Hannah Wilkinson
School of Education
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Hannah’s research explores the ways in which teacher’s communicate to students prior to their GCSE exams. Her research has conceptualised test-taking practices and skills which teachers transmit to students as ‘efficacy appeals’ and is looking at how students appraise these messages, and their impact upon student engagement and GCSE grade.
2014, Edge Hill University, United Kingdom, BSc Educational Psychology
Academic appointments
Senior Tutor, Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester, 2019 - present
Wilkinson H. 2024. Efficacy Appeals in the High-Stakes Classroom: Re-Examining Teachers' use of Test Preparation Strategies Putwain D, Mallaburn A. Public Url
Journal article
Wilkinson H, Putwain DW, Mallaburn A. 2020. How do teachers communicate to students about forthcoming GCSE exams?: An observational study The Psychology of Education Review, 44 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Putwain DW, Symes W, Wilkinson HM. 2016. Fear appeals, engagement, and examination performance: The role of challenge and threat appraisals. British Journal of Educational Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference presentation:
Examining the validity and reliability of data obtained from the Teachers' use of Efficacy Appeals in the Classroom Prior to High-stakes Exams (TEACHE) questionnaire, BPS Psychology of Education Section Conference, Manchester, Poster presentation. 2019
Efficacy Appeals in the Classroom: What are they and how can they be measured?, Psychology of Education Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Oral presentation. 2017
The Effect of Mindset on the Appraisal of Gain-Framed Value Promoting Messages, Psychology of Education Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Poster presentation. 2017
The Effect of Fear Appeal Appraisal on Examination Performance: The Mediating Role of Behaviour Engagement, BPS Psychology of Education Section Conference, Birmingham, Poster presentation. 2016