Image of Dr Karen Corteen

Dr Karen Corteen

School of Justice Studies

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

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Dr Karen Corteen is a Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice. Many years ago after completing my first degree at LJMU I left my post as a youth worker. I began working at LJMU and then I went on to teach in other universities in the North West of England. I returned to LJMU in August 2015 and I am currently teaching on the Criminal Justice programmes in the School of Justice Studies. The title of my current research project is 'An Evidence-Based Evaluation of the Personal, Academic and Professional Impact of a Choose Life Project Event on University Students in England'. I have explored the impact of creative pedagogies such as role play and experienial narratives in changing student perceptions of substance use, addiction, and recovery. My PhD was on school sex and relationship education, the sexual ordering of society and children's rights to a democratic sexualities education. I am currently editing a book with colleagues titled 'A Critical Reflection on Iatrogenic Harm: Doing More Harm Than Good' (Palgrave). I have published in the areas of victimology, critical criminology, criminal justice, professional wrestling, hate crime, and sexuality. I am the lead editor on a book titled 'Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing' (2023, Policy Press). In this edited collection I have contributed five chapters namely 'Police Abolitionism', 'Police Custody', 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984', 'Criminal Justice and Punishment', and 'Crime and Criminal Justice, Past and Present'. My previous research interests have been victimology, zemiology and harms of the powerful including those resulting from professional wrestling and ‘sports entertainment’. I have co-authored an article on sex offenders and the criminal injustice system (Liverpool Law Review). I have lead on an edited collection entitled 'A Companion to Crime, Harm & Victimisation' (Policy Press, 2016). This is the second in a series of four. The first is entitled 'A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk' (Taylor, Corteen, Morley, 2015, Policy Press). There are a further two Companion which have been published in 2017. I have written an article on looking at professional wrestling through a victimological lens for 'International Perspectives in Victimology'. I have published an article which explores this industry through the lens of state-corporate crime and the lens of regulation and I have looked at this through a gendered lens. Recently, I have examined professional wrestling through the lens of COVID-19. I have also co-edited a reader in criminology entitled 'Expanding the Criminological Imagination' in which I co-authored two chapters (2007) (Willan Publishing). I have contributed to a number of prestigious American 'Encyclopedia of Sociology' (2015); (2011) and (2007) (Blackwell) and my work has been published in various journals including 'Sexualities' and the 'Journal of Criminal Justice Education'. I supervise undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation students and I was the Principal Supervisor for a successful PhD student.


2002, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, PhD
1994, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BA Hons Degree (First Class) Criminal Justice


2025, MFHA England, Mental Health First Aid

Academic appointments

External Examiner, School of Justice, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), 2021 - 2021
External Examiner, Criminology and Social Policy, University of Lincoln, 2010 - 2014
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader in Criminology, School of Social and Political Science, University of Chester, 2009 - 2015
Senior Lecturer and in Criminology and Criminal Justice and Programme Leader for Criminology and Law, Edge Hill University, 2000 - 2008

Postgraduate training

HE7106 Developing Research Supervision, United Kingdom, University of Chester, 2014 - 2014
Supervisor Good practice Training, United Kingdom, University of Chester, 2013 - 2013
Postgraduate Admission Training, United Kingdom, University of Chester, 2012 - 2012
