Prof James Ren
School of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: X.J.Ren@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2506
Professor of Engineering (2010-)
Director of the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre,
Faculty of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
James Parsons Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF. Tel. No. +44 (0)151 231 2506; Email Address: X.J.Ren@ljmu.ac.uk
Research Interests and Activities:
Materials development and processing; The Mechanics of Smart Materials and structures; Computational Mechanics and Applications; Materials Simulation (Physical modelling) and Applications
Previous Work Experience
University of Exeter (UK), Loughborough University (UK), Yanshan University (China),
AMEC Engineering Consultant (Warrington, UK)
Editorial Board Member: Materials & Design (2009-; Elsevier, SCI, Impact Factor: 5.8); Surface Technology《表面技术》(EI).
EPSRC, EU, NHS, DTI, HEFCE, Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering; UK Materials Education Centre, Overseas Governments and industries.
Main Current Projects:
EU H 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant/Consortium (i-weld (2019.05-2023.05), Integration of advanced experiments, computation and data for Duplex Stainless Steel joining innovation (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/823786)
EU MSCA SE project Integration of Advanced Experiments, Computation and Data for Innovation in Freeze Casting and Advanced Porous Structures (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101130406);
Integration of Advanced Experiments, Imaging and Computation for Synergistic Structure-Performance Design of Powders and Materials in Additive Manufacturing (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101129996).
Main Recent Projects: PI for H2020 Individual fellowship: Nu-Weld (2019.01-2021.01) and Strong-link (2020.01-2022.01) (over €0.9 Million). Co-I for EU projects ProGeo (2017-2020).
Ph.D Supervision: Current Ph.D projects (Director of study (3); joint supervisor (1));
Ph.D Projects completed (Director of study (14); joint supervisor (4))
Examinations for Ph.D Projects: Swansea University, Liverpool University, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), University of Malaya.
Editorial Board Member: Materials & Design (ISSN 0264-1275) (Elsevier) (SCI Impact factor 3.99); Journal Reviewer (All SCI Journals): Journal of Materials Research (Materials Research Society (USA)) (IF 1.65); ; Materials Letter (IF 2.49); Materials & Design (IF 3.5); Materials Science and Engineering A (IF 2.56); International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (IF 2.0); JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS; APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE; SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY.
2000, University of Hull, United Kingdom, PhD
1996, University of Hull, United Kingdom, MSc Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
1991, Key Chinese National Lab of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, China, BEng Materials Science and Engineering
Academic appointments
Professor of Engineering, School of Engineering, Technology & Maritime Operations, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010 - present
Highlighted publications
Li S, Al-Badani K, Gu Y, Lake MJ, Li B, Rothwell G, Ren X. 2017. The Effects of Poisson's Ratio on the Indentation Behaviour of Materials with Embedded System in an Elastic Matrix physica status solidi (b), DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu S, Zhou Y, Xing X, Wang J, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Growth characteristics of primary M7C3 carbide in hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C alloy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Guo J, Feng Y, Liu L, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Investigation of microstructural damage to eutectic carbides from scratch tests of a heat-treated Fe–Cr–W–Mo–V–C alloy Wear, 358-35 :137-147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ren XJ, Silberschmidt VV. 2008. Numerical modelling of low-density cellular materials COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 16th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials 43 :65-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gaspar N, Ren XJ, Smith CW, Grima JN, Evans KE. 2005. Novel honeycombs with auxetic behaviour ACTA MATERIALIA, 53 :2439-2445 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Qing X, Guo J, Liu X, Zhang Q, Kaid T, Outterside N, Tang C, Wang L, Yang Q, Ren X. 2024. First-Principles Calculation and Analysis of the Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Mo2C with Vacancy Defects and Substitutional Doping Crystals, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
He Q, Wang J, Song W, He Y, Ren X, Guo J, Yang Q. 2024. Novel insights into heterogeneous nucleation interface properties between La
Mohd Mansor MS, Raja S, Yusof F, Muhamad MR, Manurung YHP, Adenan MS, Hussein NIS, Ren J. 2024. Integrated approach to Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) optimization: Harnessing the synergy of process parameters and deposition strategies Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30 :2478-2499 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zheng H, Zhao C, He Q, He Y, Ren X, Guo J, Qingxiang Y. 2024. Insights into heterogeneous nucleation interface of Y2O3//NbN via first principles calculation Materials Today Communications, 39 :1-12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
