Dr Ricardo Schiavon
Astrophysics Research Institute
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: R.P.Schiavon@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2945
Ricardo Schiavon is a Reader in Astrophysics at the Astrophysics Research Institute, at Liverpool John Moores University. His main scientific interest is galaxy formation. As an observational astronomer, he uses observations of stars, stellar clusters, and stellar populations, both resolved and integrated, in order to constrain the history of star formation, chemical enrichment, and mass assembly of galaxies. In the past he built spectral models for the integrated light of distant unresolved stellar systems, and more recently his focus has shifted towards massive spectroscopic surveys of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Ricardo obtained a PhD at the University of São Paulo and occupied postdoctoral positions at Lick Observatory (University of California, Santa Cruz) and the University of Virginia. Before joining the staff at ARI he was a tenure track astronomer at Gemini Observatory, in Hawaii.
1998, University of São Paulo, Brazil, PhD
Journal article
Barbuy B, Friaça ACS, Ernandes H, da Silva P, Souza SO, Fernández-Trincado JG, Cunha K, Smith VV, Masseron T, Pérez-Villegas A, Chiappini C, Queiroz ABA, Santiago BX, Beers TC, Anders F, Schiavon RP, Valentini M, Minniti D, Geisler D, Souto D, Placco VM, Zoccali M, Feltzing S, Schultheis M, Nitschelm C. 2024. Abundances of iron-peak elements in 58 bulge spheroid stars from APOGEE Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Horta D, Schiavon RP. 2024. Modelling the density and mass of the Milky Way's proto-galaxy components with $APOGEE$-$Gaia$ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Foster S, Schiavon RP, de Castro DB, Lucatello S, Daher C, Penoyre Z, Price-Whelan A, Badenes C, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Holtzman J, Jonsson H, Shetrone M. 2024. Carbon enrichment in APOGEE disk stars as evidence of mass transfer in binaries Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689 :1-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Petralia I, Minniti D, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Lane RR, Schiavon RP. 2024. Signature of systemic rotation in 21 galactic globular clusters from APOGEE-2 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 688 :1-12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mason AC, Crain RA, Schiavon RP, Weinberg DH, Pfeffer J, Schaye J, Schaller M, Theuns T. 2024. Realistic simulated galaxies form [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] knees due to a sustained decline in their star formation rates Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533 :184-200 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sales-Silva JV, Cunha K, Smith VV, Daflon S, Souto D, Guerco R, Queiroz A, Chiappini C, Hayes CR, Masseron T, Hasselquist S, Horta D, Prantzos N, Zoccali M, Allende Prieto C, Barbuy B, Beaton R, Bizyaev D, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Frinchaboy PM, Holtzman JA, Johnson JA, Joensson H, Majewski SR, Minniti D, Nidever DL, Schiavon RP, Schultheis M, Sobeck J, Stringfellow GS, Zasowski G. 2024. A Perspective on the Milky Way Bulge Bar as Seen from the Neutron-capture Elements Cerium and Neodymium with APOGEE The Astrophysical Journal, 965 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Horta D, Schiavon RP. 2024. On the mass assembly history of the Milky Way: clues from its stellar halo ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Phillips SG, Myers N, Horta D, Minniti D, Prieto CA, Anguiano B, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Brownstein JR, Cohen RE, Fernández-Trincado JG, Frinchaboy PM, Jönsson H, Kisku S, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Mason AC, Mészáros S, Stringfellow GS. 2023. The APOGEE value added catalogue of galactic globular cluster stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528 :1393-1407 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jin S, Trager SC, Dalton GB, L. Aguerri JA, Drew JE, Falcón-Barroso J, Gänsicke BT, Hill V, Iovino A, Pieri MM, Poggianti BM, Smith DJB, Vallenari A, Abrams DC, Aguado DS, Antoja T, Aragón-Salamanca A, Ascasibar Y, Babusiaux C, Balcells M, Barrena R, Battaglia G, Belokurov V, Bensby T, Bonifacio P, Bragaglia A, Carrasco E, Carrera R, Cornwell DJ, Domínguez-Palmero L, Duncan KJ, Famaey B, Fariña C, Gonzalez OA, Guest S, Hatch NA, Hess KM, Hoskin MJ, Irwin M, Knapen JH, Koposov SE, Kuchner U, Laigle C, Lewis J, Longhetti M, Lucatello S, Méndez-Abreu J, Mercurio A, Molaeinezhad A, Monguió M, Morrison S, Murphy DNA, de Arriba LP, Pérez I, Pérez-Ràfols I, Picó S, Raddi R, Romero-Gómez M, Royer F, Siebert A, Seabroke GM, Som D, Terrett D, Thomas G, Wesson R, Worley CC, Alfaro EJ, Prieto CA, Alonso-Santiago J, Amos NJ, Ashley RP, Balaguer-Núñez L, Balbinot E, Bellazzini M, Benn CR, Berlanas SR, Bernard EJ, Best P, Bettoni D, Bianco A, Bishop G, Blomqvist M, Boeche C, Bolzonella M, Bonoli S, Bosma A, Britavskiy N, Busarello G, Caffau E, Cantat-Gaudin T, Castro-Ginard A, Couto G, Carbajo-Hijarrubia J, Carter D, Casamiquela L, Conrado AM, Corcho-Caballero P, Costantin L, Deason A, de Burgos A. 2023. The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530 :2688-2730 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barbuy B, Friaca ACS, Ernandes H, Moura T, Masseron T, Cunha K, Smith VV, Souto D, Perez-Villegas A, Souza SO, Chiappini C, Queiroz ABA, Fernandez-Trincado JG, da Silva P, Santiago BX, Anders F, Schiavon RP, Valentini M, Minniti D, Geisler D, Placco VM, Zoccali M, Schultheis M, Nitschelm C, Beers TC, Razera R. 2023. Light elements Na and Al in 58 bulge spheroid stars from APOGEE MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 526 :2365-2376 DOI Publisher Url
Fernandes L, Mason AC, Horta D, Schiavon RP, Hayes C, Hasselquist S, Feuillet D, Beaton RL, Jönsson H, Kisku S, Lacerna I, Lian J, Minniti D, Villanova S. 2022. A comparative analysis of the chemical compositions of Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage and Milky Way satellites using APOGEE Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519 :3611-3622 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Razera R, Barbuy B, Moura TC, Ernandes H, Perez-Villegas A, Souza SO, Chiappini C, Queiroz ABA, Anders F, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Friaca ACS, Cunha K, Smith VV, Santiago BX, Schiavon RP, Valentini M, Minniti D, Schultheis M, Geisler D, Sobeck J, Placco VM, Zoccali M. 2022. Abundance analysis of APOGEE spectra for 58 metal-poor stars from the bulge spheroid Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 :4590-4606 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Horta D, Ness MK, Rybizki J, Schiavon RP, Buder S. 2022. Neutron-capture elements record the ordered chemical evolution of the disc over time Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 :5477-5504 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Weinberg DH, Holtzman JA, Johnson JA, Hayes C, Hasselquist S, Shetrone M, Ting YS, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blanton MR, Cunha K, Fernández-Trincado JG, Frinchaboy PM, García-Hernández DA, Griffith E, Johnson JW, Jönsson H, Lane RR, Leung HW, Mackereth JT, Majewski SR, Mészáros S, Nitschelm C, Pan K, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Smith V, Sobeck JS, Stassun KG, Stringfellow GS, Vincenzo F, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. 2022. Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Mapping Disk Populations with a 2-process Model and Residual Abundances Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 260 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor DJ, Mason AC, Schiavon RP, Horta D, Nataf DM, Geisler D, Kisku S, Phillips SG, Cohen RE, Fernández-Trincado JG, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, García-Hernández DA, Lane RR, Longa-Peña P, Minniti D, Muñoz C, Pan K, Villanova S. 2022. Is Terzan 5 the remnant of a building block of the Galactic bulge?Evidence from APOGEE Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 :3429-3443 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abdurro'uf , Accetta K, Aerts C, Aguirre VS, Ahumada R, Ajgaonkar N, Ak NF, Alam S, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Aquino-Ortiz E, Aragon-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernandez M, Ata M, Aubert M, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Barba RH, Barger K, Barrera-Ballesteros JK, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Belfiore F, Bender CF, Bernardi M, Bershady MA, Beutler F, Bidin CM, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blanton MR, Boardman NF, Bolton AS, Boquien M, Borissova J, Bovy J, Brandt WN, Brown J, Brownstein JR, Brusa M, Buchner J, Bundy K, Burchett JN, Bureau M, Burgasser A, Cabang TK, Campbell S, Cappellari M, Carlberg JK, Wanderley FC, Carrera R, Cash J, Chen Y-P, Chen W-H, Cherinka B, Chiappini C, Choi PD, Chojnowski SD, Chung H, Clerc N, Cohen RE, Comerford JM, Comparat J, da Costa L, Covey K, Crane JD, Cruz-Gonzalez I, Culhane C, Cunha K, Dai YS, Damke G, Darling J, Davidson JW, Davies R, Dawson K, De Lee N, Diamond-Stanic AM, Cano-Diaz M, Sanchez HD, Donor J, Duckworth C, Dwelly T, Eisenstein DJ, Elsworth YP, Emsellem E, Eracleous M, Escoffier S, Fan X, Farr E, Feng S, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Feuillet D, Filipp A, Fillingham SP, Frinchaboy PM, Fromenteau S, Galbany L, Garcia RA, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Ge J, Geisler D, Gelfand J, Geron T, Gibson BJ, Goddy J, Godoy-Rivera D, Grabowski K, Green PJ, Greener M, Grier CJ, Griffith E, Guo H, Guy J, Hadjara M, Harding P, Hasselquist S, Hayes CR, Hearty F, Hill L, Hogg DW, Holtzman JA, Horta D, Hsieh B-C, Hsu C-H, Hsu Y-H, Huber D, Huertas-Company M, Hutchinson B, Hwang HS, Ibarra-Medel HJ, Chitham JI, Ilha GS, Imig J, Jaekle W, Jayasinghe T, Ji X, Johnson JA, Jones A, Jonsson H, Katkov I, Khalatyan A, Kinemuchi K, Kisku S, Knapen JH, Kneib J-P, Kollmeier JA, Kong M, Kounkel M, Kreckel K, Krishnarao D, Lacerna I, Lane RR, Langgin R, Lavender R, Law DR, Lazarz D, Leung HW, Leung H-H, Lewis HM, Li C, Li R, Lian J, Liang F-H, Lin L, Lin Y-T, Lin S, Lintott C, Long D, Longa-Pena P, Lopez-Coba C, Lu S, Lundgren BF, Luo Y, Mackereth JT, de la Macorra A, Mahadevan S, Majewski SR, Manchado A, Mandeville T, Maraston C, Margalef-Bentabol B, Masseron T, Masters KL, Mathur S, McDermid RM, Mckay M, Merloni A, Merrifield M, Meszaros S, Miglio A, Di Mille F, Minniti D, Minsley R, Monachesi A, Moon J, Mosser B, Mulchaey J, Muna D, Munoz RR, Myers AD, Myers N, Nadathur S, Nair P, Nandra K, Neumann J, Newman JA, Nidever DL, Nikakhtar F, Nitschelm C, O'Connell JE, Garma-Oehmichen L, de Oliveira GLS, Olney R, Oravetz D, Ortigoza-Urdaneta M, Osorio Y, Otter J, Pace ZJ, Padilla N, Pan K, Pan H-A, Parikh T, Parker J, Peirani S, Ramirez KP, Penny S, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Pinsonneault M, Poidevin F, Poovelil VJ, Price-Whelan AM, Queiroz ABDA, Raddick MJ, Ray A, Rembold SB, Riddle N, Riffel RA, Riffel R, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Rodriguez-Puebla A, Roman-Lopes A, Roman-Zuniga C, Rose B, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Rubin KHR, Salvato M, Sanchez SF, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Sanderson R, Rojas FAS, Sarceno E, Sarmiento R, Sayres C, Sazonova E, Schaefer AL, Schiavon R, Schlegel DJ, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Schwope A, Serenelli A, Serna J, Shao Z, Shapiro G, Sharma A, Shen Y, Shetrone M, Shu Y, Simon JD, Skrutskie MF, Smethurst R, Smith V, Sobeck J, Spoo T, Sprague D, Stark D, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Stone-Martinez A, Storchi-Bergmann T, Stringfellow GS, Stutz A, Su Y-C, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Talbot MS, Tayar J, Telles E, Teske J, Thakar A, Theissen C, Tkachenko A, Thomas D, Tojeiro R, Toledo HH, Troup NW, Trump JR, Trussler J, Turner J, Tuttle S, Unda-Sanzana E, Vazquez-Mata JA, Valentini M, Valenzuela O, Vargas-Gonzalez J, Vargas-Magana M, Alfaro PV, Villanova S, Vincenzo F, Wake D, Warfield JT, Washington JD, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Weinberg DH, Weiss A, Westfall KB, Wild V, Wilde MC, Wilson JC, Wilson RF, Wilson M, Wolf J, Wood-Vasey WM, Yan R, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zhao C, Zheng Z, Zheng Z, Zhu K. 2022. The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 Data Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 259 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sales-Silva JV, Daflon S, Cunha K, Souto D, Smith VV, Chiappini C, Donor J, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Hayes C, Majewski SR, Masseron T, Schiavon RP, Weinberg DH, Beaton RL, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Jonsson H, Lane RR, Minniti D, Manchado A, Moni Bidin C, Nitschelm C, O'Connell J, Villanova S. 2022. Exploring the S-process History in the Galactic Disk: Cerium Abundances and Gradients in Open Clusters from the OCCAM/APOGEE Sample ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 926 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hasselquist S, Hayes CR, Lian J, Weinberg DH, Zasowski G, Horta D, Beaton R, Feuillet DK, Garro ER, Gallart C, Smith VV, Holtzman JA, Minniti D, Lacerna I, Shetrone M, Jonsson H, Cioni M-RL, Fillingham SP, Cunha K, O'Connell R, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Munoz RR, Schiavon R, Almeida A, Anguiano B, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Brownstein JR, Cohen RE, Frinchaboy P, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Geisler D, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, Povick J, Price-Whelan A, Roman-Lopes A, Rosado M, Sobeck J, Stringfellow G, Valenzuela O, Villanova S, Vincenzo F. 2021. APOGEE Chemical Abundance Patterns of the Massive Milky Way Satellites ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 923 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Phillips SG, Schiavon RP, Mackereth JT, Prieto CA, Anguiano B, Beaton RL, Cohen RE, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Geisler D, Horta D, Jonsson H, Kisku S, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Mason AC, Minniti D, Schultheis M, Taylor D. 2021. APOGEE detection of N-rich stars in the tidal tails of Palomar 5 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510 :3727-3733 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kisku S, Schiavon RP, Horta D, Mason A, Mackereth JT, Hasselquist S, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Bizyaev D, Brownstein JR, Lane RR, Minniti D, Pan K, Roman-Lopes A. 2021. An enquiry on the origins of N-rich stars in the inner Galaxy based on APOGEE chemical compositions MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 504 :1657-1667 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Horta D, Mackereth JT, Schiavon RP, Hasselquist S, Bovy J, Prieto CA, Beers TC, Cunha K, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Kisku SS, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Mason AC, Nataf DM, Roman-Lopes A, Schultheis M. 2021. The contribution of N-rich stars to the Galactic stellar