Dr Rafaela Neiva
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: R.NeivaGanga@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3234
I am a Public Sociologist, and a Reader at Liverpool Business School. My work is at the intersection of the arts, health, and innovation. I use sociological theories and interdisciplinary methods to create evidence-based social change.
Throughout my career, I have authored over 100 research outputs in five languages, contributing to leading Q1 journals and cultural policy reports, including to the European Commission. My work has been cited by key policy bodies, including the OECD and the Portuguese, EU, and UK Parliaments.
I have secured over £13 million (£2 million for LJMU) in research and innovation funding, supporting projects that have improved public health, shaped cultural policy, driven business innovation, and tackled social inequalities.
In health and wellbeing, my research redesigned the House of Memories programme for National Museums Liverpool, which has been expanded to Wales, the USA, and Singapore. In cultural policy, I co-developed monitoring and evaluation frameworks, as well as cultural strategies for the European Capitals of Culture in Slovakia, Portugal, and Poland, as well as the Liverpool Boroughs of Culture in the UK. In business innovation, my research on Safe Steps demonstrated a reduction in care home falls, leading to greater product adoption, job creation, and revenue growth. I also co-developed the CYP as One platform with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital to improve mental healthcare access for children and young people.
I have presented at nearly 50 global conferences, delivered several keynote addresses, and organised a range of scholarly events. My contributions to arts and health have been recognised through roles such as European Commission Expert and UNESCO Newton Prize Reviewer. I have also held Visiting Scholar roles in Brazil, China, Europe, and the USA, reflecting the global recognition of my work.
Before joining Liverpool John Moores University in 2022, I held faculty positions at the University of Porto, the University of Coimbra, and the Porto Social Work School. I have also worked as a visiting fellow and curator at leading cultural institutions, including Casa da Musica and Serralves Museum in Portugal, Tate Liverpool in the UK, and Šiuolaikinio Meno Centras in Lithuania.
My work is characterised by its interdisciplinary nature. It bridges disciplinary boundaries to create meaningful social and policy change through research, innovation, and co-creation.
Spanish; Castilian
2017, University of São Paulo, Brazil, Post-doctor,, Arts Education
2013, University of Porto, Portugal, Ph.D., Sociology
2006, University of Porto, Portugal, Bachelar of Arts,, Education
Academic appointments
Senior Research Fellow, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - 2022
Internal Marker, Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King's College, 2018 - 2020
Guest Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2022
Research Associate, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - 2019
Research Manager, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, 2014 - 2014
Guest Senior Lecturer, University of Porto, Porto, 2013 - 2016
Senior Lecturer, Porto Social Work School, 2011 - 2015
Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, University of Porto, Porto, 2007 - 2015
Neiva R, O'Donnell H, Wojtkowiak-Williams A, Mścisz Ł, Knight-Driver A. 2024. Conference for Health and Wellbeing Panel 4 Publisher Url
Neiva R. 2021. Real-world validation: Dr Rafaela Neiva Ganga offers her top tips Publisher Url
Journal article
Knight L, Neiva Ganga R, Tucker MP, Shore AP, Nolan S. 2024. Contexts and complexities: a realist evaluation of integrated care system leadership Leadership in Health Services, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R, Santa K, Ali M, Smith G. 2024. The Impact of a Digital Referral Platform to Improve Access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: A Prospective Observational Study with Real-World Data International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ganga RN, Davies L, Wilson K, Musella M. 2024. The social value of place-based creative wellbeing: A rapid review and evidence synthesis. Sociology of Health and Illness, :1-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Santa K, Dixon C, Ganga RN, Trainor G, Smith G, Furfie V, Brown H. 2024. Facilitating Access to Mental Health Services: A Stakeholder-Driven Improvement of the Children and Young People (CYP) as One Referral Platform International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Knight L, Neiva Ganga R, Tucker M. 2024. Integrated care system leadership: a rapid realist review Leadership in Health Services, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R, Fitzsimmons DA, Smith GM, Mustafa A. 2023. Reducing care home falls: a real-world data validation of a multifactorial falls-intervention digital application BMC Digital Health, 1 :1-9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Crone S, Ganga R. 2023. Revisiting the impact of Liverpool as ECoC 2008: the lost opportunity to reconcile cultural policy and evaluation Arts and the Market, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Smith GM, Dixon C, Neiva Ganga R, Greenop DT. 2022. How Do We Know Co-Created Solutions Work Effectively within the Real World of People Living with Dementia? Learning Methodological Lessons from a Co-Creation-to-Evaluation Case Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ganga RN, Wise N, Perić M. 2021. Exploring implicit and explicit cultural policy dimensions through major-event and neoliberal rhetoric City, Culture and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ganga RN, Wilson K. 2020. Valuing family carers: the impact of House of Memories as a museum-led dementia awareness programme International Journal of Care and Caring, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Machado Gomes R, Teixeira Lopes J, Cerdeira L, Vaz H, Peixoto P, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor L, Machado-Taylor L, Brites R, Patrocinio T, Neiva Ganga R, Silvia S, Silva JP. 2018. Asymmetric Mobility and Emigration of Highly Skilled Workers in Europe: The Portuguese case Praszałowicz D. Migration