Image of Prof Andreas Humpe

Prof Andreas Humpe

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Journal article

Humpe A, McMillan DG, Schöttl A. 2025. Macroeconomic determinants of the stock market: A comparative study of Anglosphere and BRICS Finance Research Letters, 75 :106869-106869 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Sun Y-Y. 2025. Are emissions from global air transport significantly underestimated? Current Issues in Tourism, 28 :695-708 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, Mazzali PA, Gal-Yam A, Siekmann I. 2025. Decision tree ensembles for automatic spectroscopic classification of tidal disruption events Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 538 :301-311 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Gössling S, Humpe A. 2024. The social cost of carbon falling on the wealthy Cleaner Production Letters, 7 :100068-100068 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Litman T. 2024. The economic cost of a 130 km/h speed limit: Insights for cost-benefit analyses Ecological Economics, 224 :108306-108306 DOI Publisher Url

Scheller DA, Sterr K, Humpe A, Mess F, Bachner J. 2024. Physical activity through place attachment: Understanding perceptions of children and adolescents on urban places by using photovoice and walking interviews Health & Place, 90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Novais MA, Humpe A, Le TH, Arcodia C, Berchtenbreiter R. 2024. Authenticity and Visitor Motivations: Segmenting Visits at the Munich Oktoberfest Event Management, 28 :843-861 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Vogler R, Humpe A, Chen NC. 2024. National tourism organizations and climate change Tourism Geographies, 26 :329-350 DOI Publisher Url

Le TH, Abreu Novais M, Arcodia C, Berchtenbreiter R, Humpe A, Nguyen N. 2024. How authenticity in events fosters social sustainability: Towards an authenticity ecosystem and implications for destination management Tourism Management Perspectives, 51 :101222-101222 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Sun Y-Y. 2024. On track to net-zero? Large tourism enterprises and climate change Tourism Management, 100 :104842-104842 DOI Publisher Url

Obster F, Ciolacu MI, Humpe A. 2024. Balancing Predictive Performance and Interpretability in Machine Learning: A Scoring System and an Empirical Study in Traffic Prediction IEEE Access, 12 :195613-195628 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A. 2023. Net-zero aviation: Transition barriers and radical climate policy design implications Science of the Total Environment, 912 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Humpe A, Sun Y-Y, Gössling S. 2023. Cruise emissions and economic feasibility of biofuels Annals of Tourism Research, 103 :103666-103666 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Kees J, Litman T, Humpe A. 2023. The economic cost of a 130 kph speed limit in Germany Ecological Economics, 209 :107850-107850 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A. 2023. Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions Cleaner Production Letters, 4 :100027-100027 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Freytag T, Humpe A, Scuttari A. 2023. Keeping older people mobile: Autonomous transport services in rural areas Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 18 :100778-100778 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A. 2023. Net-zero aviation: Time for a new business model? Journal of Air Transport Management, 107 :102353-102353 DOI Publisher Url

Obster F, Brand J, Ciolacu M, Humpe A. 2023. Improving Boosted Generalized Additive Models with Random Forests: A Zoo Visitor Case Study for Smart Tourism Procedia Computer Science, 217 :187-197 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, Gössling S, Haustein S. 2022. Car careers: A socio-psychological evaluation of aspirational automobile ownership Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 164 :156-166 DOI Publisher Url

Haustein S, Humpe A, Gössling S. 2022. Risky and anxious-aggressive drivers: A key barrier to traffic safety legislation in Germany Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 89 :84-96 DOI Publisher Url

Rauscher M, Humpe A. 2022. Traveling the Past: Raising Awareness of Cultural Heritage through Virtual Reality Journal of Promotion Management, 28 :128-143 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Hologa R, Riach N, Freytag T. 2022. Parking violations as an economic gamble for public space Transport Policy, 116 :248-257 DOI Publisher Url

Günzel H, Brehm L, Humpe A. 2022. Jumpstart into AI for Engineers – on the way to become virtual Procedia Computer Science, 200 :976-983 DOI Publisher Url

Bausch T, Gartner WC, Humpe A. 2021. How weather conditions affect guest arrivals and duration of stay: An alpine destination case International Journal of Tourism Research, 23 :1006-1026 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Meyer-Habighorst C, Humpe A. 2021. A global review of marine air pollution policies, their scope and effectiveness Ocean & Coastal Management, 212 :105824-105824 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Fichert F, Creutzig F. 2021. COVID-19 and pathways to low-carbon air transport until 2050 Environmental Research Letters, 16 :034063-034063 DOI Publisher Url

