Dr Rocio Valdivielso Del Real
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: M.R.ValdivielsoDelReal@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3118
Dr. Rocío Valdivielso del Real joined the Business Management team at LJMU in August 2014. She is a Senior Lecturer in Management/Business at Liverpool Business School. She is the Module Leader in 'Globalisation and Business', and 'Global Business Environment'. She is also a Teaching Associate at Warwick Business School, a Research Associate at the London Centre for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, Birkbeck College, University of London, and a Research Associate at ABM Analytics London.
Rocío completed her PhD in Management/Business at the University of London (Birkbeck College), November 2009. She also holds a M.Sc. in Regional and Urban Planning Studies from the London School of Economics, a MRes in Management/Organizational Behaviour at Birkbeck College, and a PhD in Political Science and Sociology from Complutense University (Madrid).
Rocío has published in high quality peer-reviewed journals ABS 3*. Her research interests includes: comparative corporate governance; role of institutions on economic policy and business performance; European Union liberalisation and the role of regulatory agencies – i.e. electricity and gas industries; sustainable development and energy policy, and globalisation, liberalisation and financial crisis. More broadly, her research activities has been disseminated in several conferences that stresses the importance of business and society and the role of institutions in contributing to the presence of cross-national differences in outcomes. Some of these settings were the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA); Copenhagen Business School (CBS); the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE); the Council for European Studies (CES); and the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance.
She has also been previously involved in research projects in both academia and private consultancy on the economics and politics of the liberalisation of network utilities - i.e. GEMAP, S.A.; Coopers & Lybrand; ASEP, S.A.
Spanish; Castilian
2009, University of London, United Kingdom, PhD in Management/Business, International Business
2004, University of London, United Kingdom, MRes (Distinction), Management/Organizational Behaviour,, Management
1996, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, PhD Political Science and Sociology, Public Administration
1992, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, M.Sc. (Economics), Regional and Urban Planning Studies
1990, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, B.Sc. (Honours) in Political Science and Sociology
2015, Learning and Development Centre, University of Warwick., 'Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Professional Practice (PCAPP)'
2015, Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Academic appointments
Research Associate,, London Centre for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics,, Birkbeck, University of London, 2015 - present
Research Fellow, Department of Sociology and Political Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015 - 2015
Senior Lecturer in Management/Business and Module Leader in 'Globalisation and Business' 6017 BUSBM and 'Global Business Environment' 6053 BUSBM, Business Management, Liverpool Business School- John Moores University, 2014 - present
Teaching Associate, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, 2014 - present
Lecturer and Module Director for the undergraduate third-year module EC304 “The Making of Economic Policy”; and lecturer and module director of the new postgraduate module P0988 “Energy and Sustainability in a Globalised World”, Politics and International Relations, University of Warwick, 2014 - 2013
Lecturer in 'Business and Society in Contemporary Europe', Organisation and Human Resource Management, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, 2013 - 2014
Visiting Lecturer, “Energy Regulation in Spain”, Market Analysis, Business Policy and Regulation in the Global Energy Industry, University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, 2011 - 2013
Visiting Research Fellow,, Centre of Globalisation and Regionalisation, PAIS, University of Warwick, 2008 - 2014
Teaching Assistant, “Managerial Economics”, B.A. in Management, and “Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods for Management and Business”, M.Sc. in International Business, School of Management, Birkbeck College, University of London, 2002 - 2004
Module co-convenor, “Principles of Management and Organisation” and “Organisational Theory”,, Distance Learning Programme, Universidad de la Rioja, 2000 - 2002
Lecturer in Political Science, "Theories of the State" and “Comparative Political Systems”,, Politics and Administration, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia,, 1997 - 2001
Postgraduate training
Research Supervision Workshop, Merseyside, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2015
Highlighted publications
Goyer M, Glatzer M, Valdivielso del Real R. 2021. The management of the Eurozone in crisis times: Actors, institutions and the case of bailout packages European Journal of Industrial Relations, :095968012110113-095968012110113 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2018. 'International Institutions and Supranational Influence in Employment Relations' Colvin, A, Donaghey J, Dunton T. The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations Routledge. London 978-1138911178 Publisher Url
