Dr Gary Wilson
School of Law
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: G.Wilson@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3397
Dr Gary Wilson is Undergraduate LLB Programme Leader in the School of Law. His research interests centre broadly on collective security within the United Nations system, the use of force, secession and constitutional reform. His work is inter-disciplinary. Gary has published widely and spoken at numerous conferences both in the UK and abroad, and has appeared in the media and provided evidence to both parliamentary and government consultations. He is currently Editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal, Liverpool Law Review.
2006, University of Hull, United Kingdom, PhD
1999, University of Hull, United Kingdom, LLB (Hons)
2012, Higher Education Academy, Fellowship
Academic appointments
Programme Leader (Joint), Doctoral Studies in Law, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Programme Leader, LLM/MSc Global Crime, Justice & Security, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2022
Senior Lecturer in Law, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - present
Lecturer in Law, Middlesex University, 2002 - 2003
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Hull, 1999 - 2002
Highlighted publications
Wilson G. 2015. 'Collective Security, 'Threats to the Peace', and the Ebola Outbreak' Journal of Philosophy of International Law, 6 :1-18 Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2015. Crimea: Some Observations on Secession and Intervention in Partial Response to Mullerson and Tolstkyh Chinese Journal of International Law, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2014. Applying the Responsibility to Protect to the Arab Spring Liverpool Law Review, 35 :157-173 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2014. The United Nations and Collective Security Routledge 9780203798263 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2013. The United Nations Security Council and Refugee Flows as 'Threats to the Peace' Rafiqul Islam M, Jahid Hossain M. An Introduction to International Refugee Law :267-289 BRILL 9789004226166 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2013. The United Nations Security Council, Libya and Resolution 1973: Protection of Civilians or Tool for Regime Change Panara C, Wilson G. The Arab Spring: New Patterns for Democracy and International Law :101-121 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Leiden/Boston 9789004230415
Wilson G. 2011. The Impact of 9/11 on the Use of Force in International Law: Ten Years On 9/11: Ten Years After Ashgate
Wilson G. 2009. Self-Determination, Recognition and the Problem of Kosovo Netherlands International Law Review, LVI :455-481 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2008. Regional Arrangements as Agents of the UN Security Council: Some African and European Organisations Contrasted Liverpool Law Review, 29 :183-204 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2008. Selective Conscientious Objection in the Aftermath of Iraq: Objection to a Specific War International Journal of Human Rights, 12 :665-688 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2008. The Tutorial Model for Undergraduate Law Courses: Objectives, Approaches and Outcomes Web Journal of Current Legal Issues,
Wilson G. 2007. The Legal, Military and Political Consequences of the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Approach to UN Military Enforcement Action Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 12 :295-335 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2003. UN Authorized Enforcement: Regional Organizations versus ‘Coalitions of the Willing’ International Peacekeeping, 10 :89-106
Book review
Wilson G. 2024. Ilias Trispiotis and Craig Purshouse (eds): Banning ‘Conversion Therapy’: Legal and Policy Perspectives Liverpool Law Review, 45 :363-366 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2022. D.R. Marples (ed.), ‘The War in Ukraine’s Donbas: Origins, Context and the Future,’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2021. Tamsin Phillipa Paige, Petulant and Contrary: Approaches by the Permanent Five Members of the UN Security Council to the Concept of ‘threat to the peace’ under Article 39 of the UN Charter Liverpool Law Review, 42 :497-500 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2021. Mark Swatek-Evenstein: A History of Humanitarian Intervention Liverpool Law Review, 42 :297-299 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2021. Michael P. Scharf, Milena Sterio & Paul R. Williams: The Syrian Conflict’s Impact on International Law: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 378 pp, £85 hardback, ISBN: 9781108491532 Liverpool Law Review, 42 :301-303 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2021. M Swatek-Evenstein, ‘A History of Humanitarian Intervention’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 42 :301-303
Wilson G. 2021. M. Scharf, M. Sterio & P. Williams, ‘The Syrian Conflict’s Impact on International Law' Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 42 :297-299
Wilson G. 2021. S. Scott & C. Ku, ‘Climate Change and the UN Security Council' Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 42 :493-495
Wilson G. 2021. T.P. Page, ‘Petulant and Contrary: Approaches by the Permanent Five Members of the UN Security Council to the Concept of ‘threat to the peace’ under Article 39 of the UN Charter' Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 42 :497-500
Wilson G. 2020. G. Passarelli, ‘Preferential Voting Systems: Influence on Intra-Party Competition and Voting Behaviour’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2020. V. Bogdanor, ‘Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 41 :219-222
Wilson G. 2020. K Kittichaisaree, ‘International Human Rights Law and Diplomacy’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 41 :223-226