Arcodia C, Abreu Novais M, Cavlek N, Humpe A. 2021. Educational tourism and experiential learning: students’ perceptions of field trips Tourism Review, 76 :241-254 DOI Publisher Url

Rauscher M, Humpe A, Brehm L. 2020. Virtual Reality in Tourism: Is it ‘Real’ Enough? Academica Turistica, 13 :127-138 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A. 2020. The global scale, distribution and growth of aviation: Implications for climate change. Global environmental change : human and policy dimensions, 65 :102194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Bausch T. 2020. Does ‘flight shame’ affect social norms? Changing perspectives on the desirability of air travel in Germany Journal of Cleaner Production, 266 :122015-122015 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, McMillan DG. 2020. Macroeconomic variables and long-term stock market performance. A panel ARDL cointegration approach for G7 countries Camarero M. Cogent Economics & Finance, 8 :1816257-1816257 DOI Publisher Url

Metzler D, Humpe A, Gössling S. 2019. Is it time to abolish company car benefits? An analysis of transport behaviour in Germany and implications for climate change Climate Policy, 19 :542-555 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, McMillan DG. 2018. Equity/bond yield correlation and the FED model: evidence of switching behaviour from the G7 markets Journal of Asset Management, 19 :413-428 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, Macmillan P. 2009. Can macroeconomic variables explain long-term stock market movements? A comparison of the US and Japan Applied Financial Economics, 19 :111-119 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Leitão JC. Private aviation is making a growing contribution to climate change Communications Earth & Environment, 5 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A. Bridge Inspection with an Off-the-Shelf 360° Camera Drone Drones, 4 :67-67 DOI Publisher Url

Bausch T, Humpe A, Gössling S. Does Climate Change Influence Guest Loyalty at Alpine Winter Destinations? Sustainability, 11 :4233-4233 DOI Publisher Url

Gössling S, Humpe A, Litman T, Metzler D. Effects of Perceived Traffic Risks, Noise, and Exhaust Smells on Bicyclist Behaviour: An Economic Evaluation Sustainability, 11 :408-408 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, McMillan DG. Equity-Bond Returns Correlation and the Bond Yield: Evidence of Switching Behaviour from the G7 Markets Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 49 :415-444 DOI Publisher Url


García-Almeida DJ, Jóhannesson GT, Humpe A, Nieves J. 2024. Knowledge-Based Factors and Growth of New Hospitality Firms: A Study of Iberian, Nordic, and Baltic Entrepreneurs Sustainable Development Goals Series :11-28 Springer Nature Switzerland 9783031612480 DOI Publisher Url

Brehm L, Rauscher M, Humpe A. 2020. Teaching VR in Higher Education with Collaborative Projects Progress in IS :297-309 Springer International Publishing 9783030378684 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Humpe A, Günzel H, Brehm L. 2021. Benzene Prediction: A Comparative Study of ANFIS, LSTM and MLR Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, 13th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications :318-325 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, Brehm L, Günzel H. 2021. Forecasting Air Pollution in Munich: A Comparison of MLR, ANFIS, and SVM Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence :500-506 DOI Publisher Url

Günzel H, Brehm L, Humpe A. 2020. Learning lab "digital technologies" keeps distance Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference, CSERC '20: the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference :1-9 DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A, Brehm L. 2020. Problem-based learning for teaching new technologies 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) :493-496 DOI Publisher Url

Gunther J, Brehm L, Gunzel H, Humpe A. 2020. Teaching 3D Printing Technology Hands-on 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) DOI Publisher Url

Brehm L, Guenzel H, Hinz O, Humpe A, Martius H. 2019. Collaborative Learning with COZMO to Teach Programming in SCRATCH and Python 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) :448-452 DOI Publisher Url

Brehm L, Günzel H, Humpe A. Teaching sustainability: How to visualize and change CO2 emissions and corresponding habits? 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21), Seventh International Conference on Higher Education Advances DOI Publisher Url


Humpe A, Macmillan P. Can Macroeconomic Variables Explain Long Term Stock Market Movements? A Comparison of the US and Japan DOI Publisher Url

Humpe A. Non-Linearity in the Dividend Yield: A Comparison of the US and Japan DOI Publisher Url