Valdivielso del Real R. 2017. Governing Sustainability: Some Challenge Ahead Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the United Kingdom Approaches, Methods and Projects :159-172 Springer International Publishing AG 2017. London 978-3-319-47882-1 DOI Publisher Url
Valdivielso del Real R. 2014. Protection of Domestic bank Ownership in France and Germany: The Functional Equivalency of Institutional Diversity in Takeovers Review of International Political Economy, 21 :790-819 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Goyer M, Glatzer M, Valdivielso del Real R. 2021. The management of the Eurozone in crisis times: Actors, institutions and the case of bailout packages European Journal of Industrial Relations, :095968012110113-095968012110113 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Valdivielso del Real R. 2014. Protection of Domestic bank Ownership in France and Germany: The Functional Equivalency of Institutional Diversity in Takeovers Review of International Political Economy, 21 :790-819 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2012. ‘Liberalisation Models in the Electricity Sector: The Impact of the Market for Corporate Control in Britain and Spain: 1996-2010’ Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 13 :71-100 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2009. 'Corporate Governance and Takeovers in the Spanish Electricity Sector' Networks Utility Quarterly, 11 :7-10 Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2001. 'The Reform of Public Enterprise in Spain' The Asian Journal of Public Administration, 23 :167-181 Author Url Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2018. 'International Institutions and Supranational Influence in Employment Relations' Colvin, A, Donaghey J, Dunton T. The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations Routledge. London 978-1138911178 Publisher Url
Valdivielso del Real R. 2017. Governing Sustainability: Some Challenge Ahead Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the United Kingdom Approaches, Methods and Projects :159-172 Springer International Publishing AG 2017. London 978-3-319-47882-1 DOI Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2013. The Evolution of the Spanish Energy System in the Context of Energy Security: Current Trends, Future Developments. Leal Filho W. Global Energy Policy and Security 16 :1-330 Springer. Hamburg 978-1-4471-5286-6 DOI Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2011. 'Aportaciones, Problemas y Desafios en el Estudio de las Élites y Conjuntos de Poder’ La Administración Pública entre Dos Siglos. Homenaje a Mariano Baena del Alcázar :1-1586 Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública. Madrid 9788473513968 Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2010. Orígenes, Evolución y Organización de la Carrera Diplomática Española’ La Política Exterior de España durante los Siglos (1800-2010) :1-792 Ariel. Barcelona 9788434434974 Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2009. ‘Corporate Governance and the Transformation of the Electricity Sector in England and Spain: The Interaction between National Institutions and Regulatory Choices’ Gopinath Arun T. Corporate Governance and Development: Reform, Financial Systems and Legal Framework :43-65 Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA 978184844420 1 Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2009. Élites/Políticas Públicas/Privatizaciones’ Diccionario Crítico de Ciencias Sociales :1-3346 Plaza Valdés and Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid 978-84-96780-14-9 Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2005. ‘Transformation of State Public Enterprise in Spain: Management Revolution and Response to Globalisation Process’ Globalisation, One World, Many Voices :230-253 Rawat Publications. New Delhi Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2003. ‘La Situación de la Carrera Diplomática Española durante los Siglos XIX y XX’ Historia de la Política Exterior de España durante los siglos XIX y XX :251-267 Ariel. Barcelona Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2002. ‘El Sistema Político Suizo’ Chávarri Sidera P, Sotillos Delgado I. Sistemas de Organización Política Contemporánea :287-321 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Madrid Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2001. ‘La Reforma del Sector Público. Las Privatizaciones y su aplicación al caso español’ La Nueva Gestión Pública :49-85 Prentice Hall. Madrid Publisher Url
Conference publication
