Dr Katherine Neary
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: K.R.Neary@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr Katherine (Katie) Neary is a Lecturer in International Business Management at Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University.
She holds a PhD in Management from The University of Liverpool which focused on Health Innovation as part of an ESRC funded Studentship. Her PhD research incorporated the broader management themes of collaboration, process, people management and organisational culture. She has a strong academic record including distinction at Masters and Undergraduate level, and securing a CASE funded PhD scholarship.
Her main research interests are in the areas of International Business and ethical Business Models, Healthcare Innovation, Strategic Management, Social Responsibility and Sustainability. She is currently involved in research projects which contribute to the teaching and learning, research and civic agendas of Liverpool John Moores University, building on her emerging interest in experiential learning and action research. She is particularly interested in exploring the role of collaborative networks in supporting her ongoing research.
Katherine teaches students at L5 and L6 in the areas of International Trade, Sustainability and Strategic Management. She is a PRME Champion within the Business School and Level 6 Tutor for the 'Business With' Programmes.
Katherine is open to PhD proposals from prospective students with research interests which correspond to her own.
2022, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD
Books (edited)
2026. Skills Development for Responsible Management A Guide to Innovative Pedagogical practices for Sustainable Futures Skritsovali K, Neary K. Routledge
Skritsovali K, Hindley A, Neary K. 2024. Using Fashion and Experiential Learning as a Medium to Engage Business Students with Sustainability The Contribution of Universities Towards Education for Sustainable Development Springer. London 9783031498527 Publisher Url
Hindley A, Skritsovali K, Neary K. 2024. Using Fashion as a Medium to Engage Business Students with Sustainability World Sustainability Series Part F2517 :453-469 DOI Publisher Url
Hunter-Jones P, Flatt S, Crolley L, Neary K. 2020. Mental Health and Social Tourism: Exploring the Provider Landscape. McCabe S, Dikeman A. Handbook of Social Tourism Edward Elgar Publishing 9781788112420 DOI Publisher Url
Neary K. Creating new paths: Collaborative challenges in establishing an innovation hub. Bessant J, Iakovleva T, Oftedal E. Meeting the Inclusion Challenge in Innovation. De Gruyter
Journal article
Hunter-Jones P, Sudbury-Riley L, Al-Abdin A, Menzies L, Neary K. 2020. When a child is sick: The role of social tourism in palliative and end-of-life care ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 83 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Skritsovali K, Neary K, Yfantidou I, Hyslop K. Exploring the Complexities of Field-based Experiential Learning for Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges Symposium on Sustainable Development in Business Education Programmes
Rising Star, Institutional Winner, LJMU Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards 2024, Liverpool John Moores University, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/teaching-and-learning-academy/teaching-and-learning-awards/tla-2024-winners. 2024
Rising Star, Winner, 'Business With' Programmes, Faculty of Business and Law, Liverpool Business School, LJMU. 2024
Research Grants Awarded:
Liverpool John Moores University, Embedded work-based learning in collaboration with Liverpool City Region Freeport; creative experiential learning to support student-led content using social media platforms., Grant value (£): 1700, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2024
Liverpool John Moores University (Liverpool Business School), 'Global Value Chains and Ethical Trade: A critical examination of approaches to responsible sourcing', Prof. Claire Hannibal, Dr Vanesa Pesque-Cela, Grant value (£): Fully funded PhD Studentship, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2023