halo using APOGEE red giants MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 500 :5462-5478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Horta D, Schiavon RP, Mackereth JT, Pfeffer J, Mason AC, Kisku S, Fragkoudi F, Prieto CA, Cunha K, Hasselquist S, Holtzman J, Majewski SR, Nataf D, O'Connell RW, Schultheis M, Smith VV. 2021. Evidence from APOGEE for the presence of a major building block of the halo buried in the inner Galaxy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500 :1385-1403 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goncalves G, Coelho P, Schiavon R, Usher C. 2020. How well can we determine ages and chemical abundances from spectral fitting of integrated light spectra? MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 499 :2327-2339 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hasselquist S, Zasowski G, Feuillet DK, Schultheis M, Nataf DM, Anguiano B, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Cohen RE, Cunha K, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Geisler D, Holtzman JA, Johnson J, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Bidin CM, Nitschelm C, Roman-Lopes A, Schiavon R, Smith VV, Sobeck J. 2020. Exploring the Stellar Age Distribution of the Milky Way Bulge Using APOGEE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 901 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ahumada R, Allende Prieto C, Almeida A, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Arcodia R, Armengaud E, Aubert M, Avila S, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Balland C, Barger K, Barrera-Ballesteros JK, Basu S, Bautista J, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Benavides BIT, Bender CF, Bernardi M, Bershady M, Beutler F, Bidin CM, Bird J, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blanton MR, Boquien M, Borissova J, Bovy J, Brandt WN, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Bundy K, Bureau M, Burgasser A, Burtin E, Cano-Diaz M, Capasso R, Cappellari M, Carrera R, Chabanier S, Chaplin W, Chapman M, Cherinka B, Chiappini C, Choi PD, Chojnowski SD, Chung H, Clerc N, Coffey D, Comerford JM, Comparat J, da Costa L, Cousinou M-C, Covey K, Crane JD, Cunha K, Ilha GDS, Dai YS, Damsted SB, Darling J, Davidson JW, Davies R, Dawson K, De N, de la Macorra A, Lee ND, de Andrade Queiroz AB, Machado AD, de la Torre S, Dell'Agli F, des Bourboux HDM, Diamond-Stanic AM, Dillon S, Donor J, Drory N, Duckworth C, Dwelly T, Ebelke G, Eftekharzadeh S, Eigenbrot AD, Elsworth YP, Eracleous M, Erfanianfar G, Escoffier S, Fan X, Farr E, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Feuillet D, Finoguenov A, Fofie P, Fraser-McKelvie A, Frinchaboy PM, Fromenteau S, Fu H, Galbany L, Garcia RA, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Oehmichen LAG, Ge J, Maia MAG, Geisler D, Gelfand J, Goddy J, Gonzalez-Perez V, Grabowski K, Green P, Grier CJ, Guo H, Guy J, Harding P, Hasselquist S, Hawken AJ, Hayes CR, Hearty F, Hekker S, Hogg DW, Holtzman JA, Horta D, Hou J, Hsieh B-C, Huber D, Hunt JAS, Chitham JI, Imig J, Jaber M, Angel CEJ, Johnson JA, Jones AM, Jonsson H, Jullo E, Kim Y, Kinemuchi K, Iv CCK, Kite GW, Klaene M, Kneib J-P, Kollmeier JA, Kong H, Kounkel M, Krishnarao D, Lacerna I, Lan T-W, Lane RR, Law DR, Le Goff J-M, Leung HW, Lewis H, Li C, Lian J, Lin L, Long D, Longa-Pena P, Lundgren B, Lyke BW, Mackereth JT, MacLeod CL, Majewski SR, Manchado A, Maraston C, Martini P, Masseron T, Masters KL, Mathur S, McDermid RM, Merloni A, Merrifield M, Meszaros S, Miglio A, Minniti D, Minsley R, Miyaji T, Mohammad FG, Mosser B, Mueller E-M, Muna D, Munoz-Gutierrez A, Myers AD, Nadathur S, Nair P, Nandra K, do Nascimento JC, Nevin RJ, Newman JA, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, Noterdaeme P, O'Connell JE, Olmstead MD, Oravetz D, Oravetz A, Osorio Y, Pace ZJ, Padilla N, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Palicio PA, Pan H-A, Pan K, Parker J, Paviot R, Peirani S, Ramrez KP, Penny S, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Perez-Rafols I, Petitjean P, Pieri MM, Pinsonneault M, Poovelil VJ, Povick JT, Prakash A, Price-Whelan AM, Raddick MJ, Raichoor A, Ray A, Rembold SB, Rezaie M, Riffel RA, Riffel R, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Roman-Lopes A, Roman-Zuniga C, Rose B, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Rowlands K, Rubin KHR, Salvato M, Sanchez AG, Sanchez-Menguiano L, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Sayres C, Schaefer A, Schiavon RP, Schimoia JS, Schlafly E, Schlegel D, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Schwope A, Seo H-J, Serenelli A, Shafieloo A, Shamsi SJ, Shao Z, Shen S, Shetrone M, Shirley R, Aguirre VS, Simon JD, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smethurst R, Sobeck J, Sodi BC, Souto D, Stark D, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Stermer J, Storchi-Bergmann T, Streblyanska A, Stringfellow GS, Stutz A, Suarez G, Sun J, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Talbot MS, Tayar J, Thakar AR, Theriault R, Thomas D, Thomas ZC, Tinker J, Tojeiro R, Toledo HH, Tremonti CA, Troup NW, Tuttle S, Unda-Sanzana E, Valentini M, Vargas-Gonzalez J, Vargas-Magana M, Vazquez-Mata JA, Vivek M, Wake D, Wang Y, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Wild V, Wilson JC, Wilson RF, Wolthuis N, Wood-Vasey WM, Yan R, Yang M, Yeche C, Zamora O, Zarrouk P, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zhao C, Zhao G, Zheng Z, Zheng Z, Zhu G, Zou H. 2020. The 16th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 249 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon R. 2020. MOONS Surveys of the Milky Way and its Satellites The Messenger, DOI
Schiavon RP, Mackereth JT, Pfeffer JL, Crain RA, Bovy J. 2020. The building blocks of the Milky Way halo using APOGEE and Gaia -- or -- Is the Galaxy a typical galaxy? Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14 :170-173 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Horta D, Schiavon RP, Mackereth JT, Beers TC, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Geisler D, Hasselquist S, Jonsson H, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Moni Bidin C, Nataf DM, Roman-Lopes A, Nitschelm C, Vargas-Gonzalez J, Zasowski G. 2020. The chemical compositions of accreted and in situ galactic globular clusters according to SDSS/APOGEE MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 493 :3363-3378 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hayes CR, Majewski SR, Hasselquist S, Anguiano B, Shetrone M, Law DR, Schiavon RP, Cunha K, Smith VV, Beaton RL, Price-Whelan AM, Allende Prieto C, Battaglia G, Bizyaev D, Brownstein JR, Cohen RE, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Lacerna I, Lane RR, Meszaros S, Moni Bidin C, Munoz RR, Nidever DL, Oravetz A, Oravetz D, Pan K, Roman-Lopes A, Sobeck J, Stringfellow G. 2020. Metallicity and alpha-Element Abundance Gradients along the Sagittarius Stream as Seen by APOGEE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 889 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Boardman N, Zasowski G, Seth A, Newman J, Andrews B, Bershady M, Bird J, Chiappini C, Fielder C, Fraser-McKelvie A, Jones A, Licquia T, Masters KL, Minchev I, Schiavon RP, Brownstein JR, Drory N, Lane RR. 2020. Milky Way analogues in MaNGA: multiparameter homogeneity and comparison to the Milky Way MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 491 :3672-3701 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Meszaros S, Masseron T, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Prieto CA, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Chojnowski D, Cohen RE, Cunha K, Dell’Agli F, Ebelke G, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Frinchaboy P, Geisler D, Hasselquist S, Hearty F, Holtzman J, Johnson J, Lane RR, Lacerna I, Longa-Pena P, Majewski SR, Martell SL, Minniti D, Nataf D, Nidever DL, Pan K, Schiavon RP, Shetrone M, Smith VV, Sobeck JS, Stringfellow GS, Szigeti L, Tang B, Wilson JC, Zamora O. 2019. Homogeneous analysis of globular clusters from the APOGEE survey with the BACCHUS code – II. The Southern clusters and overview Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492 :1641-1670 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mackereth JT, Bovy J, Leung HW, Schiavon RP, Trick WH, Chaplin WJ, Cunha K, Feuillet DK, Majewski SR, Martig M, Miglio A, Nidever D, Pinsonneault MH, Aguirre VS, Sobeck J, Taya J, Zasowski G. 2019. Dynamical heating across the Milky Way disc using APOGEE and Gaia Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489 :176-195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bastian N, Usher CG, Kamann S, Lardo C, Larsen SS, Cabrera-Ziri I, Chantereau W, Martocchia S, Salaris M, Schiavon RP, Asa'd R, Hilker M. 2019. Multiple Populations in integrated light spectroscopy of intermediate - age clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 489 :L80-L85 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jorgensen I, Hunter LC, O'Neill CR, Chiboucas K, Cole RK, Toft S, Schiavon RP. 2019. The Gemini/HST Galaxy Cluster Project: Environment Effects on the Stellar Populations in the Lynx Clusters at z=1.27 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 881 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fernandez-Trincado JG, Zamora O, Souto D, Cohen RE, Agli FD, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Masseron T, Schiavon RP, Meszaros S, Cunha K, Hasselquist S, Shetrone M, Schiappacasse Ulloa J, Tang B, Geisler D, Schleicher DRG, Villanova S, Mennickent RE, Minniti D, Alonso-Garcia J, Manchado A, Beers TC, Sobeck J, Zasowski G, Schultheis M, Majewski SR, Rojas-Arriagada A, Almeida A, Santana F, Oelkers RJ, Longa-Pena P, Carrera R, Burgasser AJ, Lane RR, Roman-Lopes A, Ivans II, Hearty FR. 2019. H-band discovery of additional second-generation stars in the Galactic bulge globular cluster NGC 6522 as observed by APOGEE and Gaia Astronomy & Astrophysics, 627 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nataf DM, Wyse RFG, Schiavon RP, Ting Y-S, Minniti D, Cohen RE, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Geisler D, Nitschelm C, Frinchaboy PM. 2019. The Relationship between Globular Cluster Mass, Metallicity, and Light-element Abundance Variations ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 158 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Weinberg DH, Holtzman JA, Hasselquist S, Bird JC, Johnson JA, Shetrone M, Sobeck J, Allende Prieto C, Bizyaev D, Carrera R, Cohen RE, Cunha K, Ebelke G, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Hayes CR, Jonsson H, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Malanushenko V, Meszaros S, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, Pan K, Rix H-W, Rybizki J, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Wilso JC, Zamora O. 2019. Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Multi-element Abundance Ratios ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 874 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson JC, Hearty FR, Skrutskie MF, Majewski SR, Holtzman JA, Eisenstein D, Gunn J, Blank B, Henderson C, Smee S, Nelson M, Nidever D, Arns J, Barkhouser R, Barr J, Belane S, Bershady MA, Blanton MR, Brunner S, Burton A, Carey L, Carr M, Colque JP, Crane J, Damke GJ, Davidson JW, Dean J, Di Mille F, Don KW, Ebelke G, Evans M, Fitzgerald G, Gillespie B, Hall M, Harding A, Harding P, Hammond R, Hancock D, Harrison C, Hope S, Horne T, Karakla J, Lam C, Leger F, MacDonald N, Maseman P, Matsunari J, Melton S, Mitcheltree T, O'Brien T, O'Connell RW, Patten A, Richardson W, Rieke G, Rieke M, Roman-Lopes A, Schiavon RP, Sobeck JS, Stolberg T, Stoll R, Tembe M, Trujillo JD, Uomoto A, Vernieri M, Walker E, Weinberg DH, Young E, Anthony-Brumfield B, Bizyaev D, Breslauer B, De Lee N, Downey J, Halverson S, Huehnerhoff J, Klaene M, Leon E, Long D, Mahadevan S, Malanushenko E, Nguyen DC, Owen R, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Sayres C, Shane N, Shectman SA, Shetrone M, Skinner D, Stauffer F, Zhao B. 2019. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Spectrographs PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC, 131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Aguado DS, Ahumada R, Almeida A, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Aquino Ortiz E, Aragon-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernandez M, Aubert M, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Rembold SB, Barger K, Barrera-Ballesteros J, Bates D, Bautista J, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Belfiore F, Bernardi M, Bershady M, Beutler F, Bird J, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blanton MR, Blomqvist M, Bolton AS, Boquien M, Borissova J, Bovy J, Brandt WN, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Bundy K, Burgasser A, Byler N, Diaz MC, Cappellari M, Carrera R, Cervantes Sodi B, Chen Y, Cherinka B, Choi PD, Chung H, Coffey D, Comerford JM, Comparat J, Covey K, Ilha GDS, da Costa L, Dai YS, Damke G, Darling J, Davies R, Dawson K, de Sainte Agathe V, Machado AD, Del Moro A, De Lee N, Diamond-Stanic AM, Sanchez HD, Donor J, Drory N, des Bourboux HDM, Duckworth C, Dwelly T, Ebelke G, Emsellem E, Escoffier S, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Feuillet D, Fischer J-L, Fleming SW, Fraser-McKelvie A, Freischlad G, Frinchaboy PM, Fu H, Galbany L, Garcia-Dias R, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Garma Oehmichen LA, Geimba Maia MA, Gil-Marin H, Grabowski K, Gu M, Guo H, Ha J, Harrington E, Hasselquist S, Hayes CR, Hearty F, Hernandez Toledo H, Hicks H, Hogg DW, Holley-Bockelmann K, Holtzman JA, Hsieh B-C, Hunt JAS, Hwang HS, Ibarra-Medel HJ, Jimenez Angel CE, Johnson J, Jones A, Jonsson H, Kinemuchi K, Kollmeier J, Krawczyk C, Kreckel K, Kruk S, Lacerna I, Lan T-W, Lane RR, Law DR, Lee Y-B, Li C, Lian J, Lin L, Lin Y-T, Lintott C, Long D, Longa-Pena P, Mackereth JT, de la Macorra A, Majewski SR, Malanushenko O, Manchado A, Maraston C, Mariappan V, Marinelli M, Marques-Chaves R, Masseron T, Masters KL, McDermid RM, Medina Pena N, Meneses-Goytia S, Merloni A, Merrifield M, Meszaros S, Minniti D, Minsley R, Muna D, Myers AD, Nair P, do Nascimento JC, Newman JA, Nitschelm C, Olmstead MD, Oravetz A, Oravetz D, Ortega Minakata RA, Pace Z, Padilla N, Palicio PA, Pan K, Pan H-A, Parikh T, Parker J, Peirani S, Penny S, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Peterken T, Pinsonneault MH, Prakash A, Raddick MJ, Raichoor A, Riffel RA, Riffel R, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Roman-Lopes A, Rose B, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Rowlands K, Rubin KHR, Sanchez SF, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Sayres C, Schaefer A, Schiavon RP, Schimoia JS, Schlafly E, Schlegel D, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Seo H-J, Shamsi SJ, Shao Z, Shen S, Shetty S, Simonian G, Smethurst RJ, Sobeck J, Souter BJ, Spindler A, Stark DV, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Storchi-Bergmann T, Stringfellow GS, Suarez G, Sun J, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Talbot MS, Tayar J, Thakar AR, Thomas D, Tissera P, Tojeiro R, Troup NW, Unda-Sanzana E, Valenzuela O, Vargas-Magana M, Antonio Vazquez-Mata J, Wake D, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Westfall KB, Wild V, Wilson J, Woods E, Yan R, Yang M, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zheng Z, Zhu G, Zinn JC, Zou H. 2019. The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 240 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hasselquist S, Holtzman JA, Shetrone M, Tayar J, Weinberg DH, Feuillet D, Cunha K, Pinsonneault MH, Johnson JA, Bird J, Beers TC, Schiavon R, Minchev I, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Nitschelm C, Zamora O. 2019. APOGEE [C/N] Abundances across the Galaxy: Migration and Infall from Red Giant Ages ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 871 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mackereth JT, Schiavon RP, Pfeffer J, Hayes CR, Bovy J, Anguiano B, Allende Prieto C, Hasselquist S, Holtzman J, Johnson JA, Majewski SR, O'Connell R, Shetrone M, Tissera PB, Fernandez-Trincado JG. 2019. The origin of accreted stellar halo populations in the Milky Way using APOGEE, Gaia, and the EAGLE simulations MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 482 :3426-3442 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Horta D, Ted Mackereth J, Schiavon RP. 2019. The contribution of Globular Clusters to the stellar halo using APOGEE and GAIA Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14 :455-459 DOI Publisher Url