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2015. “Eurozone Governance and the Asymmetric Distribution of the Cost of Adjustment: The Contingent Influence of the Ideas of Policy-Makers” 27th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), ‘Inequality in the 21st Century’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2015. “Asymmetric Adjustment and the Governance of the Eurozone Debt Crisis” A Complex Causation Perspective”. 22nd International Conference of Europeanists, Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M, Glatzer M. 2014. "Eurozone Bailout Packages and the Costs of Adjustment on Debtor Countries: A Complex Causation Perspective" 21st International Conference of Europeanists Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2014. “Restrained Markets for Corporate Control in French and German Banking as Contexts in the Sovereign Debt Crisis”. Review of International Political Economy, 20th International Conference of Europeanists 21 :790-819 Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2013. “Restrained Markets for Corporate Control in French and German Banking: The Functional Equivalency of Institutional Diversity” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2012. “Policy and Corporate Responses to Sustainability in the Spanish Energy Sector’”. XXII Word Congress of Political Science.International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2012. “Financial Systems, Institutional Complementarities and the Role of debt in Germany and the United Kingdom”. XXII Word Congress of Political Science. International Political Science Association (IPSA) Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2012. “Liberalisation Models in the Electricity Sector: The Impact of the Market for Corporate Control in Britain and Spain (1996-2008)” Competition and Regulation in Industries Utilities, Third Annual Conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 13 :71-100 DOI Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2012. “Variations with the European Union: Institutional Complementarities and the Role of Credit and Debt in Germany and the United Kingdom”. Annual Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2012. “Politically Contingent Capital: The Rise of Shareholder Value Investors in France, Germany, Italy and Spain” Annual Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2011. “The Interaction between European and National Regulatory Governance in the Areas of Electricity and Takeovers Regulation”. International Conference ‘European Regulatory Governance: Developments and Change’, Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2011. “Shareholder Value Oriented Foreign Flows and the Evolution of Work in France” Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE),‘Transformations of Contemporary Capitalism: Actors, Institutions, Processes’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2011. “Takeovers and the Evolution of the Electricity Sector in Spain: The Limits of the Varieties of Capitalism Perspective" Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), ‘Transformations of Contemporary Capitalism: Actors, Institutions, Processes’, Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2011. “Takeovers, Shareholders Value and the Evolution of the British Electricity Sector: Its Implications for Energy Security’ Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), ‘Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2011. “Capital Mobility, Corporate Governance and Complex Causation: A Comparative Perspective on France and Germany” Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), ‘Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2010. “Liberalisation Models in the Electricity Sector: The Impact of the Market for Corporate Control in Britain and Spain (1996-2008)” Third Annual Conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2010. “Takeovers, Shareholders Value and the Evolution of the British Electricity Sector: Its Implications for Energy Policy” Second Conference on Political Economy of Energy in Europe and Russia (PEEER), ‘Governing Energy in Europe and Russia’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2010. ‘The Prominence of Takeovers in the Evolution of the Electricity Sector in England: the Weight of State Activism and Institutions’ Third Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, ‘Regulation in the Age of Crisis’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2009. ‘Global Society, Liberalisation and Public Utilities: The State of the Art’ IX Spanish Congress of Political Science, ‘Repensar la Democracia: Inclusión y Diversidad’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2009. ‘The Evolution of the Spanish Electricity Sector: An Analysis of the Market for Corporate Control and Human Resource Practices in a Liberalised Environment’ Annual PhD Conference at the School of Management and Organizational Psychology,
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2006. “Corporate Governance and the Transformation of the Electricity Sector in England and Spain: The Interaction between National Institutions and Regulatory Choices” Gopinath Arun T, Turner J. One-day Workshop on Corporate Governance, Regulation, and Development Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2006. “Corporate Governance, Take overs, and National Institutional Frameworks: A Comparative Perspective on the Evolution of the Electricity Sector in England and Spain” September 7-8, 2006. The First Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, ‘Frontiers of Regulation Conference’, Centre for the Study of Regulated Industries Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2005. “The Liberalisation of the Electricity Sector and the Corporate Strategy of Firms: A Comparative Study in Britain and Spain” VII Spanish Congress of Political Science and Administration Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2002. “The Regulatory Reform of the Electricity Sector in Spain: the Dynamics of Change and Continuity” Risk and Regulation: Research Student Conference Economic and Social Research Centre (ESRC) Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2001. “Privatisation, Strategic