Studies - Polonia Review, 169 :143-164 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R, Silva JP, Vaz H, Gomes R, Lopes JT, Cerdeira L, Silva S, Cabrito BG, Magalhaes D, Machado-Taylor ML, Peixoto P, Brites R, Patrocinio T. 2018. From Portugal to Europe. A micro-level Sociology of scientific migration in times of Eurozone crisis. Revista Migraciones Internacionales, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gomes R, Cabrito B, Cerdeira L, Machado-Taylor ML, Neiva Ganga R, Brites R, Patrocinio T, Silva JP, Peixoto P, Silva S, Lopes JT, Vaz H. 2017. L'émigration portugaise qualifiée dans le contexte européen Dubucs H, Mourlane S. L'Europe en mouvement, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ganga R, Silva JP, Gomes R, Vaz H, Lopes JT, Silva S, Cerdeira L, Cabrito B, Magalhaes D, Machado-Taylor MDL, Peixoto P, Patrocinio T, Brites R. 2016. Portuguese Scientists' Migration: a study on the 2008 crisis aftermath International Migration, 54 :43-55 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lopes JT, Silva JP, Ganga R, Gomes RM, Magalhães D, Vaz H, Cerdeira L, Silva S, Peixoto P, De Lourdes Machado M, Brites R, Patrocínio T, Cabrito BG. 2016. The decision to emigrate: A study from the perspective of dispositional plurality Sociologia, Problemas e Praticas, 81 :37-56 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cerdeira L, Machado-Taylor MDL, Cabrito B, Patrocinio T, Brites R, Gomes R, Lopes JT, Vaz H, Peixoto P, Magalhaes D, Silva S, Ganga R. 2016. Brain drain and the disenchantment of being a higher education student in Portugal JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY AND MANAGEMENT, 38 :68-77 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cerdeira L, Machado-Taylor MDL, Patrocínio T, Cabrito B. 2015. “Exportar” mão-de-obra qualificada a custo zero: quanto perde Portugal com a “fuga de cérebros”? Revista Educação em Questão, 53 :45-75 DOI Publisher Url
Cruz I, Neiva Ganga R. 2015. Práticas de Consumo: Valores e orientações Cruz I, Neiva Ganga R. Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto. Série Sociologia, 2015 Publisher Url Public Url
Lopes LT, Silva JP, Neiva Ganga R, Gomes R, Vaz H, Cerdeira L, Magalhaes D, Machado-Taylor ML, Peixoto P, Brites R, Silva S, Patrocinio T. 2015. Socialização e percursos (e)migratórios em Portugal: uma análise a partir de retratos sociológicos Lehmann BA. Cadernos de Educação, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Coelho SL, Widdop P, Leguina A, Gato MA, Mortara A. 2015. Consumer Practices: Values and orientations (Portuguese) Neiva Ganga R, Silva I. Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R, Fonseca L. 2013. A Produção de Conhecimento Situado e Implicado: caminhos e descobertas de uma etnografia global sobre educação cultural e artística contemporânea Hernandéz F, Terrasêca M, Paiva J. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 40 :31-53 Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2012. Europos kultūros institucijos kaip glokalizmai: Fundação de Serralves ir Šiuolaikinio meno centro atvejai Repšienė R. Lietuvos kultūros tyrimai, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2011. From the Soviet Exhibition Palace to the Contemporary Art Centre: Cultural Democratisation or Elitist Enclosure? Raney K. Engage -The international journal of visual art and gallery education, :19-28 Publisher Url Public Url
Ganga R. 2009. Deindustrialisation, culture and education strategies: A case-study of tate Liverpool's youth-programme International Journal of Learning, 16 :481-494 DOI Publisher Url
Ganga R, Rebelo S. Actively Aging in a Nursing Home (Portuguese) Desafios - Revista Interdisciplinar da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, 2 :200-214 DOI Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R. Is the European Capital of Culture the quick-fix solution to the sustained development of our cities? The Vilnius case in question (Lithuanian) Ravaitytė J. Post - Scriptum.org: revue de recherche interdisciplinaire en textes et medias,
Motalebi P, Nolan S, Hansen M, Neiva Ganga R. 2024. Evaluation of House of Memories: Online Dementia Awareness Training for Nursing Students in Higher Education Publisher Url Public Url
Gajny D, Neiva R, Jasek D, Krajewski J, Marek M, Nowak J, Obstarczyk Z, Ruta E, Sakowski R, Tarnawa A, Wolny K, Wróblewska-Jachna J. 2024. Weaving Wellbeing Publisher Url Public Url
Pepelová Z, Neiva R, Rozvadská K, Lenka K, Para M, Ivana B, Krajči S, Juricová V, Kuběnková D, Kohout P, Lisík M, Mináriková S, Gažová L, Klačková M, Žák Sučanská V, Moravcová L, Žák P. 2024. Second Monitoring Report Trenčín European Capital of Culture 2026 Second Monitoring Report Trenčín European Capital of Culture 2026 Publisher Url
Motalebi P, Nolan S, Hansen M, Neiva R, Davies L. 2024. Evaluation of House of Memories Cymru Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva R. 2023. The impact of Knowsley as Borough of Culture 2022 :1-82
Neiva R. 2023. The impact of Halton as Borough of Culture 2021 :1-59
Neiva R, Davies L, Wilson KM. 2022. Arts & Wellbeing: A review of the social value of place-based arts interventions Publisher Url Public Url
Meneses Fernandes J, Leite C, Lapa C, Bragança A, Neiva Ganga R, Lago S, Azevedo T. 2022. Braga 2027. European Capital of Culture Candidate City Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva R, Dubačová L, Kuricová L, Slezák Barčáková T, Žák Sučanská V, Crkoňová H, Peter K, Ľahký Ľ. 2022. First Monitoring Report of Trenčín 2026, Candidate for European Capital of Culture :1-37
Dubacova L, Kuricová L, Barcáková TS, Sucanská Žák V, Holícková B, Milová K, Gúciková M, Husárová N, Radulovic V, Žák P, Kohout P, Neiva Ganga R, Topilin A, Janícková K, Seberíniová B, Kvasnicová Z, Kubizna P, Juricová V, Tisová S. 2021. Trenčín 2026, Candidate for European Capital of Culture bid book Trenčín 2026, Candidate for European Capital of Culture bid book Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva R. 2020. The impact of Wirral as Borough of Culture 2019
Neiva R. 2019. The International Slavery Museum's Transatlantic and Contemporary Slavery Collecting Project: Collecting cultures - A four-year evaluation.
Neiva R, Michael A, Crone S. 2019. Cultural Participation and Interest: Impacts 18 - The impact of the 10 years of Liverpool as European Capital of Culture.
