School of Justice Studies

Bringing together expertise across a range of criminal justice fields 

The School of Justice Studies empowers students within an environment that is strong in its research and professional links.

The School of Justice Studies are engaged in work that encompasses three disciplines: Criminology, Criminal Justice and Policing Studies. Our aspirations as a School are to create just outcomes for individuals and our broader commitment to the creation of a just society. The School further aspires for structural change and a practical commitment to enlightening justice professionals, whichever state/private agencies they are employed in. It also reflects a strong personal commitment to justice among staff and in its application to our work lives.

Within the School of Justice Studies each department, Criminology, Criminal Justice and Policing Studies will retain its identity and this will be reflected in our delivery of foundation, professional, undergraduate, and postgraduate teaching, both on-site and by 100% distance learning. Staff within the School are research active working in a theoretical, applied and interdisciplinary way, publishing articles, research reports and books. More detail on each discipline can be found below.

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