Image of Prof James Ren

Prof James Ren

School of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Telephone: 0151 231 2506

See My Tutor


Professor of Engineering (2010-)
Director of the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre,
Faculty of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
James Parsons Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF. Tel. No. +44 (0)151 231 2506; Email Address:

Research Interests and Activities:
Materials development and processing; The Mechanics of Smart Materials and structures; Computational Mechanics and Applications; Materials Simulation (Physical modelling) and Applications

Previous Work Experience
University of Exeter (UK), Loughborough University (UK), Yanshan University (China),
AMEC Engineering Consultant (Warrington, UK)

Editorial Board Member: Materials & Design (2009-; Elsevier, SCI, Impact Factor: 5.8); Surface Technology《表面技术》(EI).

EPSRC, EU, NHS, DTI, HEFCE, Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering; UK Materials Education Centre, Overseas Governments and industries.
Main Current Projects:
EU H 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant/Consortium (i-weld (2019.05-2023.05), Integration of advanced experiments, computation and data for Duplex Stainless Steel joining innovation (
EU MSCA SE project Integration of Advanced Experiments, Computation and Data for Innovation in Freeze Casting and Advanced Porous Structures (;
Integration of Advanced Experiments, Imaging and Computation for Synergistic Structure-Performance Design of Powders and Materials in Additive Manufacturing (

Main Recent Projects: PI for H2020 Individual fellowship: Nu-Weld (2019.01-2021.01) and Strong-link (2020.01-2022.01) (over €0.9 Million). Co-I for EU projects ProGeo (2017-2020).

Ph.D Supervision: Current Ph.D projects (Director of study (3); joint supervisor (1));
Ph.D Projects completed (Director of study (14); joint supervisor (4))

Examinations for Ph.D Projects: Swansea University, Liverpool University, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), University of Malaya.

Editorial Board Member: Materials & Design (ISSN 0264-1275) (Elsevier) (SCI Impact factor 3.99); Journal Reviewer (All SCI Journals): Journal of Materials Research (Materials Research Society (USA)) (IF 1.65); ; Materials Letter (IF 2.49); Materials & Design (IF 3.5); Materials Science and Engineering A (IF 2.56); International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (IF 2.0); JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS; APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE; SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY.


2000, University of Hull, United Kingdom, PhD
1996, University of Hull, United Kingdom, MSc Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
1991, Key Chinese National Lab of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, China, BEng Materials Science and Engineering

Academic appointments

Professor of Engineering, School of Engineering, Technology & Maritime Operations, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - present