Alliances and Organisational Change in Spain in Relationship with Globalisation Processes: The Case of Public Utilities" VII Spanish Congress of Sociology Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2001. “National Enterprise Organisational Change in Spain in Relationship with Globalisation Processes: The Case of Public Utilities in Spain” Annual Conference “Governance and Public Administration in 21st Century” Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2000. “The Transformation of Central State Enterprise in Spain: Impact and Response to Globalisation”, First International Regional International Conference in Public Administration and Globalisation: International and Supranational Administrations Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2000. “The Transformation of Central State Public Enterprise in Spain: Management Revolution and Administrative Change” First International Conference on Public Management and Governance in the New Millennium: Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the Future Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1999. ‘El Debate sobre la Privatización en España y la Reforma del Estado’ IV Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de la Administración ‘Política, Medios y Comunicación Democrática’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1998. "Las Privatizaciones en España: Implicaciones para el cambio en la Cultura Corporativa. Análisis del Proceso en cuatro empresas: Repsol, Aceralia, SKF" VI Congreso Español de Sociología ‘Sociología y Sociedad’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1998. "La experiencia española de privatizaciones 1985-1997. La estrategia del sector público empresarial en la Administración Central del Estado." IV Congreso Vasco de Sociología Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1998. "Los Diplomáticos Españoles y la Acción Exterior del Estado durante el período, 1939-1990" Congreso de Política Exterior de España en el S. XX Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1997. "Las Privatizaciones en España: La estrategia del sector público empresarial en la Administración Central" III Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de la Administración ‘Gobernabilidad y Representación en las Democracias’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1996. "Los Diplomáticos Españoles y la Acción Exterior" II Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de la Administración ‘Democracia y Administración' Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1996. "La política de privatizaciones: su aplicación al caso español" II Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de la Administración ‘Democracia y Administración’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1995. "La dialéctica políticos-profesionales: el caso de los diplomáticos españoles" V Congreso Español de Sociología ‘Horizontes desde la Incertidumbre’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1995. "La influencia de las ONG'S en España ante la crisis del Estado del Bienestar" V Congreso Español de Sociología ‘Horizontes desde la Incertidumbre’ Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1995. "On the Origins of the Environmental Question in Spain" Centenario de la London School of Economics
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1994. "Panorama de los Grupos Ecologistas en el Estado Español" II Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1994. "Diplomatic Career in Spain and the Political and Economic Elite, 1939-1990" European Consortium for Political Research
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1992. "La Carrera Diplomática en España: Reflexiones en torno a un Cuerpo de Altos Funcionarios" IV Congreso Español de Sociología’ Sociología entre dos Mundos Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, García Solana, MJ. ‘Global Society, Liberalisation and Public Utilities: The State of the Art’ 'IX Spanish Congress of Political Science, ‘Repensar la Democracia: Inclusión y Diversidad’
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. “Battle of Ideas, Battle of Wills: France, Germany and the Building of the New Financial Assistance Regime in the Eurozone”. 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, Resilient Europe?, Council of European Studies, 2016
Valdivielso Del Real MR. Governing Sustainability: Some Challenge Ahead
Valdivielso Del Real MR. Battle of Ideas, Battle of Wills: France, Germany and the Building of the New Financial Assistance Regime in the Eurozone 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, Resilient Europe
Valdivielso Del Real MR. German Ordoliberalism and the Asymmetric Governance of the Eurozone Crisis” International Labour Process Conference, ILPC Reconnecting Work and Political Economy
Valdivielso Del Real MR. Financialization, Ideas and the Governance of the European Crisis Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA), ‘Working for Fairness at Work’/ ‘L’équité au travail’,
Valdivielso del Real R, Valdivielso Del Real M. Populism and Strategic Entrepreneurship
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M. 2014. Bank Protection in France and Germany and the Management of the Sovereign Debt Crisis (2009-2013). :1-24 Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2009. Takeovers and the Evolution of the Electricity Sector in Britain and Spain: The Insights and Limits of Varieties of Capitalism Perspective. :1-52 Author Url Publisher Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR, Goyer M, Glatzer, M . Ideas, Institutional Construction and the Management of the Eurozone Crisis: The Case of Economic Adjustment Programmes of Financial Assistance European Journal of Industrial Relations,
