Dr Heather Panter
School of Justice Studies
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: H.A.Panter@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3879
Dr. Heather Panter is a retired American police detective with 13+ years of law enforcement experience with local and federal police agencies. She has a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (USA). She also has a Master of Science (M.S.) in Criminal Justice with a Concentration in Forensic Science from Saint Leo University (USA). In 2016, she earned her PhD in Criminology from Cardiff University (UK).
As an academic, her previous research involved the comparative cross-examination of policing within the United States and the United Kingdom in respect to officers’ cognitive and social perceptions of LGBT+ identities and LGBT+ police. This research focused on biases, gender theories, psychological conflict theories, intersectionality, subconscious bias, and the issues surrounding social acceptance of those in stigmatised minority groups within policing. This research was published in her first book titled 'Transgender Cops: The Intersection of Gender and Sexuality Expectations in Police Cultures'.
Currently, she is examining trends and stigmas in LGBT+ homicides with how victims are depicted. A portion of this research has been published in her recent edited book 'Transgender People and Criminal Justice: An Examination of Issues in Victimology, Policing, Sentencing, and Prisons'.
She is a member of multiple interdisciplinary research networks linking forensic science, homicide victimology, and technology in policing. Her on-going broad research interests focus on:
1. LGBT+ Victimology- Investigating the prevalence, nature, and role that stigmas and bias has in LGBT+ homicides and genocides.
2. Investigative Science and Implementing Technology in Crime Scenes- Enhancing techniques for crime scene investigation which improve accuracy, efficiency, and safety of those working in high-risk forensic environments.
As a senior lecturer, she is the programme leader of LJMU's MSc Policing and Criminal Investigations and the module leader on the following graduate modules: "Advanced Investigative Skills", "Forensic and Medicolegal Death Investigations", and "Drugs: Recognition and Identification". She also created and oversees LJMU's policing studies crime scene science area where students and staff have a multidisciplinary learning space to conduct "mock" crime scene exercises and research studies.
She currently supervises PhD projects within criminology, policing studies, forensic science, engineering, and computer science. She is also interested in future PhD supervision/ external examination in the following interdisciplinary topic areas: police narratives in LGBT+ homicide investigations; "queering" forensic science (how forensic protocols, crime scene investigations, and legal interpretations can be adapted for inclusive practices); crime scene learning and improvements in crime scene training; crime scene technologies and advancements in documentation; media and homicide investigations; forensic trends in drug detection; post-mortem identification issues in policing; crime scene reconstruction and victim identity.
2016, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology (PhD)
2011, Saint Leo University, United States, Master of Science in Criminal Justice with a Concentration in Forensic Science (M.S.)
2000, University of Tennessee, United States, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (B.S.)
