Image of Dr Avril Rowley

Dr Avril Rowley

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

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Dr Avril Rowley is a senior lecturer on the Primary Education team with specialisms in primary science, history and outdoor learning (including Forest Schools). With 20 years teaching experience in a range of primary schools across Merseyside, Avril joined the Primary Education team in September 2014 where she has continued to contribute to the delivery of a dynamic and responsive Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme. Her special interest in the benefits of the use of the outdoors to enhance the educational experiences of young people and children led her to establish a designated Forest School area on IM Marsh Campus to enable primary trainee teachers to engage with local schools through the teaching of Forest Schools and outdoor learning. This area is unique to ITE settings and was planned and built in collaboration with The Mersey Forest and The Conservation Volunteers over the summer of 2016. Further to this, she has developed The Natural Curriculum Hub to engage teachers across the Merseyside area with outdoor learning strategies and CPD which enhance teaching and learning throughout the curriculum.

Current research projects include:
1. The impact of Forest School education on pupils and teachers in 24 primary and secondary schools across Merseyside. (Collaboration with The Mersey Forest and Natural England).
2. Towards a ‘Natural’ Curriculum: Preservice teachers’ perspectives of the tensions and contradictions in the use of outdoor learning pedagogies across the primary curriculum.
3. Developing and embedding interventions to enhance student wellbeing.

Research interests include:
1. The impact of Forest School pedagogies on children and young people’s engagement with nature, physical activity and psycho-social development;
2. Outdoor learning as a means to enhancing children's learning across the curriculum;
3. The impact of the use of green spaces on mental and physical wellbeing;
4. Gender issues in the primary teaching workforce.


2003, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD: The management of change in primary education: nine headteachers' perspectives of their management and leadership styles through a period of educational reform
1994, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Primary BEd (Hons) History and Social Studies


2020, Liverpool World Centre (Erasmus+ funded), United Kingdom, Communities of Philosophical Enquiry (COPE)
2018, NOCN, Forest School Leader Level 3
2018, P4CE, Philosophy for Children Level 1
2018, Liverpool World Centre, United Kingdom, P4CE – Philosophy for Challenging Extremism
