Dr Will Jackson
School of Justice Studies
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: W.H.Jackson@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3347
Will joined LJMU as Lecturer in Criminology in September 2013 having previously taught at the University of Central Lancashire. He completed his PhD at the University of Salford in 2012.
Will’s main research interests focus on policing, security and protest with a particular interest in the development of theoretical insights on these topics from within and beyond criminology.
His current research is focused on the policing of protest and broader state responses to political activism.
2012, University of Salford, United Kingdom, PhD
2006, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, MA (by Research)
Academic appointments
Lecturer in Social Science, Education and Social Science, University of Central Lancashire, 2011 - 2013
Highlighted publications
Jackson W, Monk H. 2025. The Lesbians and Policing Project: Police monitoring in defence of dangerous lesbian-ness in 1980s London Journal of Lesbian Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson W. 2024. Researching policing from the perspective of the policed: studying human rights from below. Weber L, Marmo M. A Research Agenda for a Human Rights Centred Criminology Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-031-46289-4
Jackson W. 2023. Steven Box and Police Crime: Understanding and Challenging Police Violence and Corruption Scott DG, Sim J. Demystifying Power, Crime and Social Harm: The Work and Legacy of Steven Box :223-223 Palgrave Macmillan. London 9783031462122 Publisher Url
Journal article
Jackson W, Monk H. 2025. The Lesbians and Policing Project: Police monitoring in defence of dangerous lesbian-ness in 1980s London Journal of Lesbian Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson WH. 2021. Police Power and Disorder: Understanding Policing in the 21st Century Social Justice: a journal of crime, conflict and world order, 47 Publisher Url Public Url
Gilmore J, Jackson WH, Monk HL, Short D. 2020. Policing the UK's anti-fracking movement: facilitating peaceful protest or facilitating the industry Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), 4 :349-390 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Monk H, Jackson WH. 2020. Out of Place: Women’s experiences of policing in protest spaces. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 4 :309-323 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson WH, Murray ET, Hayes A. 2020. Playing the Game? A criminological account of the making and sharing of Probationary: The Game of Life on Licence Probation Journal, 67 :375-392 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson W. 2020. Researching the policed: critical ethnography and the study of protest policing Policing and Society, 30 :169-185 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson WH, Gilmore J, Monk H. 2018. Policing unacceptable protest in England and Wales: A case study of the policing of anti-fracking protests Critical Social Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gilmore J, Jackson WH, Monk HL. 2017. ‘That is not facilitating peaceful protest. That is dismantling the protest’: anti-fracking protesters’ experiences of dialogue policing and mass arrest Policing and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson WH, Monk H, Gilmore J. 2015. Pacifying Disruptive Subjects: Police violence and anti-fracking protests Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 3 :81-93 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jeffery B, Tufail W, Jackson WH. 2015. Policing and the Reproduction of Local Social Order: a case study of Greater Manchester Journal on European History of Law, 6 :118-128 Publisher Url
Jackson WH, Monk H. 2014. Police violence at anti-fracking protests: pacifying disruptive subjects Criminal Justice Matters, 98 :12-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson WH. 2013. Securitization as Depoliticisation: Depoliticisation as Pacification Socialist Studies/Études socialistes, 9 Publisher Url
Jeffery B, Jackson WH. 2012. The Pendleton Riot: A Political Sociology Criminal Justice Matters, 87 :18-20 DOI
Jackson W. 2024. Researching policing from the perspective of the policed: studying human rights from below. Weber L, Marmo M. A Research Agenda for a Human Rights Centred Criminology Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-031-46289-4
Jackson W. 2023. Steven Box and Police Crime: Understanding and Challenging Police Violence and Corruption Scott DG, Sim J. Demystifying Power, Crime and Social Harm: The Work and Legacy of Steven Box :223-223 Palgrave Macmillan. London 9783031462122 Publisher Url
Jackson W. 2023. Researching the policed: critical ethnography and the study of protest policing Bacon M, Loftus B, Rowe M. Ethnography and the Evocative World of Policing Routledge. London 9781003455318 Publisher Url
Jackson WH, McGowan W, Murray ET. 2023. Criminological Artivism: Examining the Potential of Collaboration and Coproduction between Socially Engaged Art and Critical Criminology Canning V, Martin G, Tombs S. The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology Emerald 9781802622003 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson W. 2022. Critical ethnography and the study of policing from ‘the other side' Fleming J, Charman S. Routledge International Handbook of Police Ethnography Routledge. London Publisher Url
Jackson W, Monk H. 2022. Gender, Policing and Social Order: restating the case for a feminist analysis of policing Atkinson K, Barr U, Monk H, Tucker K. Feminist Responses to Injustices of the State and its Institutions: Politics, Intervention, Resistance Policy Press. Bristol 978-1529207286 Publisher Url
Jackson WH, Monk H, Gilmore J. 2017. Fracking and State Violence The Violence of Austerity Pluto. London Publisher Url
Jackson WH, Monk H, Gilmore J. 2017. ‘Going all out for shale’: Fracking as Primitive Accumulation Wall T, Jackson W, Saberi P. DESTROY, BUILD, SECURE: READINGS ON PACIFICATION Red Quill. Ottawa, Canada 978-1926958347 Publisher Url
Jackson WH. 2012. Countering Extremism in the Name of Security: CriminalizingAlternative Politics Taylor E, Darlington J, Cookney D. Extremity and Excess University of Salford Press. Salford 9781902496665 Publisher Url
Jackson WH. 2011. Liberal Intellectuals and the Politics of Security Neocleous M, Rigakos GS. Anti-security Red Quill Books. Ottawa 9781926958149 Publisher Url
Jackson W. 2023. Playing the Future: PTown Bay MMXXX Publisher Url
Jackson WH, Monk H, Gilmore J, Short D. 2019. Protesters’ experiences of policing at anti-fracking protests in England, 2016-2019: a national study Author Url Public Url
Hayes A, Jackson WH, Murray ET, Wakeman S. 2019. Playing for Change - Probationary: A Partnership Publisher Url Public Url
Gilmore J, Jackson WH, Monk HL. 2016. Keep Moving! Report on the Policing of the Barton Moss Community Protection Camp, November 2013-April 2014. Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Internet publication
Murray E, Jackson WH, Hayes A. 2018. Playing for Change: Using artistic methods to explore experiences of probation Publisher Url
Hayes A, Jackson WH, Murray ET, Wakeman S. 2018. Probationary: The Game of Life on Licence Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson WH, Monk H, Gilmore J. 2017. Fracking and state violence Author Url
Books (authored)
Wall T, Saberi P, Jackson W. 2017. Destroy, Build, Secure: Readings On Pacification Red Quill Books. Ottawa, CA 978-1-926958-30-9 Publisher Url
Wall T, Saberi P, Jackson W. 2017. Destroy, Build, Secure: Readings On Pacification Red Quill Books. Ottawa, CA 978-1-926958-30-9 Publisher Url
Jackson W, Jeffery B, Marino M. 2012. Crisis, Rupture and Anxiety An Interdisciplinary Examination of Contemporary and Historical Human Challenges Cambridge Scholars Pub 9781443836128
Jackson W. Probationary: The Game of Life on Licence exibited as Part of the Warwick Tate Exchange 'The Production of Truth, Justice and History'
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2014