Neiva R, Atkinson M, Crone S. 2019. Neighbourhoods' Impacts 18: The impact of the 10 years of Liverpool as European Capital of Culture
Neiva R, Whelan G, Wilson K. 2017. Evaluation of the House of Memories Family Carers Awareness Day 2017 Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva R. 2017. Brazilian Participatory Art Practices. Is There a Win-Win Situation? :1-47
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S, Silva JP. 2015. BRADRAMO General Conclusions. DOI Public Url
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S, Silva JP. 2015. BRADRAMO. Survey Qualitative Analysis (Portuguese)
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S, Silva JP. 2015. BRADRAMO. Survey Findings (Portuguese). DOI Public Url
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S, Silva JP. 2015. BRADRAMO. Sociological Portraits: workbook (Portuguese). DOI Public Url
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S, Silva JP. 2015. Brain drain and academic mobility from Portugal to Europe DOI Author Url Public Url
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S. 2013. BRADRAMO. Focus Groups: Findings (Portuguese). DOI
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S. 2013. BRADRAMO. Project Methodology (Portuguese). DOI Public Url
Gomes R, Cerdeira L, Teixeira L, Vaz H, Brites R, Cabrito B, Machado-Taylor MDL, Magalhães D, Patrocínio T, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S. 2013. BRADRAMO. The Qualified Migration: Literature Review (Portuguese). DOI
Neiva R. 2024. House of Memories – o papel do museu na conscientização sobre demência House of Memories – the museum’s role in raising awareness about dementia Esteves C, Lopes C, de Sousa Santos M. Creative, participatory aging and active life: sociocultural animation, gerontology, community education and tourism as intervention methodologies :181-191 INTERVENÇÃO - Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural / Chaves 978-989-35023-2-7 Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva R, Wilson H, Tucker M. 2023. Structured literature reviews for Business Professional Doctorates: A case study Matos F, Rosa A. ECRM 2023 22nd European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Academic Conferences and publishing limited. online 9781914587726 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2022. Evaluating Cultural Legacy – From Policy to Engaged Research Wise N, Maguire K. A Research Agenda for Event Impacts :229-247 Edward Elger 978 1 83910 924 9 Publisher Url Public Url
Gomes R, Teixeira Lopes J, Vaz H, Cerdeira L, Silva S, Silva JP, Brites R, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Machado-Taylor ML, Cabrito B, Patrocinio T, Magalhaes D, Veiga C. 2021. Exodus of skills and academic mobility from Portugal to Europe (Portuguese) Pereira C, Malheiros J, Peixoto J. Estado da Emigração No. 01 :37-60 Observatório da Emigração, CIES-Iscte. Lisbon 978-972-8048-70-9 Publisher Url Public Url
Semedo A, Neiva R, Celia O. 2020. Experiences of visiting museums. Motivations and perceptions (Portuguese) Soares Neves J, Frayão Camacho C. Nos 50 Anos de L´Amour de L´Art. Dívidas, Críticas e Desafios Editora Mundos Sociais. Lisbon 978-989-8536-73-0 Publisher Url
Teixeira L, Gomes R, Vaz H, Cerdeira L, Neiva Ganga R, Silva JP, Silva S, Peixoto P, Machado L, Cabrito B, Patrocinio T. 2019. The Social Production of the Emigrating Self: An Analysis from Sociological Portraits (Portuguese) Gomes R. A mobilidade académica e a emigração portuguesa qualificada Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra
Neiva Ganga R. 2018. Between Education, Culture and Emigration – an auto-reflection on a professional pathway inflexion (Portuguese) Ramos M, Capucha L, Tavares I. Quem são e o que fazem os sociólogos em Portugal? Mundos Sociais. Lisbon 978-989-8536-67-9 Publisher Url
Peixoto L, Gomes R, Lopes JT, Cerdeira L, Brites R, Cabrito B, Neiva Ganga R, Machado-Taylor ML, Silva S, Patrocinio T. 2017. MobiGrants: New Agents of Brain Drain in Portuguese Higher Education Giousmpasoglou C, Marinakou E, Paliktzoglou V. Brain Drain in Higher Education: The Case of the Southern European Countries and Ireland :153-202 Nova Science Publishers. New York 978-1-53611-978-7 Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R, Gomes R, Lopes J, Vaz H, Cerdeira L. 2014. Brain Drain. The Qualify Portuguese emigration (Portuguese) Neiva Ganga R, Santos E, Almeida J, Ferreira J. Novas Subjetividades: retratos de objetos emergentes Psicossoma. United Kingdom 978-972-8994-66-2 Publisher Url
Silva Cruz I, Neiva R, Wahlen S. Contemporary Collaborative Consumption: An Introduction Silva Cruz I, Neiva R, Whalen S. Contemporary Collaborative Consumption Trust and Reciprocity Revisited :1-15 Springer 9783658213466 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Internet publication
Neiva R. 2023. Garáž attendees reveal strong support for Trenčín European Capital of Culture 2026 Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2023. How LJMU’s living lab generates real-world data to evaluate the feasibility or effectiveness of a business’s innovation Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva R. 2021. LCR Health Matters Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2018. House of Memories Brazil – How Museums Can Meet the Global Dementia Challenge Publisher Url Public Url
Garcia B, Neiva Ganga R. 2018. Girls just wanna have fun…ding for their research Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2017. Researching digital heritage and cultural wellbeing in the international policy sphere Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva R. 2017. 50th Anniversary of L’Amour de l’Art: Have museum visitor profiles really changed? Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2013. Arts and Audiences: between mediation, emancipation and participation (Portuguese) Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2011. The 10 years legacy of Porto as European Capital of Culture - still debating the cultural audiences (dis)engagement (Portuguese) Publisher Url
Fitzsimmons DA, Neiva Ganga R, Smith GM, Ali M, Greenop DT. 2023. Models of “Real World” health research: A critical review DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Santa K, Dixon C, Neiva Ganga R, Trainor G, Smith G, Furfie V, Brown H. 2023. Facilitating the access of the wider community into child and adolescent mental health services in Liverpool and Sefton (UK): The co-customisation of the CYP as One platform with young people; parents and health service providers DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Santa K, Dixon C, Trainor G, Smith G, Neiva R. 2022. An Examination of Living Lab Methodology Within the Mental Health Field: A Case Study 28th International Mental Health Nursing Research Conference - Book of Abtracts, 28th International Mental Health Nursing Research Conference :81-82 Publisher Url