Wilson G. 2019. N. Culkin & R. Simmonds, ‘Tales of Brexit Past and Present: Understanding the Choices, Threats and Opportunities in Our Separation from the EU’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2019. A. Blick, ‘Stretching the Constitution: The Brexit Shock in Historic Perspective’, LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2017. L. Rees, ‘The Holocaust’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2016. J.A. Koops et al, ‘The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations’, LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2015. Book Review: T. Rod-Larsen et al, ‘The Search for Peace in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Compendium of Documents and Analysis’ LSE Review of Books (Online),
Wilson G. 2015. N. Tsagourias & N.D. White, ‘Collective Security: Theory, Law & Practice’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 36 :195-197
Wilson G. 2014. Book Review: D.A Rezvani, ‘Surpassing the Sovereign State: The Wealth, Self-Rule, and Security Advantages of Partially Independent Territories’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2014. Book Review: M. Dumper, ‘Jerusalem Unbound: Geography, History and The Future of the Holy City’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2014. Book Review: M. Qvortrup, ‘Referendums and Ethnic Conflict’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2014. C. Sampford & R. Thakur (eds.), ‘Responsibility to Protect and Democracy’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 35 :211-213 Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2014. Book Review: A. Adebajo (ed.), ‘Africa’s Peacemakers’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2014. Book Review: A. Ellner, P. Robinson & D. Whetham (eds.), ‘When Soldiers Say No’ LSE Review of Books,
Wilson G. 2012. Book Review: N. Harris & S. Riddell (eds.), ‘Resolving Disputes About Educational Provision: A Comparative Perspective on Special Educational Needs’ Liverpool Law Rve, 33 :171-172
Wilson G. 2011. Book Review: O. Corton, ‘The Law Against War: The Prohibition on the Use of Force in Contemporary International Law’, C. Henderson, ‘The Persistent Advocate and the Use of Force: The Impact of the United States on the Jus Ad Bellum in the Post-Cold War Era’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 32 :321-324
Wilson G. 2010. Book Review: M. Williamson, ‘Terrorism, War and International Law: The Legality of the Use of Force Against Afghanistan in 2001’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 31 :317-318
Wilson G. 2009. Book Review: N. Harris, ‘Education, Law and Diversity’ Liverpool Law Review, 30 :89-90
Wilson G. 2008. Book Review: W.A. Schabas, ‘The UN International Criminal Tribunals: The former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 29 :345-348
Wilson G. 2007. Book Review: H. Duffy, ‘The ‘War on Terror’ and the Framework of International Law’ Liverpool Law Review, 28 :175-179
Wilson G. 2001. Book Review: D. Sarooshi, ‘The United Nations and the Development of Collective Security’ International Peacekeeping, 8 :142-143
Wilson G. 2001. Book Review: S. Duke (ed.), ‘Between Vision and Reality: CFSP’s Progress on the Path to Maturity’ European Public Law, 7 :488-489
Wilson G. Liverpool Law Review
Books (authored)
Wilson G. 2023. Constitutional Reform and Brexit Taylor & Francis 9781000900422
Wilson G. 2014. The United Nations and Collective Security Routledge 9780203798263 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2011. Law Express Question and Answer: English Legal System Longman 9781408241127
Journal article
Cavandoli S, Wilson G. 2022. Distorting Fundamental Norms of International Law to Resurrect the Soviet Union: The International Law Context of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Netherlands International Law Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2020. Climate Change as a "Threat to the Peace": Responding to Climate Change Through the UN Collective Security System International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 12 :33-44 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2020. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree: International Human Rights Law and Diplomacy Liverpool Law Review, 41 :223-226 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2019. Making Sense of Brexit Revista General de Derecho Publico Comparado, 2019 Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2018. Enhancing Diversity and Representation within the United Nations Security Council: The Dilemmas of Reform International Politics, 56 :495-513 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2017. Constitutional Reform in the UK: A Note on the Legacy of the Kilbrandon Commission Liverpool Law Review, 38 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2016. ‘The English Question: Why ‘English votes’ are not the answer and the better alternatives lack force’ Liverpool Law Review: a journal of contemporary legal issues, 37 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2016. Secession and Intervention in the Former Soviet Space: The Crimean Incident and Russian Interference in Its ‘Near Abroad’ Liverpool Law Review, 37 :153-175 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Davies BR, Wilson G. 2015. Editorial Liverpool Law Review, 36 :199-202 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2015. Nicholas Tsagourias and Nigel D. White: Collective Security: Theory, Law and Practice Liverpool Law Review, 36 :195-197 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2015. 'Collective Security, 'Threats to the Peace', and the Ebola Outbreak' Journal of Philosophy of International Law, 6 :1-18 Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2015. Crimea: Some Observations on Secession and Intervention in Partial Response to Mullerson and Tolstkyh Chinese Journal of International Law, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2014. Charles Sampford and Ramesh Thakur (eds): Responsibility to Protect and Sovereignty Liverpool Law Review, 35 :211-213 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2014. Applying the Responsibility to Protect to the Arab Spring Liverpool Law Review, 35 :157-173 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson G. 2014. Introduction to Special Edition: Reflections on the Arab Spring and International Law: Three Years On Liverpool Law Review, 35 :103-104 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2012. Registering your rights New Design, :6