He Y, Wang J, Zhu T, Ren X, Guo J, Yang Q. 2024. Insights into refinement mechanism of primary M7C3 carbide by La2O3 via experiments and first-principles calculations Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 29 :4505-4513 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lu J, Guo J, Shi C, Ren X, Han F, Wang J, Yang Q. 2023. Hardness prediction of the carbides in Fe-based multi-elements alloy by first-principles MRS Communications, 13 :1315-1319 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
He Q, Rao L, Song W, Liu H, Zhang S, Ren X, Yang Q. 2023. Adhesion and friction behaviors of a γ-Fe/diamond heterogeneous contact interface: a density functional theory study Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25 :21649-21660 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Song W, He Q, Zhuo Y, Shao W, Zhang S, Ren X, Yang Q. 2023. First principles analysis on the nucleation interface of La2O3(11̅0)/NbC(11̅0) Materials Today Communications, 35 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
He Y, Liu J, Shao W, Rao L, Zhang S, Ren X, Yang Q. 2023. First-principles investigation on interface bonding properties between Fe3Cr3YC3 and γ-Fe Materials Letters, 336 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Song W, He Q, Rao L, Zhang S, Wang J, Ren X, Yang QI. 2022. Heterogeneous nucleation interface between LaAlO3 and niobium carbide: First-principles calculation Applied Surface Science, 606 :154731-154731 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Aufa AN, Hassan MZ, Ismail Z, Harun N, Ren J, Sadali MF. 2022. Surface Enhancement in Ti-6al-4v Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting on Bone-Like Apatite Formation Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 19 :4108-4030 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Guo J, Feng Y, Tang C, Wang L, Qing X, Yang Q, Ren X. 2022. Insight into Point Defects and Complex Defects in β-Mo2C and Carbide Evolution from First Principles Materials, 15 :4719 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Angel O, Rothwell G, English R, Ren J, Cummings A. 2022. Effect of post processing of digital image correlation on obtaining accurate true stress-strain data for AISI 304L Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54 :3205-3214 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shi Z, Shao W, Rao L, Xing X, Zhou Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2022. Pressure-induced structure, elasticity, intrinsic hardness and ideal strength of tetragonal C4N Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24 :5171-5184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu J, Zhuo Y, Lu J, Wang L, Ren X. 2022. Novel Conductive rGO/PEDOT:PSS/PVA Nanofibers by Electrospinning Integrated Ferroelectrics, 229 :305-312 DOI Publisher Url
Shi Z, Shao W, Xing X, Ren X, Zhou Y, Yang Q. 2021. First-principles investigation of V-doping effects on Fe3Cr4C3 carbide in hypereutectic Fe–Cr–C hardfacing coating Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 77 :649-661 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Li Z, Wang J, Shi Z, Zhou Y, Guo J, Ren X, Yang Q. 2021. Refinement mechanism of (Ti, Nb)(C, N) carbonitride in hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C-Ti-Nb-N coating by CeO2: A first principles study Materials Today Communications, 27 :102315-102315 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kostenevych OS, Ren J. 2021. Prediction of residual stresses after welding of duplex steel taking into account phase transformations Avtomatičeskaâ svarka (Kiev) The Paton Welding Journal, 2021 :14-19 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zhou Y, Li L, Chen Z, Rao L, Ren X, Xing X, Yang Q. 2021. Accidental damaged diamond-like carbon coating by prefabricated scratches: Experimental exploration on anticorrosion and tribological performances Diamond and Related Materials, 111 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rao L, Liu H, Shao W, Hu T, Xing X, Ren X, Zhou Y, Yang Q. 2020. Investigation on the interface characteristic between TiN and diamond by first-principles calculation DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guo J, Feng Y, Tang C, Ren X. 2020. Intrinsic defects, Mo-related defects, and complexes in transition-metal carbide VC: A first-principles study Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103 :7226-7239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rao L, Liu H, Shi Z, Xing X, Ren X, Zhou Y, Yang Q. 2020. Theoretical calculation and experimental investigation on NbC refined by CeAlO(3)in hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C-Nb hardfacing alloy JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 56 :2559-2571 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Liu S, Shi Z, Xing X, Ren X, Zhou Y, Yang Q. 2020. Effect of Nb additive on wear resistance and tensile properties of the hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C hardfacing alloy MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang Y-C, Ko T-W, Ren X. 2020. Effective Mechanical Responses of a Class of 2D Chiral Materials PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 257 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tang C, Li L, Wang L, Herencia VZ, Ren J. 2020. Numerical and Experimental Studies on the Deformation of Missing-Rib and Mixed Structures under Compression PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 257 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prasatkhetragarn A, Jutimoosik J, Jantaratan P, Kidkhunthod P, Yimnirun R, Ren J, Ren X. 2019. Identification of Barium-Site Substitution of BiFeO3-Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 Multiferroic Ceramics: X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Prasatkhetragarn A, Yimnirun R, Ren J. 2019. Normal/relaxor ferroelectric characteristics of lead-based PZT-PXN ceramics prepared by columbite/wolframite precursors method FERROELECTRICS, 