Smith GM, Neiva Ganga R, Trainor G, Furfie V, Mooney C, Morton J. 2021. Children and Young People's Mental Health Services Referral Innovation. Co-design and validation methodology Vervoort K, White M, Leon R. Change the future together: Co-creating impact, sustainable & healthier cities and communities, Open Living Lab Days :221-227 Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R, Smith GM, Greenop DT, Ali M, Fitzsimmons DA. 2020. Real-World Validation of Health Innovation: a systematic review The Conf 2020, 2019 Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference Publisher Url Public Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2015. Objeto, Artista e Público – miscigenações entre arte e educação Semedo A, Senra S, azevedo T. Processos de musealização : um Seminário de Investigação Internacional : Atas do Seminário, Processos de Musealização Publisher Url Public Url
Cerdeira L, Machado-Taylor MDL, Cabrito B, Brites R, Patrocinio T, Gomes R, Magalhaes D, Vaz H, Lopes JT, Peixoto P, Ganga R, Silva S. 2015. Brain Drain: Who Wins? Who Loses? The case of Portugal Spender JC, Schiuma G, Albino V. IFKAD 2015: 10TH INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON KNOWLEDGE ASSET DYNAMICS, 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) :2059-2070 Author Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2007. Education, Music and the City: What is the possible inclusion? (Portuguese) https://www.iscte-iul.pt/index.php?cf=3, First International Conference of Young Urban Researchers
Neiva Ganga R, Almeida Santos S, Barroso B. 2006. On the Right Path: An ethnography about the meanings of reinsertion in two educational centres (Portuguese) Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciencas da Educacao da Universidade do Porto, Fórum Jovens Cientistas 2007
Neiva Ganga R. Tate Liverpool, Tate Gallery, Šiuolaikinio Meno Centras and Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art Saldanha S, Trigo C, Pardinhas MJ, Eca T. Risks and Oportunities for Visual Arts Education in Europe, Insea European Regional Congress Publisher Url
Neiva R. Arts Education: Questioning object, artist, audience and research Azevedo M. European Educational Research Association Publisher Url
Neiva R, Vaz H, Gomes R, Teixeira Lopes J, Cerdeira L, Silva S. Brain Drain: Portraits of high qualify Portuguese emigration to Europe Seddon T. European Conference on Educational Research
Machado-Taylor MDL, Gomes R, Teixeira Lopes J, Cerdeira L, Cabrito B, Brites R, Patrocinio T, Magalhaes D, Vaz H, Peixoto P, Neiva R, Silva S. Gender disparities on Brain Drain Places and Belongings: Gender and Family Relations in Transnational Space Author Url Publisher Url
Neiva R. Was it a Brave or a Stupid Decision? – An Ethnography of Tate Liverpool’s Educational Strategies Guimaraes S. ECER 2014, The Past, the Present and the Future of Educational ResearchAt: Porto
Neiva R, Fonseca L. Questioning the Educational Role of a Cultural Institution in a Post- Communist Country – the case of the Contemporary Art Centre Cotton T. ECER 2010, Education and Cultural Change Author Url
Neiva R. Research Notes From a Global Ethnography – Questioning the place of the ethnography and of the ethnographer on multi-site research Varjo J. ECER 2010, Education and Cultural Change Author Url
Neiva R. Liverpool Boroughs of Culture – An Impact Analysis 2018-2022 chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://uneecc.org/doclink/uneecc-annual-conference-2023-book-of-abstracts/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1bmVlY2MtYW5udWFsLWNvbmZlcmVuY2UtMjAyMy1ib29rLW9mLWFic3RyYWN0cyIsImlhdCI6MTY5NTc, UNeECC Annual Conference 2023
Neiva R, Smith G, Ali M, Stanley G, Greenop D, Fitzsimmons D. 2021. Care Home Multifactorial Fall-prevention Digital App: A Real-world Data Validation In The North West Region Of The United Kingdom online
Sirois F, Christensen H, Tucker I, Millings A, Easton K, Radin P, Bennion M, Neiva R. 2019. Developing and Testing an AI Empathy Agent NewMind Plenary Author Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Gomes R, Teixeira Lopes J, Silva JP, Neiva R, Vaz H, Cerdeira L, Cabrito B, Magalhães D, Machado- -Taylor ML, Peixoto P, Brites R, Silva S, Patrocínio T. 2019. The Qualified Portuguese Emigration: Exodus or Diaspora? (Portuguese) Gomes R. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra 978-989-26-1707-7 DOI Publisher Url
Semedo A, Ganga R, Oliveira C. 2018. Visitar Museus e Monumentos : Um Estudo Piloto de Fatores Motivacionais FLUP-CITCEM 9789898351999 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lopes JT, Vaz H, Cerdeira L, Peixoto P, Ganga R, Silva S, Machado MDL, Silva JP, Brites R, Magalhães D, Patrício T, Cabrito B. 2015. Between the Periphery and the Centre: Qualified Portuguese Emigrants' route maps (Portuguese) Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra 9789892610672 DOI Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2014. New Subjectivities: Portraits of Emerging Objects (Portuguese) Neiva Ganga R, Santos E, Ferreira J, Almeida J. Psicosoma. Viseu 978-972-8994-66-2 Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2014. New Subjectivities: Portraits of Emerging Objects (Portuguese) Neiva Ganga R, Santos E, Ferreira J, Almeida J. Psicosoma. Viseu 978-972-8994-66-2 Publisher Url
Reis LAD, Santos J, Duarte SFP. 2013. Essays on Gerontology (Portuguese) 9788579850608
Gomes R, Lopes JT, Vaz H, Cerdeira L, Neiva Ganga R, Silva S, Peixoto P, Machado-Taylor ML, Patrocinio T, Brites R, Magalhães D. Brain Drain. Sociological Portraits of the Portuguese Qualified Emigration (Portuguese) Bertrand. Lisboa 9789722531009 Publisher Url
Cruz I, Ganga R, Wahlen S. Contemporary Collaborative Consumption Trust and Reciprocity Revisited Springer 9783658213466
Neiva R. 2016. Casa da Musica. An ethnography of cultural education of Porto European Capital of Culture 2001 (Portuguese) Fonseca L.
Neiva Ganga R. 2013. European Contemporary Museum Education. A Global ethnography on the policies and practices of the European Capital of Culture (Portuguese) Lopes J, Fonseca L.