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2009. “The Evolution of the Spanish and British Electricity Sector: An Analysis of the Market for Corporate Control and Human Resources Management in a Liberalised Environment”. Nielsen, K. Birkbeck College, University of London
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2004. “The Liberalisation of the Electricity Sector and the Corporate Strategy of Firms: A Comparative Study in Britain and Spain” Bachmann R, Nielsen K. Birkbeck College, University of London
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1996. The Diplomat Service in Spain, 1939-1990 Baena del Alcazar M, Diez Nicolas J. Complutense University, Madrid
Books (authored)
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 2001. La Carrera Diplomática Española. Evolución de un Cuerpo de Élite: 1939-1990. :1-550 Collection Digital Complutense. Madrid Author Url
Valdivielso Del Real MR. 1996. La carrera diplomática en España, 1939-1990 :1-228 Biblioteca Diplomática Española. Sección de Estudios Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación.. Madrid Publisher Url
External collaboration:
https://www.bradford.ac.uk/external/, University of Bradford, External Examiner for the MSc European and International Business Management (Full Time), MSc International Business and Management -(Full Time), MSc International Business and Management (Part Time).. 2024
https://www.herts.ac.uk/, University of Hertfordshire, External Examiner for BA (Hons) Finance; BA (Hons) Business Administration; BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance,. 2024
https://www.brighton.ac.uk/index.aspx, University of Brighton, External Examiner for MSc International Management, MSc Management, MSc Management (Entrepreneurship), MSc Management (Human Resources). 2024
https://www.uclan.ac.uk/, University of Central Lancashire, External Examiner for the MSc International Business and Management. 2022
https://www.coventry.ac.uk/course-structure/UG/top-up-2019-19/international-business-ba-hons-top-up/, Coventry University, External Examiner for the BA International Business. 2017
https://www.uwtsd.ac.uk/for-business/, University of Wales, External Examiner for the FdA/BA (Hons) in Management and Business Administration, and Graduate Diploma in Business Management at Formatic Barna (Barcelona). 2017
https://www.bcu.ac.uk/business-school, Birmingham City University, External Examiner for the MBA International, and International Business (Summer School) Programme. 2017
Birmingham Business School, External Examiner for postgraduate degrees, MSc in International Business. 2016
http://www.lccge.bbk.ac.uk/about-us/research-associates/rocio-valdivielso, London Centre for Corporate Governance and Ethics, Research Associate. 2015
Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Teaching Associate. 2014
Warwick Business School, External Examiner for Postgraduate degrees in Human Resource Management and Employment Relations. 2013
http://www.abm-analytics.com/people.php, ABM Analytics - solutions in oil, gas, coal, electricity and renewable markets., Research Associate. 2011
Editorial boards:
VIT Press International Journal of Business Management, Editorial Board Membership, http://http/www.vitpress.com/journals/VITP-IJBM. 2021
VIT Press International Journal of Political Economy (VITP-IJPEC), Editorial Board Membership, http://http/www.vitpress.com/journals/VITP-IJPEC. 2021
European Business & Management, Editorial Board Member, https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/324/editorial-board. 2020
Energies, Ad-hoc Reviewer. 2017
Sustainability, Ad-hoc Reviewer. 2016
Corporate Governance: An International Review, Ad-hoc Reviewer, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-8683. 2010
Nominated in the category of 'Amazing Personal Tutor' as part of the Liverpool Students' Union Teaching Awards., Liverpool Students' Union Teaching Awards. LJMU. 2016
Nominated in the category of 'Amazing Teacher' as part of the Liverpool Students' Union Teaching Awards. April 2015.. 2015
Award to complete a Ph.D. thesis (January 1996-October 1996). Research Project “The Diplomatic Service in Spain”. €5000., Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Madrid, http://www.cis.es/cis/opencms/ES/index.html. 2005
The Lady Robinson Travel Scholarship (£1,000)., College Hall, University of London, Summer Term 2005., http://halls.london.ac.uk/prospective/college-hall-0. 2005
XVI Prize PhD Thesis in Political Science and Sociology, “Ilustre Colegio Nacional de Licenciados y Doctores en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología”, Madrid, 1997., Ilustre Colegio Nacional de Licenciados y Doctores en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología. 1997
Teaching qualification:
PCAPP and Fellow Higher Education Academy. 2015
Research Grants Awarded:
Liverpool Business School (LJMU), Faculty QR Funded Research Support, Variety of Energy Markets, Grant value (£): 2900, Duration of research project: Two Years. 2015