Academic appointments
External Examiner (UG/ PG Criminal Investigation courses), Canterbury Centre for Policing Research, Canterbury Christ Church University, 2024 - present
Programme Leader (MSc in Policing and Criminal Investigations), Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - present
Programme Leader (BSc in Policing and Forensics), Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - 2019
Highlighted publications
Panter H. 2025. Investigative and Forensic Themes in U.S. Transgender Homicides (2013- 2023) DOI Public Url
Panter H. 2023. US Transgender Homicides (2013-2020): Exploring Homicide Characteristics and Police Disclosure During Criminal Investigations Panter H, Dwyer A. Transgender People and Criminal Justice An Examining Issues in Victimology, Policing, Sentencing, and Prisons Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-031-29892-9 DOI Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2018. Transgender Cops: The Intersection of Gender and Sexuality Expectations in Police Cultures Routledge. Oxfordshire 9781138223875 DOI Publisher Url
Panter H. 2025. Investigative and Forensic Themes in U.S. Transgender Homicides (2013- 2023) DOI Public Url
Dwyer A, Rouse L, Panter H. 2024. Transgressing the Binaries: The Experiences of Non-binary and Genderqueer Police Officers Colvin R, Dwyer A, Giwa S. Q Policing: LGBTQ+ Experiences, Perspectives, and Passions Southern Illinois University Press. Carbondale, IL 978-0-8093-3956-3 Publisher Url
Panter H. 2024. Transitioning in Uniform: Identity and Conflict within Policing Colvin R, Dwyer A, Giwa S. Q Policing LGBTQ+ Experiences, Perspectives, and Passions Southern Illinois University Press. Carbondale, IL 9780809339563 Publisher Url
Dwyer A, Panter H. 2023. Framework for Viewing Transgender Victimological Experiences in Global Criminal Processing Systems Panter H, Dwyer A. Transgender People and Criminal Justice: An Examining Issues in Victimology, Policing, Sentencing, and Prisons Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-031-29892-9 DOI Publisher Url
Panter H. 2023. US Transgender Homicides (2013-2020): Exploring Homicide Characteristics and Police Disclosure During Criminal Investigations Panter H, Dwyer A. Transgender People and Criminal Justice An Examining Issues in Victimology, Policing, Sentencing, and Prisons Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-031-29892-9 DOI Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2021. Investigations: Burglary Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management :507-517 Springer International Publishing 9783319704876 DOI Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2021. First Responders: Police Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management :387-390 Springer International Publishing 9783319704876 DOI Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2020. LGBT+ Genocide: Understanding Hetero-Nationalism and the Politics of Psychological Silence Eski Y. Genocide & Victimology Routledge 9781138311718 Publisher Url
Panter H. 2019. Airport Security: Incidents That Changed Procedures Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management :1-9 Springer International Publishing 9783319698915 DOI Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2019. Airport Security: Procedures in Secured Areas for TSA and Private Security Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management :1-9 Springer Nature DOI
Panter H. 2019. First Responders: Police Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management :1-4 Springer International Publishing 9783319698915 DOI Publisher Url
Panter H. 2019. Investigations: Burglary Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management :1-10 Springer International Publishing 9783319698915 DOI Publisher Url
De Bruyn C, Scott K, Panter H, Bezombes F, Ralebitso Senior K. 2024. From decay to discovery: The necrobiome's role in clandestine grave detection AMI MMEG: Molecular Microbial Ecology Group (https://appliedmicrobiology.org/ems-event-calendar/past-events/mmeg24.html)
De Bruyn C, Scott K, Panter H, Bezombes F, Ralebitso Senior K. 2024. Unseen connections: Why multidisciplinary approaches matter in identification and detection of human remains British Association for Forensic Anthropology (BAFA) Winter conference and AGM 2024. Conference Theme: "Bridging the gap between academia and practice". Wolfson College, University of Oxford
Cox C, Panter HA, James A, Boulton L, Hagan R, Craven J, Silverstone DM. 2023. Diversity and inclusion within police firearms teams Diversity and inclusion within police firearms teams Public Url
Books (edited)
2023. Transgender People and Criminal Justice: An Examining Issues in Victimology, Policing, Sentencing, and Prisons Panter H, Dwyer A. XIII Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-031-29892-9 Publisher Url
Journal article
