Image of Dr Michael Mackay

Dr Michael Mackay

School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Michael is a Reader in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences and leads the Networking and Distributed Systems
research group. Michael received a BSc (hons) in Computer Science from Lancaster University in 2000 and a PhD in IPv6 transitioning from the same institution in 2005. Since moving to LJMU in 2010 he has taught on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules in addition to pursuing his research interests.
Michael has been involved in a number of EU, EPSRC, and UK-funded research projects including 6NET, EC-GIN, and Wi-5, and is currently leading the LJMU team on the Liverpool 5G project. Dr Mackay is also widely published in a range of research areas focussed around networking technologies including IPv6, IP mobility, QoS and CDNs, Cloud Computing and edge networking, and more recently wireless network optimisation and management for Beyond 5G / 6G networks.