552 :165-171 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang YC, Lai HW, Ren XJ. 2019. Enhanced Auxetic and Viscoelastic Properties of Filled Reentrant Honeycomb Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhuo Y, Liu J, Wang Y, Li Q, Xu X, Ren X. 2019. Preparation and photocatalytic property of electrospun nano-TiO2/poly(methylmethacrylate) nanofibres FERROELECTRICS, 548 :143-149 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Liu J, Zhuo Y, Wang Y, Li Q, Ren X. 2019. Preparation and characterization of R-TiO2/PMMA nanofibers by electrospinning FERROELECTRICS, 548 :8-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Liu S, Wang Z, Guo J, Shi Z, Ren X, Yang Q. 2019. Thermal-mismatch-stress induced deformation zone on primary-carbide/austenite interface MATERIALS LETTERS, 248 :55-59 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhao C, Xing X, Guo J, Shi Z, Zhou Y, Ren XJ, Yang Q. 2019. Microstructure and wear resistance of (Nb,Ti)C carbide reinforced Fe matrix coating with different Ti contents and interfacial properties of (Nb,Ti)C/α-Fe Applied Surface Science, 494 :600-609 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhao C, Xing X, Guo J, Shi Z, Zhou Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2019. Micro-properties of (Nb,M)C carbide (M = V, Mo, W and Cr) and precipitation behavior of (Nb,V)C in carbide reinforced coating Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 788 :852-860 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Guo J, Tang C, Rothwell G, Li L, Wang Y-C, Yang Q, Ren X. 2019. Welding of High Entropy Alloys A Review Entropy, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhao C, Zhou Y, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2019. Heterogeneous nuclei effect of MgAl2O4 on NbC in Fe matrix MMC coating Applied Surface Science, 469 :713-719 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rao L, Liu H, Liu S, Shi Z, Ren XJ, Zhou Y, Yang Q. 2018. Interface relationship between TiN and Ti substrate by first-principles calculation Computational Materials Science, 155 :36-47 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhao C, Zhou Y, Xing X, Liu S, Ren X, Yang Q. 2018. Precipitation stability and micro-property of (Nb, Ti)C carbides in MMC coating Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 763 :670-678 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shi Z, Liu S, Zhou Y, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2018. Structure and properties of YAlO3/NbC heterogeneous nucleation interface: First principles calculation and experimental research Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 773 :264-276 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shudong L, Zhang Y, Gu Y, Lake MJ, Ren X. 2018. Experimental Studies and Effective Finite Element Modelling of Foot Deformation in Standing International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics, 4 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zhao C, Zhou Y, Xing X, Liu S, Ren X, Yang Q. 2018. Investigation on the relationship between NbC and wear-resistance of Fe matrix composite coatings with different C contents Applied Surface Science, 439 :468-474 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Li S, Al-Badani K, Gu Y, Lake MJ, Li B, Rothwell G, Ren X. 2017. The Effects of Poisson's Ratio on the Indentation Behaviour of Materials with Embedded System in an Elastic Matrix physica status solidi (b), DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu S, Gao Y, Wang Z, Shi Z, Zhou Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2017. Refinement effect of TiC on ferrite by molecular statics/dynamics simulations and first-principles calculations Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 731 :822-830 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Li S, Zhang Y, Gu Y, Ren J. 2017. Stress distribution of metatarsals during forefoot strike versus rearfoot strike: A finite element study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 91 :38-46 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ren XJ, Shi Z, Liu S, Gao Y, Zhou Y, Xing X, Yang Q. 2017. Mechanism of Y2O3 as heterogeneous nucleus of TiC in hypereutectic Fe- Cr-C-Ti-Y2O3 coating: first principle calculation and experiment research Materials Today Communications, 13 :80-91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ren XJ, Liu S, Zhang J, Wang Z, Shi Z, Zhou Y, Yang Q. 2017. Refinement and homogenization of M7C3 carbide in hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C coating by Y2O3 and TiC Materials Characterization, 132 :41-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Xing XL, Yuan XM, Zhou YF, Qi XW, Lu X, Xing TH, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2017. Effect of bainite layer by LSMCIT on wear resistance of medium-carbon bainite steel at different temperatures Surface and Coatings Technology, 325 :462-472 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
DAVIES MJ, Taylor Z, Ren J, Leach AG, Gibbons P. 2017. Crystallisation of Aspirin via Simulated Pulmonary Surfactant Monolayers and Lung-Specific Additives Surface and Interface Analysis, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhao X, Zhang JF, Liu S, Zhao C, Wang C, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Investigation on grain refinement mechanism of Ni-based coating with LaAlO3 by first-principles Materials and Design, 110 :644-652 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ren XJ, Shu Y, Gui Y, Mei Q, Popik S, Fernandez J. 2016. Movement analysis of lower limb during backward walking with unstable intervention Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 36 :718-725 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu S, Zhou Y, Xing X, Wang J, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Growth characteristics of primary M7C3 carbide in hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C alloy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fu F, Zhang Y, Shao S, Ren J, Lake M, Gu Y. 2016. Comparison of center of pressure trajectory characteristics in table tennis during topspin forehand loop between superior and intermediate players INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, 11 :559-565 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guo J, Feng Y, Liu L, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Investigation of microstructural damage to eutectic carbides from scratch tests of a heat-treated Fe–Cr–W–Mo–V–C alloy Wear, 358-35 :137-147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Guo J, Liu S, Zhou Y, Wang J, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Stability of eutectic carbide in Fe-Cr-Mo-W-V-C alloy Materials Letters, 171 :216-219 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang J, Hou X, Zhang P, Zhou Y, Yang Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Mechanical properties of the hypereutectoid Fe-Cr-C hardfacing coatings with different nano-Y2O3 additives and the mechanism analysis MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 655 :346-354 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guo J, Liu L, Sun Y, Li Q, Ren X, Yang Q. 2016. Parameter Optimization During Forging Process of a Novel High-Speed-Steel Cold Work Roll JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, 25 :188-198 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Hou X, Xing X, Wang C, Yang Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2015. Effect of FCAW Current on the Hardfacing Layer - Microstructure and Wear Resistance WELDING JOURNAL, 94 :358S-365S Author Url
Xing XL, Zhou YF, Yang YL, Gao SY, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2015. Surface modification of low-carbon nano-crystallite bainite via laser remelting and following isothermal transformation APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 353 :184-188 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Aw J, Zhao H, Norbury A, Li L, Rothwell G, Ren XJ. 2015. Effects of Poisson's ratio on the deformation of thin membrane structures under indentation PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 252 :1526-1532 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhao H, Allanson D, Ren XJ. 2015. Use of Shore Hardness Tests for In-Process Properties Estimation/Monitoring of Silicone Rubbers Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 03 :142-147 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Yun X, Zhou Y, Yang J, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2015. Refinement of nano-Y2O3 on microstructure of hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C hardfacing coatings JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 33 :671-678 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang Y, Baker JS, Ren X, Feng N, Gu Y. 2015. Metatarsal strapping tightness effect to vertical jump performance HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE, 41 :255-264 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu Y, Mei Q, Fernandez J, Li J, Ren X, Feng N. 2015. Foot Loading Characteristics of Chinese Bound Feet Women: A Comparative Analysis PLOS ONE, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Guo J, Liao B, Liu L, Gao Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2015. Composition Optimization and Experimental Characterization of a Novel Steel Based on CALPHAD JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, 24 :2099-2107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chen J, Xing X, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2015. Effects of Vanadium Addition on Microstructure and Tribological Performance of Bainite Hardfacing Coatings JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, 24 :1157-1164 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zuo TT, Li RB, Ren XJ, Zhang Y. 2014. Effects of Al and Si addition on the structure and properties of CoFeNi equal atomic ratio alloy Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 371 :60-68 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Hou X, Xing X, Yun X, Yang Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2014. Elastic properties and electronic structures of Y atom solid solute supercell gamma-Fe JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 1076 :63-68 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Claiden P, Knowles G, Liu F, Wei Q, Li X, Aw CJ, Ren XJ. 2014. Modelling of nano-filler reinforcement, filler strength and experimental results of nanosilica composites made by a precipitation method Computational Materials Science, 94 :27-34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu Y, Lu Y, Mei Q, Li J, Ren J. 2014. Effects of different unstable sole construction on kinematics and muscle activity of lower limb HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE, 36 :46-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yuquan S, Jianshe L, Yaodong G, Ren J. 2014. Kinematics study on vertical jump between different ability groups Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6 :432-436
Gu Y, Li F, Li J, Feng N, Lake MJ, Li Z, Ren J. 2014. Plantar pressure distribution character in young female with mild hallux valgus wearing high-heeled shoes Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 14 DOI Publisher Url