Holmes J, Boulton L, Panter HA. 2021. Understanding the role of uncertainty and anxiety in police decision-making during the investigation of sudden unexpected deaths in children Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 19 :58-72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Panter HA. 2017. Pre-Operative Transgender Motivations for Entering Policing Occupations International Journal of Transgender Health, 18 :305-317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Panter HA. 2013. Backscatter Imaging and Counterterrorism: An Analysis of Legal and Privacy Issues NSU International Journal of Criminal Justice, VIII :8-14 Publisher Url
Parrott E, Panter H, Morrissey J, Bezombes F. A Low Cost Approach to Disturbed Soil Detection Using Low Altitude Digital Imagery from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Drones, 3 :50-50 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Khan W, Topham L, Khayam U, Ortega-Martorell S, Heather P, Ansell D, Al-Jumeily D, Hussain A. Person de-Identification: A Comprehensive Review of Methods, Datasets, Applications, and Ethical Aspects Along-With New Dimensions IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Eski Y. Genocide and Victimology Eski Y. DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Panter HA. 2018. Transgender Cops: The Intersection of Gender and Sexuality Expectations in Police Cultures Routledge. Oxfordshire 9781138223875 DOI Publisher Url
Book review
Panter HA. 2012. Defining terrorism and counterterrorism methods Crime, Law and Social Change: an interdisciplinary journal, 58 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2012. The Psychology of Eyewitness Identification The Psychologist, 25 :694-695 Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2012. The monster evil: policing and violence in Victorian Liverpool Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 23 :281-282 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Panter HA. 2012. Jihad in Saudi Arabia: Violence and Pan-Islamism since 1979 Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 1 :63-66 DOI Publisher Url
Other invited event:
Graveyard Shift: From Grave Relocation to Grave Detection., Quaker House, Liverpool, Merseyside Archaeology Society Evening Lecture: New research by Liverpool students. Talk presented by Cherene de Bruyn. Supervisors: Dr. K. Scott, Dr. H. Panter, Dr F. Bezombes, and Dr. K. Ralebitso-Senior.. 2025
Conference presentation:
de Bruyn C, Scott K, Panter H, Bezombes F, and Ralebitso-Senior TK, (2024). From decay to discovery: The necrobiome's role in clandestine grave detection, AMI MMEG: Molecular Microbial Ecology Group 2024, Southampton, Poster presentation, https://appliedmicrobiology.org/ems-event-calendar/past-events/mmeg24.html. 2024
de Bruyn C, Scott K, Panter H, Bezombes F, and Ralebitso-Senior TK, (2024). Unseen connections: Why multidisciplinary approaches matter in identification and detection of human remains., British Association for Forensic Anthropology (BAFA) Winter conference and AGM 2024. Conference Theme: "Bridging the gap between academia and practice’", Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, Poster presentation. 2024
Transgender Police Negotiating Police Culture: UK and US Occupational Issues, 16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Munster, Germany, Oral presentation. 2016
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, Fiction Authors/ True-Crime Authors, Invited Speaker, Smithdown Litfest, Liverpool Arts Bar, Crime Fiction Writing Seminar, A seminar from LJMU academics which explores policing, crime scenes, common crime fiction tropes and styles, and how to enhance crime writing., https://smithdownlitfest.com/crime-fiction-writing-seminar-with-expert-advice/. 2024
Public talk or lecture, Play Attendees, Invited Speaker, Everyman Playhouse, Identity, gender & the trans* community- "The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning" Post Show Discussion, https://www.everymanplayhouse.com/whats-more/2016/10/20/identity-gender-the-trans-community. 2016
Research Grants Awarded:
Research Support, Forensic Research Institute (FORRI), Research Visit to the University of Central Lancashire’s Taphonomic Research in Anthropology: Centre for Experimental Studies (TRACES) Facility, as part of Cherene de Bruyns PhD research., Dr Komang Ralebitso-Senior, Dr Heather Panter, Dr Kirstie Scott, and Dr Frederic Bezombes, Grant value (£): £2353. 2024
Media Coverage:
Panter, H. (2016). I was a white police officer in the US – I know how deep the crisis of racism is. The Conversation. [online] Available at: https://theconversation.com/i-was-a-white-police-officer-in-the-us-i-know-how-deep-the-crisis-of-racism-is-62377.
Panter, H. (2016). You’re rarely safe being LGBT+ in the American South – even from the police. The Conversation. [online] Available at: https://theconversation.com/youre-rarely-safe-being-lgbt-in-the-american-south-even-from-the-police-61032.
Council of Europe (Deep Dive Interview)
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Transgender Police and Work Rights
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