Books (edited)
2014. Research Methodologies on Ageing Neiva Ganga R, Pocinho R, Silva A, Santos E, Vilhena J, Nino L, Tatay C, Azeredo Z, Zamora H. :1-116 Psicosoma. Viseu 9789728994631 Publisher Url
Scholarly edition
Neiva Ganga R. 2010. Pedagogical Practices for Portuguese Sign Language (Portuguese)
Neiva Ganga R. 2008. Vocational Training Management for Portuguese Sign Language (Portuguese) Publisher Url
Neiva Ganga R. 2007. Curricula Writing and Evaluation for Portuguese Sign Language (Portuguese) Publisher Url
Neiva R. Journey Through the Symbolic. Individual Exhibition Sobral Centeno Publisher Url
Neiva R. Emerging Art Now – 1st Edition Publisher Url
Neiva R. Time, Fatima Santos Publisher Url
Highlighted activities
Media Coverage:
Can Hull build on its UK City of Culture status beyond 2017? BBC News, (opens in a new tab) .
Professional activities
Public engagement:
Participatory research, Academia and Policymakers, Organiser, keynote, and facilitator, Online, Imapct Workshop: Research Design, Strategic Planning, and Knowledge Sharing Trencin ECOC 2026, Monitoring and Evaluation, A half-day Impact Workshop was held with the Trencin ECOC 2026 Monitoring and Evaluation team, focusing on research design, strategic planning, and knowledge sharing. The agenda included: an introduction to workshop objectives; sessions on project planning aligned with sustainability, cultural participation, wellbeing, and governance goals; and data-sharing responsibilities. Participants reviewed feedback from the 2nd Monitoring Report, planned dissemination through conferences, publications, and online platforms, and identified professional development opportunities. The workshop concluded with reflections, feedback, and an action plan to ensure effective monitoring, evaluation, and knowledge sharing for the Trencin ECOC 2026 initiative.. 2025
Participatory research, Healthcare professionals, health comissioners, Researcher, Liverpool, UK, ICS Cheshire and Merseyside Evaluation of the Gateway Meeting, Research design, and 3 co-creation workshops. 2024
Participatory research, policymakers, Reseacher, Invited Speaker, Liverpool City Region, Liverpool Combined Authority Evaluation of Liverpool's Boroughs of Culture, 1 research framework co-design and 10 seminars. 2023
Public talk or lecture, Cultural practitioners, policy stakeholders, Invited Speaker, Trenčín, Slovakia, Monitoring & Evaluation of Trenčín, ECoC 2026., Presentation of the Monitoring & Evaluation strategy at the Trenčín, ECoC 2026 reboot week.. 2023
Participatory research, communities impacted by the transatlantic slavery legacy in Liverpool., Researcher, National Museums Liverpool, UK, AHRC-funded project Cultural Heritage, People and Place, Ten co-creation workshops, https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/humanities-and-social-sciences/research/in-partnership/cultural-heritage-people-place/#:~:text=The%20Cultural%20Heritage%2C%20People%20and,are%20needed%20to%20capture%20this.. 2023
Public talk or lecture, Policy stakeholders (national and international), Organiser & Speaker, Liverpool, UK, Policy hackathon: The value of cultural mega-events, Reconciling policy & research – the European Capital of Culture case.. 2023
Participatory research, health SMEs, health comissioners, Researcher, Merseyside, ERDF LCR Health MATTERS, Research co-design, data collection, and 45 real-world validation reports to the industry, https://lcrhealthmatters.com/. 2023
Participatory research, healthcare professionals, children and young people, and parents, Researcher, Liverpool, UK, NIHR CYP as One, Research design, 3 funding applications, 3 co-creation workshops, 1 conference proceeding (Smith, G. et al., 2021), 1 digital platform co-customised., https://www.seftonliverpoolcamhs.com/. 2022
Public talk or lecture, Health Innovation SMEs; Health Comissioners, Invited Speaker, Excel in Health Event Series, UK North West Coast, Real World Validation, https://lcrhealthmatters.com/excel-in-health-event-series/. 2022
Participatory research, Children and young people, SMEs, health professionals, health comissioners, Researcher, Liverpool, UK, Data collection, analysis and dissemination, Centre for Collaborative Innovation in Dementia, accredited by the European Network of Living Labs, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/research/centres-and-institutes/centre-for-collaborative-innovation-in-dementia#:~:text=Through%20a%20living%20lab%20approach,be%20expected%20from%20normal%20aging.. 2022
Public talk or lecture, Museum curators, and other cultural practitioners, Invited speaker, International Museum Day, International Council of Museums, Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro, Portugal, House of Memories: museum & dementia, https://www.pportodosmuseus.pt/2022/05/05/coloquio-internacional-museus-e-demencia-que-desafios/. 2022
Other, health industry, infographic, Author, Explaining real-world validation, infographic, https://lcrhealthmatters.com/explaining-real-world-validation/. 2021
Public talk or lecture, curators, and other cultural practitioners, Invited speaker, International Museum Day, International Council of Museums, Fundacao Cupertino Miranda, Portugal, Arts & Mental Health., https://twitter.com/FCupertinoM/status/1392414314334769157. 2021
Other, health industry, health comissioners, infographic, Author, Safe Steps (infographic). 2020
Other, General, health industry, students, academics, Social Media, Twitter account manager, Twitter account manager @LabLjmu, https://twitter.com/LabLjmu. 2019
Public talk or lecture, Museum and other cultural practicioners, Organiser and speaker, Culture and Health: A research agenda for the Liverpool City Region, National Museums Liverpool. Liverpool, UK., Crossing Boundaries: The value of museums in dementia care., https://www.eventbrite.com/e/culture-and-health-a-research-agenda-for-the-liverpool-city-region-tickets-57729888651. 2019
Public talk or lecture, Policy stakeholders, Invited Speaker, National Museums Liverpool. Liverpool, UK., House of Memories – Scale and Impact., Presentation for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports. 2018
Other, General, cultural practitioners, policy stakeholder, cultural policy funders, Social Media, Twitter account contributer, Twitter account contributer @ICCLiverpool, https://twitter.com/ICCLiverpool. 2016
Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Research and Knowledge Exchange - Commendation in Public Engagement, Liverpool John Moores University. 2024
Health Innovation Champions Network (£27,732), LJMU Research and Knowledge Exchange Quality Research Funding. 2022
Co-I - CYP as One: Investigation in how to further support the community through digital innovation (£144,00), NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i): NIHR203845. 2022
