Image of Prof Qi Shi

Prof Qi Shi

School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Telephone: 0151 231 2272

See My Tutor


Current Position:

Qi Shi is a Professor in Computer Security, and Director of the PROTECT Research Centre for Critical Infrastructure Computer Technology & Protection.

Research Interests:

Qi Shi’s research is centred on the increasingly important theme of ubiquitous/distributed computing security and privacy with the long-term goal of developing general frameworks for the intelligent provision of security and privacy protection to various applications. Specifically, his main research interests include the following areas:

· System-of-systems security: Develop a software framework for the automated security monitoring, evaluation and control of a system of systems in ubiquitous and cloud computing settings at runtime.

· E-commerce security: Produce methods for privacy enhanced public-key certification and cryptographic protocols for the security and privacy protection of electronic transactions conducted over the Internet.

· Intrusion and denial-of-service detection: Design cost-effective solutions to the early detection and prevention of intrusion and denial-of-service attacks within the network routing infrastructure and in ubiquitous computing environments.

· Sensor network security: Develop resource-efficient algorithms, mechanisms and protocols for key establishment and secure communication among sensor nodes.

· Cloud computing security: Investigate efficient ways for data processing in cloud environments while protecting their security and privacy against unauthorized access.

· Identity management: Devise efficient and lightweight approaches to user-centric and situation-aware identity management for the privacy protection of mobile ad-hoc networks.

· Computer forensics: Propose more effective methods for targeted data collection, uniform data representation, forensic analysis and result visualisation.

Research Publications:

Qi Shi has published over 250 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings.

Research Projects:

Qi Shi is involved in the supervision of a number of research projects in the above research areas. For example, he is one of the investigators of a large EU FP7 project, ANIKETOS, which involves 17 partners in 10 EU countries with a total grant of €9.6 million, for the development of secure and trustworthy composite services.

Research Students:

Qi Shi is supervising a number of international and home research students working in some research areas listed above. He also welcomes prospective research students with interests in the above research areas or others to apply for studies here. Applications can be submitted online at

Other Academic Activities:

Qi Shi is a member of editorial boards and a paper reviewer for a number of international journals and a member or chair of program committees for many international conferences. Qi also serves as an external research degree examiner, taught course examiner and a member of several advisory committees.
