épargne et de crédit au pays de Galles Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, :52-68 Publisher Url
Jones PA, Jones C. 2009. Paramedic Research Methods: Importance and Implications Journal of Paramedic Practice, 1 :465-469 Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA. 2008. From tackling poverty to achieving financial inclusion - the changing role of British credit unions in low income communities Journal of Socio-Economics, 37 :2141-2154 DOI Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2006. Giving credit where it's due: Promoting financial inclusion through quality credit unions Local Economy, 21 :36-48 DOI Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2005. Philanthropy and enterprise in the British credit union movement Economic Affairs, 25 :13-19 DOI Publisher Url
Corcoran L, Jones P, Money N. 2023. Small loans: credit unions' best-kept secret? An analysis of the economics and opportunity for credit unions serving the small loans market in Ireland Small loans: credit unions best kept secret? An analysis of the economics and opportunity for credit unions serving the small loans market in Ireland Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones P, Harris D, Warbrick T. 2023. The Family Loan and Saving Scheme The Family Loan and Saving Scheme Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Evans G, McAteer M, Earnshaw M, Jones P, Money N. 2023. Deduction Lending: Does it Add Up for Low-Income Borrowers Deduction Lending: Does it Add Up for Low-Income Borrowers Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dibb S, Appleyard L, Money N, Jones P. 2022. Managing Loan Declines. A best practice manual Managing Loan Declines. A best practice manual Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Money N. 2021. The maximisation of savings in Irish and British credit unions: Success, opportunity or risk? Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA. 2020. Fishing without a safety net Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, McGinn P, Money N. 2020. The Credit Union Difference Publisher Url Public Url
Jones P, Money N. 2018. The Remuneration of Credit Union Directors Publisher Url
Jones PA, Money N. 2018. Borrowing from a Credit Union: Messages from Members Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Money N, Swoboda R. 2018. A Manual of Credit Union Governance Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Money N, Swoboda R. 2018. The Revolving Credit Opportunity for Credit Unions Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Money N, Swoboda R. 2017. The Irish Credit Union Business Model: Is it still fit for purpose? Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Money N. 2017. Affordable Loans Project Declines Report A research study into the opportunities to support residents initially declined for loans by affordable loan partners Affordable Loans Project Declines Report A research study into the opportunities to support residents initially declined for loans by affordable loan partners :1-10 Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2017. Board Democracy in Co-operatives Board Democracy in Co-operatives :1-39 Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA, Money N, Swoboda R. 2017. Credit Union Strategic Governance Credit Union Strategic Governance :1-207 Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA, Money N, Swoboda R. 2016. The DWP CUEP Review Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Money N, Swoboda R. 2016. Credit Union Expansion Project Review The Department of Work and Pensions Credit Union Expansion Project Review :1-93 Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA, Ellison A, Dignan T. 2016. Affordable Alternatives to High Cost Credit in Northern Ireland Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA, Money N. 2016. Credit Union Christmas Savings product research study Credit Union Christmas Savings product research study A research study into the feasibility of a nationally-promoted Christmas savings account :1-21 Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA, Money N. 2015. Affordable Loans Project. Interim Report A research study into the design of an affordable loans project pilot for residents Affordable Loans Project. Interim Report A research study into the design of an affordable loans project pilot for residents :1-32 Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA, Money N. 2015. Enabling access to affordable credit for social housing residents Public Url
Jones PA. 2014. Banking on a better future Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones PA. 2014. Towards a systematic approach to credit union governance - an interim report Towards a systematic approach to credit union governance - an interim report :1-73
Jones PA, Money N. 2013. Debt Solutions: An options evaluation for Citizens Advice Debt Solutions: An options evaluation for Citizens Advice :1-102
Jones PA, Money N. 2013. Pilot Project Evaluation for Citizens Advice: DMP Triage and Referrals, September 2012 to January 2013 Pilot Project Evaluation for Citizens Advice: DMP Triage and Referrals, September 2012 to January 2013 :1-24
Jones PA. 2013. Towards Financial Inclusion - the expansion of credit union financial services for low-income households in Northern Ireland Towards Financial Inclusion - the expansion of credit union financial services for low-income households in Northern Ireland :1-78 Publisher Url
Jones PA, Bath C. 2013. Unlocking Credit Unions Unlocking Credit Unions: Developing partnerships between credit unions and criminal justice agencies :1-78 Publisher Url
Jones PA, Bath C. 2013. Unlocking Credit Unions Unlocking Credit Unions: Developing partnerships between credit unions and criminal justice agencies :1-78 Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2012. Efficiency and client choice in the delivery of free debt advice Efficiency and client choice in the delivery of free debt advice :1-40 Publisher Url
Jones PA, Sheen G, Money N. 2012. Debt Management Plan Referrals Pilot Debt Management Plan Referrals Pilot :1-28
Jones PA. 2012. Strategies for Growth. A research study into the progress and development of credit unions in the North East of England and Cumbria :1-55
Jones PA. 2011. Reaching the hardest to reach; An exploratory study into the development of the Community Advice Partnership in order to support its reaching out to serve the hardest of the hard to reach groups in Darlington Reaching the hardest to reach; An exploratory study into the development of the Community Advice Partnership in order to support its reaching out to serve the hardest of the hard to reach groups in Darlington
Jones PA. 2011. Integrating Debt Advice Services - The development of an integrated approach to the delivery of face-to-face and telephone debt advice among Citizens Advice Bureaux in the North East and Cumbria. Integrating Debt Advice Services - The development of an integrated approach to the delivery of face-to-face and telephone debt advice among Citizens Advice Bureaux in the North East and Cumbria.