UK-China Researcher Links Workshop Health and Well-being Through VR and AR, Newton Fund, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/microsites/researcher-links-workshop. 2018
Membership of professional bodies:
Board Member of the Research Network of Sociology of Culture, European Sociological Association, http://europeansociology.dndg.io/research-networks/rn07-sociology-culture.html#:~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20the%20Research%20Network%20on%20the%20Sociology%20of. 2024
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy, https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/individuals/fellowship/fellow. 2020
Fellow Royal Society of Public Health, Royal Society of Public Health, https://www.rsph.org.uk/membership/grades/fellow.html. 2019
Research on Arts Education, European Education Research Association, http://www.eera-ecer.de/networks/network29/. 2010
Research Network Sociology of the Arts, European Sociological Association, https://www.europeansociology.org/research-networks/rn02-sociology-arts. 2009
External collaboration:
Bielsko-Biała, European Capital of Culture 2029 (candidacy), Internacional Advisor, monitoring and evaluation. 2024
Braga, European Capital of Culture 2027 (candidacy), Internacional Advisor, monitoring and evaluation. 2022
Trenčín, European Capital of Culture 2026, Internacional lead for monitoring and evaluation. 2021
http://www.mp.usp.br/, Museu Paulista, Museu Paulista. 2018
National Museums Liverpool, Cultural value. 2016
http://isociologia.up.pt/en/investigador/rafaela-neiva-ganga, University of Porto, Institute of Sociology - Artistic Creation, Cultural Policies and Practices. 2007
Research Grants Awarded:
European Comission / Horizon Europe, Med-IREN - protect critical infrastructure from climate change, Ana Bras (PI), Mawada Abdellatif (Co-I), Michaela Gkantou (Co-I), Iacopo Carnacina (Co-I), Grant value (£): €10,000,000 (LJMU - €827,460), Duration of research project: 48 months. 2023
National Museums Liverpool, House of Memories. Digital Dementia Awareness Training for Nursing Students in Higher Education, Dean McShane; Steve Nola; Marcus Hansen, Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023
Welsh Government, House of Memories Cymru. Evaluation of a Museum-led Dementia Awareness Training, Steve Nola; Marcus Hansen, Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023
AHRC-DCMS, Cultural heritage, people and place: understanding value via a regional case study (AH/Y000242/1), Tamara West (PI); Steve Nola, Grant value (£): £420,657, Duration of research project: 30 months. 2023
European Comission / Erasmus Mundus Design Measures, Culture and Creative Industries Management, Hana Křížková (PI); João Teixeira Lopes (Co-I); Ioannis C. Drivas (Co-I); Eva Gartnerová (Co-I); Peter Purg (Co-I), Grant value (£): 46,861, Duration of research project: 15 months. 2023
LJMU QR Policy Support Fund, The value of mega-cultural events – evidence-based policymaking, David Bryde; Abi O'Connor, Grant value (£): 9,773.69, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2022
What Works Centre for Wellbeing; Arts and Humanities Research Council; Spirit of 2012, Systematic review on the social impacts of place-based arts and cultural interventions, Rafaela Neiva Ganga (PI), Grant value (£): 25,000, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2022
Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership, Evaluation of the Children and Young People Integration Test Sites, Rafaela Neiva Ganga (PI), Grahame Smith (Co-I), Gemma Trainor, (Co-I), Lisa Knight (Co-I), Grant value (£): £52,000, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2022
LJMU QR Policy Support Fund, CYP as One 2.0. - innovation's diversity co-developed to tack mental health inequalities, Rafaela Neiva Ganga (PI), Grahame Smith (Co-I), Grant value (£): £8,873, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022
LJMU Research and Knowledge Exchange Quality Research, Health Innovation Champions Network, Grahame Smith (PI), Rafaela Neiva Ganga (Co-I), Grant value (£): £27,732, Duration of research project: 5 month. 2022
NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i): NIHR203845, CYP as One: Investigation in how to further support the community through digital innovation, Led by Alder Hey NHS Trust, Grahame Smith (LJMU PI), Rafaela Neiva Ganga (Co-I), Mustafa Ali (Co-I), Gemma Trainor (Co-I), Grant value (£): 143,771, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2022
Halton City Council, Capturing the value of Celebrate Halton, Liverpool Borough of Culture 2021, Grant value (£): 20,000, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2021
Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Real-world Validation of "CYP as One", Rafaela Neiva Ganga (PI), Grahame Smith (Co-I), Gemma Trainor (Co-I), Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021
Liverpool Combined Authority, Evaluation of the Liverpool City Region Boroughs of Culture programme, Grant value (£): 90,000, Duration of research project: 48 months. 2019
ERDF, Health Matters - Liverpool City Region, Led by the Innovation Agency, Grahame Smith (LJMU PI), Daz Greenop (Co-I), Deborah Fitzsimmons (Co-I), Rafaela Neiva Ganga (Researcher), Mustafa Ali (Researcher), Grant value (£): 2.4 million, Duration of research project: 48 months. 2019
National Museums Liverpool / The National Lottery Fund, Collecting Cultures, Gayle Whelan (Co-I), Grant value (£): 3000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2019
Arts and Humanities Research Council, Cities of Culture: Turning Evaluation into Policy, Franco Bianchini; Jonothan Neelands, Grant value (£): 45000, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2019
Liverpool John Moores University Quality Research Funding, Cultural Participation Rijeka 2020: The impact of the European Capital of Culture in the local residents’ cultural participation and engagement, Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2019
EPSRC-funded NewMind Network Plus, Developing an Artificial Intelligence Empathy Agent, Fuschia Sirois (PI); Katherine Easton; Ian Tucker; Matthew R Bennion; Heidi Christensen; Paul Radin, Grant value (£): 45000, Duration of research project: 24. 2018
LJMU Global Challenge Research Fund 2018, The value of museums in meeting the global dementia challenge, Grant value (£): 7088, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2018
AHRC Cultural Engagement Fund, and the Institute of Cultural Capital, Impacts 18. Legacies of Liverpool as European Capital of Culture 10 Years On, PI - Beatriz Garcia, University of Liverpool, Grant value (£): 500,000, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2017