Foundation Caja Madrid (Bankia) Spanish Financial Institution, Research Project “The Liberalisation of the Electricity Sector and the Corporate Strategy of Firms: A Comparative Study in Britain and Spain”, no co-applicants, Grant value (£): € 48,000/year, Duration of research project: Two years. 2003
Regional Government Award (Comunidad de Madrid), Research Project “Transformation of Public Utilities in Spain in the Context of the Globalisation”., no co-applicants, Grant value (£): € 21,000/year, Duration of research project: Three Years. 2001
Other invited event:
'Globalisation and Sustainability', Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, Guest Lecturer for Contemporary Issues in Management. 2015
'Restrained Markets for Corporate Control in French and German Banking and the Sovereign Debt Crisis', International Political Economy Research Cluste, Politics and International Studies (PAIS), University of Warwick, Seminar. International Political Economy Research Cluster. 2013
“Liberalisation of the Energy Sector in Spain: The Case of the Electricity Sector”, Warwick Business School, Guest Lecturer, Warwick Global Energy MBA. 2012
“Piecemeal Liberalisation and Institutional Diversity: A Comparison of the Market for Corporate Control in the British and Spanish Electricity Sector", London Centre for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, University of London, Research Seminar Series, London Centre for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. 2012
“Energy Regulation in Spain”, Warwick Business School, Guest Lecturer, Warwick Global Energy MBA. 2011
“Varieties of Capitalism, State Activism and Takeovers in the Transformation of Electricity Sector in Britain and Spain”, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, Research Seminar, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick.. 2008
“The Liberalisation of the Spanish Electricity Sector: The Interactions between Regulatory Policy, Corporate Governance and Firm Strategy”, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London, Research Seminar, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London. 2005
“The Regulatory Reform of the Electricity Sector in Spain: the Dynamics of Change and Continuity”, Clore Management, Birkbeck College, University of London, Research Seminar. 2002
“National Enterprise Organisational Change in Relationship with Globalisation Processes: The Case of Public Utilities in Spain”, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London, Research Seminar. 2002
“Outsourcing in Local Public Services: Theory and Practice”, Analistas Financieros Internacionales, Madrid, Guest Lecturer. 2001
“The Citizen’s Charter: Theory and Practice”, Analistas Financieros Internacionales, Madrid, Guest Lecturer. 2001
“Public Management and Governance in the New Millennium: The Asian Perspective”, Department of Political Science and Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Madrid, Research Seminar. 2000
Membership of professional bodies:
Member World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research, (WINIR), World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research, (WINIR), http://winir.org/. 2014
Member International Political Science Association (IPSA), International Political Science Association (IPSA), https://www.ipsa.org/. 2012
Member, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). 2011
Member, International Studies Association (ISA), http://www.isanet.org/. 2011
Member, Energy Security in a Multipolar World Research (ESMW) Cluster. 2010
Member, Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI)-Complutense University, http://www.theoria.eu/emui_es/. 2009
Member, Birkbeck College, Alumni Association, http://www.bbk.ac.uk/alumni/. 2004
Member, The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)-Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, http://regulation.upf.edu/. 2002
Member, Spanish Political Science Association, http://www.aecpa.es/. 2000
Member, London School of Economics, Alumni Club and Association., http://www.alumni.lse.ac.uk/s/1623/start-hybrid.aspx. 1992
Industrial connections:
ABM Analytics – provide solutions in oil, gas, coal, electricity and renewable markets. London, Duties Included: Provided a written report on renewable sources of energy and energy sustainability in Spain, http://www.abm-analytics.com/people.php. 2011
Análisis Sociológicos, Políticos y Económicos ASEP, SA, Madrid, Duties included: -Assisted on two research projects: “European Value Survey 1994-2004” and “World Value Survey 1994-2004” -Designed a questionnaire survey on “The Public Opinion of Spaniards” about perceptions of the liberalisation of the electricity sector in Spain, http://www.jdsurvey.net/jds/jdsurveyContents.jsp?Idioma=E&SeccionTexto=01. 2005
Consultant/Advisor for Coopers & Lybrand, Department of Public Management Research., Duties included: -Administered all proceedings of the research process and analysed legal system at central and regional level. Project: “Outsourcing in the Management of Youth Hostel in Catalonia” -Designed a methodological framework for the implementation of the project. Project: “Outsourcing in the Management of Youth Hostel in Catalonia” -Worked with Directors of the Regional Government, Politicians and Entrepreneurs - Presented final project findings to the Generalitat of Catalonia. 1997
Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/csgr/. 2008
Media Coverage:
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - Spain. Radio Programme, Globalisation Debate 1998 and 1999