Jones PA. 2011. Understanding customers in financial difficulty.
Jones PA, Ellison A. 2011. Community Finance for London, Scaling up the credit union and social finance sector.
Jones PA, Ellison A, Whyley C, Forster R. 2011. Credit and low-income consumers. A demand-side perspective on the issues for consumer protection.
Jones PA. 2010. Integrating Debt Advice, A study of the integration of debt advice services in the North East and Cumbria
Jones PA. 2010. Over-indebtedness on a low income. An investigation into the impact and effectiveness of the Citizens Advice Financial Inclusion Fund face-to face debt advice project, 2006 – 2009,
Jones PA, Kempson E, Ellison A, Whyley C. 2009. Is a not-for-profit home credit business feasible? :0-56 Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2009. Stabilising Credit Unions.
Jones PA. 2009. Still Banking on a fresh start. Progress report on the impact of The Co-operative Bank’s project to enable prisoners to open basic bank accounts
Jones PA, Scott-Cato M, Bickle R, Myers J. 2009. Realising the Potential: a review of the credit union movement in Wales,
Jones PA. 2008. Banking on a fresh start. A research study into the impact of The Co-operative Bank’s project to enable prisoners to open basic bank accounts in HMP Forest Bank. Banking on a fresh start. A research study into the impact of The Co-operative Bank’s project to enable prisoners to open basic bank accounts in HMP Forest Bank. :0-80 Public Url
Jones PA. 2008. Linking credit unions and money advice. Learning lessons from the Blackfriars Advice Centre, Southwark Credit Union and Twinpier Debt Counselling Service Money Advice Project :0-64 Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2008. Breaking through to the future -the strategic development of credit unions in Britain, 1998 – 2008
Jones PA. 2008. Credit Union Current Accounts
Jones PA, Howlin M. 2017. Community finance: the emergence of credit unions in London Cohen S, Fuhr C, Bock JJ. Austerity, Community Action, and the Future of Citizenship in Europe :95-114 Policy Press. Bristol 978-1447331032 Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2016. British credit unions; Transformation and Challenge Karafolas S. Credit Cooperative Institutions in European Countries Comparative analysis of credit cooperative systems across 23 European countries :233-249 Springer International Publishing. New York City, USA 978-3-319-28783-6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2016. British Credit Unions: Transformation and Challenge Contributions to Economics :233-249 DOI Publisher Url
Jones PA, Capo Vicedo J. 2013. The corporate social responsibility of British credit unions Brazda J, Dellinger M, Rößl D. Genossenschaften im Fokus einer neuen Wirtschaftspolitik - Bericht der XVII. Internationalen Genossenschaftswissenschaftlichen Tagung (IGT) 2012 in Wien. :639-650 LIT Verlag.. Berlin 978-3-643-50515-6 Publisher Url
Jones PA, Marchesini A. 2013. Re-discovering a Paradigm: the Promotion of Savings by Credit Unions within the UK Policy context of Asset-Based Welfare . Goglio S, Alexopoulos Y. Financial cooperatives and local development. Routledge. Trento. Italy DOI Publisher Url
Jones PA. 2008. Finance for all: British credit unions and the promotion of an inclusive society Bickle R, Cato MS. New views of society: Robert Owen for the 21st Century :29-46 Scottish Left Review Press. Biggar, Scotland 9780955036248 Publisher Url
Jones PA. From Tackling Poverty to Achieving Financial Inclusion, the Transformation of The British Credit Union Movement, 1998-2008 Public Url
Highlighted activities
External committees:
Board of Trustees, Just Finance Foundation, Trustee, https://justfinancefoundation.org.uk/. 2017
Professional activities
External committees:
Board of Trustees, Just Finance Foundation, Trustee, https://justfinancefoundation.org.uk/. 2017
Board of Directors, Swoboda Research Centre Dublin Republic of Ireland, Director, https://swobodacentre.org/. 2016
Scientific Committee, ESS Forum International (Economie Social et Solidaire), Committee Member, http://www.rencontres-montblanc.coop/en. 2011
Other Professional Activity:
Chair Audit and Risk Committee Manchester Credit Union Ltd, Manchester, UK. 2016
Director of Enterprise Credit Union Ltd, Knowsley, Merseyside.
Editorial boards:
Journal of Co-operative Studies, Editor. 2009
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Chartered Institute of Linguists.