I hold a PhD in Health and Wellbeing attained at Sheffield Hallam University in 2018, a Master of Public Health, and an Advanced Diploma in Nursing Studies, both completed at the University of Sheffield in 2012 and 2003 respectively. I am also a fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and an Associate member of the Royal Society of Public Health (ARSPH). Since completion of my Advanced Diploma in Nursing Studies, I have worked in a variety of mental health settings, both in the NHS and in the independent sector. My clinical practice is broad, but I have significant experience of working in admissions, acute and rehabilitation inpatient settings as well as in the community. Since leaving full time practice in 2018, my work has been in Higher Education. I have found this rewarding in that nurse education ensures that the healthcare system continues to have skilled professionals to meet patient needs and that the knowledge and skills we instill instill in our students teach our students lead to better health outcomes, patient safety, and satisfaction. I currently teach and supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate students in mental health nursing, and public health.
Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom, PhD in Health and Wellbeing
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, Master of Public Health
University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, BSc Biological Sciences (Hon)
University of South Wales, United Kingdom, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Lecturer, University of South Wales, 2018 - 2022
Postgraduate training
Post-graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, United Kingdom, University of South Wales, ? - present
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning Higher Education, United Kingdom, University of South Wales, ? - present
Post graduate Diploma in Total Quality Management, United Kingdom, Nottingham Trent University, ? - present
Advanced Diploma in Nursing Studies, United Kingdom, University of Sheffield, ? - present