Wilson G. 2012. Neville Harris and Sheila Riddell (Eds): Resolving Disputes About Educational Provision: A Comparative Perspective on Special Educational Needs Liverpool Law Review, 33 :171-172 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2011. Review article Liverpool Law Review, 32 :321-324 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2010. Myra Williamson: Terrorism, war and international law: The legality of the use of force against Afghanistan in 2001 Liverpool Law Review, 31 :317-319 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2009. Neville Harris, Education, Law and Diversity Liverpool Law Review, 30 :89-91 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2009. Self-Determination, Recognition and the Problem of Kosovo Netherlands International Law Review, LVI :455-481 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2008. William A. Schabas: The UN International Criminal Tribunals: The Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone Liverpool Law Review, 29 :345-348 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2008. Regional Arrangements as Agents of the UN Security Council: Some African and European Organisations Contrasted Liverpool Law Review, 29 :183-204 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2008. Selective Conscientious Objection in the Aftermath of Iraq: Objection to a Specific War International Journal of Human Rights, 12 :665-688 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2008. The Tutorial Model for Undergraduate Law Courses: Objectives, Approaches and Outcomes Web Journal of Current Legal Issues,
Wilson G. 2007. Book review Liverpool Law Review, 28 :175-179 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2007. The Legal, Military and Political Consequences of the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Approach to UN Military Enforcement Action Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 12 :295-335 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2003. UN Authorized Enforcement: Regional Organizations versus ‘Coalitions of the Willing’ International Peacekeeping, 10 :89-106
Internet publication
Wilson G. 2022. Is the Human Rights Act at risk? Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2022. Understanding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2022. 'Revising the Northern Ireland Protocol: Why it is a dangerous game' Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2021. Kenya at the UN Security Council: managing the constraints while building consensus Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2019. ‘Why the UN’s financial crisis will hurt Africans more than anyone else,’ Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2019. ‘What Kenya has going for it in bid for Security Council seat,’ Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2016. The Impact of 9/11 on the Use of Force in International Law: Ten Years On 9/11 Ten Years After: Perspectives and Problems :179-196 DOI
Wilson G. 2013. The United Nations Security Council and Refugee Flows as 'Threats to the Peace' Rafiqul Islam M, Jahid Hossain M. An Introduction to International Refugee Law :267-289 BRILL 9789004226166 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson G. 2013. The United Nations Security Council, Libya and Resolution 1973: Protection of Civilians or Tool for Regime Change Panara C, Wilson G. The Arab Spring: New Patterns for Democracy and International Law :101-121 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Leiden/Boston 9789004230415
Wilson G. 2012. The impact of 9/11 on the use of force in international law: Ten years on 9/11 Ten Years After: Perspectives and Problems :179-195
Wilson G. 2011. The Impact of 9/11 on the Use of Force in International Law: Ten Years On 9/11: Ten Years After Ashgate
Wilson G. The United Nations and its Principal Organs Carty T. Oxford Bibliographies in International Law Oxford University Press. New York
Books (edited)
2013. The ´Arab Spring´: New Patterns for Democracy and International Law Panara C, Wilson G. BRILL/Martinus Nijhoff. Boston and NY 9789004230415
Media Coverage:
Interviewed on Cape Talk Radio (South Africa) in relation to UN Security Council reform 2024
Interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live in relation to international law issues arising from Russia's invasion of Ukraine 2022
Interviewed live on BBC Radio Merseyside, 20th November 2012, in relation to events in Gaza
Interviewed live on BBC Radio Merseyside, 26th September 2014, in relation to events in Iraq and Syria
Conference organisation:
Virtual Symposium: The Rule of Law, Co-organiser. 2021
The Conservatives and the Constitution, Co-organiser, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-conservatives-and-the-constitution-tickets-27045360401#. 2016
The State of the Union: The Scottish Independence Referendum and the Future of the UK, Convenor. 2015
The Arab Spring: Two Years On, Convenor. 2013
The EU, International Organisations and Crisis Management in the Aftermath of the Recent ‘Revolutions’ in North Africa and in the Middle East, Joint organiser. 2011
Best Article 2020, International Journal of Climate Change. 2020
Best Article published in International Journal of Climate Change. 2020
Editorial boards:
Liverpool Law Review, Editor-in-Chief. 2016
Other invited event:
Allied and Coalition Operations in Conflict since 9/11, University of Leeds, Ministry of Defence sponsored conference event for serving military officers. 2010
Other Professional Activity:
• Submitted evidence to House of Commons Procedure Committee Inquiry on ‘The procedure of the House of Commons and the territorial constitution’.
• Submitted evidence to Ministry of Justice’s Consultation on a ‘Modern Bill of Rights’.
Provided evidence to the House of Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee's Inquiry into the role of Parliament in the Constitution (November 2018)..
Fellow, Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy.