Image of Prof Ian Jones

Prof Ian Jones

Nursing and Advanced Practice

Faculty of Health

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Ian is a senior cardiac nurse and academic with over 30 years clinical experience. He is a former President of the British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care, Council member of the British Cardiovascular Society and Nurse Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology.

He was appointed to LJMU in 2016 and became the Associate Dean for Research and Knowledge Exchange in the Faculty of Health in 2017 until 2021

Ian was instrumental in the development of the Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, a multi-disciplinary, multi stakeholder research organisation that is focussed on the pursuit of high quality cardiovascular related research. He is a member of a number of University committees including Academic Board and the University Research Committee. He is also engaged in numerous external organisations including the Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, the Liverpool Health Partners, the British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care, the Association for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Health Professionals of the European Society of Cardiology and the Council of Deans for Health Research group.

Ian has published widely in the field and completed a PhD focussing on the clinical outcomes of cardiac patients. He has successfully managed a large number of funded research projects that have focussed on the needs of cardiac patients and their carers, the end of life needs of heart failure patients and the users views of cardiac nurses.

He has benefited from a number of grants from the British Heart Foundation and NHS organisations to enable him to undertake this important area of work.

Ian is an internationally renowned academic who is regularly invited to present at the annual conferences of a number of national cardiac societies

In the spare time that Ian has available he is the Chair and Trustee of Blackburn Community Sports Club, an East Lancashire based charity that provides sporting opportunities for young people and adults and is based on the premise that sports should be available for all. Recognising the role that physical activity plays in the prevention of ill health, Ian sees this as an extension of his professional life.


2006, University of Salford, United Kingdom, PhD
2002, University of Salford, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Cert in Learning and Teaching
1996, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, BSc Hons

Academic appointments

Visiting Professor, Nursing, Edinburgh Napier University, 2023 - present
Visiting Professor, Nursing, Edith Cowan University, 2021 - present
