Journal article
Husko F, Lacey CG, Roper WJ, Schaye J, Briggs JM, Schaller M. 2025. The effects of super-Eddington accretion and feedback on the growth of early supermassive black holes and galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537 :2559-2578 DOI Publisher Url
Briggs J. 2025. Exploring the Diversity of Dwarf Galaxy Populations with Hydrodynamical Simulations of Targeted Cosmological Environments Crain R, Fattahi Savadjani A. Public Url
Conference publication
Parkes Bowen A, Mandon L, Bridges J, Quantin-Nataf C, Tornabene L, Page J, Briggs J, Thomas N, Cremonese G. 2024. Using band ratioed CaSSIS imagery and analysis of fracture morphology to characterise Oxia Planum’s clay-bearing unit DOI Publisher Url
Parkes Bowen A, Mandon L, Bridges J, Quantin-Nataf C, Tornabene L, Briggs J, Thomas N, Cremonese G. 2021. Mapping and characterisation of the Oxia Planum clay-bearing unit using CaSSIS imagery DOI Publisher Url