Journal article
Teso E, Olmedilla M, Martínez Torres R, Toral S. 2018. Application of text mining techniques to the analysis of discourse in eWOM communications from a gender perspective Technological Forecasting and Social Change, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Teso E, Crolley L. 2012. Gender-based linguistic reform in international organisations Language Policy, :1-20 DOI Publisher Url
Teso E, Crolley E. 2007. Gendered Narratives in Spain: The Representation of Female Athletes in Marca and El País International review for the Sociology of Sport, 42 :149-166 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Olmedilla M, Martínez Torres MR, Toral, S , Teso E. 2015. Examining Gender Discourse Differences in Shared Reviews about Books in eWOM 8th Conference on Developments in e-Systems Engineering DeSE2015, DOI Publisher Url
Teso E, Martinez Torres R, Gonzalez Limon M, Eden J. 2014. Análisis de la brecha salarial en España (2004-2011) V Congreso Internacional Investigación y Género 2014
Eden J, Teso E, Martínez-Torres R, González Limón, M. 2014. La brecha salarial: Un análisis del mercado laboral británico V Congreso Internacional Investigación y Género 2014, 03 Jul 2014 - 04 Jul 2014. University of Seville, Seville
Teso E, Hanusch L. 2013. Gendered narratives: The representation of female athletes in the German and Spanish media during the Olympic Games in London 2012 Rhetorik in Europa