Yang J, Hou X, Zhang P, Zhou Y, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2014. First-principles calculations on LaAlO3 as the heterogeneous nucleus of austenite COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, 1029 :48-56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Tian J, Hao F, Dan T, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2014. Microstructure and wear resistance of the hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C alloy hardfacing metals with different La2O3 additives APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 289 :437-444 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Zhang P, Zhou Y, Xing X, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2014. Mechanical properties of the hardfacing alloys with different La(2)0(3) additives and the mechanism analysis by first-principles calculations MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 591 :82-89 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guo J, Liao B, Liu L-G, Li Q, Ren X-J, Yang Q-X. 2013. Forging limit of a novel high-speed-steel cold work roll based on ductile fracture criteria by finite element model MATERIALS & DESIGN, 52 :1027-1034 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Yang YL, Jiao XY, Zhou YF, Qi XW, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2013. Fe-15 wt-% Cr-X wt-%C hardfacing surface layer: wear resistance and its enhanced mechanism with C additive MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 29 :1034-1039 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhao C, Hu H, Zhou Y, Gao Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2013. Experimental and numerical investigation of residual stresses around cold extrusion hole of ultrahigh strength steel MATERIALS & DESIGN, 50 :78-84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Yang Y, Zhou Y, Qi X, Gao Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2013. Microstructure and wear properties of Fe-2 wt-% Cr-X wt-% W-0.67 wt-% C hardfacing layer Welding Journal, 92
Yang J, Yang Y, Zhou Y, Qi X, Gao Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2013. Microstructure and Wear Properties of Fe-2 wt-% Cr-X wt-% W-0.67 wt-% C Hardfacing Layer Electrodes with different additions of tungsten were evaluated to determine the effect on hardness and wear resistance WELDING JOURNAL, 92 :225S-230S Author Url
Zhang P, Zhou Y, Yang J, Li D, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2013. Optimization on mechanical properties of Fe7-xCrxC3 carbides by first-principles investigation JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 560 :49-53 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guo J, Liu LG, Li Q, Sun YL, Gao YK, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2013. Characterization on carbide of a novel steel for cold work roll during solidification process MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 79 :100-109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Zhang P, Zhou Y, Guo J, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2013. First-principles study on ferrite/TiC heterogeneous nucleation interface JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 556 :160-166 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Yang Y, Zhou Y, Qi X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2013. High-alloy martensite in the surfacing layer of hot-rolling supporting rollers during the tempering process SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 219 :69-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhou YF, Yang YL, Yang J, Zhang PF, Qi XW, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2013. Wear resistance of hypereutectic Fe-Cr-C hardfacing coatings with in situ formed TiC SURFACE ENGINEERING, 29 :366-372 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu YD, Sun D, Li JS, Graham MR, Ren XJ. 2013. Plantar pressure variation during jogging with different heel height APPLIED BIONICS AND BIOMECHANICS, 10 :89-95 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hao Q, Shen WW, Ma JB, Li JS, Ren XJ, Gu YD. 2012. Kinematics analysis of foot metatarsals skeletal rays through inverse modelling Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials, and Tissue Engineering, 15 :17-22 DOI Publisher Url
Zhou YF, Yang YL, Jiang YW, Yang J, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2012. Fe-24 wt.%Cr-4.1 wt.%C hardfacing alloy: Microstructure and carbide refinement mechanisms with ceria additive MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 72 :77-86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhou Y, Yang Y, Qi X, Jiang Y, Yang J, Ren X, Yang Q. 2012. Influence of La2O3 addition on microstructure and wear resistance of Fe-Cr-C cladding formed by arc surface welding JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 30 :1069-1074 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhou YF, Yang YL, Li D, Yang J, Jiang YW, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2012. Effect of Titanium Content on Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Fe-Cr-C Hardfacing Layers By adding different amounts of ferrotitanium into flux cored wire, a hardfacing layer with good performance was obtained, and the M7C3 carbide refinement mechanism is discussed WELDING JOURNAL, 91 :229S-235S Author Url
Yang J, Hao F, Li D, Zhou Y, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2012. Effect of RE oxide on growth dynamics of primary austenite grain in hardfacing layer of medium-high carbon steel JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 30 :814-819 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhou YF, Yang YL, Li D, Yang J, Jiang YW, Ren XJ, Yang QX. 2012. Effect of titanium content on microstructure and wear resistance of Fe-Cr-C hardfacing layers Welding Journal, 91