Gonzalez OA, Clarkson W, Debattista VP, Johnson CI, Rich RM, Bono G, Dall'Ora M, Gizis J, Kallivayalil N, Kawata D, Lucas P, Minniti D, Schiavon R, Strader J, Street R, Valenti E, Zoccali M. 2018. LSST Cadence Optimization White Paper: The Definitive Map of the Galactic bulge DOI Author Url
Usher CG, Beckwith T, Bellstedt S, Alabi A, Chevalier L, Pastorello N, Cerulo P, Dalgleish HS, Fraser-McKelvie A, Kamann S, Penny S, Foster C, McDermid R, Schiavon RP, Villaume A. 2018. The WAGGS project - II. The reliability of the calcium triplet as a metallicity indicator in integrated stellar light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482 :1275-1303 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Salaris M, Cassisi S, Schiavon RP, Pietrinferni A. 2018. Effective temperatures of red giants in the APOKASC catalogue and the mixing length calibration in stellar models Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abolfathi B, Aguado DS, Aguilar G, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Ananna TT, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Aragon-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernandez M, Armengaud E, Ata M, Aubourg E, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Bailey S, Balland C, Barger KA, Barrera-Ballesteros J, Bartosz C, Bastien F, Bates D, Baumgarten F, Bautista J, Beaton R, Beers TC, Belfiore F, Bender CF, Bernardi M, Bershady MA, Beutler F, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blanton MR, Blomqvist M, Bolton AS, Boquien M, Borissova J, Bovy J, Diaz CAB, Brandt WN, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Bundy K, Burgasser AJ, Burtin E, Busca NG, Canas CI, Cano-Diaz M, Cappellari M, Carrera R, Casey AR, Sodi BC, Chen Y, Cherinka B, Chiappini C, Choi PD, Chojnowski D, Chuang C-H, Chung H, Clerc N, Cohen RE, Comerford JM, Comparat J, do Nascimento JC, da Costa L, Cousinou M-C, Covey K, Crane JD, Cruz-Gonzalez I, Cunha K, Ilha GDS, Damke GJ, Darling J, Davidson JW, Dawson K, de Icaza Lizaola MAC, de la Macorra A, de la Torre S, de Lee N, de Sainte Agathe V, Machado AD, Dell'Agli F, Delubac T, Diamond-Stanic AM, Donor J, Downes JJ, Drory N, Bourboux HDMD, Duckworth CJ, Dwelly T, Dyer J, Ebelke G, Eigenbrot AD, Eisenstein DJ, Elsworth YP, Emsellem E, Eracleous M, Erfanianfar G, Escoffier S, Fan X, Alvar EF, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Cirolini RF, Feuillet D, Finoguenov A, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Freischlad G, Frinchaboy P, Fu H, Maqueo Chew YG, Galbany L, Perez AEG, Garcia-Dias R, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Garma Oehmichen LA, Gaulme P, Gelfand J, Gil-Marin H, Gillespie BA, Goddard D, Gonzalez Hernandez JI, Gonzalez-Perez V, Grabowski K, Green PJ, Grier CJ, Gueguen A, Guo H, Guy J, Hagen A, Hall P, Harding P, Hasselquist S, Hawley S, Hayes CR, Hearty F, Hekker S, Hernandez J, Toledo HH, Hogg DW, Holley-Bockelmann K, Holtzman JA, Hou J, Hsieh B-C, Hunt JAS, Hutchinson TA, Hwang HS, Jimenez Angel CE, Johnson JA, Jones A, Jonsson H, Jullo E, Khan FS, Kinemuchi K, Kirkby D, Kirkpatrick CC, Kitaura F-S, Knapp GR, Kneib J-P, Kollmeier JA, Lacerna I, Lane RR, Lang D, Law DR, Le Goff J-M, Lee Y-B, Li H, Li C, Lian J, Liang Y, Lima M, Lin L, Long D, Lucatello S, Lundgren B, Mackereth JT, MacLeod CL, Mahadevan S, Maia MAG, Majewski S, Maraston C, Mariappan V, Marques-Chaves R, Masseron T, Masters KL, McDermid RM, McGreer ID, Melendez M, Meneses-Goytia S, Merloni A, Merrifield MR, Meszaros S, Meza A, Minchev I, Minniti D, Mueller E-M, Muller-Sanchez F, Muna D, Munoz RR, Myers AD, Nair P, Nandra K, Ness M, Newman JA, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, Noterdaeme P, O'Connell J, Oelkers RJ, Oravetz A, Oravetz D, Ortiz EA, Osorio Y, Pace Z, Padilla N, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Palicio PA, Pan H-A, Pan K, Parikh T, Paris I, Park C, Peirani S, Pellejero-Ibanez M, Penny S, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Petitjean P, Pieri MM, Pinsonneault M, Pisani A, Prada F, Prakash A, de Andrade Queiroz AB, Raddick MJ, Raichoor A, Rembold SB, Richstein H, Riffel RA, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Torres SR, Roman-Zuniga C, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Ruan J, Ruggeri R, Ruiz J, Salvato M, Sanchez AG, Sanchez SF, Almeida JS, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Santana Rojas FA, Santiago BX, Schiavon RP, Schimoia JS, Schlafly E, Schlegel D, Schneider DP, Schuster WJ, Schwope A, Seo H-J, Serenelli A, Shen S, Shen Y, Shetrone M, Shull M, Aguirre VS, Simon JD, Skrutskie M, Slosar A, Smethurst R, Smith V, Sobeck J, Somers G, Souter BJ, Souto D, Spindler A, Stark DV, Stassun K, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Storchi-Bergmann T, Streblyanska A, Stringfellow GS, Suarez G, Sun J, Szigeti L, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Talbot MS, Tang B, Tao C, Tayar J, Tembe M, Teske J, Thakar AR, Thomas D, Tissera P, Tojeiro R, Tremonti C, Troup NW, Urry M, Valenzuela O, Van den Bosch R, Vargas-Gonzalez J, Vargas-Magana M, Vazquez JA, Villanova S, Vogt N, Wake D, Wang Y, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Weinberg DH, Westfall KB, Whelan DG, Wilcots E, Wild V, Williams RA, Wilson J, Wood-Vasey WM, Wylezalek D, Xiao T, Yan R, Yang M, Ybarra JE, Yeche C, Zakamska N, Zamora O, Zarrouk P, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zhao C, Zhao G-B, Zheng Z, Zheng Z, Zhou Z-M, Zhu G, Zinn JC, Zou H. 2018. The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 235 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mackereth JT, Crain RA, Schiavon RP, Schaye J, Theuns T, Schaller M. 2018. The origin of diverse alpha-element abundances in galaxy discs Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477 :5072-5089 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tang B, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Geisler D, Zamora O, Meszaros S, Masseron T, Cohen RE, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Dell'Agli F, Beers TC, Schiavon RP, Sohn ST, Hasselquist S, Robin AC, Shetrone M, Majewski SR, Villanova S, Schiappacasse Ulloa J, Lane RR, Minnti D, Roman-Lopes A, Almeida A, Moreno E. 2018. The Metal-poor non-Sagittarius (?) Globular Cluster NGC 5053: Orbit and Mg, Al, and Si Abundances ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Garcia Perez AE, Ness M, Robin AC, Martinez-Valpuesta I, Sobeck J, Zasowski G, Majewski SR, Bovy J, Allende Prieto C, Cunha K, Girardi L, Meszaros S, Nidever D, Schiavon RP, Schultheis M, Shetrone M, Smith VV. 2018. The Bulge Metallicity Distribution from the APOGEE Survey ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 852 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Albareti FD, Allende Prieto C, Almeida A, Anders F, Anderson S, Andrews BH, Aragon-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernandez M, Armengaud E, Aubourg E, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Bailey S, Barbuy B, Barger K, Barrera-Ballesteros J, Bartosz C, Basu S, Bates D, Battaglia G, Baumgarten F, Baur J, Bautista J, Beers TC, Belfiore F, Bershady M, Bertran de Lis S, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blanton M, Blomqvist M, Bolton AS, Borissova J, Bovy J, Brandt WN, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Bundy K, Burtin E, Busca NG, Camacho Chavez HO, Diaz MC, Cappellari M, Carrera R, Chen Y, Cherinka B, Cheung E, Chiappini C, Chojnowski D, Chuang C-H, Chung H, Cirolini RF, Clerc N, Cohen RE, Comerford JM, Comparat J, do Nascimento JC, Cousinou M-C, Covey K, Crane JD, Croft R, Cunha K, Darling J, Davidson JW, Dawson K, Da Costa L, Ilha GDS, Machado AD, Delubac T, De Lee N, De la Macorra A, De la Torre S, Diamond-Stanic AM, Donor J, Jose Downes J, Drory N, Du C, Bourboux HDMD, Dwelly T, Ebelke G, Eigenbrot A, Eisenstein DJ, Elsworth YP, Emsellem E, Eracleous M, Escoffier S, Evans ML, Falcon-Barroso J, Fan X, Favole G, Fernandez-Alvar E, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Feuillet D, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Freischlad G, Frinchaboy P, Fu H, Gao Y, Garcia RA, Garcia-Dias R, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Garcia Perez AE, Gaulme P, Ge J, Geisler D, Gillespie B, Marin HG, Girardi L, Goddard D, Maqueo Chew YG, Gonzalez-Perez V, Grabowski K, Green P, Grier CJ, Grier T, Guo H, Guy J, Hagen A, Hall M, Harding P, Harley RE, Hasselquist S, Hawley S, Hayes CR, Hearty F, Hekker S, Hernandez Toledo H, Ho S, Hogg DW, Holley-Bockelmann K, Holtzman JA, Holzer PH, Hu J, Huber D, Hutchinson TA, Hwang HS, Ibarra-Medel HJ, Ivans II, Ivory K, Jaehnig K, Jensen TW, Johnson JA, Jones A, Jullo E, Kallinger T, Kinemuchi K, Kirkby D, Klaene M, Kneib J-P, Kollmeier JA, Lacerna I, Lane RR, Lang D, Laurent P, Law DR, Leauthaud A, Le Goff J-M, Li C, Li C, Li N, Li R, Liang F-H, Liang Y, Lima M, Lin L, Lin L, Lin Y-T, Liu C, Long D, Lucatello S, MacDonald N, MacLeod CL, Mackereth JT, Mahadevan S, Geimba Maia MA, Maiolino R, Majewski SR, Malanushenko O, Malanushenko V, Mallmann ND, Manchado A, Maraston C, Marques-Chaves R, Martinez Valpuesta I, Masters KL, Mathur S, McGreer ID, Merloni A, Merrifield MR, Meszaros S, Meza A, Miglio A, Minchev I, Molaverdikhani K, Montero-Dorta AD, Mosser B, Muna D, Myers A, Nair P, Nandra K, Ness M, Newman JA, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, O'Connell J, Oravetz A, Oravetz DJ, Pace Z, Padilla N, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Pan K, Parejko J, Paris I, Park C, Peacock JA, Peirani S, Pellejero-Ibanez M, Penny S, Percival WJ, Percival JW, Perez-Fournon I, Petitjean P, Pieri M, Pinsonneault MH, Pisani A, Prada F, Prakash A, Price-Jones N, Raddick MJ, Rahman M, Raichoor A, Rembold SB, Reyna AM, Rich J, Richstein H, Ridl J, Riffel RA, Riffel R, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Rockosi CM, Rodriguez-Torres S, Rodrigues TS, Roe N, Lopes AR, Roman-Zuniga C, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Ruan J, Ruggeri R, Runnoe JC, Salazar-Albornoz S, Salvato M, Sanchez SF, Sanchez AG, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Santiago BX, Schiavon R, Schimoia JS, Schlafly E, Schlegel DJ, Schneider DP, Schonrich R, Schultheis M, Schwope A, Seo H-J, Serenelli A, Sesar B, Shao Z, Shetrone M, Shull M, Aguirre VS, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smith M, Smith VV, Sobeck J, Somers G, Souto D, Stark DV, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Bergmann TS, Strauss MA, Streblyanska A, Stringfellow GS, Suarez G, Sun J, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Tang B, Tao C, Tayar J, Tembe M, Thomas D, Tinker J, Tojeiro R, Tremonti C, Troup N, Trump JR, Unda-Sanzana E, Valenzuela O, Van den Bosch R, Vargas-Magana M, Vazquez JA, Villanova S, Vivek M, Vogt N, Wake D, Walterbos R, Wang Y, Wang E, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Weinberg DH, Westfall KB, Whelan DG, Wilcots E, Wild V, Williams RA, Wilson J, Wood-Vasey WM, Wylezalek D, Xiao T, Yan R, Yang M, Ybarra JE, Yeche C, Yuan F-T, Zakamska N, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zhao C, Zhao G-B, Zheng Z, Zheng Z, Zhou Z-M, Zhu G, Zinn JC, Zou H. 2017. The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 233 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mackereth JT, Bovy J, Schiavon RP, Zasowski G, Cunha K, Frinchaboy PM, Perez AEG, Hayden MR, Holtzman J, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Nidever DL, Pinsonneault M, Shetrone MD. 2017. The age-metallicity structure of the Milky Way disc using APOGEE MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 471 :3057-3078 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Majewski SR, Schiavon RP, Frinchaboy PM, Allende Prieto C, Barkhouser R, Bizyaev D, Blank B, Brunner S, Burton A, Carrera R, Chojnowski SD, Cunha K, Epstein C, Fitzgerald G, Garcia Perez AE, Hearty FR, Henderson C, Holtzman JA, Johnson JA, Lam CR, Lawler JE, Maseman P, Meszaros S, Nelson M, Nguyen DC, Nidever DL, Pinsonneault M, Shetrone M, Smee S, Smith VV, Stolberg T, Skrutskie MF, Walker E, Wilson JC, Zasowski G, Anders F, Basu S, Beland S, Blanton MR, Bovy J, Brownstein JR, Carlberg J, Chaplin W, Chiappini C, Eisenstein DJ, Elsworth Y, Feuillet D, Fleming SW, Galbraith-Frew J, Garcia RA, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Gillespie BA, Girardi L, Gunn JE, Hasselquist S, Hayden MR, Hekker S, Ivans I, Kinemuchi K, Klaene M, Mahadevan S, Mathur S, Mosser B, Muna D, Munn JA, Nichol RC, O'Connell RW, Parejko JK, Robin AC, Rocha-Pinto H, Schultheis M, Serenelli AM, Shane N, Aguirre VS, Sobeck JS, Thompson B, Troup NW, Weinberg DH, Zamora O. 2017. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 154 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fernandez-Trincado JG, Zamora O, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Souto D, Dell'Agli F, Schiavon RP, Geisler D, Tang B, Villanova S, Hasselquist S, Mennickent RE, Cunha K, Shetrone M, Allende Prieto C, Vieira K, Zasowski G, Sobeck J, Hayes CR, Majewski SR, Placco VM, Beers TC, Schleicher DRG, Robin AC, Meszaros S, Masseron T, Garcia Perez AE, Anders F, Meza A, Alves-Brito A, Carrera R, Minniti D, Lane RR, Fernandez-Alvar E, Moreno E, Pichardo B, Perez-Villegas A, Schultheis M, Roman-Lopes A, Fuentes CE, Nitschelm C, Harding P, Bizyaev D, Pan K, Oravetz D, Simmons A, Ivans II, Blanco-Cuaresma S, Hernandez J, Alonso-Garcia J, Valenzuela O, Chaname J. 2017. Atypical Mg-poor Milky Way Field Stars with Globular Cluster Second-generation-like Chemical Patterns ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 846 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Miglio A, Chiappini C, Mosser B, Davies GR, Freeman K, Girardi L, Jofre P, Kawata D, Rendle BM, Valentini M, Casagrande L, Chaplin WJ, Gilmore G, Hawkins K, Holl B, Appourchaux T, Belkacem K, Bossini D, Brogaard K, Goupil M-J, Montalban J, Noels A, Anders F, Rodrigues T, Piotto G, Pollacco D, Rauer H, Prieto CA, Avelino PP, Babusiaux C, Barban C, Barbuy B, Basu S, Baudin F, Benomar O, Bienayme O, Binney J, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bressan A, Cacciari C, Campante TL, Cassisi S, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Combes F, Creevey O, Cunha MS, Jong RSD, Laverny PD, Degl'Innocenti S, Deheuvels S, Depagne E, DeRidder J, DiMatteo P, Mauro MPD, Dupret M-A, Eggenberger P, Elsworth Y, Famaey B, Feltzing S, Garcia RA, Gerhard O, Gibson BK, Gizon L, Haywood M, Handberg R, Heiter U, Hekker S, Huber D, Ibata R, Katz D, Kawaler SD, Kjeldsen H, Kurtz DW, Lagarde N, Lebreton Y, Lund MN, Majewski SR, Marigo P, Martig M, Mathur S, Minchev I, Morel T, Ortolani S, Pinsonneault MH, Plez B, Moroni PGP, Pricopi D, Recio-Blanco A, Reyle C, Robin A, Roxburgh IW, Salaris M, Santiago BX, Schiavon RP, Serenelli A, Sharma S, Aguirre VS, Soubiran C, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Strassmeier KG, Ventura P, Ventura R, Walton NA, Worley CC. 2017. PLATO as it is: a legacy mission for Galactic archaeology Astronomische Nachrichten, 338 :644-661 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cunha K, Smith VV, Hasselquist S, Souto D, Shetrone MD, Allende Prieto C, Bizyaev D, Frinchaboy P, Anibal Garcia-Hernandez D, Holtzman J, Johnson JA, Jonsson H, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Nidever D, Pinsonneault M, Schiavon RP, Sobeck J, Skrutskie MF, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Fernandez-Trincado JG. 2017. Adding the s-Process Element Cerium to the APOGEE Survey: Identification and Characterization of Ce II Lines in the H-band Spectral Window ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 844 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Usher C, Pastorello N, Bellstedt S, Alabi A, Cerulo P, Chevalier L, Fraser-McKelvie A, Penny S, Foster C, McDermid RM, Schiavon RP, Villaume A. 2017. The WAGGS project - I. The WiFeS Atlas of Galactic Globular cluster Spectra MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 468 :3828-3849 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Blanton MR, Bershady MA, Abolfathi B, Albareti FD, Allende Prieto C, Almeida A, Alonso-Garcia J, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews B, Aquino-Ortiz E, Aragon-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernandez M, Armengaud E, Aubourg E, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Bailey S, Barger KA, Barrera-Ballesteros J, Bartosz C, Bates D, Baumgarten F, Bautista J, Beaton R, Beers TC, Belfiore F, Bender CF, Berlind AA, Bernardi M, Beutler F, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blomqvist M, Bolton AS, Boquien M, Borissova J, Van den Bosch R, Bovy J, Brandt WN, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Bundy K, Burgasser AJ, Burtin E, Busca NG, Cappellari M, Delgado Carigi ML, Carlberg JK, Rosell AC, Carrera R, Chanover NJ, Cherinka B, Cheung E, Maqueo Chew YG, Chiappini C, Choi PD, Chojnowski D, Chuang C-H, Chung H, Cirolini RF, Clerc N, Cohen RE, Comparat J, da Costa L, Cousinou M-C, Covey K, Crane JD, Croft RAC, Cruz-Gonzalez I, Garrido Cuadra D, Cunha K, Damke GJ, Darling J, Davies R, Dawson K, de la Macorra A, Dell'Agli F, De Lee N, Delubac T, Di Mille F, Diamond-Stanic A, Cano-Diaz M, Donor J, Jose Downes J, Drory N, des Bourboux HDM, Duckworth CJ, Dwelly T, Dyer J, Ebelke G, Eigenbrot AD, Eisenstein DJ, Emsellem E, Eracleous M, Escoffier S, Evans ML, Fan X, Fernandez-Alvar E, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Feuillet DK, Finoguenov A, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Fredrickson A, Freischlad G, Frinchaboy PM, Fuentes CE, Galbany L, Garcia-Dias R, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Gaulme P, Geisler D, Gelfand JD, Gil-Marin H, Gillespie BA, Goddard D, Gonzalez-Perez V, Grabowski K, Green PJ, Grier CJ, Gunn JE, Guo H, Guy J, Hagen A, Hahn C, Hall M, Harding P, Hasselquist S, Hawley SL, Hearty F, Gonzalez Hernandez JI, Ho S, Hogg DW, Holley-Bockelmann K, Holtzman JA, Holzer PH, Huehnerhoff J, Hutchinson TA, Hwang HS, Ibarra-Medel HJ, Ilha GDS, Ivans II, Ivory K, Jackson K, Jensen TW, Johnson JA, Jones A, Jonsson H, Jullo E, Kamble V, Kinemuchi K, Kirkby D, Kitaura F-S, Klaene M, Knapp GR, Kneib J-P, Kollmeier JA, Lacerna I, Lane RR, Lang D, Law DR, Lazarz D, Lee Y, Le Goff J-M, Liang F-H, Li C, Li H, Lian J, Lima M, Lin L, Lin Y-T, de Lis SB, Liu C, de Icaza Lizaola MAC, Long D, Lucatello S, Lundgren B, MacDonald NK, Machado AD, MacLeod CL, Mahadevan S, Geimba Maia MA, Maiolino R, Majewski SR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Manchado A, Mao S, Maraston C, Marques-Chaves R, Masseron T, Masters KL, McBride CK, McDermid RM, McGrath B, McGreer ID, Medina Pena N, Melendez M, Merloni A, Merrifield MR, Meszaros S, Meza A, Minchev I, Minniti D, Miyaji T, More S, Mulchaey J, Muller-Sanchez F, Muna D, Munoz RR, Myers AD, Nair P, Nandra K, do Nascimento JC, Negrete A, Ness M, Newman JA, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, Ntelis P, O'Connell JE, Oelkers RJ, Oravetz A, Oravetz D, Pace Z, Padilla N, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Alonso Palicio P, Pan K, Parejko JK, Parikh T, Paris I, Park C, Patten AY, Peirani S, Pellejero-Ibanez M, Penny S, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Petitjean P, Pieri MM, Pinsonneault M, Pisani A, Poleski R, Prada F, Prakash A, de Andrade Queiroz AB, Raddick MJ, Raichoor A, Rembold SB, Richstein H, Riffel RA, Riffel R, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Rockosi CM, Rodriguez-Torres S, Roman-Lopes A, Roman-Zuniga C, Rosado M, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Ruan J, Ruggeri R, Rykoff ES, Salazar-Albornoz S, Salvato M, Sanchez AG, Aguado DS, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Santana FA, Santiago BX, Sayres C, Schiavon RP, Schimoia JDS, Schlafly EF, Schlegel DJ, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Schuster WJ, Schwope A, Seo H-J, Shao Z, Shen S, Shetrone M, Shull M, Simon JD, Skinner D, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smith VV, Sobeck JS, Sobreira F, Somers G, Souto D, Stark DV, Stassun K, Stauffer F, Steinmetz M, Storchi-Bergmann T, Streblyanska A, Stringfellow GS, Suarez G, Sun J, Suzuki N, Szigeti L, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Tang B, Tao C, Tayar J, Tembe M, Teske J, Thakar AR, Thomas D, Thompson BA, Tinker JL, Tissera P, Tojeiro R, Hernandez Toledo H, de la Torre S, Tremonti C, Troup NW, Valenzuela O, Martinez Valpuesta I, Vargas-Gonzalez J, Vargas-Magana M, Alberto Vazquez J, Villanova S, Vivek M, Vogt N, Wake D, Walterbos R, Wang Y, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Weinberg DH, Westfall KB, Whelan DG, Wild V, Wilson J, Wood-Vasey WM, Wylezalek D, Xiao T, Yan R, Yang M, Ybarra JE, Yeche C, Zakamska N, Zamora O, Zarrouk P, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zhao G-B, Zheng Z, Zheng Z, Zhou X, Zhou Z-M, Zhu GB, Zoccali M, Zou H. 2017. Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 154 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Schiavon RP, Johnson JA, Frinchaboy PM, Zasowski G, Meszaros S, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Cohen RE, Tang B, Villanova S, Geisler D, Beers TC, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Garcia Perez AE, Lucatello S, Majewski SR, Martell SL, O'Connell RW, Allende Prieto C, Bizyaev D, Carrera R, Lane RR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Munoz RR, Nitschelm C, Oravetz D, Pan K, Roman-Lopes A, Schultheis M, Simmons A. 2017. APOGEE chemical abundances of globular cluster giants in the inner Galaxy MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 466 :1010-1018 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Schiavon RP, Zamora O, Carrera R, Lucatello S, Robin AC, Ness M, Martell SL, Smith VV, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Manchado A, Schonrich R, Bastian N, Chiappini C, Shetrone M, Mackereth JT, Williams RA, Meszaros S, Allende Prieto C, Anders F, Bizyaev D, Beers TC, Chojnowski SD, Cunha K, Epstein C, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia Perez AE, Hearty FR, Holtzman JA, Johnson JA, Kinemuchi K, Majewski SR, Muna D, Nidever DL, Duy CN, O'Connell RW, Oravetz D, Pan K, Pinsonneault M, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Simmons A, Skrutskie MF, Sobeck J, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. 2017. Chemical tagging with APOGEE: discovery of a large population of N-rich stars in the inner Galaxy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465 :501-524 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tang B, Cohen RE, Geisler D, Schiavon RP, Majewski SR, Villanova S, Carrera R, Zamora O, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Shetrone M, Frinchaboy P, Meza A, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Munoz RR, Lin C-C, Lane RR, Nitschelm C, Pan K, Bizyaev D, Oravetz D, Simmons A. 2017. Two groups of red giants with distinct chemical abundances in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6553 through the eyes of APOGEE MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 465 :19-31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Souto D, Cunha K, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Zamora O, Allende Prieto C, Smith VV, Mahadevan S, Blake C, Johnson JA, Jonsson H, Pinsonneault M, Holtzman J, Majewski SR, Shetrone M, Teske J, Nidever D, Schiavon R, Sobeck J, Garcia Perez AE, Gomez Maqueo Chew Y, Stassun K. 2017. Chemical Abundances of M-Dwarfs from the Apogee Survey. I. The Exoplanet Hosting Stars Kepler-138 and Kepler-186 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 835 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Anders F, Chiappini C, Rodrigues TS, Miglio A, Montalban J, Mosser B, Girardi L, Valentini M, Noels A, Morel T, Johnson JA, Schultheis M, Baudin F, Peralta RDA, Hekker S, Themessl N, Kallinger T, Garcia RA, Mathur S, Baglin A, Santiago BX, Martig M, Minchev I, Steinmetz M, da Costa LN, Maia MAG, Allende Prieto C, Cunha K, Beers TC, Epstein C, Garcia Perez AE, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Harding P, Holtzman J, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Nidever D, Pan K, Pinsonneault M, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Shetrone MD, Stassun K, Zamora O, Zasowski G. 2016. Galactic archaeology with asteroseismology and spectroscopy: Red giants observed by CoRoT and APOGEE Astronomy & Astrophysics, 597 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fernandez-Trincado JG, Robin AC, Moreno E, Schiavon RP, Garcia Perez AE, Vieira K, Cunha K, Zamora O, Sneden C, Souto D, Carrera R, Johnson JA, Shetrone M, Zasowski G, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Majewski SR, Reyle C, Blanco-Cuaresma S, Martinez-Medina LA, Perez-Villegas A, Valenzuela O, Pichardo B, Meza A, Meszaros S, Sobeck J, Geisler D, Anders F, Schultheis M, Tang B, Roman-Lopes A, Mennickent RE, Pan K, Nitschelm C, Allard F. 2016. Discovery of a Metal-Poor Field Giant with a Globular Cluster Second-Generation Abundance Pattern ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 833 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lorenzo-Oliveira D, Porto de Mello GF, Schiavon RP. 2016. The age-mass-metallicity-activity relation for solar-type stars: comparisons with asteroseismology and the NGC 188 open cluster ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 594 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sakari CM, Shetrone MD, Schiavon RP, Bizyaev D, Prieto CA, Beers TC, Caldwell N, Anibal Garcia-Hernandez D, Lucatello S, Majewski S, O'Connell RW, Pan K, Strader J. 2016. INFRARED HIGH-RESOLUTION INTEGRATED LIGHT SPECTRAL ANALYSES OF M31 GLOBULAR CLUSTERS FROM APOGEE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 829 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cunha K, Frinchaboy PM, Souto D, Thompson B, Zasowski G, Allende Prieto C, Carrera R, Chiappini C, Donor J, Garcia-Hernandez A, Garcia Perez AE, Hayden MR, Holtzman J, Jackson KM, Johnson JA, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Meyer B, Nidever DL, O'Connell J, Schiavon RP, Schultheis M, Shetrone M, Simmons A, Smith VV, Zamora O. 2016. Chemical abundance gradients from open clusters in the Milky Way disk: Results from the APOGEE survey ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 337 :922-925 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collaboration SDSS, Albareti FD, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Anders F, Anderson S, Andrews BH, Aragon-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernandez M, Armengaud E, Aubourg E, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Bailey S, Barbuy B, Barger K, Barrera-Ballesteros J, Bartosz C, Basu S, Bates D, Battaglia G, Baumgarten F, Baur J, Bautista J, Beers TC, Belfiore F, Bershady M, Lis SBD, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blanton M, Blomqvist M, Bolton AS, Borissova J, Bovy J, Brandt WN, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Bundy K, Burtin E, Busca NG, Chavez HOC, Diaz MC, Cappellari M, Carrera R, Chen Y, Cherinka B, Cheung E, Chiappini C, Chojnowski D, Chuang C-H, Chung H, Cirolini RF, Clerc N, Cohen RE, Comerford JM, Comparat J, Cousinou M-C, Covey K, Crane JD, Croft R, Cunha K, Costa LD, Ilha GDS, Darling J, Jr JWD, Dawson K, Lee ND, Macorra ADL, Torre SDL, Machado AD, Delubac T, Diamond-Stanic AM, Donor J, Downes JJ, Drory N, Bourboux HDMD, Du C, Dwelly T, Ebelke G, Eigenbrot A, Eisenstein DJ, Elsworth YP, Emsellem E, Eracleous M, Escoffier S, Evans ML, Falcon-Barroso J, Fan X, Favole G, Fernandez-Alvar E, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Feuillet D, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Freischlad G, Frinchaboy P, Fu H, Gao Y, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Perez AEG, Garcia RA, Garcia-Dias R, Gaulme P, Ge J, Geisler D, Marin HG, Gillespie B, Girardi L, Goddard D, Chew YGM, Gonzalez-Perez V, Grabowski K, Green P, Grier CJ, Grier T, Guo H, Guy J, Hagen A, Hall M, Harding P, Harley RE, Hasselquist S, Hawley S, Hayes CR, Hearty F, Hekker S, Toledo HH, Ho S, Hogg DW, Holley-Bockelmann K, Holtzman JA, Holzer PH, Hu J, Huber D, Hutchinson TA, Hwang HS, Ibarra-Medel HJ, Ivans II, Ivory K, Jaehnig K, Jensen TW, Johnson JA, Jones A, Jullo E, Kallinger T, Kinemuchi K, Kirkby D, Klaene M, Kneib J-P, Kollmeier JA, Lacerna I, Lane RR, Lang D, Laurent P, Law DR, Goff J-ML, Leauthaud A, Li C, Li R, Li C, Li N, Liang F-H, Liang Y, Lima M, Lin L, Lin L, Lin Y-T, Long D, Lucatello S, MacDonald N, MacLeod CL, Mackereth JT, Mahadevan S, Maia MA-G, Maiolino R, Majewski SR, Malanushenko O, Mallmann ND, Manchado A, Maraston C, Marques-Chaves R, Valpuesta IM, Masters KL, Mathur S, McGreer ID, Merloni A, Merrifield MR, Meszaros S, Meza A, Miglio A, Minchev I, Molaverdikhani K, Montero-Dorta AD, Mosser B, Muna D, Myers A, Nair P, Nandra K, Ness M, Newman JA, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, O'Connell J, Oravetz A, Padilla N, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Pan K, Parejko J, Paris I, Peacock JA, Peirani S, Pellejero-Ibanez M, Penny S, Percival WJ, Percival JW, Perez-Fournon I, Petitjean P, Pieri M, Pinsonneault MH, Pisani A, Prada