Dr Bin Gao
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: B.Gao@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4771
Dr. Bin Gao is a senior lecturer in marketing and management at Liverpool Business School. In particular, he is interested in leveraging knowledge exchange to develop innovative solutions, especially within an enterprising and entrepreneurial settings. His interest of research also covers subjects i.e. service innovation, design thinking, marketing, circular economy, public value, entrepreneurial education and SMEs. Dr. Gao has published in multiple CABS listed journals and conferences about the above subjects, including Management Decisions and International Journal of Green Energy.
Dr. Gao is involved in serval research projects and funding applications. He is collaborating with scholars from the University of Glasgow, University of Aberdeen, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Malaya (UM), and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on a British Council funded project for new and existing Micro, Small and Medium-size (MSME) entrepreneurs and managers.
In addition, Dr. Gao is leading an ongoing research project with LJMU colleagues, funded by Research England, about how traditional manufacturing sector shifts to clean energy to achieve net-zero emission targets. Findings of this research has been adopted by Energy Security and Net Zero Committee of the UK Parliament as written evidence.
With regarding to teaching, Dr. Gao is currently leading L4 core modules across programmes, including 4002LBSBW/MK Foundation of Marketing and 4002LBSBUS Marketing. He has also led or taught modules at various levels, including: Marketing Management (L7), Global Strategy in Practice (L6), Managing Project (L6), and Organisational Behaviour (L5)Principles of Marketing (L4)
In addition to teaching inside Liverpool Business School, Dr. Gao is also invited as a guest lecturer by the University of Glasgow and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is also a member of scientific committee and chair of session for ASEAN Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium (ABEATS).
Before joining the Liverpool Business School, Dr. Bin Gao has been a doctoral researcher at the Adam Smith Business School, the University of Glasgow, working on research project and lecturing, tutorial and assessment services. The project that his PhD was based on is a multi-disciplinary piece of work involving both external academic partners and practitioners. His thesis and associated research deal with service innovation within SMEs. The research was triggered by a Scottish Funding Council project: Creating Culture of Innovation (CCoI), in which design-led interventions were employed to encourage service innovation.
Dr. Gao has also received degrees of MSc. in Operations and Supply Chain Management from the University of Liverpool, and in Marketing from the University of Strathclyde.
Dr. Gao is interested in supervising projects in the following areas:
* Service Innovation
* Reverse Innovation
* Public value and public sector reforms
* Transition to clean energy and net-zero emissions
* Gamification of Entrepreneurial Education
Chinese (Mandarin)
2017, Adam Smith Business School, the University of Glasgow, Scotland, Ph.D. in Management
2011, the University of Liverpool, England, MSc. in Operations and Supply Chain Management
2010, the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, MSc. in Marketing
Higher Education Academy, Fellow
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - present
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, 2012 - 2016
Gao B, Zhang F, Huifeng B. 2024. Written Evidence submitted for Energy Security and Net Zero Committee Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Gao B, Yu K. 2023. Knowledge exchange in SMEs service innovation with design thinking Management Decision, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gao B, Bai H, Blanes R, Liu H, Zhang Y, Tolegenov B, Zhang F. Achieving Net Zero-Emission Production through Hydrogen: Evidence from Scottish Whisky Industry International Journal of Green Energy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Public engagement:
Other, Business starters from marginalised communities, Entrepreneurial education, Developer and tutor, Malaysia, KECEKAPAN-RISE, KECEKAPAN-RISE is an entrepreneurial education programme that is developed and delivered by a network of people from academic and industry, helps business starters from the marginalised communities obtain entrepreneurial mindset, skills and competences through innovative pedagogy, competency-based curriculum, and digitalisation. The first phase of the project, sponsored by British Council, has been delivered in Malaysia by the collaboration between LJMU, University of Glasgow, University of Aberdeen, Universiti Malaya, National University of Malaysia and University Seins Malaysia. The second phase, KECEKAPAN-RISE is due to start in the summer of 2025., https://www.linkedin.com/in/kecekapan-project-384151252?originalSubdomain=uk&original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F. 2025
Other invited event:
Guest Lecture, Adam Smith Business School, the University of Glasgow, Guest Lecture for Master of Global Business. 2024
Guest Lectures, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Guest lectures titled 'Consumer Purchase Decision-making Process'. 2023
Conference presentation:
Achieving Net-zero Emission Production through Hydrogen: Evidence from Scottish Whisky Industry, ASEAN Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium (ABEATS) 2023, Universiti Seins Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, Oral presentation. 2023
Knowledge Exchange for Service Innovations in SMEs: the Case of CCoI, The International Conference on Innovation & Knowledge Management (iKM2017), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Oral presentation. 2017
Service Innovation, SME’s and the design method: A Knowledge Perspective, the Inaugural Conference of the Centre of Service Excellence, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, Oral presentation. 2016
Service Innovation, SME’s and the design method: A Knowledge Perspective, Business and Management Pathway PhD Colloquium, The University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, Poster presentation. 2015
Conference organisation:
ASEAN Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium (ABEATS) 2023, Session Moderator, https://abeatsconf.com/. 2023
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU, Action Research on KECEKAPAN (Key Entrepreneurial Cognitive Education & Knowledge Advancement Project: A Network), Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: 1 Year. 2023
Research England via LJMU, Achieving Net Zero-Emission Production through Hydrogen: Evidence from Scottish Whisky Industry, Dr. Huifeng Bai, Dr. Fan Zhang, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 2 Years. 2022
British Council, KECEKAPAN: Key Entrepreneurial Cognitive Education & Knowledge Advancement Project: A Network, Grant value (£): 55,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2022
LJMU, Strategies of China’s EMNEs for Reverse Innovation, Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 1 Year. 2018
External committees:
Scientific Committee, ABEATS: ASEAN Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium, Member, https://abeatsconf.com/. 2022
Scientific Committee, ABEAT: ASEAN Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium, Member, https://abeatsconf.com/. 2021
Scientific Commettee, ASEAN Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium (ABEATS), member, https://abeatsconf.com/. 2021
Science Committee, ASEAN Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium (ABEATS), Panel Member, https://abeatsconf.com/. 2021
Membership of professional bodies:
Affiliate, Adam Smith Business School University of Glasgow. 2022
Fellow, Higher Education Academy.