Qu H, Liao B, Liu L, Li D, Guo J, Ren X, Yang Q. 2012. Precipitation rule of carbides in a new high speed steel for rollers CALPHAD-COMPUTER COUPLING OF PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMOCHEMISTRY, 36 :144-150 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhou Y, Yang Y, Yang J, Hao F, Li D, Ren X, Yang Q. 2012. Effect of Ti additive on (Cr, Fe)7C3 carbide in arc surfacing layer and its refined mechanism APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 258 :6653-6659 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hao F, Liao B, Li D, Liu L, Dan T, Ren X, Yang Q. 2011. Effects of rare earth oxide on hardfacing metal microstructure of medium carbon steel and its refinement mechanism JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 29 :609-613 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu YD, Ren XJ, Ruan GQ, Zeng YJ, Li JS. 2011. Foot contact surface effect to the metatarsals loading character during inversion landing INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 27 :476-484 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hao F, Li D, Dan T, Ren X, Liao B, Yang Q. 2011. Effect of rare earth oxides on the morphology of carbides in hardfacing metal of high chromium cast iron JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 29 :168-172 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang P, Hu H, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Fang Y, Ren X, Liao B, Yang Q. 2011. Investigation on cracking mechanism of austenite stainless steel during in situ tension in transmission electron microscope MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 528 :1201-1204 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu YD, Li JS, Lake MJ, Zeng YJ, Ren XJ, Li ZY. 2011. Image-based midsole insert design and the material effects on heel plantar pressure distribution during simulated walking loads COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 14 :747-753 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Krywonos J, Fenwick J, Elkut F, Jenkinson I, Liu YH, Brunt JNH, Scott A, Malik Z, Eswar C, Ren XJ. 2010. MRI image-based FE modelling of the pelvis system and bladder filling. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 13 :669-676 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Liu L, Li Q, Liao B, Gao Y, Wang Y, Ren X, Yang Q. 2010. Stress-Strain Behaviors Simulation of High Chromium Steel at Elevated Temperatures JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, 19 :921-927 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu Y, Li J, Ren X, Lake MJ, Zeng Y. 2010. Heel skin stiffness effect on the hind foot biomechanics during heel strike SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 16 :291-296 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kamal . 2010. Buffering Capacity of Fast-Growing Species and Curing Time of UF Resin Modified With Zinc Borate and Monoammonium Phosphate American Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 :1079-1082 DOI Publisher Url
Gu YD, Ren XJ, Li JS, Lake MJ, Zhang QY, Zeng YJ. 2010. Computer simulation of stress distribution in the metatarsals at different inversion landing angles using the finite element method. Int Orthop, 34 :669-676 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Smith CW, Evans KE, Dooling PJ, Burgess A, Wiechers J, Zahlan N. 2010. Elastic deformation of materials under distributed shear loading Experimental Mechanics, 50 :651-659 DOI
Gu YD, Li JS, Ruan GQ, Wang YC, Lake MJ, Ren XJ. 2010. Lower Limb Muscles SEMG Activity during High-Heeled Latin Dancing Lim CT, Goh JCH. 6TH WORLD CONGRESS OF BIOMECHANICS (WCB 2010), PTS 1-3, 31 :198-200 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Li B, Gu YD, English R, Rothwell G, Ren XJ. 2009. Characterisation of nonlinear material parameters of foams based on indentation tests MATERIALS & DESIGN, 30 :2708-2714 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kong X, Shi Y, Li B, Rothwell G, English R, Yang Q, Ren X. 2009. Effect of indenter shapes on inverse materials characterization based on the dual indenters method INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 100 :950-953 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Li D, Liu L, Zhang Y, Ye C, Ren X, Yang Y, Yang Q. 2009. Phase diagram calculation of high chromium cast irons and influence of its chemical composition MATERIALS & DESIGN, 30 :340-345 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu YD, Li JS, Lake MJ, Ren XJ, Zen YJ. 2008. The mechanical response of Achilles tendon during different kinds of sports COMMUNICATIONS IN NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 24 :2077-2085 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Li D, Liao B, Liu L, Zhao C, Zhao X, Ren X, Yang Q. 2008. Process stress simulation of medium-high carbon steel after hard-face-welding during martensite transformation COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 44 :280-285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kong X, Yang Q, Li B, Rothwell G, English R, Ren XJ. 2008. Numerical study of strengths of spot-welded joints of steel MATERIALS & DESIGN, 29 :1554-1561 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Liao B, Zhang C, Wu J, Cai D, Zhao C, Ren X, Yang Q. 2008. Numerical simulation of the stress-strain curve of duplex weathering steel MATERIALS & DESIGN, 29 :562-567 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Liu L, Li Q, Liu X, Gao Y, Ren X, Liao B, Yang Q. 2007. Stress field simulation of carburized specimens with different carbon content during quenching process MATERIALS LETTERS, 61 :1251-1255 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Liu L, Li Q, Liao B, Ren X, Yang Q. 2006. Stress field simulation of the specimen with multi-layer phase structure MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 435 :484-490 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang Q, Ren X, Liu L, Li D, Dong H, Liao B. 2006. Mechanism of cracking resistance of hardfacing specimens of steel 5CrNiMo improved by rare earth oxide JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 24 :471-478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Smith CW, Evans KE, Dooling PJ, Burgess A, Wiechers J, Zahlan N. 2006. Experimental and numerical investigations of the deformation of soft materials under tangential loading INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, 43 :2364-2377 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Wang MZ, Kong X. 2006. Application of PCBN tools in the machining of iron-based hard-facings International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, 1 :367-377 DOI Publisher Url