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Educación Patrimonial para la inteligencia territorial y emocional de la ciudadanía. Análisis de buenas prácticas, diseño e intervención en la enseñanza obligatoria, José María Cuenca-López (IP1), Jesús Estepa-Guiménez (IP2), Roque Jiménez, Mª Ángeles de las Heras, Gabriel Travé, Blanca Miedes, Myriam J. Martín (Univ. Huelva), Roser Calaf (Univ. Oviedo), Beatrice Borghi (Univ. Bologna), Elena Musci (Univ. Basilicata), Alice Semedo (Univ. Porto), Carlos Muñoz (Univ. Concepción), Daniel Schugurensky (Arizona State Univ.), Grant value (£): € 37 200, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2016
Portuguese Commission of Coordination and Development of the North Region, MoVEM: Museums visitants’ experiences and motivations, Alice Semedo; Celia Oliveira, Grant value (£): 25000, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2015
Foundation for Science and Technology, Brain Drain and Academic Mobility from Portugal to Europe, PI - Rui Gomes, University of Coimbra; Co-I Joao Lopes, University of Porto; Co-i Henrique Vaz, Universoty of Porto; Co-I Luisa Cerdeira University of Lisbon, Grant value (£): 89,851, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2013
Portuguese Foundation of Science and Tecnhology, European Contemporary Museum Education. A Global ethnography on the policies and practices., Grant value (£): 86500, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2007
Editorial boards:
Public Policy Journal, Editorial Board, https://www.umpp.uevora.pt/publicacoes/Public-Policy-Portuguese-Journal. 2023
Routledge Books, Reviewer, https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Research-in-the-Creative-and-Cultural-Industries/book-series/RRCCI. 2023
MIDAS - Museus e Estudos Interdisciplinares, Reviewer, https://midas.revues.org/. 2017
Wiley, Invited reviewer, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/14682435/2019/57/5. 2017
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Reviewer, http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=1809-9823&lng=en&nrm=iso. 2015
Springer, Invited reviewer, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-21346-6. 2015
Portuguese Social Barometer - Arts & Culture, Editor-in-chief, http://www.barometro.com.pt/category/cultura-e-artes/. 2014
Sociologia: Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto, Reviewer, http://ler.letras.up.pt/site/default.aspx?qry=id04id111&sum=sim. 2014
International Journal of Learning, Reviewer, http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=17700156750&tip=sid&. 2008
Conference organisation:
Policy hackathon: The value of cultural mega-events, Organiser & Speaker. 2023
Cities of Culture 30 Years On: Who Has the Edge?, Organiser & Speaker, https://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/impacts18-international-symposium/. 2018
The value of museums in dementia care, Organiser & Speaker. 2018
Fuga de Cérebros: A mobilidade académica e a emigração portuguesa qualificada, Organiser & Speaker, http://www.bradramo.pt/?page_id=887. 2015
Museum Processes, Organiser & speaker, http://processosdemuseali.wix.com/conferenciaflup2014. 2014
1st Research Methodology School, Organiser & Speaker, http://www.uc.pt/fpce/rms1415. 2014
IV Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro de Sociologia de Educação, Organiser, https://sigarra.up.pt/fpceup/en/NOTICIAS_GERAL.VER_NOTICIA?p_nr=16696. 2014
Portugal, 40 Years of Democracy, Organiser & speaker, http://portugal40anos.eventqualia.net/pt/2014/inicio/. 2014
Youth Cultures and Music: a research pathway, Organiser. 2013
In the Name of the Arts or in the Name of the Audiences?, Session chair & speaker, https://pre2018.culturgest.pt/2012/03-21-enaenp.html#gsc.tab=0. 2013
A Different Kind of Tension. Punk Propaedeutic: Presentation and public discussion of the project Keep it simple, make it fast! (1977-2015), Organiser. 2013
CIVE MORUM – Responsibility, respect and ethics in the social life, Organiser & speaker, https://ciencia.ucp.pt/en/publications/proceedings-cive-morum-2013-i-international-congress. 2013
VII Portuguese Sociological Congress, Organiser & speaker, https://associacaoportuguesasociologia.pt/vii_congresso/. 2012
Tribute to two Eminent Figures at the University of Porto - Manuela Malpique and Stephen Stoer, Organiser, http://sigarra.up.pt/up/en/WEB_BASE.GERA_PAGINA?P_pagina=1005886. 2007
Media Coverage:
A Maior Galeria de Arte da Europa. De Braga para o mundo. Umbigo Magazine (opens in a new tab)
Interview for the Global Portuguese Scientists (opens in a new tab)
Portugal brain drain spells lasting headache for election winner. Reuters (opens in a new tab)
Can Hull build on its UK City of Culture status beyond 2017? BBC News, (opens in a new tab)
Zet Gallery. Youtube Channel (opens in a new tab)
RDP Internacional - – phone interview for the Global Portuguese Scientist about the Crossing Boundaries research project
Other Professional Activity:
Visiting Scholar at Arizona State University, USA (2023) – Principal Investigator, Urban Placemaking Perceptions & Cultural Mega-Events.. 2023
Visiting Scholar - Xi'an University of Technology, China – Visiting Researcher, UK-China Researcher Links, Health and Well-being Through VR and AR, Newton Fund. 2018
Visiting Scholar at Museu Paulista, Brasil – Principal Investigator, The Value of Museums in Global Dementia Care, GCRF.. 2018
Visiting Scholar at Institute of Sociology, Portugal – Visiting Researcher and guest Lecturer.. 2016
Visiting Scholar at the British Museum, Salford Museum and Art Gallery, New Walk Museum and Art Gallery, and Museum of Liverpool, UK – Fellow, Crossing Boundaries.. 2016
Visiting Scholar at Modena Galerjia, Slovenia – Engage International Summer School, New Galleries, New Audiences, Grundtvig.. 2012
Visiting Scholar at Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Portugal – PhD placement (full-time), European Contemporary Museum Education, FCT (8 months).. 2010
Visiting Scholar at Šiuolaikinio Meno Centras, Lithuania – PhD placement (full-time), European Contemporary Museum Education, FCT (8 months).. 2009
Visiting Scholar at Tate Liverpool, UK – PhD placement (full-time), European Contemporary Museum Education, FCT (8 months).. 2008
Visiting Scholar at Austrian Organization of People Who are Deafblind and People with Significant Vision and Hearing Impairment, Austria – Visiting Researcher, Leonardo Davinci.. 2007
Conference presentation:
Place-based cultural intervention. Capturing the value of Wirral Borough of Culture 2019, Seventeenth International Conference on the Arts in Society, Zaragoza, Oral presentation. 2022
