Image of Dr Ricardo Schiavon

Dr Ricardo Schiavon

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Ricardo Schiavon is a Reader in Astrophysics at the Astrophysics Research Institute, at Liverpool John Moores University. His main scientific interest is galaxy formation. As an observational astronomer, he uses observations of stars, stellar clusters, and stellar populations, both resolved and integrated, in order to constrain the history of star formation, chemical enrichment, and mass assembly of galaxies. In the past he built spectral models for the integrated light of distant unresolved stellar systems, and more recently his focus has shifted towards massive spectroscopic surveys of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Ricardo obtained a PhD at the University of São Paulo and occupied postdoctoral positions at Lick Observatory (University of California, Santa Cruz) and the University of Virginia. Before joining the staff at ARI he was a tenure track astronomer at Gemini Observatory, in Hawaii.


1998, University of São Paulo, Brazil, PhD
