Dr Younis Jabarzadeh
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: Y.Jabarzadeh@ljmu.ac.uk
Journal article
Reyhani Yamchi H, Jabarzadeh Y, Govindan K, Amoozad Mahdiraji H. 2024. A triple bottom line approach for designing a sustainable closed-loop supply chain network in fruit industry: A metaheuristic solution approach Journal of the Operational Research Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sarvari R, Jabarzadeh Y, Karami A, Jabarnejad M. 2023. An interpretive structural modeling—analytic network process approach for analysing green entrepreneurship barriers International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Malekian AR, Jabarzadeh Y, Fazlzadeh A. 2023. The impact of CSR and corporate ability on purchase intention in e-commerce websites: an examination across genders International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, DOI Publisher Url
Jabarzadeh Y, Khangah MH, Çemberci M, Cerchione R, Sanoubar N. 2022. Effect of Absorptive Capacity on Strategic Flexibility and Supply Chain Agility: Implications for Performance in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Operations and Supply Chain Management, 15 :407-423 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Alamdari AM, Jabarzadeh Y, Adams B, Samson D, Khanmohammadi S. 2022. An analytic network process model to prioritize supply chain risks in green residential megaprojects Operations Management Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jabarzadeh Y, Reyhani Yamchi H, Kumar V, Ghaffarinasab N. 2020. A multi-objective mixed-integer linear model for sustainable fruit closed-loop supply chain network Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 31 :1351-1373 DOI Publisher Url
Kumar V, Jabarzadeh Y, Jeihouni P, Garza-Reyes JA. 2020. Learning orientation and innovation performance: the mediating role of operations strategy and supply chain integration SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 25 :457-474 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Vahdat A, Hafezniya H, Jabarzadeh Y, Thaichon P. 2020. Emotional Brand Attachment and Attitude toward Brand Extension Services Marketing Quarterly, :236-255 DOI Publisher Url
Jabarzadeh Y, Sanoubar N, Vahdat A, Khosravi Saghezchi F. 2019. The Role of Shared Leadership and Communication in Promoting Strategic Consensus and Performance Organization Management Journal, 16 :220-234 DOI Publisher Url
Ghaffarinasab N, Motallebzadeh A, Jabarzadeh Y, Kara BY. 2018. Efficient simulated annealing based solution approaches to the competitive single and multiple allocation hub location problems COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 90 :173-192 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ansari M, Youshanlouei HR, Mood MM, Sarabi N, Jabarzadeh Y. 2011. Identifying and Ranking the Critical Success Factors in the Implementation of Knowledge Management Using the DELPHI Method: A Case Study of the Municipality of 22th district of Tehran Lehner F, Bredl K. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1 AND 2, :20-27 Author Url
Alamdari AM, Jabarzadeh Y, Samson D, Sanoubar N. Supply chain risk factors in green construction of residential mega projects - interactions and categorization Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ghaffarinasab N, Jabarzadeh Y, Motallebzadeh A. A Tabu Search Based Solution Approach to the Competitive Multiple Allocation Hub Location Problem Iranian Journal of Operations Research, 8 :61-77 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Jabarzadeh Y, Najafi R, Kumar V, Zavoshti AA. 2021. Supply chain integration in project-based organizations and its effect on performance Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, :5860-5871 DOI Publisher Url
Yamchi HR, Jabarzadeh Y, Ghaffarinasab N, Kumar V, Garza-Reyes JA. 2020. A multi-objective linear optimization model for designing sustainable closed-loop agricultural supply chain Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 0 :364-375
Jeihoony P, Jabarzadeh Y, Kumar V, Garza-Reyes JA. 2019. The impact of learning orientation on innovation performance: Mediating role of operations strategy and moderating role of environmental uncertainty Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, :1657-1667