F, Prakash A, Price-Jones N, Raddick MJ, Rahman M, Raichoor A, Rembold SB, Reyna AM, Rich J, Richstein H, Ridl J, Riffel R, Riffel RA, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Rockosi CM, Rodriguez-Torres S, Rodrigues TS, Roe N, Lopes AR, Roman-Zuniga C, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Ruan J, Ruggeri R, Runnoe JC, Salazar-Albornoz S, Salvato M, Sanchez AG, Sanchez SF, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Santiago BX, Schiavon R, Schimoia JS, Schlafly E, Schlegel DJ, Schneider DP, Schoenrich R, Schultheis M, Schwope A, Seo H-J, Serenelli A, Sesar B, Shao Z, Shetrone M, Shull M, Aguirre VS, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smith M, Smith VV, Sobeck J, Somers G, Souto D, Stark DV, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Bergmann TS, Strauss MA, Streblyanska A, Stringfellow GS, Suarez G, Sun J, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Tang B, Tao C, Tayar J, Tembe M, Thomas D, Tinker J, Tojeiro R, Tremonti C, Troup N, Trump JR, Unda-Sanzana E, Valenzuela O, Bosch RVD, Vargas-Magana M, Vazquez JA, Villanova S, Vivek M, Vogt N, Wake D, Walterbos R, Wang Y, Wang E, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Weinberg DH, Westfall KB, Whelan DG, Wilcots E, Wild V, Williams RA, Wilson J, Wood-Vasey WM, Wylezalek D, Xiao T, Yan R, Yang M, Ybarra JE, Yeche C, Yuan F-T, Zakamska N, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zhao C, Zhao G-B, Zheng Z, Zheng Z, Zhou Z-M, Zhu G, Zinn JC, Zou H. 2016. The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Martell SL, Shetrone MD, Lucatello S, Schiavon RP, Meszaros S, Allende Prieto C, Garcia Hernandez DA, Beers TC, Nidever DL. 2016. CHEMICAL TAGGING IN THE SDSS-III/APOGEE SURVEY: NEW IDENTIFICATIONS OF HALO STARS WITH GLOBULAR CLUSTER ORIGINS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 825 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bertran de Lis S, Allende Prieto C, Majewski SR, Schiavon RP, Holtzman JA, Shetrone M, Carrera R, Garcia Perez AE, Meszaros S, Frinchaboy PM, Hearty FR, Nidever DL, Zasowski G, Ge J. 2016. Cosmic variance in [O/Fe] in the Galactic disk ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 590 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Garcia Perez AE, Allende Prieto C, Holtzman JA, Shetrone M, Meszaros S, Bizyaev D, Carrera R, Cunha K, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Johnson JA, Majewski SR, Nidever DL, Schiavon RP, Shane N, Smith VV, Sobeck J, Troup N, Zamora O, Weinberg DH, Bovy J, Eisenstein DJ, Feuillet D, Frinchaboy PM, Hayden MR, Hearty FR, Nguyen DC, O'Connell RW, Pinsonneault MH, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. 2016. ASPCAP: THE APOGEE STELLAR PARAMETER AND CHEMICAL ABUNDANCES PIPELINE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 151 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nidever DL, Holtzman JA, Allende Prieto C, Beland S, Bender C, Bizyaev D, Burton A, Desphande R, Fleming SW, Garcia Perez AE, Hearty FR, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Muna D, Nguyen D, Schiavon RP, Shetrone M, Skrutskie MF, Sobeck JS, Wilson JC. 2015. THE DATA REDUCTION PIPELINE FOR THE APACHE POINT OBSERVATORY GALACTIC EVOLUTION EXPERIMENT ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 150 :1-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holtzman JA, Shetrone M, Johnson JA, Allende Prieto C, Anders F, Andrews B, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Blanton MR, Bovy J, Carrera R, Chojnowski SD, Cunha K, Eisenstein DJ, Feuillet D, Frinchaboy PM, Galbraith-Frew J, Garcia Perez AE, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Hasselquist S, Hayden MR, Hearty FR, Ivans I, Majewski SR, Martell S, Meszaros S, Muna D, Nidever D, Nguyen DC, O'Connell RW, Pan K, Pinsonneault M, Robin AC, Schiavon RP, Shane N, Sobeck J, Smith VV, Troup N, Weinberg DH, Wilson JC, Wood-Vasey WM, Zamora O, Zasowski G. 2015. ABUNDANCES, STELLAR PARAMETERS, AND SPECTRA FROM THE SDSS-III/APOGEE SURVEY ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 150 :1-27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hayden MR, Holtzman JA, Bovy J, Nidever DL, Bird JC, Weinberg DH, Johnson JA, Andrews BH, Majewski SR, García Pé Rez AE, Hearty FR, O'Connell R, Skrutskie M, Wilson JC, Prieto CA, García-Herńandez DA, Zamora O, Anders F, Chiappini C, Minchev I, Steinmetz M, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Pan K, Girardi L, Cunha K, Smith V, Frinchaboy P, Harding P, Schneider DP, Mészáros S, Robin AC, Schiavon RP, Schultheis M, Shetrone M, Zasowski G. 2015. CHEMICAL CARTOGRAPHY with APOGEE: METALLICITY DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS and the CHEMICAL STRUCTURE of the MILKY WAY DISK Astrophysical Journal, 808 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Alam S, Albareti FD, Allende Prieto C, Anders F, Anderson SF, Anderton T, Andrews BH, Armengaud E, Aubourg E, Bailey S, Basu S, Bautista JE, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Bender CF, Berlind AA, Beutler F, Bhardwaj V, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blake CH, Blanton MR, Blomqvist M, Bochanski JJ, Bolton AS, Bovy J, Bradley AS, Brandt WN, Brauer DE, Brinkmann J, Brown PJ, Brownstein JR, Burden A, Burtin E, Busca NG, Cai Z, Capozzi D, Rosell AC, Carr MA, Carrera R, Chambers KC, Chaplin WJ, Chen Y-C, Chiappini C, Chojnowski SD, Chuang C-H, Clerc N, Comparat J, Covey K, Croft RAC, Cuesta AJ, Cunha K, da Costa LN, Da Rio N, Davenport JRA, Dawson KS, De Lee N, Delubac T, Deshpande R, Dhital S, Dutra-Ferreira L, Dwelly T, Ealet A, Ebelke GL, Edmondson EM, Eisenstein DJ, Ellsworth T, Elsworth Y, Epstein CR, Eracleous M, Escoffier S, Esposito M, Evans ML, Fan X, Fernandez-Alvar E, Feuillet D, Ak NF, Finley H, Finoguenov A, Flaherty K, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Foster J, Frinchaboy PM, Galbraith-Frew JG, Garcia RA, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Garcia Perez AE, Gaulme P, Ge J, Genova-Santos R, Georgakakis A, Ghezzi L, Gillespie BA, Girardi L, Goddard D, Gontcho SGA, Gonzalez Hernandez JI, Grebel EK, Green PJ, Grieb JN, Grieves N, Gunn JE, Guo H, Harding P, Hasselquist S, Hawley SL, Hayden M, Hearty FR, Hekker S, Ho S, Hogg DW, Holley-Bockelmann K, Holtzman JA, Honscheid K, Huber D, Huehnerhoff J, Ivans II, Jiang L, Johnson JA, Kinemuchi K, Kirkby D, Kitaura F, Klaene MA, Knapp GR, Kneib J-P, Koenig XP, Lam CR, Lan T-W, Lang D, Laurent P, Le Goff J-M, Leauthaud A, Lee K-G, Lee YS, Licquia TC, Liu J, Long DC, Lopez-Corredoira M, Lorenzo-Oliveira D, Lucatello S, Lundgren B, Lupton RH, Mack CE, Mahadevan S, Maia MAG, Majewski SR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Manchado A, Manera M, Mao Q, Maraston C, Marchwinski RC, Margala D, Martell SL, Martig M, Masters KL, Mathur S, McBride CK, McGehee PM, McGreer ID, McMahon RG, Menard B, Menzel M-L, Merloni A, Meszaros S, Miller AA, Miralda-Escude J, Miyatake H, Montero-Dorta AD, More S, Morganson E, Morice-Atkinson X, Morrison HL, Mosser B, Muna D, Myers AD, Nandra K, Newman JA, Neyrinck M, Nguyen DC, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, Noterdaeme P, Nuza SE, O'Connell JE, O'Connell RW, O'Connell R, Ogando RLC, Olmstead MD, Oravetz AE, Oravetz DJ, Osumi K, Owen R, Padgett DL, Padmanabhan N, Paegert M, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Pan K, Parejko JK, Paris I, Park C, Pattarakijwanich P, Pellejero-Ibanez M, Pepper J, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Perez-Rafols I, Petitjean P, Pieri MM, Pinsonneault MH, Porto de Mello GF, Prada F, Prakash A, Price-Whelan AM, Protopapas P, Raddick MJ, Rahman M, Reid BA, Rich J, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Rockosi CM, Rodrigues TS, Rodriguez-Torres S, Roe NA, Ross AJ, Ross NP, Rossi G, Ruan JJ, Rubino-Martin JA, Rykoff ES, Salazar-Albornoz S, Salvato M, Samushia L, Sanchez AG, Santiago B, Sayres C, Schiavon RP, Schlegel DJ, Schmidt SJ, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Schwope AD, Scoccola CG, Scott C, Sellgren K, Seo H-J, Serenelli A, Shane N, Shen Y, Shetrone M, Shu Y, Aguirre VS, Sivarani T, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smith VV, Sobreira F, Souto D, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Strauss MA, Streblyanska A, Suzuki N, Swanson MEC, Tan JC, Tayar J, Terrien RC, Thakar AR, Thomas D, Thomas N, Thompson BA, Tinker JL, Tojeiro R, Troup NW, Vargas-Magana M, Vazquez JA, Verde L, Viel M, Vogt NP, Wake DA, Wang J, Weaver BA, Weinberg DH, Weiner BJ, White M, Wilson JC, Wisniewski JP, Wood-Vasey WM, Yeche C, York DG, Zakamska NL, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Zehavi I, Zhao G-B, Zheng Z, Zhou X, Zhou Z, Zou H, Zhu G. 2015. THE ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH DATA RELEASES OF THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY: FINAL DATA FROM SDSS-III ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 219 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Martig M, Rix H-W, Aguirre VS, Hekker S, Mosser B, Elsworth Y, Bovy J, Stello D, Anders F, Garcia RA, Tayar J, Rodrigues TS, Basu S, Carrera R, Ceillier T, Chaplin WJ, Chiappini C, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Hearty FR, Holtzman J, Johnson JA, Majewski SR, Mathur S, Meszaros S, Miglio A, Nidever D, Pan K, Pinsonneault M, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Serenelli A, Shetrone M, Zamora O. 2015. Young alpha-enriched giant stars in the solar neighbourhood Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451 :2230-2243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Meszaros S, Martell SL, Shetrone M, Lucatello S, Troup NW, Bovy J, Cunha K, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Overbeek JC, Allende Prieto C, Beers TC, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia Perez AE, Hearty FR, Holtzman J, Majewski SR, Nidever DL, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Sobeck JS, Smith VV, Zamora O, Zasowski G. 2015. EXPLORING ANTICORRELATIONS AND LIGHT ELEMENT VARIATIONS IN NORTHERN GLOBULAR CLUSTERS OBSERVED BY THE APOGEE SURVEY ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 149 :1-24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chiappini C, Anders F, Rodrigues TS, Miglio A, Montalban J, Mosser B, Girardi L, Valentini M, Noels A, Morel T, Minchev I, Steinmetz M, Santiago BX, Schultheis M, Martig M, da Costa LN, Maia MAG, Allende Prieto C, Peralta RDA, Hekker S, Themessl N, Kallinger T, Garcia RA, Mathur S, Baudin F, Beers TC, Cunhall K, Harding P, Holtzman J, Majewski S, Meszaros S, Nidever D, Pan K, Schiavon RP, Shetrone MD, Schneider DP, Stassun K. 2015. Young [alpha/Fe]-enhanced stars discovered by CoRoT and APOGEE: What is their origin? ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 576 :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fleming SW, Mahadevan S, Deshpande R, Bender CF, Terrien RC, Marchwinski RC, Wang J, Roy A, Stassun KG, Allende Prieto C, Cunha K, Smith VV, Agol E, Ak H, Bastien FA, Bizyaev D, Crepp JR, Ford EB, Frinchaboy PM, Anibal Garcia-Hernandez D, Perez AEG, Gaudi BS, Ge J, Hearty F, Ma B, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Nidever DL, Pan K, Pepper J, Pinsonneault MH, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Wilson JC, Zamora O, Zasowski G. 2015. THE APOGEE SPECTROSCOPIC SURVEY OF KEPLER PLANET HOSTS: FEASIBILITY, EFFICIENCY, AND FIRST RESULTS ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 149 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mason RE, Rodriguez-Ardila A, Martins L, Riffel R, Gonzalez Martin O, Ramos Almeida C, Dutra DR, Ho LC, Thanjavur K, Flohic H, Alonso-Herrero A, Lira P, McDermid R, Riffel RA, Schiavon RP, Winge C, Hoenig MD, Perlman E. 2015. THE NUCLEAR NEAR-INFRARED SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF NEARBY GALAXIES ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jorgensen I, Chiboucas K, Toft S, Bergmann M, Zirm A, Schiavon RP, Gruetzbauch R. 2014. RX J0848.6+4453: THE EVOLUTION OF GALAXY SIZES AND STELLAR POPULATIONS IN Az=1.27 CLUSTER ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 148 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nidever DL, Bovy J, Bird JC, Andrews BH, Hayden M, Holtzman J, Majewski SR, Smith V, Robin AC, Perez AEG, Cunha K, Allende Prieto C, Zasowski G, Schiavon RP, Johnson JA, Weinberg DH, Feuillet D, Schneider DP, Shetrone M, Sobeck J, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Zamora O, Rix H-W, Beers TC, Wilson JC, O'Connell RW, Minchev I, Chiappini C, Anders F, Bizyaev D, Brewington H, Ebelke G, Frinchaboy PM, Ge J, Kinemuchi K, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Marchante M, Meszaros S, Oravetz D, Pan K, Simmons A, Skrutskie MF. 2014. TRACING CHEMICAL EVOLUTION OVER THE EXTENT OF THE MILKY WAY'S DISK WITH APOGEE RED CLUMP STARS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 796 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riffel RA, Ho LC, Mason R, Rodriguez-Ardila A, Martins L, Riffel R, Diaz R, Colina L, Alonso-Herrero A, Flohic H, Martin OG, Lira P, McDermid R, Almeida CR, Schiavon RP, Thanjavur K, Ruschel-Dutra D, Winge C, Perlman E. 2014. Differences between CO- and calcium triplet-derived velocity dispersions in spiral galaxies: evidence for central star formation? MNRAS, 446 :2823-2836 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bovy J, Nidever DL, Rix H-W, Girardi L, Zasowski G, Chojnowski SD, Holtzman J, Epstein C, Frinchaboy PM, Hayden MR, Rodrigues TS, Majewski SR, Johnson JA, Pinsonneault MH, Stello D, Prieto CA, Andrews B, Basu S, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Burton A, Chaplin WJ, Cunha K, Elsworth Y, Garcia RA, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Garcia Perez AE, Hearty FR, Hekker S, Kallinger T, Kinemuchi K, Koesterke L, Meszaros S, Mosser B, O'Connell RW, Oravetz D, Pan K, Robin AC, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Serenelli A, Shetrone M, Aguirre VS, Simmons A, Skrutskie M, Smith VV, Stassun K, Weinberg DH, Wilson JC, Zamora O. 2014. THE APOGEE RED-CLUMP CATALOG: PRECISE DISTANCES, VELOCITIES, AND HIGH-RESOLUTION ELEMENTAL ABUNDANCES OVER A LARGE AREA OF THE MILKY WAY'S DISK ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 790 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Barber C, Courteau S, Roediger JC, Schiavon RP. 2014. Validation of optimized population synthesis through mock spectra and Galactic globular clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 440 :2953-2968 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hayden MR, Holtzman JA, Bovy J, Majewski SR, Johnson JA, Allende Prieto C, Beers TC, Cunha K, Frinchaboy PM, Perez AEG, Girardi L, Hearty FR, Lee YS, Nidever D, Schiavon RP, Schlesinger KJ, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Shetrone M, Smith VV, Zasowski G, Bizyaev D, Feuillet D, Hasselquist S, Kinemuchi K, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, O'Connell R, Pan K, Stassun K. 2014. CHEMICAL CARTOGRAPHY WITH APOGEE: LARGE-SCALE MEAN METALLICITY MAPS OF THE MILKY WAY DISK ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Epstein CR, Elsworth YP, Johnson JA, Shetrone M, Mosser B, Hekker S, Tayar J, Harding P, Pinsonneault M, Aguirre VS, Basu S, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Bedding TR, Chaplin WJ, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia RA, Perez AEG, Hearty FR, Huber D, Ivans II, Majewski SR, Mathur S, Nidever D, Serenelli A, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Schoenrichi R, Sobeck JS, Stassun KG, Stello D, Zasowski G. 2014. TESTING THE ASTEROSEISMIC MASS SCALE USING METAL-POOR STARS CHARACTERIZED WITH APOGEE AND KEPLER ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 785 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Anders F, Chiappini C, Santiago BX, Rocha-Pinto HJ, Girardi L, da Costa LN, Maia MAG, Steinmetz M, Minchev I, Schultheis M, Boeche C, Miglio A, Montalban J, Schneider DP, Beers TC, Cunha K, Allende Prieto C, Balbinot E, Bizyaev D, Brauer DE, Brinkmann J, Frinchaboy PM, Perez AEG, Hayden MR, Hearty FR, Holtzman J, Johnson JA, Kinemuchi K, Majewski SR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Nidever DL, O'Connell RW, Pan K, Robin AC, Schiavon RP, Shetrone M, Skrutskie MF, Smith VV, Stassun K, Zasowski G. 2014. Chemodynamics of the Milky Way I. The first year of APOGEE data ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 564 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ahn CP, Alexandroff R, Allende Prieto C, Anders F, Anderson SF, Anderton T, Andrews BH, Aubourg E, Bailey S, Bastien FA, Bautista JE, Beers TC, Beifiori A, Bender CF, Berlind AA, Beutler F, Bhardwaj V, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blake CH, Blanton MR, Blomqvist M, Bochanski JJ, Bolton AS, Borde A, Bovy J, Bradley AS, Brandt WN, Brauer D, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Busca NG, Carithers W, Carlberg JK, Carnero AR, Carr MA, Chiappini C, Chojnowski SD, Chuang C-H, Comparat J, Crepp JR, Cristiani S, Croft RAC, Cuesta AJ, Cunha K, da Costa LN, Dawson KS, De Lee N, Dean JDR, Delubac T, Deshpande R, Dhital S, Ealet A, Ebelke GL, Edmondson EM, Eisenstein DJ, Epstein CR, Escoffier S, Esposito M, Evans ML, Fabbian D, Fan X, Favole G, Femenia Castella B, Fernandez Alvar E, Feuillet D, Ak NF, Finley H, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Frinchaboy PM, Galbraith-Frew JG, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Perez AEG, Ge J, Genova-Santos R, Gillespie BA, Girardi L, Gonzalez Hernandez JI, Gott JR, Gunn JE, Guo H, Halverson S, Harding P, Harris D, Hasselquist S, Hawley SL, Hayden M, Hearty FR, Herrero Davo A, Ho S, Hogg DW, Holtzman JA, Honscheid K, Huehnerhoff J, Ivans II, Jackson KM, Jiang P, Johnson JA, Kinemuchi K, Kirkby D, Klaene MA, Kneib J-P, Koesterke L, Lan T-W, Lang D, Le Goff J-M, Leauthaud A, Lee K-G, Lee YS, Long DC, Loomis CP, Lucatello S, Lupton RH, Ma B, Mack CE, Mahadevan S, Maia MAG, Majewski SR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Manchado A, Manera M, Maraston C, Margala D, Martell SL, Masters KL, McBride CK, McGreer ID, McMahon RG, Menard B, Meszaros S, Miralda-Escude J, Miyatake H, Montero-Dorta AD, Montesano F, More S, Morrison HL, Muna D, Munn JA, Myers AD, Duy CN, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, Noterdaeme P, Nuza SE, O'Connell JE, O'Connell RW, O'Connell R, Olmstead MD, Oravetz DJ, Owen R, Padmanabhan N, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Pan K, Parejko JK, Parihar P, Paris I, Pepper J, Percival WJ, Perez-Rafols I, Perottoni HD, Petitjean P, Pieri MM, Pinsonneault MH, Prada F, Price-Whelan AM, Raddick MJ, Rahman M, Rebolo R, Reid BA, Richards JC, Riffel R, Robin AC, Rocha-Pinto HJ, Rockosi CM, Roe NA, Ross AJ, Ross NP, Rossi G, Roy A, Rubino-Martin JA, Sabiu CG, Sanchez AG, Santiago B, Sayres C, Schiavon RP, Schlegel DJ, Schlesinger KJ, Schmidt SJ, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Sellgren K, Seo H-J, Shen Y, Shetrone M, Shu Y, Simmons AE, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smith VV, Snedden SA, Sobeck JS, Sobreira F, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Strauss MA, Streblyanska A, Suzuki N, Swanson MEC, Terrien RC, Thakar AR, Thomas D, Thompson BA, Tinker JL, Tojeiro R, Troup NW, Vandenberg J, Magana MV, Viel M, Vogt NP, Wake DA, Weaver BA, Weinberg DH, Weiner BJ, White M, White SDM, Wilson JC, Wisniewski JP, Wood-Vasey WM, Yeche C, York DG, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Zehavi I, Zhao G-B, Zheng Z, Zhu G. 2014. THE TENTH DATA RELEASE OF THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY: FIRST SPECTROSCOPIC DATA FROM THE SDSS-III APACHE POINT OBSERVATORY GALACTIC EVOLUTION EXPERIMENT ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cirasuolo M, Afonso J, Caro M, Flores H, Maiolino R, Oliva E, Paltani S, Vanzi L, Evans C, Abreu M, Atkinson D, Babusiaux C, Beard S, Bauer F, Bellazzini M, Bender R, Best P, Bezawada N, Bonifacio P, Bragaglia A, Bryson I, Busher D, Cabral A, Caputi K, Centrone M, Chemla F, Cimatti A, Cioni M-R, Clementini G, Coelho J, Crnojevic D, Daddi E, Dunlop J, Eales S, Feltzing S, Ferguson A, Fisher M, Fontana A, Fynbo J, Garilli B, Gilmore G, Glauser A, Guinouard I, Hammer F, Hastings P, Hess A, Ivison R, Jagoure P, Jarvis M, Kaper L, Kauffman G, Kitching AT, Lawrence A, Lee D, Lemasle B, Licausi G, Lilly S, Lorenzetti D, Lunney D, Maiolino R, Marmucci F, McLure R, Minniti D, Montgomery D, Muschielok B, Nandra K, Navarro R, Norberg P, Oliver S, Origlia L, Padilla N, Peacock J, Pedicini F, Peng J, Pentericci L, Pragt J, Puech M, Randich S, Rees P, Renzini A, Ryde N, Rodrigues M, Roseboom I, Royer F, Saglia R, Sanchez A, Schiavon R, Schnetler H, Sobral D, Speziali R, Sun D, Stuik R, Taylor A, Taylor W, Todd S, Tolstoy E, Torres M, Tosi M, Vanzella E, Venema L, Vitali F, Wegner M, Wells M, Wild V, Wright G, Zamorani G, Zoccali M. 2014. MOONS: the Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the VLT Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Deshpande R, Blake CH, Bender CF, Mahadevan S, Terrien RC, Carlberg JK, Zasowski G, Crepp J, Rajpurohit AS, Reylé C, Nidever DL, Schneider DP, Prieto CA, Bizyaev D, Ebelke G, Fleming SW, Frinchaboy PM, Ge J, Hearty F, Hernández J, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Majewski SR, Marchwinski R, Muna D, Oravetz D, Pan K, Schiavon RP, Shetrone M, Simmons A, Stassun KG, Wilson JC, Wisniewski JP. 2013. The SDSS-III APOGEE radial velocity survey of M dwarfs. I. description of the survey and science goals Astronomical Journal, 146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mészáros S, Holtzman J, García Pérez AE, Allende Prieto C, Schiavon RP, Basu S, Bizyaev D, Chaplin WJ, Chojnowski SD, Cunha K, Elsworth Y, Epstein C, Frinchaboy PM, García RA, Hearty FR, Hekker S, Johnson JA, Kallinger T, Koesterke L, Majewski SR, Martell SL, Nidever D, Pinsonneault MH, O'Connell J, Shetrone M, Smith VV, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. 2013. Calibrations of atmospheric parameters obtained from the first year of SDSS-III apogee observations Astronomical Journal, 146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Majewski SR, Hasselquist S, Łokas EL, Nidever DL, Frinchaboy PM, García Pérez AE, Johnston KV, Mészáros S, Shetrone M, Allende Prieto C, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Cunha K, Damke G, Ebelke G, Eisenstein DJ, Hearty F, Holtzman J, Johnson JA, Law DR, Malanushenko V, Malanushenko E, O'Connell RW, Oravetz D, Pan K, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Simmons A, Skrutskie MF, Smith VV, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. 2013. Discovery of a dynamical cold point in the heart of the sagittarius dSph galaxy with observations from the apogee project Astrophysical Journal Letters, 777 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Frinchaboy PM, Thompson B, Jackson KM, O'Connell J, Meyer B, Zasowski G, Majewski SR, Chojnowksi SD, Johnson JA, Allende Prieto C, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Brewington H, Cunha K, Ebelke G, García Pérez AE, Hearty FR, Holtzman J, Kinemuchi K, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Marchante M, Mészáros S, Muna D, Nidever DL, Oravetz D, Pan K, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Shetrone M, Simmons A, Snedden S, Smith VV, Wilson JC. 2013. The open cluster chemical analysis and mapping survey: Local galactic metallicity gradient with apogee using SDSS DR10 Astrophysical Journal Letters, 777 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Caldwell N, Conroy C, Graves GJ, Strader J, Macarthur LA, Courteau S, Harding P. 2013. Star clusters in M31. V. Evidence for self-enrichment in old M31 clusters from integrated spectroscopy Astrophysical Journal Letters, 776 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zasowski G, Johnson JA, Frinchaboy PM, Majewski SR, Nidever DL, Pinto HJR, Girardi L, Andrews B, Chojnowski SD, Cudworth KM, Jackson K, Munn J, Skrutskie MF, Beaton RL, Blake CH, Covey K, Deshpande R, Epstein C, Fabbian D, Fleming SW, Hernandez DAG, Herrero A, Mahadevan S, Mészáros S, Schultheis M, Sellgren K, Terrien R, Van Saders J, Prieto CA, Bizyaev D, Burton A, Cunha K, Da Costa LN, Hasselquist S, Hearty F, Holtzman J, García Pérez AE, Maia MAG, O'Connell RW, O'Donnell C, Pinsonneault M, Santiago BX, Schiavon RP, Shetrone M, Smith V, Wilson JC. 2013. Target selection for the apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment (apogee) Astronomical Journal, 146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalessandro E, Ferraro FR, Lanzoni B, Schiavon RP, O'Connell RW, Beccari G. 2013. Ultraviolet observations of the globular cluster m10 from hst and galex: The bss population Astrophysical Journal, 770 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kim S, Yoon SJ, Chung C, Caldwell N, Schiavon RP, Kang Y, Rey SC, Lee YW. 2013. Nonlinear color-metallicity relations of globular clusters. V. nonlinear absorption-line index versus metallicity relations and bimodal index distributions of M31 globular clusters Astrophysical Journal, 768 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pérez AEG, Cunha K, Shetrone M, Majewski SR, Johnson JA, Smith VV, Schiavon RP, Holtzman J, Nidever D, Zasowski G, Prieto CA, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Ebelke G, Eisenstein DJ, Frinchaboy PM, Girardi L, Hearty FR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Meszaros S, O'Connel RW, Oravetz D, Pan K, Robin AC, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Skrutskie MF, Simmonsand A, Wilson JC. 2013. Very Metal-poor Stars in the Outer Galactic Bulge Found by the Apogee Survey DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Smith VV, Cunha K, Shetrone MD, Meszaros S, Prieto CA, Bizyaev D, Perez AG, Majewski SR, Schiavon R, Holtzman J, Johnson JA. 2012. Chemical Abundances in Field Red Giants from High-Resolution H-Band Spectra using the APOGEE Spectral Linelist DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roth KC, Kleinman SJ, Chiboucas K, Schiavon R, Hanna K, Rippa M, White JK, Walls B, Yamasaki C, Murowinski R, Labrie K, Gimeno G, Simpson M. 2012. Improved red sensitivity deep depletion e2v devices for the Gemini North GMOS instrument Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson JC, Hearty F, Skrutskie MF, Majewski SR, Schiavon R, Eisenstein D, Gunn J, Holtzman J, Nidever D, Gillespie B, Weinberg D, Blank B, Henderson C, Smee S, Barkhouser R, Harding A, Hope S, Fitzgerald G, Stolberg T, Arns J, Nelson M, Brunner S, Burton A, Walker E, Lam C, Maseman P, Barr J, Leger F, Carey L, MacDonald N, Ebelke G, Beland S, Horne T, Young E, Rieke G, Rieke M, O'Brien T, Crane J, Carr M, Harrison C, Stoll R, Vernieri M, Shetrone M, Allende-Prieto C, Johnson J, Frinchaboy P, Zasowski G, Garcia Perez A, Bizyaev D, Cunha K, Smith VV, Meszaros S, Zhao B, Hayden M, Chojnowski SD, Andrews B, Loomis C, Owen R, Klaene M, Brinkmann J, Stauffer F, Long D, Jordan W, Holder D, Cope F, Naugle T, Pfaffenberger B, Schlegel D, Blanton M, Muna D, Weaver B, Snedden S, Pan K, Brewington H, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Simmons A, Oravetz D, Mahadevan S, Halverson S. 2012. Performance of the apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment (APOGEE) high-resolution near-infrared multi-object fiber spectrograph Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tollestrup EV, Pazder J, Barrick G, Martioli E, Schiavon RP, Anthony A, Halman M, Veillet C. 2012. GRACES, the gemini remote access CFHT ESPaDOnS spectrograph; initial design and testing Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalessandro E, Schiavon RP, Rood RT, Ferraro FR, Sohn ST, Lanzoni B, O'Connell RW. 2012. Ultraviolet properties of galactic globular clusters with galex. II. Integrated colors Astronomical Journal, 144 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bovy J, Prieto CA, Beers TC, Bizyaev D, Costa LND, Cunha K, Ebelke GL, Eisenstein DJ, Frinchaboy PM, Pérez AEG, Girardi L, Hearty FR, Hogg DW, Holtzman J, Maia MAG, Majewski SR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Mészáros S, Nidever DL, O'Connell RW, O'Donnell C, Oravetz A, Pan K, Rocha-Pinto HJ, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Skrutskie M, Smith VV, Weinberg DH, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. 2012. The Milky Way's circular velocity curve between 4 and 14 kpc from APOGEE data Astrophys.J., 759 :131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalessandro E, Schiavon RP, Rood RT, Ferraro FR, Sohn ST, Lanzoni B, O'Connell RW. 2012. UV Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters with GALEX II. Integrated colors DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mészáros S, Prieto CA, Edvardsson B, Castelli F, Pérez AEG, Gustafsson B, Majewski SR, Plez B, Schiavon R, Shetrone M, Vicente AD. 2012. New ATLAS9 And MARCS Model Atmosphere Grids for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nidever DL, Zasowski G, Majewski SR, Bird J, Robin AC, Martinez-Valpuesta I, Beaton RL, Schoenrich R, Schultheis M, Wilson JC, Skrutskie MF, O'Connell RW, Shetrone M, Schiavon RP, Johnson JA, Weiner B, Gerhard O, Schneider DP, Prieto CA, Sellgren K, Bizyaev D, Brewington H, Brinkmann J, Eisenstein DJ, Frinchaboy PM, Perez AEG, Holtzman J, Hearty FR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Muna D, Oravetz D, Pan K, Simmons A, Snedden S, Weaver BA. 2012. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment: First Detection of High Velocity Milky Way Bar Stars DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Dalessandro E, Sohn ST, Rood RT, O'Connell RW, Ferraro FR, Lanzoni B, Beccari G, Rey SC, Rhee J, Rich RM, Yoon SJ, Lee YW. 2012. Ultraviolet properties of Galactic globular clusters with GALEX. I. the color-magnitude diagrams Astronomical Journal, 143 DOI Author Url
Schiavon RP, Adamson A, Chiboucas K, Diaz R, Geballe T, Gimeno G, Gomez P, Hibon P, Hirst P, Jorgensen I, Labrie K, Leggett S, Lemoine-Busserolle M, Levenson N, Mason R, McDermid R, Miller B, Nitta A, Pessev P, Rodgers B, Schirmer M, Trujillo C, Turner J. 2012. GNOMOS: The Gemini NIR-Optical Multi Object Spectrograph Author Url
Newman JA, Cooper MC, Davis M, Faber SM, Coil AL, Guhathakurta P, Koo DC, Phillips AC, Conroy C, Dutton AA, Finkbeiner DP, Gerke BF, Rosario DJ, Weiner BJ, Willmer CNA, Yan R, Harker JJ, Kassin SA, Konidaris NP, Lai K, Madgwick DS, Noeske KG, Wirth GD, Connolly AJ, Kaiser N, Kirby EN, Lemaux BC, Lin L, Lotz JM, Luppino GA, Marinoni C, Matthews DJ, Metevier A, Schiavon RP. 2012. The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Design, Observations, Data Reduction, and Redshifts DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Dalessandro E, Sohn ST, Rood RT, O'Connell RW, Ferraro FR, Lanzoni B, Beccari G, Rey S-C, Rhee J, Rich RM, Yoon S-J, Lee Y-W. 2012. UV Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters with GALEX I. The Color-Magnitude Diagrams DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Caldwell N, Morrison H, Harding P, Courteau S, MacArthur LA, Graves GJ. 2012. Star clusters in M31. IV. A comparative analysis of absorption line indices in old M31 and Milky Way clusters Astronomical Journal, 143 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Caldwell N, Schiavon R, Morrison H, Rose JA, Harding P. 2011. Star clusters in M31. II. Old cluster metallicities and ages from hectospec data Astronomical Journal, 141 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eisenstein DJ, Weinberg DH, Agol E, Aihara H, Prieto CA, Anderson SF, Arns JA, Aubourg E, Bailey S, Balbinot E, Barkhouser R, Beers TC, Berlind AA, Bickerton SJ, Bizyaev D, Blanton MR, Bochanski JJ, Bolton AS, Bosman CT, Bovy J, Brewington HJ, Brandt WN, Breslauer B, Brinkmann J, Brown PJ, Brownstein JR, Burger D, Busca NG, Campbell H, Cargile PA, Carithers WC, Carlberg JK, Carr MA, Chen Y, Chiappini C, Comparat J, Connolly N, Cortes M, Croft RAC, Costa LND, Cunha K, Davenport JRA, Dawson K, Lee ND, Mello GFPD, Simoni FD, Dean J, Dhital S, Ealet A, Ebelke GL, Edmondson EM, Eiting JM, Escoffier S, Esposito M, Evans ML, Fan X, Castella BF, Ferreira LD, Fitzgerald G, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Ford EB, Frinchaboy PM, Perez AEG, Gaudi BS, Ge J, Ghezzi L, Gillespie BA, Gilmore G, Girardi L, Gott JR, Gould A, Grebel EK, Gunn JE, Hamilton J-C, Harding P, Harris DW, Hawley SL, Hearty FR, Hernandez JIG, Ho S, Hogg DW, Holtzman JA, Honscheid K, Inada N, Ivans II, Jiang L, Jiang P, Johnson JA, Jordan C, Jordan WP, Kauffmann G, Kazin E, Kirkby D, Klaene MA, Kneib J-P, Knapp GR, Kochanek CS, Koesterke L, Kollmeier JA, Kron RG, Lang D, Lawler JE, Goff J-ML, Lee BL, Lee YS, Leisenring JM, Lin Y-T, Liu J, Long DC, Loomis CP, Lucatello S, Lundgren B, Lupton RH, Ma B, Ma Z, MacDonald N, Mack C, Mahadevan S, Maia MAG, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Majewski SR, Makler M, Mandelbaum R, Maraston C, Margala D, Maseman P, Masters KL, McBride CK, McDonald P, McGreer ID, McMahon RG, Requejo OM, Menard B, Miralda-Escude J, Morrison HL, Mullally F, Muna D, Murayama H, Myers AD, Naugle T, Neto AF, Nguyen DC, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, O'Connell RW, Ogando RLC, Olmstead MD, Oravetz DJ, Padmanabhan N, Paegert M, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Pan K, Pandey P, Parejko JK, Paris I, Pellegrini P, Pepper J, Percival WJ, Petitjean P, Pfaffenberger R, Pforr J, Phleps S, Pichon C, Pieri MM, Prada F, Price-Whelan AM, Raddick MJ, Ramos BHF, Ryle C, Reid IN, Rich J, Richards GT, Rieke GH, Rieke MJ, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Rocha-Pinto HJ, Rockosi CM, Roe NA, Rollinde E, Ross AJ, Ross NP, Rossetto B, Sanchez AG, Santiago B, Sayres C, Schiavon R, Schlegel DJ, Schlesinger KJ, Schmidt SJ, Schneider DP, Sellgren K, Shelden A, Sheldon E, Shetrone M, Shu Y, Silverman JD, Simmerer J, Simmons AE, Sivarani T, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smee S, Smith VV, Snedden SA, Stassun KG, Steele O, Steinmetz M, Stockett MH, Stollberg T, Strauss MA, Tanaka M, Thakar AR, Thomas D, Tinker JL, Tofflemire BM, Tojeiro R, Tremonti CA, Magana MV, Verde L, Vogt NP, Wake DA, Wan X, Wang J, Weaver BA, White M, White SDM, Wilson JC, Wisniewski JP, Wood-Vasey WM, Yanny B, Yasuda N, Yeche C, York DG, Young E, Zasowski G, Zehavi I, Zhao B. 2011. SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems Astron.J., 142 :72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Morrison H, Caldwell N, Schiavon RP, Athanassoula E, Romanowsky AJ, Harding P. 2011. Star clusters in M31: Old clusters with bar kinematics Astrophysical Journal Letters, 726 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shetrone M, Lawler J, Schiavon R, Majewski S, Hearty F, Wilson J, Prieto CA, Johnson J, Holtzman J, Frinchaboy P. 2010. APOGEE: A high resolution SDSS-III H-band survey of the Milky Way Proceedings of Science, DOI Publisher Url
Blank B, Henderson C, Wilson JC, Hearty FR, Skrutskie MF, O'Brien TP, Majewski SR, Schiavon R, Maseman P, Brunner S, Burton A, Walker E. 2010. APOGEE cryostat design Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7735 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson JC, Hearty F, Skrutskie MF, Majewski S, Schiavon R, Eisenstein D, Gunn J, Blank B, Henderson C, Smee S, Barkhouser R, Harding A, Fitzgerald G, Stolberg T, Arns J, Nelson M, Brunner S, Burton A, Walker E, Lam C, Maseman P, Barr J, Leger F, Carey L, MacDonald N, Horne T, Young E, Rieke G, Rieke M, O'Brien T, Hope S, Krakula J, Crane J, Zhao B, Carr M, Harrison C, Stoll R, Vernieri MA, Holtzman J, Shetrone M, Allende-Prieto C, Johnson J, Frinchaboy P, Zasowski G, Bizyaev D, Gillespie B, Weinberg D. 2010. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) high-resolution near-infrared multi-object fiber spectrograph Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7735 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brunner S, Burton A, Crane J, Zhao B, Hearty FR, Wilson JC, Carey L, Leger F, Skrutskie M, Schiavon R, Majewski SR. 2010. APOGEE fiber development and FRD testing Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7735 DOI Publisher Url
Schiavon RP. 2010. HISTORY OF STAR FORMATION OF EARLY TYPE GALAXIES FROM INTEGRATED LIGHT: STELLAR AGES AND ABUNDANCES Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, 25 :83-90 DOI Publisher Url
Arns J, Wilson JC, Skrutskie M, Smee S, Barkhouser R, Eisenstein D, Gunn J, Hearty F, Harding A, Maseman P, Holtzman J, Schiavon R, Gillespie B, Majewski S. 2010. Development of a large mosaic volume phase holographic (VPH) grating for APOGEE Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7739 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP. 2010. History of Star Formation of Early Type Galaxies from Integrated Light: Clues from Stellar Ages and Abundances DOI Author Url
Graves GJ, Faber SM, Schiavon RP. 2010. Dissecting the Red Sequence. IV. The Role of Truncation in the Two-Dimensional Family of Early-Type Galaxy Star Formation Histories DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fritz A, Jorgensen I, Schiavon RP. 2010. Mass dependent Evolution of Field Early-Type Galaxies Since z=1 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Caldwell N, Morrison H, Kenyon SJ, Schiavon R, Harding P, Rose JA. 2009. A Star in the M31 Giant Stream: the Highest Negative Stellar Velocity Known DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fritz A, Jorgensen I, Schiavon RP, Chiboucas K. 2009. The Evolution of Cluster Early-Type Galaxies over the Past 8 Gyr DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graves GJ, Faber SM, Schiavon RP. 2009. Dissecting the Red Sequence--II. Star Formation Histories of Early-Type Galaxies Throughout the Fundamental Plane Astrophys.J., 698 :1590-1608 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalessandro E, Beccari G, Lanzoni B, Ferraro FR, Schiavon R, Rood RT. 2009. Multiwavelength photometry in the Globular Cluster M2 Astrophys.J.Suppl., 182 :509-518 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rockosi C, Beers TC, Majewski S, Schiavon R, Eisenstein D, Collaboration WIFTSDSS-III. 2009. SEGUE-2 and APOGEE: Revealing the History of the Milky Way DOI Author Url
Graves GJ, Faber SM, Schiavon RP. 2008. Dissecting the Red Sequence--I. Star Formation Histories of Quiescent Galaxies: The Color-Magnitude vs. the Color-Sigma Relation DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Caldwell N, Harding P, Morrison H, Rose JA, Schiavon R, Kriessler J. 2008. Star Clusters in M31: I. A Catalog and a Study of the Young Clusters DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prieto CA, Majewski SR, Schiavon R, Cunha K, Frinchaboy P, Holtzman J, Johnston K, Shetrone M, Skrutskie M, Smith V, Wilson J. 2008. APOGEE: The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Alves-Brito A, Schiavon RP, Castilho B, Barbuy B. 2008. Abundance variations in the globular cluster M71 (NGC 6838) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graves GJ, Schiavon RP. 2008. Measuring Ages and Elemental Abundances from Unresolved Stellar Populations: Fe, Mg, C, N, and Ca DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Morrison H, Caldwell N, Harding P, Kriessler J, Rose JA, Schiavon R. 2007. Young star clusters in M31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Faber SM, Willmer CNA, Wolf C, Koo DC, Weiner BJ, Newman JA, Im M, Coil AL, Conroy C, Cooper MC, Davis M, Finkbeiner DP, Gerke BF, Gebhardt K, Groth EJ, Guhathakurta P, Harker J, Kaiser N, Kassin S, Kleinheinrich M, Konidaris NP, Kron RG, Lin L, Luppino G, Madgwick DS, Meisenheimer K, Noeske KG, Phillips AC, Sarajedini VL, Schiavon RP, Simard L, Szalay AS, Vogt NP, Yan R. 2007. Galaxy luminosity functions to z∼ 1 from DEEP2 and COMBO-17: Implications for red galaxy formation Astrophysical Journal, 665 :265-294 DOI Publisher Url
Faber SM, Willmer CNA, Wolf C, Koo DC, Weiner BJ, Newman JA, Im M, Coil AL, Conroy C, Cooper MC, Davis M, Finkbeiner DP, Gerke BF, Gebhardt K, Groth EJ, Guhathakurta P, Harker J, Kaiser N, Kassin S, Kleinheinrich M, Konidaris NP, Kron RG, Lin L, Luppino G, Madgwick DS, Meisenheimer K, Noeske KG, Phillips AC, Sarajedini VL, Schiavon RP, Simard L, Szalay AS, Vogt NP, Yan R. 2007. Galaxy luminosity functions to z similar to 1 from deep2 and combo-17: Implications for red galaxy formation ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 665 :265-294 DOI Author Url
Graves GJ, Faber SM, Schiavon RP, Yan R. 2007. Ages and Abundances of Red Sequence Galaxies as a Function of LINER Emission Line Strength DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prochaska LC, Rose JA, Caldwell N, Castilho BV, Concannon K, Harding P, Morrison H, Schiavon RP. 2007. Hδ in the integrated light of galaxies: What are we actually measuring? Astronomical Journal, 134 :321-333 DOI
Lanzoni B, Sanna N, Ferraro FR, Valenti E, Beccari G, Schiavon RP, Rood RT, Mapelli M, Sigurdsson S, - . 2007. A Panchromatic Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 1904. I: The Blue Straggler Population Astrophys.J., 663 :1040-1048 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prochaska LC, Rose JA, Caldwell N, Castilho BV, Concannon K, Harding P, Morrison H, Schiavon RP. 2007. H-delta in the Integrated Light of Galaxies: What Are We Actually Measuring? Astron.J., 134 :321-333 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prochaska LC, Rose JA, Schiavon RP. 2006. H in the integrated light of galaxies: What are we actually measuring? Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2 :197-198 DOI Publisher Url
Schiavon RP. 2006. Population Synthesis in the Blue IV: Accurate Model Predictions for Lick Indices and UBV Colors in Single Stellar Populations DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Harker JJ, Schiavon RP, Weiner BJ, Faber SM. 2006. Population Synthesis Models for Late Build-Up of the Red Sequence Astrophys.J., 647 :L103-L106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogando RLC, Maia MAG, Chiappini C, Pellegrini PSS, Schiavon RP, Costa LND. 2006. Metallicity Gradient And The Hybrid Formation Scenario For Early-Type Galaxies DOI Author Url
Schiavon RP, Faber SM, Konidaris N, Graves G, Willmer CNA, Weiner BJ, Coil AL, Cooper MC, Davis M, Harker J, Koo DC, Newman JA, Yan R. 2006. The DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey: Mean Ages and Metallicities of Red Field Galaxies at z ~ 0.9 from Stacked Keck/DEIMOS Spectra Astrophys.J., 651 :L93-L96 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Coelho P, Barbuy B, Meléndez J, Schiavon RP, Castilho BV. 2005. A library of high resolution synthetic stellar spectra from 300 nm to 1.8 μm with solar and α-enhanced composition Astronomy and Astrophysics, 443 :735-746 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prochaska LC, Rose JA, Schiavon RP. 2005. A New Definition for the Ca4227 Feature: Is Calcium Really Underabundant in Early-type Galaxies? Astron.J., 130 :2666-2676 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogando RLC, Maia MAG, Chiappini C, Pellegrini PSS, Schiavon RP, Costa LND. 2005. Do observed metallicity gradients of early-type galaxies support a hybrid formation scenario? Astrophys.J., 632 :L61-L64 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Rose JA, Courteau S, MacArthur LA. 2005. A Library of Integrated Spectra of Galactic Globular Clusters DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rose JA, Arimoto N, Caldwell N, Schiavon RP, Vazdekis A, Yamada Y. 2004. Radial Age and Metal Abundance Gradients in the Stellar Content of M32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Rose JA, Courteau S, MacArthur L. 2004. The Identification of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in the Integrated Spectra of Globular Clusters Astrophys.J., 608 :L33-L36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Caldwell N, Rose JA. 2004. The integrated spectrum of M67 and the spectroscopic age of M32 Astronomical Journal, 127 :1513-1530 DOI Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Caldwell N, Rose JA. 2004. The integrated spectrum of M67 and the spectroscopic age of M32 ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 127 :1513-1530 DOI Author Url
Schiavon RP, Caldwell N, Rose JA. 2003. Population Synthesis in the Blue III. The Integrated Spectrum of M67 and the Spectroscopic Age of M32 DOI Author Url
Maia MAG, Ogando RLC, Pellegrini PS, Schiavon RP, Chiappini C, Rité C, Willmer CNA, Da Costa LN, Alonso MV. 2002. First results of metallicity gradients in elliptical galaxies Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica: Serie de Conferencias, 14 :78
Faber SM, Phillips AC, Kibrick RI, Alcott B, Allen SL, Burrous J, Cantrall T, Clarke DA, Coil AL, Cowley DJ, Davis M, Deich WTS, Dietsch K, Gilmore DK, Harper CA, Hilyard DF, Lewis JP, McVeigh MM, Newman J, Osborne J, Schiavon RP, Stover RJ, Tucker D, Wallace V, Wei MZ, Wirth GD, Wright CA. 2002. The DEIMOS spectrograph for the Keck II telescope: Integration and testing Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4841 :1657-1669 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Faber SM, Rose JA, Castilho BV. 2002. Population synthesis in the blue. II. The spectroscopic age of 47 Tucanae ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 580 :873-886 DOI Author Url