Ren X, Li L, Rothwell G, English R, Lake M, Lees A. 2005. Numerical modelling of sensitivity tests of the human heel Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 :87-88
Gaspar N, Ren XJ, Smith CW, Grima JN, Evans KE. 2005. Novel honeycombs with auxetic behaviour ACTA MATERIALIA, 53 :2439-2445 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang QX, Ren XJ, Gao YK, Li YL, Zhao YH, Yao M. 2005. Effect of carburization on residual stress field of 20CrMnTi specimen and its numerical simulation MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 392 :240-247 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Yang QX, James RD, Wang L. 2004. Cutting temperatures in hard turning chromium hardfacings with PCBN tooling JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 147 :38-44 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Hooper RM, Griffiths C, Henshall JL. 2003. Indentation size effect in ceramics: Correlation with H/E JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS, 22 :1105-1106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Hooper RM, Griffiths C, Henshall JL. 2002. Indentation-size effects in single-crystal MgO Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and Mechanical Properties, 82 :2113-2120 DOI Publisher Url
Ren XJ, James RD, Brookes EJ, Wang L. 2001. Machining of high chromium hardfacing materials JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 115 :423-429 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Hooper RM, Griffiths C, Henshall JL. 2001. The effect of indenter heating on indentation creep testing of MgO JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS, 20 :1819-1821 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, James RD, Brookes EJ. 1999. Application of PCBN materials in the machining of welded hard-facings Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. MR, :1-13
Ren XJ, James RD, Brookes EJ. 1999. Application of PCBN materials in the machining of welded hard-facings Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers. AD,
Tian YJ, Ren XJ, Yu DL, He JL, Chen SZ, Li DC, Yu RC, Zhang M, Wang WK. 1996. Characterization of C-N thin films prepared by ion beam sputtering JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 12 :312-314 Author Url
Tian YJ, Ren XJ, Yu DL, He JL, Zeng HR, Chen SZ, Li DC, Yu RC, Zhang M, Zhang J, Wang WK. 1996. C-N thin films prepared by ion beam sputtering CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 41 :1038-1041 Author Url
Yang Q, Wu H, Ren X. 1995. Effect of rare earth elements on low frequency fatigue cyclic softening of hot rolled steel 60CrMnMo at high temperature Journal of Rare Earths, 13 :32-36
Raja S, Yusof F, Muhamad MR, Mohd Mansor MS, Juri A, Wu B, Jamaludin MF, Ansari N, Ren J. Formation and influencing mechanism of the intermetallic compound in the friction stir welding of immiscible AZ31 and SPHC steel using aluminium powder as an additive Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30 :9102-9114 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Qing X, Kaid T, Yildizand C, Ates F, Herencia VZ, Wang L, Mehmet G, Ren J. 2023. Integrated Data-Led Studies of Electrical Resistance Spot Welded Joints Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance III Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance :120-130 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tang C, Guo J, Li B, Kostenevych O, Wang L, Rothwell G, Ren X. 2022. First Principle Calculation and Data Analysis of Anisotropy in Elastic Properties of Cubic Carbides TiC, VC and NbC Advances in Manufacturing Processes, Intelligent Methods and Systems in Production Engineering, Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management 335 :71-85 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Liu J, Tang C, Kaid T, Zhuo Y, Wang L, Ren J. 2020. Preparation and Damping Properties of Simethicone PU Microsphere 2019 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN MATERIALS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 5th International Conference on Green Materials and Environmental Engineering (GMEE) 453 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Badani K, Elmshawet E, Tang C, Kaid T, Li L, Liu J, Wang J, Ren XJ. 2019. Investigating the Effect of TIG Welding on the Surface Roughness of the Welded Closure of Thin Stainless Steel Tubes IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 611 DOI Publisher Url