European Ethnography on Museum Education in the Scope of European Capital of Culture. The cases of Tate Liverpool, Šiuolaikinio Meno Centras and Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, ’10th midterm Conference of the European Research Networks Sociology of the Arts & Sociology of Culture, Valletta, Malta, Oral presentation. 2018
The Impacts of Museum-led Dementia Awareness Programmes on Informal Caregivers’ Subjective Wellbeing. A critical analysis about the House of Memories programme, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, Oral presentation. 2018
House of Memories: The Impacts of a Digital Museum-led Dementia Awareness Programmes on Informal Caregivers’ Subjective Wellbeing, Edutainment '18 12th International Conference on E-Learning and Games, Xi`an, China, Oral presentation. 2018
From academic mobility to the long-term emigration: lessons from Portugal, 13th Conference European Sociological Association. (Un)Making Europe Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, Athens, Oral presentation. 2017
From Liverpool with Memory. House of Memories’ national partnerships on dementia care – a critical analysis, 13th Conference European Sociological Association. (Un)Making Europe Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, Athens, Oral presentation. 2017
The Impacts of Museum-led Dementia Awareness Programmes on Informal Carers’ Subjective Wellbeing. A perspective on the House of Memories case-study, European Conference on Educational Research - Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and educational research, Copenhagen, Oral presentation. 2017
Value of Difference, Museums Association Conference and Exhibition 2016, Glasgow, Oral presentation. 2016
Crossing Boundaries research programme, North of England Workshop for Early Career Researchers in Arts and Humanities, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2016
A European Ethnography on Museum Education revised: the cases of Tate Liverpool, Šiuolaikinio Meno Centras and Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, ETHNOARTS Ethnographic Explorations of the Arts and Education, University of Porto, Oral presentation. 2016
Other invited event:
NIHR ARC NWC MIDAS Seminar, Virtual - https://hes32-ctp.trendmicro.com/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fyoutu.be%2fnXur1Fk6bVA&umid=1d96dac2-1434-40e5-9a88-39423843b857&a, From Living Lab to Real-world Validation. A journey through methodological innovation. Presenters Grahame Smith & Rafaela Neiva Ganga. 2022
International Museum Day - ICOM, Famalicao, Invited keynote speaker for the International Museum Day - ICOM - Fundação Cupertino de Miranda. 2021
Social Inclusion and Cultural Policies in Cities as European Capitals of Culture, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, European Capital of Culture and Cross-border Urban Cohesion funded by the Jean Monnet Network on European Capitals of Culture, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research.. 2020
ViMM Project: Consultation for the final version of the Manifesto on Digital Cultural Heritage, Berlin, Under the CULT-COOP-8-2016 EU Call, ViMM brings together European and world’s leading public and private sector organisations working on Virtual Museums and in the wider sector of Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH).. 2018
50th Anniversary of L’Amour de l’Art: Debts, Criticism and Challenges, Lisbon, The 50th anniversary of the first edition of L’Amour de l’Art: Les musées et leur public, by Pierre Bourdieu and Alain Darbel, plays the starting point for this conference, which is intended to reflect upon the current developments in the areas of publics and the evolution of museums, having in mind the intersection between the disciplines of Sociology and Museology.. 2017
Cross Council Mental Health Networking Event, London, The research councils are holding an informal networking event at the Imperial War Museum in London on 31 October 2017. The aim of this event is for potential applicants to learn more about our expectations for successful cross-council mental health opens in new window network plus awards, as well as meeting potential collaborators.. 2017
COST Connect event dedicated to Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era, Brussels, The COST Connect workshop on “Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era” was an open space for participants to identify and discuss how they could best contribute to structuring this field of cooperation that has shown high potential to create societal impact in Europe.. 2017
First Research Seminar in Heritage Education, Porto, ICC Research Associate, Rafaela Ganga, will pitch for ‘Crossing Boundaries’ at the First Research Seminar in Heritage Education, which will take place on 31 March at the University of Porto. This seminar will mark the beginning of ‘Heritage Education for Territorial and Emotional Intelligence of the Citizenship: Analysis of best practices, design and intervention in compulsory school’ — a research project coordinated by the University of Huelva, with support from research partners at the ICC, the University of Porto, the University of Sevilla and the University of Bologna. Crossing Boundaries is a long-term research programme on the holistic value of House of Memories, a museums-led dementia care intervention created by National Museums Liverpool. Rafaela joined the ICC in September 2016 as a full-time Research Associate on the Crossing Boundaries project.. 2017
External committees:
European Capital of Culture - Monitoring & Evaluation, European Commission, European Commission Expert, https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/myarea/personprofile;activeTab=personal. 2021
Newton Prize, UNESCO, UK National Expert. 2019
LCR Health MATTERS, ERDF. 2019
Crossing Boundaries: The value of museums in dementia care, Institute of Cultural Capital, http://iccliverpool.ac.uk/crossing-boundaries/. 2016
€112.500,00, BRAIN DRAIN AND ACADEMIC MOBILITY FROM PORTUGAL TO EUROPE, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, https://grants.uberresearch.com/501100001871/PTDC/IVC-PEC/5049/2012/BRAIN-DRAIN-AND-ACADEMIC-MOBILITY-FROM-PORTUGAL-TO-EUROPE. 2013
€92.684,00, Keep it simple, make it fast! Prolegómenos e cenas punk, um caminho para a contemporaneidade portuguesa (1977-2012), Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, http://isociologia.up.pt/pt-pt/projeto/keep-it-simple-make-it-fast-proleg%C3%B3menos-e-cenas-punk-um-caminho-para-contemporaneidade. 2012
European Contemporary Museum Education, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. 2007
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
Porto Social Work School, MA, An Intervention Project for Senior Residences (Portuguese). 2016
Porto Social Work School, MA, Arts & Health - an intervention at a care home. 2014
Teaching qualification:
BA (Hons) (1st) Education, University of Porto. 2006