Cardiel N, Elbaz D, Schiavon RP, Willmer CNA, Koo DC, Phillips AC, Gallego J. 2002. A multiwavelength approach to the SFR estimation in galaxies at intermediate redshifts Astrophys.J., 584 :76-99 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Davis M, Faber SM, Newman JA, Phillips AC, Ellis RS, Steidel CC, Conselice C, Coil AL, Finkbeiner DP, Koo DC, Guhathakurta P, Weiner B, Schiavon R, Willmer C, Kaiser N, Luppino G, Wirth G, Connolly A, Eisenhardt P, Cooper M, Gerke B. 2002. Science Objectives and Early Results of the DEEP2 Redshift Survey Proc.SPIE Int.Soc.Opt.Eng., 4834 :161-172 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Faber SM, Rose JA, Castilho BV. 2001. Population Synthesis in the Blue II. The Spectroscopic Age of 47 Tucanae Astrophys.J., 580 :873-886 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Faber SM, Castilho BV, Rose JA. 2001. Population Synthesis in the Blue I. Synthesis of the Integrated Spectrum of 47 Tucanae from its Color-Magnitude Diagram Astrophys.J., 580 :850-872 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chiappini C, Pellegrini PS, Rite C, Maia MAG, Ogando R, Ramos B, Schiavon RP, Willmer CNA, Costa LD, Bernardi M, Alonso MV, Wegner G. 2001. Mg_2-sigma in Early-Type Galaxies and Spiral Bulges DOI Author Url
Coelho P, Barbuy B, Perrin M-N, Idiart T, Schiavon RP, Ortolani S, Bica E. 2001. Membership of 23 stars towards the bulge globular clusters NGC 6528 and NGC 6553 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Im M, Faber SM, Gebhardt K, Koo DC, Phillips AC, Schiavon RP, Simard L, Willmer CNA. 2001. Are There Blue, Massive E/S0s at z < 1 ?: Kinematics of Blue Spheroidal Galaxy Candidates DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pereira CB, Schiavon RP, De Araújo FX, Landaberry SJC. 2001. Spectroscopic observations of Hα emission-line stars from the Schwartz, Persson, & Hamann list: The Canis Majoris region Astronomical Journal, 121 :1071-1075 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Milone A, Barbuy B, Schiavon RP. 2000. The ratio of α-elements to iron in early-type galaxies from TiO and Mg
Schiavon RP, Barbuy B, Bruzual G. 1999. Near-infrared Spectral Features in Single-aged Stellar Populations DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP. 1999. Stellar populations in the near infrared Astrophysics and Space Science, 265 :289-290 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Barbuy B. 1998. The Temperature Scale of Metal-Rich M Giants Based on TiO Bands: Population Synthesis in the Near Infrared DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batalha GC, Quast GR, Torres CAO, Pereira PCR, Terra MAO, Jablonski F, Schiavon RP, De La Reza JR, Sartori MJ. 1998. Photometric variability of southern T Tauri stars Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 128 :561-571 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Barbuy B, Singh PD. 1997. The FeH Wing-Ford Band in Spectra of M Stars DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bruzual AG, Barbuy B, Ortolani S, Bica E, Cuisinier F, Lejeune T, Schiavon RP. 1997. Matching stellar population models to bulge globular clusters 1 Astronomical Journal, 114 :1531-1538 DOI Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Barbuy B, Rossi SCF, Milone A. 1996. The Near Infrared NaI Doublet Feature in M Stars DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Barbuy B. 1996. The Near Infrared FeH Lines as Indicators of Surface Gravity of M stars Symposium - International Astronomical Union, 171 :441-441 DOI Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Batalha C, Barbuy B. 1995. Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of T Tauri Stars DOI Author Url
Keating SK, Abraham RG, Schiavon RP, Graves G, Damjanov I, Yan R, Newman J, Simard L. Evidence for (and Against) Progenitor Bias in the Size Growth of Compact Red Galaxies The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cunha K, Smith VV, Johnson JA, Bergemann M, Meszaros S, Shetrone MD, Souto D, Allende Prieto C, Schiavon RP, Frinchaboy P, Zasowski G, Bizyaev D, Holtzman J, Garcia Perez AE, Majewski SR, Nidever D, Beers T, Carrera R, Geisler D, Gunn J, Hearty F, Ivans I, Martell S, Pinsonneault M, Schneider DP, Sobeck J, Stello D, Stassun KG, Skrutskie M, Wilson JC. Sodium and Oxygen Abundances in the Open Cluster NGC 6791 from APOGEE H-Band Spectroscopy Astrophysical Journal Letters, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chene A-N, Padzer J, Barrick G, Anthony A, Benedict T, Duncan D, Gigoux P, Kleinman S, Malo L, Martioli E, Moutou C, Placco V, Reshetovand V, Rhee J, Roth K, Schiavon RP, Tollestrup EV, Vermeulen TA, White J, Wooff R. GRACES: Gemini remote access to CFHT ESPaDOnS spectrograph through the longest astronomical fiber ever made: experimental phase completed Proceedings of SPIE, 9151 :47 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Horta D, Schiavon RP, Mackereth JT, Weinberg DH, Hasselquist S, Feuillet D, O’Connell RW, Anguiano B, Allende-Prieto C, Beaton RL, Bizyaev D, Cunha K, Geisler D, García-Hernández DA, Holtzman J, Jönsson H, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Mészáros S, Minniti D, Nitschelm C, Shetrone M, Smith VV, Zasowski G. The chemical characterisation of halo substructure in the Milky Way based on APOGEE Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Marconi A, Abreu M, Adibekyan V, Alberti V, Albrecht S, Alcaniz J, Aliverti M, Prieto CA, Gómez JDA, Alves CS, Amado PJ, Amate M, Andersen MI, Antoniucci S, Artigau E, Bailet C, Baker C, Baldini V, Balestra A, Barnes SA, Baron F, Barros SCC, Bauer SM, Beaulieu M, Bellido-Tirado O, Benneke B, Bensby T, Bergin EA, Berio P, Biazzo K, Bigot L, Bik A, Birkby JL, Blind N, Boebion O, Boisse I, Bolmont E, Bolton JS, Bonaglia M, Bonfils X, Bonhomme L, Borsa F, Bouret JC, Brandeker A, Brandner W, Broeg CH, Brogi M, Brousseau D, Brucalassi A, Brynnel J, Buchhave LA, Buscher DF, Cabona L, Cabral A, Calderone G, Calvo-Ortega R, Cantalloube F, Martins BLC, Carbonaro L, Caujolle Y, Chauvin G, Chazelas B, Cheffot AL, Cheng YS, Chiavassa A, Christensen L, Cirami R, Cirasuolo M, Cook NJ, Cooke RJ, Coretti I, Covino S, Cowan N, Cresci G, Cristiani S, Parro VC, Cupani G, D'Odorico V, Dadi K, de Castro Leão I, De Cia A, De Medeiros JR, Debras F, Debus M, Delorme A, Demangeon O, Derie F, Dessauges-Zavadsky M, Di Marcantonio P, Di Stefano S, Dionies F, de Souza AD, Doyon R, Dunn J, Egner S, Ehrenreich D, Faria JP, Ferruzzi D, Feruglio C, Fisher M. 2024. ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science goals, project overview and future developments Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 13096 DOI Publisher Url
Horta D, Schiavon RP. 2022. Chemically characterising the Milky Way’s stellar halo Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 18 :93-97 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mackereth JT, Bovy J, Schiavon RP, Collaboration SDSS-IVAPOGEE. 2018. The age-metallicity structure of the Milky Way disc with APOGEE Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Rediscovering our Galaxy :265-268 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jorgensen I, Chiboucas K, Bergmann M, Toft S, Schiavon R. 2016. Early and Late Life - Bulge-Dominated Galaxies over the Last 8-9 Gyr Kaviraj S. GALAXIES AT HIGH REDSHIFT AND THEIR EVOLUTION OVER COSMIC TIME, 319th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union (IAUS) / 320th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union (IAUS) 11 :128-128 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalessandro E, Schiavon RP, Ferraro FR, Sohn ST, Lanzoni B, O' Connell RW. 2013. Ultraviolet properties of Galactic globular clusters with GALEX Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana - Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, 84 :75-78
Shetrone M, Lawler J, Schiavon R, Majewski S, Hearty F, Wilson J, Prieto CA, Johnson J, Holtzman J, Frinchaboy P. 2010. APOGEE: A high resolution SDSS-III H-band survey of the Milky Way Proceedings of Science,
Fritz A, Hoenig MD, Schiavon RP. 2010. Stellar Populations of the Most Massive Galaxies Peterson BM, Somerville RS, StorchiBergmann T. CO-EVOLUTION OF CENTRAL BLACK HOLES AND GALAXIES, 267th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union :459-459 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Majewski SR. 2010. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Bruzual GA, Charlot S. STELLAR POPULATIONS: PLANNING FOR THE NEXT DECADE, 262nd Symposium of the International-Astronomical Union :428-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Majewski SR, Wilson JC, Hearty F, Schiavon RR, Skrutskie MF. 2010. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) in Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) Cunha K, Spite M, Barbuy B. CHEMICAL ABUNDANCES IN THE UNIVERSE: CONNECTING FIRST STARS TO PLANETS, 265th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union :480-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Faber SM, Rose JA, Castilho BV. 2002. Testing population synthesis models with the aid of globular cluster CMDs and spectra Lejeune T, Fernandes J. OBSERVED HR DIAGRAMS AND STELLAR EVOLUTION: THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN OBSERVATIONAL CONSTRAINTS AND THEORY, Conference on Observed HR Diagrams and Stellar Evolution 274 :573-578 Author Url
Barbuy B, Perrin MN, Cayrel R, Katz D, van't Veer C, Schiavon RP. 1999. New grids of synthetic spectra for abundance derivation and population synthesis Whitelock P, Cannon R. STELLAR CONTENT OF LOCAL GROUP GALAXIES, 192nd Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union :365-368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Barbuy B. 1996. The near infrared FeH lines as indicators of surface gravity of M stars Bender R, Davies RL. NEW LIGHT ON GALAXY EVOLUTION, 171st Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union on New Light on Galaxy Evolution :441-441 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Horta D, Mackereth JT, Schiavon RP, Hasselquist S, Bovy J, Prieto CA, Beers TC, Cunha K, García-Hernández DA, Kisku SS, Lane RR, Majewski SR, Mason AC, Nataf DM, Roman-Lopes A, Schultheis M. 2023. Erratum: The contribution of N-rich stars to the Galactic stellar halo using APOGEE red giants (MNRAS (2021) 500:4 (5462–5478) DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa3598) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518 :2471 DOI Publisher Url
Ahumada R, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Arcodia R, Armengaud E, Aubert M, Avila S, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Balland C, Barger K, Barrera-Ballesteros JK, Basu S, Bautista J, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Benavides BIT, Bender CF, Bernardi M, Bershady M, Beutler F, Bidin CM, Bird J, Bizyaev D, Blanc GA, Blanton MR, Boquien M, Borissova J, Bovy J, Brandt WN, Brinkmann J, Brownstein JR, Bundy K, Bureau M, Burgasser A, Burtin E, Cano-Diaz M, Capasso R, Cappellari M, Carrera R, Chabanier S, Chaplin W, Chapman M, Cherinka B, Chiappini C, Choi PD, Chojnowski SD, Chung H, Clerc N, Coffey D, Comerford JM, Comparat J, da Costa L, Cousinou M-C, Covey K, Crane JD, Cunha K, Ilha GDS, Dai YS, Damsted SB, Darling J, Davidson JW, Davies R, Dawson K, De N, de la Macorra A, De Lee N, Queiroz ABDA, Machado AD, de la Torre S, Dell'Agli F, Bourboux HDMD, Diamond-Stanic AM, Dillon S, Donor J, Drory N, Duckworth C, Dwelly T, Ebelke G, Eftekharzadeh S, Eigenbrot AD, Elsworth YP, Eracleous M, Erfanianfar G, Escoffier S, Fan X, Farr E, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Feuillet D, Finoguenov A, Fofie P, Fraser-McKelvie A, Frinchaboy PM, Fromenteau S, Fu H, Galbany L, Garcia RA, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Oehmichen LAG, Ge J, Maia MAG, Geisler D, Gelfand J, Goddy J, Goff J-ML, Gonzalez-Perez V, Grabowski K, Green P, Grier CJ, Guo H, Guy J, Harding P, Hasselquist S, Hawken AJ, Hayes CR, Hearty F, Hekker S, Hogg DW, Holtzman J, Horta D, Hou J, Hsieh B-C, Huber D, Hunt JAS, Chitham JI, Imig J, Jaber M, Angel CEJ, Johnson JA, Jones AM, Jonsson H, Jullo E, Kim Y, Kinemuchi K, Kirkpatrick CC, Kite GW, Klaene M, Kneib J-P, Kollmeier JA, Kong H, Kounkel M, Krishnarao D, Lacerna I, Lan T-W, Lane RR, Law DR, Leung HW, Lewis H, Li C, Lian J, Lin L, Long D, Longa-Pena P, Lundgren B, Lyke BW, Mackereth JT, MacLeod CL, Majewski SR, Manchado A, Maraston C, Martini P, Masseron T, Masters KL, Mathur S, McDermid RM, Merloni A, Merrifield M, Meszaros S, Miglio A, Minniti D, Minsley R, Miyaji T, Mohammad FG, Mosser B, Mueller E-M, Muna D, Munoz-Gutierrez A, Myers AD, Nadathur S, Nair P, Nandra K, Nascimento JCD, Nevin RJ, Newman JA, Nidever DL, Nitschelm C, Noterdaeme P, O'Connell JE, Olmstead MD, Oravetz D, Oravetz A, Osorio Y, Pace ZJ, Padilla N, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Palicio PA, Pan H-A, Pan K, Parker J, Paviot R, Peirani S, Ramrez KP, Penny S, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Perez-Rafols I, Petitjean P, Pieri MM, Pinsonneault M, Poovelil VJ, Povick JT, Prakash A, Price-Whelan AM, Raddick MJ, Raichoor A, Ray A, Rembold SB, Rezaie M, Riffel RA, Riffel R, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Roman-Lopes A, Roman-Zuniga C, Rose B, Ross AJ, Rossi G, Rowlands K, Rubin KHR, Salvato M, Sanchez AG, Sanchez-Menguiano L, Sanchez-Gallego JR, Sayres C, Schaefer A, Schiavon RP, Schimoia JS, Schlafly E, Schlegel D, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Schwope A, Seo H-J, Serenelli A, Shafieloo A, Shamsi SJ, Shao Z, Shen S, Shetrone M, Shirley R, Aguirre VS, Simon JD, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smethurst R, Sobeck J, Sodi BC, Souto D, Stark DV, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Stermer J, Storchi-Bergmann T, Streblyanska A, Stringfellow GS, Stutz A, Suarez G, Sun J, Taghizadeh-Popp M, Talbot MS, Tayar J, Thakar AR, Theriault R, Thomas D, Thomas ZC, Tinker J, Tojeiro R, Toledo HH, Tremonti CA, Troup NW, Tuttle S, Unda-Sanzana E, Valentini M, Vargas-Gonzalez J, Vargas-Magana M, Vazquez-Mata JA, Vivek M, Wake D, Wang Y, Weaver BA, Weijmans A-M, Wild V, Wilson JC, Wilson RF, Wolthuis N, Wood-Vasey WM, Yan R, Yang M, Yeche C, Zamora O, Zarrouk P, Zasowski G, Zhang K, Zhao C, Zhao G, Zheng Z, Zheng Z, Zhu G, Zou H. 2019. The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra arXiv DOI
Dalessandro E, Ferraro FR, Lanzoni B, Schiavon RP, O'Connell RW, Beccari G. 2013. UV observations of the globular cluster M10 from HST and GALEX. The BSS population DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalessandro E, Schiavon RP, Ferraro FR, Sohn ST, Lanzoni B, Connell RWO. 2013. Ultraviolet properties of Galactic globular clusters with GALEX DOI Author Url
Prochaska LC, Rose JA, Caldwell N, Castilho BV, Concannon K, Harding P, Morrison H, Schiavon RP. 2007. H-delta in the Integrated Light of Galaxies: What Are We Actually Measuring? arXiv DOI
Morrison H, Caldwell N, Harding P, Kriessler J, Rose JA, Schiavon R. 2008. Young Star Clusters in M 31 Galaxies in the Local Volume :227-230 Springer Nature DOI
Cardiel N, Elbaz D, Schiavon RP, Willmer CNA, Koo DC, Phillips AC, Gallego J, Ranalli P. 2003. Comparing SFR Indicators from Multiwavelength Data in Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics III :39-42 Springer Netherlands 9789048163236 DOI Publisher Url
Schiavon RP, Faber SM, Rose JA. 2002. Population Synthesis in the Blue and the Spectroscopic Age of 47 Tucanae Astrophysics and Space Science Library :181-184 Springer Netherlands 9789401039161 DOI Publisher Url
Schiavon RP. 1999. Stellar Populations in the Near Infrared Galaxy Evolution: Connecting the Distant Universe with the Local Fossil Record :289-290 Springer Netherlands 9789401058315 DOI Publisher Url