Budiarsa N, Norbury A, Su X, Bradley G, Ren X. 2013. Analysis of Indentation Size Effect of Vickers Hardness Tests of Steels Jiang ZY, Liu XH, Jiao SH, Han JT. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS AND MATERIALS PROCESSING, PTS 1-3, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Materials Manufacturing (ICAMMP 2012) 652-654 :1307-1310 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Li YS, Deng JX, Ebbrell S, Morgan M, Ren XJ. 2012. High speed turning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with straight cemented carbide and PVD coated carbide tools Key Engineering Materials, 496 :92-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhang P, Zhang Y, Liu L, Ren X, Zhang Y, Fang Y, Yang Q. 2012. Numerical simulation on the stress field of austenite stainless steel during twin-roll strip casting process COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 52 :61-67 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elkut F, Bradley GR, Krywonos J, Fenwick J, Ren XJ. 2012. Numerical study of the mechanics of indentation bending tests of thin membranes and inverse materials parameters prediction COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 52 :123-127 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Su XX, Gu YD, Finlay JP, Jenkinson ID, Ren XJ. 2011. Inverse Analysis of Material Parameters of Multiple Foam Layers Based on Artificial Neural Network Jiang ZY, Li SQ, Zeng JM, Liao XP, Yang DG. MANUFACTURING PROCESS TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-5, 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering 189-193 :3313-3316 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gu YD, Ren XJ, Li ZY, Ruan GQ, Yang L. 2011. Slip Fascia Stiffness Effect to the Fifth Metatarsal Movement during Inversion Landing Jiang ZY, Li SQ, Zeng JM, Liao XP, Yang DG. MANUFACTURING PROCESS TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-5, 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering 189-193 :472-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Su XX, Gu YD, Ruan GQ, Ren XJ. 2011. Forefoot Plantar Pressure Distribution Character During Inversion Position ADVANCED MATERIALS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, PTS 1-3, 474-476 :666-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Smith CW, Evans KE, Dooling PJ, Burgess A, Wiechers J, Zahlan N. 2010. Elastic Deformation of Materials under Distributed Shear Loading EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting 50 :651-659 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elkut F, Krywonos J, Fenwick J, Jenkinson I, Ren XJ. 2010. An Experimental and Numerical Program to Study the Properties of Thin Biological Membranes and Water Filling Process IFMBE Proceedings, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Volume 25/4 :2178-2180 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Su XX, Gu YD, Finlay JP, Jenkinson ID, Ren XJ. 2010. Rapid Identification of Nonlinear Material Parameters of Foams Based on Neural Network Lim CT, Goh JCH. 6TH WORLD CONGRESS OF BIOMECHANICS (WCB 2010), PTS 1-3, 6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010) 31 :243-246 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Krywonos J, Elkut F, Ren XJ, Fenwick J, Brunt J, Malik Z, Eswar C. 2009. Numerical Study of Effects of Bladder Filling on Prostate Positioning In Radiotherapy Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Krywonos J, Elkut F, Brunt J, Malik Z, Eswar C, Fenwick J, Ren XJ. 2009. Numerical Study of Effects of Bladder Filling on Prostate Positioning In Radiotherapy 4TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 22 :2655-2658
Elkut F, Krywonos J, Fenwick J, Jenkinson I, Ren XJ. 2009. An experimental and numerical program to study the properties of thin biological membranes and water filling process IFMBE Proceedings, 25 :2178-2180 DOI Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Silberschmidt VV. 2008. Numerical modelling of low-density cellular materials COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 16th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials 43 :65-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shatil G, Saimoto A, Ren XJ. 2008. Ductile-brittle fatigue and fracture behaviour of aluminium/PMMA bimaterial 3PB specimens ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, International Conference on Crack Paths 75 :674-681 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kong X, Li B, Yang Q, Rothwell G, English R, Ren XJ. 2008. Numerical study of the effect of welding parameters on the strength of spot-welded joints Cheng K, Yao YX, Zhou L. E-ENGINEERING & DIGITAL ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY, 6th International Conference on e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology 10-12 :322-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Wang MZ. 2008. Microstructure and mechanical properties of high density PCBN aggregates Pan W, Gong JH. HIGH-PERFORMANCE CERAMICS V, PTS 1 AND 2, 5th China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-5) 368-372 :1788-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Wang MZ. 2008. Microstructure and mechanical properties of high density PCBN aggregates Key Engineering Materials, 368-372 PART 2 :1788-1790 DOI Publisher Url
Ren X, Li L, Rothwell G. 2006. Use of finite element modelling in materials teaching Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education 2006, EE 2006, :50-55
Ren XJ, Hooper RM, Henshall JL. 2005. Indentation creep in zirconia ceramics under variable loads Pan W, Gong JH, Ge CC, Li JF. HIGH-PERFORMANCE CERAMICS III, PTS 1 AND 2, 3rd China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-3) 280-283 :1009-1012 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ren XJ, Hooper RM, Griffiths C, Henshall JL. 2002. Indentation-size effects in single-crystal MgO PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE A-PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER STRUCTURE DEFECTS AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES, 2nd International Indentation Workshop 82 :2113-2120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Editorial boards:
Int. J. of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics (IJECB) (Associate Editor), Associate Editor. 2014
Materials and Design, Editorial Board Member. 2008
2013 AWS A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award, The American Welding Society,. 2013